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About xander2077

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    Jedi Knight

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    I enjoy doing textures and modeling, though modeling kind of took a back burner ever since my main rig was stolen and i bowed out of the freeworlds mod community (there i made over 3000 space ship models all from the star wars universe for review) but now i mostly do skins for video games i like, from morrowind, all the way to KOTOR. i may have even done a few for skyrim that never got published but i dont remember.

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  1. Not bad for a Kotor fan film. After listening to Nihilus, it almost sounds like he is reciting the lyrics to a song from 1997 called "Ameno" which is in latin. weird... never occured to me before
  2. Good job. One of the issues with Jolee is he is bald and wrinkled. So everywhere there is a hard seam/cut, there is going to be difficulty in hiding that. Why they put those on the front of the forehead is beyond me. It almost makes one want to smooth out the head geometry a bit and then paint new skins on the modified head.
  3. LOL, The idea that Snoke travelled back in time to trick his young self into doing his bidding is silly... "Mwahahahaha! I just got myself to do my own evil bidding" *wrings hands evilly* then he can later resent himself for making himself do all that terrible crap...
  4. Ok, my mistake. that is something i am not experienced with yet. I have attempted it some in other games, but even then my work was corrected by others.
  5. I like the idea that Shmi was trapped in a lab by Palpatine where he experimented on her as Pelagueius taught him how to irritate the midichlorians, it actually kind of fits, and if it was his underlying motivation to create clones of himself with that method, it would fit right in with the other novels and Dark Empire (still one of my favorite comics in the SW universe), her subsequent escape and enslavement were all part of the will of the force, they put Anakin in the correct frame of mind to be let down hard and be a perfect emo sith attack dog. His anger, pain, frustration led to him joining Palpatine, and then having resentment towards Palpatine for stripping everything from him... So with that i have a circumstantial theory about Kylo Ren... and Snoke Han and Leah were never really going to live happily ever after, its a nice idea for romantic fans but that didnt happen. Instead Han knocked up Leah and it ruined her political career since it was at the wrong time, so, she decided with him being gone all the time, still gambling, still pirating, still smuggling, still bar hopping, it was time to break up with Han. Han doesnt like that much, but later finds out he has a son, and the little boy wants to see his dad. Kylo decides to run away and chase his dad down and his force sensitivity allows him to brave Nar Shadda and find his dad in a seedy bar. Han is surprised his son is there and reluctantly lets him tag along. After a series of adventures the two grow close like father and son should, but it is not to be forever. An unfortunate event happens. A group of bounty hunters are now after the aging Han, and he and his boy get separated, he loses the falcon during a drunken gambling escapade, and Kylo is presumed missing, although he himself has been captured and sold into slavery by a Hutt crime lord who is out for revenge on Solo for killing Jabba. Kylo is bought by a very religious aristocrat, who annoys the crap out of Kylo so he runs away, and eventually joins the Knights of Ren to become its Chief warrior. All this time Leah and Han have been trying to get over the supposed loss of Kylo only to find out their son is their worst enemy. And this is the circumstantial evidence for saying that Snoke is actually Jabba's Cousin... Somehow Kylo has developed stockholm syndrome and would rather be hanging out with someone that wants his dad killed, and the remnant of the empire are stupid enough to follow a shadowy Hutt who claims to be a Sith and has a scary hologram of a giant Munilist. That and Snoke is a name befitting a Hutt. Snoke turns out to be one of the few Huttese that has actually learned to speak basic, and is quite learned and intelligent, which would make him an ideal candidate for a Sith lord, but he went another direction instead, which was to use his money and power to con the remnant of the empire into rebuilding and rebranding itself as a power house with the sole purpose of getting revenge on Han. They all believe they are the empire reborn, and everyone else gets caught in the middle of this strange revenge plot.
  6. DP if i had a better PC i would love to try skinning those, but as it is, i cant sculpt in blender for crap due to the GPU overheating and lagging really bad, and i imagine painting would be the same. Shame, cause i have all these cool brushes i would like to test out.
  7. Very Nice! I like the optical receptor and IR receptor update. Great details!
  8. yeah i have a copy of some of those too, and AFAIK he did release them for modders resources, but he might want some of them back for his new work.
  9. yes the corpses have to be replaced as well, and they are in there in the models (plenty of corpses to work on) i have been waiting for a mod specifically just corpses that does more than retexture them. It would be kind of neat to see damage specific corpses too, like frozen or burnt, but that is another topic...
  10. Looking it up is not hard, but reading every line of the source material they used to populate the wikI is. From a business perspective, hiring a team to ensure continuity between all the overlapping story lines would be insanely convoluted, and that is where the controversy would start, by people arguing over what to cherry pick and what not to cherry pick to include in the canon. So they took a machete to the overall plot in the extended universe and that was that. I think when they put out tweets and "confirmations", take it with a grain of salt, plus its getting to the point where they want so bad to be original they change things around, but yet keep them the same, because they keep having to go back to the original movies and characters, this makes the execution of it terrible. It is kind of funny really "oh we are doing something original" and then they go play the same notes and beats in episode 7 only not as good or compelling as in episode 4. "no we're not doing that" but then they go and do it anyway. "we don't want to copy or gain inspiration from any of the old material" but yet again they do just that. At this point they are not even the slightest bit convincing. I think the fan base could actually come up with better material than they could at this point.
  11. Something tells me that due to controversy surrounding the different story lines, the books, comics and movies, Disney went pragmatic and chucked it all regardless of whether or not any of it had merit or depth. But on the other hand it could be seen as lazy, or the typical corporate nonsense we all know about from jobs. I'm kinda at the point where I want to see them sew it up and be done with it, kind of like Harrison Ford insisting on being killed off in ep 7. It has degenerated to glow stick waving form of Idiocracy. If you asked anyone pre-episode 7 how the jedi knew about bane, it was simple. His effect on the force was so explosive when he snuffed out the other Sith the impact was felt by all Jedi, and the pattern emerged of "the rule of two" from observing it: from that time through the majority of SW films. Even in the books, games (JK series) etc, there was clearly a difference between Sith and run of the mill Dark Jedi. Sith were more powerful. This is not by any means original of them to claim Snoke is not a Sith lord and just training dark knights/minions, how many times have we seen something similar in SW lore? I have my own theory that would make it all even more diabolical but i might be wrong. I think Snoke=Plagueis (the Munilist) and the larger than life character is actually just a really well done hologram. That his ability to create life gave him the last laugh over Palpatine and he is much more sinister and cunning in his plans. If that were true then it would be a morality tale on how you can't really be sure if you have gotten rid of the bad guy or not, because the layers are deeper, and deeper.