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About offthegridmorty

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  1. Yes, both mods can be installed at any point during your playthrough.
  2. Hey thanks for the comment. I checked out that mod and it looks like the issue comes from it explicitly entering the value of the next line down from the last vanilla power, instead of using a token in TSLPatcher to calculate the next highest value. Essentially it installs assuming no other FPs have been added before it. If you installed my mod first, it would calculate line 12 for Barrier since that's the first power it adds and the next line down, then later that mod would explicitly put Force Enlightenment on line 12. Probably since Barrier was added first it gets priority and overwrites. But if you install my mod last there shouldn't be any conflict. In fact this conflict could happen with any other FP mod. I recommend installing the Enlightenment mod first before any other FP mods to avoid it.
  3. View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [K1] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 08/04/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. View File Treat Injury Affects Force Healing [K1] This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Cure and 10 VP from Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Cure VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 10 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 10 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe inside of the “Main Install” folder. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. If you have K2 Force Powers for K1 installed, run the optional patch. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If there’s a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. If you installed the K2 FPs patch, remove k_fp_heal3ti.ncs from override, and replace it with the k_fp_heal3ti.ncs found in the backup folder inside the patch subfolder. NOTE: If you installed both the mod and patch, a backup folder may have been created in both subfolders. If there’s a spells.2da or dialog.tlk found in both backup folders, and you want to uninstall both the mod and patch, move the version to override that was created first (probably from the main installation) to completely revert the changes, or else the mod may not be uninstalled properly. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. A patch is included for my other mod K2 Force Powers for K1 to bring the effects of Master Heal in line with this mod. The patch must be installed after K2 FPs. The changes to VP gained by Master Heal are listed below. Master Heal ORIGINAL: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 08/04/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Cure and 10 VP from Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Cure VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 10 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 10 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe inside of the “Main Install” folder. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. If you have K2 Force Powers for K1 installed, run the optional patch. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If there’s a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. If you installed the K2 FPs patch, remove k_fp_heal3ti.ncs from override, and replace it with the k_fp_heal3ti.ncs found in the backup folder inside the patch subfolder. NOTE: If you installed both the mod and patch, a backup folder may have been created in both subfolders. If there’s a spells.2da or dialog.tlk found in both backup folders, and you want to uninstall both the mod and patch, move the version to override that was created first (probably from the main installation) to completely revert the changes, or else the mod may not be uninstalled properly. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. A patch is included for my other mod K2 Force Powers for K1 to bring the effects of Master Heal in line with this mod. The patch must be installed after K2 FPs. The changes to VP gained by Master Heal are listed below. Master Heal ORIGINAL: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  7. Any order is fine. K2 FPs doesn’t add battle meditation so they shouldn’t conflict.
  8. Thanks a lot! I was actually inspired by Improved Grenades to make skills have more effect on combat. Great mod.
  9. View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [TSL] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 03/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  10. Wineskin or PlayOnMac work fine for TSLPatcher on Monterey so I'd guess they probably work on Ventura. Not sure how they do with KOTOR itself though since I just play the Mac version.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  12. View File Treat Injury Affects Force Healing [TSL] This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Heal and 15 VP from Improved and Master Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Improved Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 15 Master Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed inside the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, k_fp_heal3ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk located in the backup folder. If there's a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 01/19/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Heal and 15 VP from Improved and Master Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Improved Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 15 Master Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed inside the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, k_fp_heal3ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk located in the backup folder. If there's a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  14. @ConansHair Thanks for the suggestion! Good point about Affect Mind not being used, but since the power is relatively strong for it being given to Bastila at level 3, replacing Force Aura was just my attempt at balancing things a little. She can still get Force Aura and the rest of the tiers as she levels up so she's not really cut off, but yeah I recognize that this effectively reduces the number of vanilla powers you can give her by 1. I haven't played much through the story with the mod yet but I'll do that to get a sense of the balance and will keep your feedback in mind if I update things later.