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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. As a few people have pointed out in your post on /r/kotor, I'd suggest making the sides of the Heal icon straight. I'd also suggest making the highlights stronger, more like the Mandalorian Courage ones, so they are more readable at the res they appear in-game. For the resolution, I'd probably output them at 512. If you convert them to DDS, they'll still be extremely light in terms of memory use. You can always release TGA versions as a modder's resource if you want people to be able to modify them. You won't be able to use 16:9 resolutions if you go that route though (DDS have to be square, powers of 2).
  2. Yeah that's intentional. Too many issues with clipping and mesh distortion if you make them longer. As they are it's going to be pretty rough with certain animations, and a few body models will have some nasty clipping issues. The lowered hood on the back of the TSL master robes is a particularly apparent one, and I imagine the Revan reveal in K1 would be comically bad. That's the plan, but it depends on whether I can manage to skin the lips and mouth properly to the head rig. That's why I asked for volunteers in the first post. I was never any good at rigging character models.
  3. Whipped up a male version, using PMHB03 as the base. I thought the nose was a good starting point, and he is in both K1 and TSL. I was going for the look of this guy in SWTOR - https://i.imgur.com/XTCnbLF.png Still have a few tweaks to make, but should be able to finish that up and UV map it tomorrow.
  4. My guess is the way texture variants work for bodies, it doesn't like multiple textures. You get a similar thing with heads where it will ignore secondary textures when the primary texture is specified in heads.2da
  5. It's fairly damning that the highest number of "mods" are saves. DAI's mod scene never amounted to much, and I say that as someone that released several DAI mods. I think that is mostly down to the game being pretty crap, and the primary tool authors (and presumably many modders) quickly lost interest. But to be fair, KOTOR's mods are probably primarily texture mods as well, so it's a little harsh to judge it solely on that basis. Getting back on topic, in the unlikely event of a remake, and it being on Frostbite, there would be a lot of groundwork for modding already done with the DAI mod tools, and those that exist for Battlefield. It's conceivable that modding for a Frostbite-based KOTOR could start within days of release, should that come to pass.
  6. X Y Z, as used in Max and other 3D apps, are Euler angles. The X Y Z W is a quaternion. It's a different way of expressing rotations that avoids the possibility of gimbal lock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternions_and_spatial_rotation
  7. What version of the game is it? The CD version of K1 crashed constantly for me last time I tried it. Could barely get out of the starting room on the Endar Spire. I grabbed the GOG version and that seems a bit more stable, although I haven't had a chance to test it extensively as yet.
  8. Even though your card is ancient (from 2008 or so?), it's still a lot newer than what KOTOR was designed for. The hardware scan is pointless because it doesn't recognise anything beyond circa 2004/2005. If I run it here it tells me my OS (Win7) and graphics card (760) fail as well, yet both games run. If you are having issues running the game, I doubt it's the card. If anything that would probably run it better than a newer card.
  9. What are you doing the textures in? Photoshop, Gimp, etc. If the ears are split off into a separate UV island, you should be able to select it and play with the colour levels/brightness/contrast to more closely match the rest of the face.
  10. If their idea of "HD" is the same as Capcom's (i.e. a quick upscale and sharpen filter in PS), probably not a whole hell of a lot. http://www.re4hd.com/wp-content/gallery/0046-comparison-explanation/102702.jpg
  11. Interesting. I'm keen to see what you come up with. I can't offer much help, not being a programmer, but I have bashed my head repeatedly against MDLOps for a while and have spent many a long hour hex editing models in a trial and error manner, for whatever that might be worth.
  12. Doesn't really matter. There's less chance of Obsidian being handed a Star Wars development job than a remaster of X-Wing/TIE Fighter (i.e. none).
  13. Seems unlikely to me. Could be people confusing Aspyr's work with the persistent rumours of Bioware working on a new Star Wars game. If they were going to do a simple "HD" upgrade, like Capcom have been doing with Resident Evil, you'd think they would have done that instead of letting Aspyr do straight ports of the originals. The other option is a full remake, but that seems even less likely. If it was EA it would have to be on Frostbite, and I'm sure the result would be much the same as Square's impending rape of Final Fantasy 7, they would fundamentally change everything about it.
  14. For player heads, you are presumably adding new lines to appearance.2da, heads.2da, and portraits.2da. You shouldn't need to alter any existing data, therefore it is irrelevant whether TSLRCM is installed or not. You put untouched vanilla 2DAs in the tslpatchdata folder, then use 2DAMemory tokens so it can handle either editing existing 2DAs in the Override folder, or adding and editing the vanilla ones. These days I just find it quicker to copy and paste the contents of an old changes.ini and edit as appropriate rather than do it via ChangeEdit, but it's pretty straightforward once you know what you are doing.
  15. You presumably didn't apply a material to it. Google tutorials on the Max material editor.
  16. There is clearly a difference at 2K vs 1K. 4K provides minimal additional benefit, so 2K is probably sufficient in this instance, but those are the source files, as I said above.
  17. Presumably the usual case of Windows freaking out over the Program Files folder permissions. Don't install anything there. You could try starting Max with Admin permissions and try again. The stupid thing is that's an empty/0 byte file. Even with sanity check disabled, it still wants to create the report file.
  18. You can only use KAurora for MDLs without skinned meshes (i.e. only trimeshes) and no animations. If you try to load a model with either, it will crash. Even if you got it to export, it currently completely screws up the rotation data, requiring hex editing to fix (see my pics of T3 over at LucasForums).
  19. You are conflating two completely different things. Texture resolution is all about pixel density. A 4K texture is 4096x4096. The reason I am using a texture that big is because player heads ideally need to use a single texture to allow DS transitions, but there are so many parts that a lower res texture would have an extremely low pixel density for the individual parts. Even at that resolution, the face itself only occupies about a 1024x1024 space. The rest is taken up with all the head tails. And leaving actual game use aside, you always work at the highest possible resolution. You can always scale down, you can't scale back up. For the same reason your source files should be uncompressed.
  20. 1. Model 2. ??? 3. Profit The ??? is VarsityPuppet's HeadFixer - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=209595 There is some further elaboration in the original thread - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=207690
  21. Someone asked for a Nautolan head in the Request thread. I was thinking of making a Togruta and wondering how I would deal with the montrals and head-tails, so decied I'd take a crack at this as a (far more difficult) trial run. Rather than clogging the request thread up, I figured I'd post progress here. I used the SWTOR Nautolans as a guide/target: Even though the request was for a male, I started with a female first as a proof-of-concept (and because I plan to do a female LS run through the new Steam version of TSL at some point). I wanted to use one of the existing heads as a base, to keep the mouth intact for potential NPC use. Also because I suck at organic modelling, so creating something completely from scratch wasn't an option. I wanted a head that was in both games, so I went with the Luxa head, which is PFHA01 in K1. I got rid of her hair and lopped off most of the back of her head, then grafted on a whole bunch of amputated Twi'lek lekku that I massaged into shape. Plus I gave her some major facial surgery to implant the creepy giant bug eyes. I whipped up an export with some quick and dirty skin wrapping from the original head to do an in-game test. Aside from a few bits of nasty deformation from sub-optimal weighting, it seemed to work ok: Once I knew it would work, I went ahead and UV mapped her. That went surprisingly quickly, although I am forseeing some nasty broken shading/seam issues and possible remapping in my future. Currently I'm baking out normal/ambient occlusion/cavity/curvature/etc. maps from a high poly mesh for texturing. Doing them at 4K, so that takes a few hours. If anyone here is a skilled skinner/rigger and would like to volunteer their services, I'd greatly appreciate a hand. Character rigging was never my bag, and that mass of tentacles/head-tails at the back will need some finessing that's beyond my ability to minimise mesh distortion during certain animations.
  22. I wouldn't move the original trimeshes, as they are basically the bones. Create copies and offset them, then make them children of the originals. Make sure you move their pivots to the same location as the originals.
  23. DarthParametric


    I did a quick and dirty test, and aside from the crappy weighting causing some distortion it passed a cursory inspection. Created a WIP thread so as not to hijack this thread: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3486-wip-swtor-style-nautolan-player-heads/