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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Thanks for the response. ( for 2/3) How would I go about converting the files? Is there a program for this? Is there any list or guide that I can follow that would show me what I have to rename the converted files to? Whenever I install the loot enhancement mod and try to replace the files with the new robes mod, I get a bug. Specifically the textures seems to be applied to the wrong model.
  2. Hey everybody. I'm looking to find some way to get a set of mods to be compatible with the other. Specifically: 1.) I want to be able to replace these robes with these. 2.) I want only the vibroswords from this pack to show up for TSL's vibros. Without crashing. 3.) And I want to be able to have these to show up for TSL's head gear. Without crashing. I hope all of this is possible. Any help is appreciated. Also I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section.
  3. There's a bug. These robes will appear everywhere throughout the entire game, instead spawning once.
  4. Bek

    Vanilla Masks Overhaul

    There needs to be a kotor 2 version .
  5. Deadly Meme.

  6. Bek

    A Better Mira

    Head looks a bit too small.
  7. *Pssss* Wanna buy some Deathsticks?

    1. jc2


      "No, You want to go home and rethink your life" *waves hand*

  8. Am I the only who forgot to rescue Zaalbar on Kashyyyk?

    1. Bek


      Same here, I think it was on my first playthrough.

    2. jc2


      It was my third, the first two times i cared too much about him, the third i was so busy trying to be awesome as Darth Revan.

    3. Bek


      *as evil. lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Bek

    Tatooine Job Office

    This mod is game-breaking; I can't romance Bastila!
  10. Bek


    @Circa nice to see people in different corners of the interwebs, but I'm not surprised to see people from the Jk community over here. Seeing as how popular kotor is. Anyways, I highly recommend checking out Jkhub, it has an awesome community, and it's a good place to seek modding help for the Jk series.