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About DeathScepter

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  1. you did the Jedi Guardian and base classes are you doing Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Consular New Feats
  2. i don't know if it is possible to do that.
  3. Jedi Warden is a suggested New feat name that you can use for the jedi guardian. i will pay attention to this threat because your ideas are cool
  4. this looks cool. a suggestion here: Have the feats build into the Jedi Warden feat. Jedi Warden Feat should be of your design and reflective of the Jedi Guardian Class. Also with this feat, Jedi Warden feat can open up new feats that makes sense for the Jedi Guardian. I am looking forward for the Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Consular new feats
  5. this feat mod you are doing should be a stand alone. 2 Reasons to show us what you plans for the future and feedback. yeah i would download it
  6. to Kaidon Jorn, you are doing an excellent job with these lightsabers
  7. well This is one of my headcanons. Revan had Resistance to Rakghoul's virus and due to force bonding, make it possible for party member being resistance to it. Also, Another headcanon is that Revan had a passive Force Stealth to avoid Sith at large and it is why Bastila didn't get catch by the Sith at Taris despite wielding a lightsaber. In Short, Revan while a Sith Lord was closer to a Dark Jedi Sentinel/Sith Assassin with Immunity: Poison. DS Master of Jedi Sentinel is Immunity Poison of Kotor 1 Side note: I do think Revan would be a Jedi Shadow if LS or a Sith Assassin if DS for canon classes
  8. you need to use baseitem.2da to do that. it is limited. You need to focus on a weapon. For example, You can use disruptor rifle file within the baseitem.2da and then add line(1 or more) for Hk-47 for this and apply disruptor file information. Then you use the added baseitem.2da to switch Hk-47's hides information to the new ones. So Hk-47 can be dangerous
  9. Well I might have an idea. Using Hides with your ideas in mind. For example with Juhani, you have a Hide that boosts Stealth Demolitions and Awareness to a higher level. With Bastila, you give her a hide gives her Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.
  10. Just curious, how far are you going with the Korriban with your Sith mod?
  11. pretty much. it would be cool to have a mod for kotor 1 and 2 for Jedi armored robes for Ulic and Exar Kun. Sith Armored Robes when they were on the dark side. Keep in mind that Ulic was the leader of Krath during this time. Keep in mind that i have a lot of good ideas for both of them. right now, I am learning how to do TSLpatcher for a basic overhaul that involves the Jedi Sentinel.
  12. New Headcanon: the Exar Kun's armor that we can get within game was his old Jedi Armor when he was a Jedi, not his Sith armor.
  13. Columns are hardcoded and Level cap is 20. You can't make proper Force Using Classes but you can add Normal classes from the existing Normal classes. for example you have a custom class with soldier feat table, scout saving throw and scoundrel feat gain. Also using class and dialogue will be important
  14. To Timbo, I have a similar Idea to yours. I might do another thread to discuss that. To Thor110, I might need your help to understand TSLpatcher better