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Hello, This isn't exactly a bug but I've noticed something that doesn't seem right in one of the scripts that I think is from TSLRCM. However it may just be me not knowing better, so I wanted to ask about it. There's the a_makejedi script (used to turn party members into Jedi), which looks like this: This looks fine to me. However, there are conditional scripts that seem to be connected to the Jedi classes, one for each teachable character: c_att_jedi, c_bao_jedi, c_disc_jedi, c_hand_jedi and c_mira_jedi. I opened these up with DeNCS while trying to understand how it all worked. And what I noticed is that they are in line with a_makejedi, except for c_disc_jedi. For example, this is how c_att_jedi looks: This is in line with the a_makejedi script. Atton's second class is 5, the Jedi Sentinel. Then you have c_bao_jedi: Again, this looks right. Bao-Dur's second class is Jedi Guardian, which is 3. The rest also look good, except for c_disc_jedi, which looks like this: This doesn't seem right. From my understanding, this is looking for a non-existent fourth class, and wants it to be a Jedi Guardian, or 3. Also disciple should start with a capital letter, but I'm not sure if that affects anything. Unless I'm misunderstanding something (which is possible, I've only recently started scripting) the right script would be: Am I correct here, or is the script fine as it is? Does anyone know where c_disc_jedi.ncs gets used and if this could cause any issues?
Hi everyone, This is probably my first topic here about a WIP, so I'm gonna get to it. During my most recent Kotor 2 installation, I remembered that if you enslave Ramana she only gives you money until you get your prestige class, same for the Red Eclipse slavers in TSLRCM. You get 100 credits for each level, so at level 15 you get 1500, but then once you get a prestige class, you no longer get any money because the script keeps checking your base class level, not your total character level. So a level 16 character with a level 1 prestige class gets 0 credits instead of 1600. I've always wanted a mod to change this but I never found one so today I just went for it and tried to do it myself, and I did it. I made two versions: Option 1 makes it so that you keep getting money after your prestige class. I changed the scripts so it checks for both your base class level and prestige class level, adds them together, and uses that number to calculate the amount of credits you get. Normally, the script only checks for base class level. Option 2 is a bit of a cheat, made for people who want to maximize their profits. If you want to get the most money out of Ramana, you need to check back every level because the game doesn't keep track of levels you missed. So if you don't collect your reward at level 10, and level up to 11, you will lose the 1000 credits you would get from level 10. I'm not good enough to rewrite the script to make it keep track of levels missed, so I came up with a workaround. With Option 2, Ramana will give you money based on T3M4's level and the Red Eclipse will give you money based on HK47's level. In other words, you can freely level up the Exile as much as you want and not have to worry about missing out on credits - as long you keep holding levels for T3 and HK. This also has another advantage, since the two scripts use different characters, you don't need to go back and forth between Nar Shaddaa and Telos every time you level up to maximize profits, you can collect all the money for all of T3's levels on Telos, then move to Nar Shaddaa and do the same for HK. T3 and HK were perfect because as droids they don't get second classes, and you get them both early... and I rarely use them to begin with, so holding their levels for maximum profit is not a problem. Only downside is that you need them in your party to collect the credits, so you won't get any money until you have them. I have one problem though, I have no idea how to use the TSLPatcher and Option 2 won't work without it because the "c_global_lt_lev.ncs" script needed to be changed to accomodate both HK and T3. So the only way Option 2 works is if you inject the files into the 207TEL and 306NAR modules directly. I can use ErfEdit for this easily but an installer would be nice. I was hoping someone could make one for the files for me. I've attached a zip file with everything, including the source files and instructions on what goes where. I've tested the files with Ramana and they work but I haven't had the chance to test them with the Red Eclipse or HK yet. However, given how similar the scripts are, there shouldn't be any issues but if you do find something, let me know. If anyone could help with this, I'd appreciate it and also, feel free to use what I made in your own mod if you want to. Ramana Red Eclipse money fix.zip
I see, so currently it's not known how the party screen placements are determined. I figured if it had been as easy as switching some values (Handmaiden go to party button X instead of button Y) it would have been done. Still, a decade ago having both Disciple and Handmaiden seemed like it would never be possible, but you pulled it off. Maybe someday someone will discover more about the party GUI. I also understand how unfeasible replacing Goto would be, that's way more trouble than its worth. Thanks for the quick reply and once again, fantastic work on this mod! It's a dream come true for a lot of us who have been playing this game for years.
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I can't believe I didn't know about this mod until now. I played through the game with this and you did a fantastic job! I do have one question, is the party selection screen hard-coded? I ask because it is a bit of a hassle to switch the Handmaiden in/out of the party and it would be great if she was on the party screen. So I was wondering if it is possible to make Handmaiden or Disciple take someone else's place on the party screen? Goto would be the obvious choice since he is by far the least used party member by everyone. Because of this, putting Goto as the character you need to swap via the Partyswap item would be more convienent and it would also make the Handmaiden feel like a "true" party member instead of a droid that is.... well, useless. Unfortunately I assume this is hard-coded and your workaround is the only way to have both Disciple and Handmaiden, but I'm too curious not to ask.
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HDR1 started following Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM
I've wanted a mod like this for a long time, so thank you for this! I have a couple notes/suggestions though: 1. I didn't get a journal update notification after I was teleported outside the cave. The journal did update to say that Vash sacrificed herself, but there wasn't a notification. Not a big deal, but it is noticeable. 2. If you choose to fight Vash, she seems very weak. I don't know if it's just because I left Korriban for last and was a very high level at that point, but I killed her in maybe one or two attacks. I don't know if she is weaker than the other Jedi masters but if she is, could you tweak her so she gives a similar challenge to the other masters? 3. At the end of the tomb, Sion and Vash ignite their lightsabers and then the screen fades to black. I think this feels a bit inconclusive. Obviously we know she dies and the journal confirms it but the scene is ambiguous, you could easily imagine that Sion just cuts her hand off like Kreia and captures her alive or something similar. I think the scene would work better if you added in a fight scene where Vash is killed. Nothing too complicated, but you could have Sion do a basic attack on Vash, then Vash do the same to Sion, then Sion would finish her off with a power attack. It would be short enough so it wouldn't drag on, and it would add some finality to Vash's character. I think it would help to see her get killed because the Jedi in the story are all afraid of the Sith who are hunting them down. Showing one of them dying at the hands of Sion would reinforce how dangerous Sion and the other Sith are to the remaining Jedi, tying into the plot point I mentioned. I always liked that Vash was already dead on Korriban (even though she was cut for time) because it showed that the Jedi masters were right to fear the Sith Triumvirate, and I think adding a proper death scene to Vash would help keep this feeling intact.
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This is a valid point and makes more sense. However, the game establishes that Brianna is capable of contacting the Handmaidens and Atris. It's really not that much of a plot hole. It makes sense and doesn't require outside information to assume that she contacts the Handmaidens and they come to take them away. Even more so because the next time we see Brianna is when Atris confronts her on Telos and she fights her sisters, then the exile arrives just in time to save Brianna from Atris who is about to kill her. So Brianna is not on the Ebon Hawk at this point, she arrives on Telos shortly before the exile and the crew. The only way this makes sense is if they don't take the Ebon Hawk to Telos. If they went there on the Ebon Hawk, then back to Dantooine, Atris would have ample time to kill Brianna while the Ebon Hawk is back on its way to Dantooine. The only other explanation for this would be if Brianna took Kreia on the Ebon Hawk to Telos, then went back to Dantooine without going to see Atris, but that makes no sense for Brianna's character. Another reason why it doesn't make sense is because if she stays on the Hawk, then she would confront her sisters together with the exile, not alone. The only way she would fight her sisters alone, is if the exile and the rest of the crew is still on their way to Telos. The only logical way this could happen is if Kreia and Brianna go on a different ship than the Ebon Hawk, otherwise the timeline doesn't add up. While this could be a valid explanation, the problem I have with this, is that this is all an assumption based on a wiki entry. The game as far as I recall doesn't mention the Hibernation Trance, and if it does, it doesn't go in to detail. Kreia feigns her death with what is probably the Hibernation Trance, but that's it. Also, the description mentions that the trance makes you look physically dead but Force-users could tell if you were alive, and the crew is full of them. Even if we assume that they can't do it because they are novice Jedi, Visas is not only trained in the Force, she literally sees through the Force. If there is one person who should notice that the exile is alive, it's her. There is nothing to suggest that she wouldn't be able to see through the Hibernation Trance, especially when she constantly uses Force Sight. Plus none of this would even be an issue if Kreia left the exile in the enclave chamber. This was my main point. Even if we assume that the crew doesn't notice that the exile is alive on the ship, the question remains: why would Kreia take the exile back to the ship or let the others take him/her back to the ship, when she wants to put distance between herself and the exile so that she can set the final parts of her plan in motion - namely making Atris realize her fall and going to Malachor V to regain control of it? Your own dark side quote confirms this: "Stay here and die, apprentice, among the wreckage of all that left of the Jedi." Kreia allowing the exile's body to be brought back goes against what she says and puts her plan at potential risk. My main point is not whether or not we can explain why the exile is believed to be dead using Star Wars lore, my point is that the questions I brought up only need to be brought up because N-DReW25's mod changes the plot. If Kreia just left the exile in the enclave, told everyone he/she was dead, then went off to Telos using a Handmaiden ship, there wouldn't be any issue, because the crew would not have the chance to confirm the exile's death with their own eyes. I think that the easiest solution is to not use the Ebon Hawk at all for travel. Kreia just leaves with the Handmaidens if the exile is female or with Brianna, who we can validly presume contacts the Handmaidens for transport, if the exile is male. The Ebon Hawk staying on Dantooine is the easiest way to solve these issues without messing up the characterizations and timeline and allows for the exile to explore the enclave as well. The only other solution I can think of would be that the crew leaves the exile in the enclave, then Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk to Telos. Then the crew go back to Dantooine for the exile. This would give the crew a reason to go back to Dantooine at least, but it would still cause problems, especially for a male exile as I mentioned in my first two paragraphs, due to the Brianna-Atris confrontation. I honestly think the best solution is to leave the exile in the enclave, then the others on the Hawk have their talk, then Kreia leaves with Brianna/the Handmaidens on an implied different ship after she knocks out the crew to prevent them from interfering. The TSLRP stlye mind reading scene with the hyperspace ending doesn't need to be changed either. The exile is reading the crew's minds in that scene using the Force, we can just assume that the exile seeing a hyperspace tunnel in the cockpit is a hint from the Force on what to do next, maybe a vision of sorts, or even Kreia's way of telling the exile what to do, since the final line in the scene is Kreia's. Everything we see in that scene is not something the exile sees directly, but something the exile sees using their mind's eye so to speak, so the hyperspace tunnel being there as a Force-vision thing still makes sense. Of course you could just remove the camera zooming into hyperspace, but I think it's too cool to be removed. Plus as I mentioned in my first post, when the exile finds Atton in pain on the ship and asks what happened, Atton says something along the lines of "The Handmaidens took Kreia. They will bring her to Atris and she will probably execute her like she would any Sith." If Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk to Telos with Atton and everyone on board, and then Atton takes the ship away from Telos, then his lines here don't make sense. Atton's lines clearly suggest that Kreia left them behind and he doesn't know exactly what happened, or how far along Kreia is to reaching Atris, he just knows what Kreia intended to do. If Atton had been along for the ride on the Ebon Hawk, he would be saying much more specific things like "The Handmaidens took us to Telos and brought Kreia before Atris. She is probably planning to execute her as we speak. I flew the rest of us out of there."
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HDR1 started following MOD:Extended Enclave Tweaks
Hi, It's been a while since I last posted here but I recently did a complete new install of Kotor 2 with a variety of mods, including this one. I've reached the Enclave scene with a female exile and it worked fine, no bugs, and I really enjoyed the new scenes as well. However, I think some of the changes need improvement or removal. Here are my suggestions. 1. Kreia's "And at last, you saw the truth." line. While it was cool to hear this alternate take, I think the original line is better. It's a bit more mysterious but more importantly, the voice acting is better for the original line. The voice for "And at last, you saw the truth." almost sounds like it belongs in a completely different scene. Her previous lines about "hearing" and "being made whole" have the same style of performance, ""And at last, you saw the truth." however sounds completely different. I don't think this alternate take is good enough to justify this change. In fact, the voice performance makes it sound like it doesn't belong in this scene. Kreia's delivery makes it sound like it's part of a normal conversation, not a monumental scene like this. 2. The second suggestion is for the following features of the mod: The way you handled this is pretty creative, and I can see that you tried to tie all these events together to be cohesive and fill in the hole in the plot. However, to be honest, I don't think there was a plot hole here at all - Kreia would obviously have been taken to Atris on the ship the Handmaidens used to get to Dantooine after she knocked out the crew. In fact, by bringing the exile on board the Ebon Hawk and having Kreia use it to get to Telos, you actually created new plot problems. The exile being taken to the Ebon Hawk doesn't work very well. The party is all there, why don't they notice she's not dead? Previously Kreia was lying to them and it made sense. Having the exile on board complicates this as it really doesn't make sense that nobody notices she's alive. There's nothing in the enclave scene to suggest the exile is temporarily dead, she was just knocked out. Not only that, but why would Kreia want to bring the exile on board? This is the point in the story where she begins to reclaim the title of Darth Traya and abandons the exile. Kreia taking the exile to the ship leaves the possibility open for the exile to catch up to her before she reaches Malachor V. The exile waking up up too early is all it would take. Why would Kreia take such a pointless risk when she's been a master planner and manipulator so far? So then Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk to Telos...why? The Handmaidens obviously had to arrive on their own ship, why would they take the Ebon Hawk? Not just that, but since the exile is aboard the Ebon Hawk in your mod, Kreia would definitely not take the ship. What if the exile woke up too early and confronted Kreia and Atris? What if Atris was told by the Handmaidens that the exile is dead on the ship? What if then Atris demanded to see the exile's body, since she was obsessed with the exile? Kreia going there on the Ebon Hawk is awkward for the plot already, her bringing the exile along just makes it worse. Having the Ebon Hawk go to Telos opens up a bunch of possibilities in the plot that shouldn't be there. Then Atton and the crew take the ship back to Dantooine... but because the exile is already on the ship, there's no reason for them to do this. Why are they going back to Dantooine? They could have gone anywhere, or even just drift in space, there's no reason for them to go back to Dantooine in particular. The only reason this happens is because the Ebon Hawk needs to be away from Telos for the plot to work. By adding a trip to Telos you complicated the situation and created a problem in the plot, now the Ebon Hawk has to awkwardly go back to Dantooine, so that when the exile wakes up, she can tell Atton to take the ship to Telos. This whole sequence of events is very awkward. Kreia takes the Hawk to Telos, then the party takes it back to Dantooine, then the exile wakes up and they immediately take it back to Telos again. It's just running back and forth in an attempt to connect everything to the Ebon Hawk. Not to mention it is also awkward because when the exile wakes up, she finds Atton in the cockpit on the ground in pain. If Atton piloted the ship back to Dantooine, why is he in pain on the floor when the exile wakes up? Originally, the exile finds Atton shortly after Kreia knocks everyone out, so it (mostly) makes sense. With this mod, it doesn't. In fact, with your mod, when the exile talks to Atton, he says the Handmaidens took Kreia and they will take her to Atris - clearly, the way he talks suggests that Kreia left the Ebon Hawk, and that all this happened a short time ago and Kreia may still be on her way to Atris. Your mod's version of events has Kreia take the Hawk and the crew to Telos and then the crew coming back without her. The sequence of events you created contradicts what Atton says in the game. My suggestion would be this: Have the enclave scenes happen the way they are in your mod up until the exile is knocked out and the Handmaidens arrive for Kreia. Afterwards, the exile should not be taken to the Ebon Hawk. Leave the exile inside the enclave. Keep Kreia's Ebon Hawk scene the same. She tells the party the exile is dead, they all talk, then Kreia knocks them all out and leaves the ship with the Handmaidens. The implication is there that the Handmaidens are taking Kreia to Atris on their own ship. The only thing you'd need to change is to not have the exile's body on the ship. Optionally, if you want to make the implication of Kreia leaving on the Handmaiden ship stronger, just have Kreia and the Handmaidens walk toward the Ebon Hawk's exit at the end of the scene. Then the subsequent mind reading scene happens, followed by the Sion-Nihilus confrontation. Then the exile wakes up in the enclave in Dantooine. This would allow the player to look around, examine the Jedi Masters' bodies, and pick up some loot in the enclave. (Also, it would restore the message for obtaining Force Enlightenment or Force Crush, which your mod doesn't have. When the player regains control in your mod on Telos, you are given the Force Power without any message, if I hadn't checked my powers in the menu, I wouldn't have known I had it.) Then the player has to go back to the Hawk (or maybe the exile could be teleported there upon exiting the enclave door) and the scenes continue with the exile finding Atton in the cockpit in pain. From here, things go the same way as they do normally, with the exile going to Telos. Overall I really like what you've done with the enclave scenes in the mod but the exile's body being brought to the Ebon Hawk and the Hawk going back and forth between Dantooine and Telos really hurt the mod in my opinion. By trying to connect these things together, you've created "what if" possibilities that shouldn't be there. What if the crew noticed the exile wasn't dead, what if the exile woke up before Kreia reached Telos, what if Atris or the Handmaidens put the crew in force cages again... these are issues with Kreia's plan that didn't exist in the original game. They are not exactly plotholes but they hurt the plot and Kreia's character, because up until that point, her plan was flawless. You overcomplicated what should have just been the Handmaidens taking Kreia to Telos on their own ship, and you also removed the chance to explore the rebuilt Jedi Enclave and examine the Jedi Masters' bodies, which actually gives you an important message that clarifies what Kreia did to them by robbing them of the Force. Sorry for the wall of text but I'm not a native English speaker so I have trouble being concise. I suppose the tldr version would be that you should change the mod so that you don't put the exile on the Hawk after the enclave scene, he/she should wake up in the enclave like in the normal game, and Kreia should not take the Ebon Hawk to Telos, instead she should just go with the Handmaidens, implying that they have a ship to take her with. I know the post has been pretty negative, but just so you know, I really enjoyed everything else in the mod. Your additional lines and scenes added a lot to the enclave scene, I particularly loved the Disciple's added lines, those improved the plot by connecting the Handmaidens arrival to him asking for their help. So please don't take this as me not liking the mod, because I really do, it's just that the changes I mentioned above really stick out to me and I think they could be improved. I was absolutely loving your mod until the exile was taken to the ship and Kreia used the Ebon Hawk to get to Telos. These two things completely broke my immersion.
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I like the idea of your mod, but unfortunately, the camera recorded Sion scene on the Harbinger (where Sion breaks out of the bacta tank) no longer works with this mod installed. The scene doesn't play and an unmoving Sion and republic soldier are spawned into the room. Once I removed the mod, the scene worked fine again. I used the longsword version, didn't try the saber version.
First off, great job getting the heads over to K2! Second, are you sure the lips on the male heads don't have issues? You mentioned that it's only on the character creation screen, but the lips look off even in-game to me. I played with the same head as DarthVarkor. The mouth seems to always be closed and frowning, which makes his expressions look off. There are points in the idle cycle where his mouth moves but instead of opening his mouth to exhale it looks like his mouth expands/shrinks. I can't make a video but I took a couple screenshots to compare the head from K1 to the K2 port. They are not the best but I tried to take them when the expressions were similar: I'm not sure if this is an error and it can be fixed or if it's an engine thing, but you could compare the mdl files you ported to the regular K2 head mdl files, maybe the rigging is different? The K2 PMHH01 head was apparently based on this one so that could be a good starting point if you want to look at it.
Thanks, I'll have a look at these! I'll definitely try this out, we'll see what happens Thank you very much for doing all this! I am familiar with the Mullet Man mod, I've been using it actually since it was released. I just wanted to see if maybe it was possible to use the original K1 head, as it looks a little bit better.
That's what I was thinking, it makes sense. I was hoping someone could do it for me, but if no one wants to, I'd like to give it a shot myself. I don't know what tools I'd need for it, (Gmax, mdlOps, both?) but if someone could give me a bit of a beginner's rundown of porting, or point me to a tutorial, I'd appreciate it. I vaguely recall trying to port a custom lightsaber hilt from K1 to K2 using mdlOps but I'm not sure of the process anymore.