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Everything posted by Mellowtron11

  1. File Name: KOTOR2 Computer Use and Repair Skill Swap File Submitter: Mellowtron11 File Submitted: 01 Nov 2017 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Mod Title: KOTOR2 Computer Use and Repair Skill Swap 1.1 Author: Mellowtron11 Description- Something that always bothered me from a lore perspective was the fact that the Consular got the repair skill and the Sentinel got computer use as part of their respective class skill sets. This is all fine from a balancing perspective, but I was always confused how a class that dedicates itself to research, diplomacy, and Force usage has a more practical worldly skill. In the same vein, Sentinels are considered to be slicers, but why aren’t they adept at repairing things as the lore suggests? On that note, I also thought that a Jedi career that includes researchers and historians within its ranks would probably be better handling computers than machinery. So, to keep everything balanced skill-wise, the Consular and its corresponding Prestige Classes (Master and Lord) now have Computer Use. The Sentinel and its corresponding Prestige classes (Watchman and Assassin) now have Repair as a class skill. I also made computer use a class skill for the Scoundrel and removed it from the scout’s skill list, similar to the Scoundrel and Scout classes from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG Core Rulebook. All classes mentioned in the changelog below will be affected for both your player character and your respective NPCs. E.g. Kreia and Atton will have Computer use, Visas will have repair, etc. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop the skills.2da and feat.2da files into your override folder. Uninstallation- Delete the associated skills.2da and feat.2da files from your override folder. Incompatibilities- Anything that also modifies the skills.2da and feat.2da files will probably not work. Known Bugs- None, but if you find any, please message me at Deadly Stream. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. Darthbdamen for answering my many questions on the skills.2da file. His own mod Consular Sentinel Skill Swap for KOTOR1 was the main inspiration for my mod. You can find out more here: KYuTH for his kind email and inspiring me to get back to work on this mod. Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. bead-v for his Character Stat Guide. You can find it here: Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rule Book and Power of the Jedi Sourcebook for additional info and ideas LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  2. Basically what the title says. I know there are a few things that are hardcoded like feats, the number of people in a party, and force powers? Are there any other things that are hardcoded and cannot be edited? I figured that posting something like this might help newcomers to modding (like me, for instance).
  3. Do you mean the TSLRCM crew? If so, then yes they really do deserve and need a break. Especially when one considers the amount of work and time they put into this project. After all, this project has been going on since the late 2000's.
  4. Version 1.1


    Mod Title: KOTOR2 Computer Use and Repair Skill Swap 1.1 Author: Mellowtron11 Description- Something that always bothered me from a lore perspective was the fact that the Consular got the repair skill and the Sentinel got computer use as part of their respective class skill sets. This is all fine from a balancing perspective, but I was always confused how a class that dedicates itself to research, diplomacy, and Force usage has a more practical worldly skill. In the same vein, Sentinels are considered to be slicers, but why aren’t they adept at repairing things as the lore suggests? On that note, I also thought that a Jedi career that includes researchers and historians within its ranks would probably be better handling computers than machinery. So, to keep everything balanced skill-wise, the Consular and its corresponding Prestige Classes (Master and Lord) now have Computer Use. The Sentinel and its corresponding Prestige classes (Watchman and Assassin) now have Repair as a class skill. I also made computer use a class skill for the Scoundrel and removed it from the scout’s skill list, similar to the Scoundrel and Scout classes from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG Core Rulebook. All classes mentioned in the changelog below will be affected for both your player character and your respective NPCs. E.g. Kreia and Atton will have Computer use, Visas will have repair, etc. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop the skills.2da and feat.2da files into your override folder. Uninstallation- Delete the associated skills.2da and feat.2da files from your override folder. Incompatibilities- Anything that also modifies the skills.2da and feat.2da files will probably not work. Known Bugs- None, but if you find any, please message me at Deadly Stream. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. Darthbdamen for answering my many questions on the skills.2da file. His own mod Consular Sentinel Skill Swap for KOTOR1 was the main inspiration for my mod. You can find out more here: KYuTH for his kind email and inspiring me to get back to work on this mod. Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. bead-v for his Character Stat Guide. You can find it here: Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rule Book and Power of the Jedi Sourcebook for additional info and ideas LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. Honestly, I don't know. Like you, I'm kind of surprised they just didn't integrate it into TSLRCM. It seems simple enough to add in. And it ties up the Handmaiden and Kreia transportation inconsistency.
  6. Yep that did the trick. It's in the 610DAN mod file under N and the title is n_Kaevee.
  7. Strange, I'm looking around the Enclave Sublevel module file (610DAN.s_rim) and I'm not seeing a .utc file for her at all. Just the utcs for laigreks, Jorran, and Geverick and his gang. Though if you do edit her utc file, all you have to do is save it somewhere and then drop it in your override folder. Be sure to load a save before you enter the Enclave if you want the changes to take effect.
  8. Ah, okay. Sorry for making you repeat yourself.
  9. Have you heard of the Extended Enclave mod? There's a nice cutscene on the Ebon Hawk that ties up that loose end nicely. In the video below, this part is at the 6:30 mark.
  10. I just adjusted everything in the control panel and am still getting the same result. Any other ideas?
  11. When doing this and going into the program settings of the 'Manage 3D Settings' part of the control panel, I choose to customize the SWKotOR2.exe and then select the Nvidia processor, right? Thanks for the info so far!
  12. Strange, the only mods I have running on TSL are as Follows: TSLRCM 1.8.5 K1 T3-M4 TSL NPC Stat Fixes Mod 1.0 PMHC05 by Darth Moeller I have no graphical overhauls of any kind.
  13. I did turn up the brightness a little bit. The original lighting for the screenshots was really dark initially. Are you talking about the regular metal textures? I also am using NDreW-25's K1 T3-M4 mod, so that's why T3 is so shiny.
  14. I think there are a few topics here and there that forum users have been talking about. Here's one of Sith Holocron's recent blog entries. And there's also this topic which you posted on a little bit ago. It's just speculation and ideas from several of the forum members. As for Handmaiden, I always envisioned her leaving Dantooine on one of those G-Wings... Or those shuttles that go back and forth to Telos, even though it's not seen in-game.
  15. Mira is not available as a romance option. Even if you hit on her, she'll tell you point-blank that she doesn't want to be with the Exile for a slew of reasons. Here's a video of that conversation.
  16. So the non-Jedi class starting feats are the same for their corresponding Jedi Classes then?
  17. One other random question- did you edit the autolevel for the skills' xx_reco for this mod? Or did you just leave it as is?
  18. I think that might be a leftover idea from the WOTC Star Wars RPG, which was first published in 2002. The Jedi class in that game had the same amount of hit points regardless of what talent tree the player went down. A Jedi's hit die in that game was 30+constitution modifier and then 1d10 + Constitution modifier for each level up. And the only proficiencies they had were for lightsabers and simple weapons. The Scoundrel in the WOTC RPG also had only pistol and simple weapons and no armor proficiency feats.
  19. Does that apply then to K2's feats list? I don't see any of the old save feats in there yet. Where those save feats only for K1?
  20. Does that also include force powers being hardcoded like the feats are?
  21. So those feats still in the game files in K1 and K2? So far in K2, I see the skill focus feats and the guard stance feats in the feats.2da lists. What about the separate individual saving throw feats? Do those still exist in the K1 files, and if so can they be restored? Sorry for asking, but the only copy of K1 I currently have is my old Xbox copy. (Although I did just buy a PC version of said game that should be arriving soon.)
  22. I watched your YouTube demo of this mod. It looks interesting and the Endar Spire section is very streamlined. Just out of curiosity, do you plan on releasing a starting feats list for each Jedi class? I imagine that each set of starting feats is going to be a little different for each class, right?
  23. Interesting...thanks! Looking forward to comes next.
  24. I think both of the those class descriptions might have come from the Star Wars Roleplaying Game from Wizards of the Coast. The Jedi class has three talent trees-Consular, Sentinel, and Guardian. The Consular had talents/feats that only applied to persuasion and negotiating and the Sentinel had spy-like talents focused on rooting out dark side users. While I read this passage from the 2007 version, the original copy was published in 2002. So maybe Bioware gleaned some info from that book. The Soldier, scout and scoundrel classes also exist in that book too. Regarding Jolee and Bastila, that would make for an interesting mod if their classes were flipped around. It would make some more sense now that you point out the inconsistencies. I will admit though, that it seems that the Scoundrel was meant to be analogous to the Consular for trying to fit with the smooth talking negotiator archetype (especially with the persuade skill as a class skill).