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Status Updates posted by djh269

  1. I've updated my Personalised Crystal mod and I've also updated my TSL Inspired Crystals and robes. 


  2. Does anybody want to test two mods I'm going to release to see if there's any bugs I've missed? It's massive updates to my TSL Inspired Crystals and Crystal Cave redux and upgradeable crystal mods. 

    1. jc2


      Yeah, send it over.

    2. djh269


      Absolute legend! I'll send it over when I get back from work 😀

  3. I love that they've added the Neo Crusader Mandalorians into Galactic Conquest in SWGOH!!

  4. May the fourth be with you all!!

  5. Can someone advise me how to add a hidden spoilers text to my PMs and posts on here? Literally forgot how to, can't remember if it's via quoting or adding a code etc. 

    1. N-DReW25




      It's the highlighted lines icon, the 5th one from the left. Hope this helps!

    2. djh269


      Perfect, thanks buddy! Shouldn't have missed that haha! 

  6. Happy new year!! 😇🥳

  7. Merry Christmas everyone!!

  8. Also, does anyone have any advice on setting a triggers coordinates? Literally never got how people create fresh triggers. Can you use any tools to work out placing them? 

    1. DarthParametric


      I create mine in Max, with the module layout loaded. You could do the same in Blender. You need to calculate the offset of each vertex to the pivot, going in (I believe) a clockwise direction. The way I go about it is to create a simple plane primitive, then give it the minimum number of subdivisions to get enough vertices to do the job. If you can get away with four, that's ideal, and will do the job most of the time, but sometimes you have to create a more complex shape. For example, here are some I created for the scene when Mission joins in the Taris Undercity:


      The grey one is the vanilla trigger, an inverted U shape that catches you whichever way you go. I wanted to jump the party so I had more control over where Mission spawns and runs to, so I split that into two separate triggers. Now it knows whether you go left or right and sets up the scene accordingly (red waypoints are the party jump destinations, pink is Mission's run-to destination).

    2. djh269


      I never thought about using those programs! I love the tiered setup of your Taris trigger, that's smart! 

      Have you used the Kotor Level Editor yet? That might also have the function to add triggers. I saw that others are using it for the Revenge of Revan mod. 

  9. Is this a mod? Remember reading this scene is in vanilla but can't remember: 


    1. LoneWanderer


      This scene is accessible in vanilla game, if female Revan romanced Carth, but turned DS in the Rakatan temple.

      Additional option to side with Carth in this scene and alternate ending (all voiced!) were cut before release.

    2. djh269


      Ah okay, thanks for the information, saw it on YouTube and got weirded out by the idea of not having noticed this scene, but it has been years since I've done a female Dark Side playthrough though!

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Mod listed in video description:


  10. "In 3960 BBY, the Mandalorians surrendered unconditionally, with Mandalore having been personally slain by Revan while the others were stripped of their weapons and armor and sent into exile in the Outer Rim."

    If this is true, why does most of the Mandalorians encountered in K1 still have their Armor? Can't remember if a character in the first game references this or not. Just wondering why Canderous Ordo doesn't have armor initially in the first game. 



    1. AmanoJyaku


      The most likely reason is Revan stripped them of their Beskar armor. What we see in the games is inferior:


      The highest quality sets are made by lightsaber-resistant beskar (Mandalorian Iron), but the exceptionally high cost and rarity of beskar has led to the use of durasteel, alum, and duraplast in armor production.

      Even before Revan, the Mandalorians had to use other materials and weren't wearing true Mandalorian armor.

    2. djh269


      Thanks for the information, I read that paragraph and questioned whether my Canderous mod was in line with the games Canon! 

  11. My biggest wish from the announcement of the Kotor Remake is the community coming back alive... looks like my wishes are coming true... mwahahhaha 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djh269


      I know the remaster could be disappointing, but the community have already remastered the games in my eyes so whatever they produce will be inconsequential mate :). But it's brought a healthy amount of traffic anyways! Keep your chin up :)

    3. N-DReW25


      Speaking of coming back alive... you thinking of hoping into the world of mod developing again??

    4. djh269


      I am! I'm going to fix / update some of my released mods, and I have a new Mandalorian Overhaul mod which is very close to being released. I also have some requests to add things into my mods which I Will complete (including yours on my Mandalorian Armor mod funnily enough). How about yourself? But I assume you're still writing for the ROR project?

  12. Does anybody have any gaming monitor recommendations? I want to play Skyrim / Witcher on a gaming monitor but I have no idea what is best, 144hz / 240hz or 1440p / 1080p etc etc. My current monitor is a Sony Bravia that's only good for movies etc. Witcher 3 looks blurry when I play it and I have a 1080ti graphics card. 

    1. Stormie97


      I have a Samsung 27" Monitor 1440p at 144Hz, slightly curved and it's absolutely awesome (full ref: LC27JG50QQUXEN).

  13. Thoughts guys? 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      No pre-orders!

      @djh269: I recommend posting the trailer into this thread rather just letting this post die here.  Status Updates are such temporary things...

    3. jc2


      I'm'a wait to see some gameplay and then I will evaluate the content, but I'm highly skeptical of it atm.

    4. djh269


      Thanks for the suggestion @Sith Holocron! Guys I've posted the link in the thread SH has recommended for further discussion :D


  14. New Avengers trailer is out! 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ebmar



      37 million views in 18hours...

      Dang; and still counting... I mean- those numbers were as expected from the largest fan-based franchise on this planet, I am sure of that.

    3. djh269


      What do you think of the trailer? Looks very emotional, very. Seems to be quite a bit of emotional build up scenes, normally it'd be better in tv shows but as this is the "End game" I think it'll fit with the movie, especially if a lot of the main characters get wiped off the map. 

      It'll be sad to see some of the characters go! 

    4. ebmar



      What do you think of the trailer?

      Well, from the eyes of someone that is not quite a Marvel fan- I got bored with today's trailers; all started with Venom's, and then here- with the Avengers. They looked pretty much the same; the SFXs, the soundtrack, the transition is predictable, trailer-wise.


      ...emotional build up scenes, normally it'd be better in tv shows...

      Yup, that is the trend- right there.

  15. Your avatar reminds me of this "British designer Chris Godfrey dreams up a tinned, nine-course meal for gamers glued to their consoles" 


    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Google "turducken" and my avatar will make more sense.  LOL

  16. Love it: 


  17. Please don't leave buddy! 

  18. After watching all the MCU movies, waited all these years for Infinity War the pay off has been worth it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HK-47


      Without question.

      C'mon DC. It's not hard.

    3. djh269


      As a standalone movie it's awful, but as a culmination of a decades worth of story telling it's a funny and emotional movie. The villain was depicted so well!

    4. L0ki194


      Then here's me, having missed like 8 movies from the last 4 or 5 years. Well, better late than never, I suppose...

  19. Happy birthday!

  20. Is it possible to have Kotor (Steam Version) running on a 4k tv? I can't test out my mods for K1 at the moment as the screen is very small!

    1. jc2


      Have you tried using Xuul's widescreen tutorial? I know there are ways of making the game widescreen, idk how they would look on a 4k TV though.

    2. djh269


      I suppose I have to buy a 1080p tv again to play it haha

  21. I'd give my right arm to be this good at Photoshop:

    1. DarthParametric


      I hope you are left-handed....

    2. djh269


      I didn't notice the paradox I created when typing this status, just mesmerised by this guys works haha.

    3. jc2



  22. Happy birthday 90SK!!

    1. 90SK


      Thanks :)


  23. Has everyone seen this beautiful zaalbar reskin on nexus? It took me by surprise!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Which is why I'm not considering it. LOL

    3. DarthParametric


      Looks like he used a photo of the Ep3 Chewie.

    4. jc2


      ahhahaa, I thought it looked good, but I prefer other versions of Zaalbar.

  24. I absolutely love your avatar!

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Made a different version from the other casino . . . I might switch back and forth between them.

    3. djh269


      You're definitely the king of avatars!

  25. A Witcher 3 tv series, yes please!

    1. DarthTyren


      Not Witcher 3, just Witcher, and it'll likely resemble the books more than the movies.