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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. The best approach is to install TSLRCM from the Workshop, then install all other mods the traditional way (via TSLPatcher or otherwise) using TSLRCM's Workshop folder as the destination. Trying to install multiple mods from the Workshop is not worth the effort.
  2. Yes, as mentioned in the first post. It just ends up grey with a weird static sort of effect on it. Tried a new save to see if that was related and discovered a new level of screwiness:
  3. It has a texture applied to it. The source Max scene is the same for both, the ASCII model is just compiled separately for each game. And the texture shows up fine in the TSL workbench interface, just not in the game proper.
  4. DarthParametric


    Made a new one for you, assuming I can work out the weird texture bug I ran into - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4004-obi-wans-tpm-padawan-lightsaber/ As to things being posted on the Steam Workshop, that is purely at the discretion of the original author.
  5. So per a request in the request thread, I decided to knock out Obi-Wan's lightsaber from The Phantom Menace. It was actually pretty straight forward. I already had a high poly one I had done years ago, so I just modelled a new low poly one over the top using the original as a guide. Modelled, mapped, and textured in just a few hours. Runs about 1,500 tris: Unfortunately I seem to have hit a snag testing it in the game. In TSL, it looks fine in the workshop interface, but in the game proper it doesn't want to show the texture. It either just shows the envmap, or a grey model if the alpha channel is removed. When grey, it also noticeably has some weird animated effect to it, almost like static or something. I don't recall encountering this before, so I'm scratching my head at the moment. If anyone has some suggestions on what the issue there is, I'd appreciate it. Edit: Curiouser and curiouser. It seems to work fine in K1:
  6. DarthParametric


    There's this one in this pack by J3d1W4rr10R - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=154661 - but I'm not sure any extant links remain. Someone might be able to send it to you.
  7. I believe that is related to one of the issues I was having with custom droid models, namely that vert positions seem to end up offset from their original position even if left untouched. I've run into it a few times with heads as well, although it seems less pronounced in those cases. Mission's head in K1 springs to mind. I remember trying to change the UV map and ending up with a face clipping horror show. I've also encountered it with high poly versions of meshes. When I was playing around with the weighting for the Nautolan head, I tried a 5K vert/10K poly smoothed version of the mesh (vs 1.2K vert/2.5K poly unsmoothed original) and it ended up with all sorts of mouth clipping as well.
  8. I did a quick play around with it. Made your 4 faced pyramid with 1m sides, split each face out to its own UV island, left the verts welded (5 total) and set a single smoothing group. Exported it as a DA model via Eshme's script to generate normal data and split the faces to match the number of UV verts, then reimported the model. Set it up as a KOTOR model and exported via NWMax. On import the normal data is stored in an Edit Normals modifier, so once I deleted that it reverted to hard edges at element breaks (as per MDLOps). Here is the generated data - The vert order and position match (leaving aside rounding), but interestingly texture vert position seems to have a few anomalies. Anyway, I thought the normal info may be of interest to you as an example of the sort of thing that can be extracted from Max.
  9. Yeah, briefly poking through the scripts it seems to my uninformed mind that NWMax is actually calculating normals/tangent normals/binormals, it just doesn't export any of that info in the ASCII MDL. Interestingly, I was looking at Eshme's Dragon Age Origins export script to see what it does (as it does export normal info), and I noticed that the Eclipse Engine appears to still have the same underlying issue, namely the 1:1 of verts and texture verts. I suppose it's not completely surprising, given that Eclipse is just an evolution of the Aurora/Odyssey codebase.
  10. You could try getting the normal info from Max via MaxScript. There are no doubt plenty of existing scripts that you could use/modify. At the very least they may be a useful reference.
  11. Playing around how? By hex editing the compiled MDX?
  12. The root cause of the problem was detailed by cchargin (original MDLOps author) back in 2005: http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1973627&postcount=11 Unfortunately it seems that he never got around to addressing it, nor did JdNoa in the subsequent revised version.
  13. I need to make some colour adjustments and play around with the alpha for the envmap, but I think the texture is more or less done: The blade? As I said above I don't have any plans for that. Could you get it to only extend at the start of combat and retract at the end? You wouldn't want it constantly animating while firing. Same deal as a lightsaber I guess, but could you manage the same for a blaster?
  14. I think the modelling is mostly done, just need to make a couple of minor tweaks. I played around with the electrical arc thing and got something working. A guy on DeviantArt made some lightning bolt PS brushes, so I used those to make the basic shapes, added some glow and colour overlay, then went through a few iterations to create a handful of suitable frames of animation. Then I employed the same trick that lightsabers use, a star-shaped array of planes: It's actually hard to get a close-up look at it in the game, but here it is in the TSL workbench interface: And if you want to test if you have epilepsy:
  15. I could try adding some bonus slashing damage to it perhaps. Would that even work for a ranged weapon?
  16. Tweaked some of the proportions and added the underslung blade:
  17. Those that have played the latest SWTOR expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire will be familiar with new companion Koth Vortena and his kind of fancy blaster. It has an animated blade attachment that extends when the weapon is drawn with some sort of electrical FX. Koth uses a blaster rifle, but as of the latest Cartel Pack they have also made blaster pistol and sniper rifle versions available as well. I decided to do up a version for KOTOR. Here's the blaster rifle version in SWTOR: And here's the WIP so far of my version: It looks like they started with a Mauser C96 that was the basis of the BlasTech DL-44 (Han Solo's blaster) but then chucked a bolt-action rifle on top of it. Then added an under-slung retractable machete for good measure. I won't be doing the blade extending/retracting animation seeing as you can't holster weapons in KOTOR, but I'll see what I can do with the electrical bit.
  18. I am assuming that's a retexture, and you are asking how to add a new player head? The short answer is create a new row in heads.2da for your head, create a new row in appearance.2da that references the new heads.2da ID, create a new row in portraits.2da which references the appearance.2da ID and your custom portraits. If you plan on releasing something publicly, you'll want to set it up with TSLPatcher so that it is compatible with other mods. There are a multitude of tutorials and posts about it. Here a just a few: So you want a new Appearance AKA create your own new head - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149992 Appearance.2da walkthrough - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=148638 Heads/Portraits.2da walkthrough - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=196778
  19. This a custom model of the BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle, AKA Stormtrooper blaster, from the original trilogy. This version is based on the Return of the Jedi prop variant. It was made in response to a mod request here. It is available for K1 and TSL on the Nexus: K1 - http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/70 TSL - http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/62 K1 Installation: You have a choice between two versions that will replace existing blaster rifle models in the game and a third unique one that will only be available for the player. Replacing blaster rifle 001 will make it available as a starting weapon for Soldiers, and it is a common loot/store item. Blaster rifle 002 is commonly wielded by Sith troopers, so pick that if you want to see it used against you. Note that these two options are purely cosmetic, they don't affect the base stats of the weapons. The third option comes with a mild base energy damage buff (1D4) and is fully upgradeable (energy cell/scope/beam splitter/trigger). It can only be added via console command or KSE. Extract the archive. The texture is shared between all versions, so copy DP_E-11.dds and DP_E-11.txi to the Override folder. Then choose which option you prefer (you can choose all 3 if you want) and also add those files to the Override folder. In order to obtain the 3rd option in-game you must manually add it to your inventory via a console command or KSE. The item ID is g_w_blstrrfl083. To uninstall, simply remove the files from your Override folder. Note that for the third option you should first remove any that are equipped or in your inventory beforehand, or you will encounter errors. Note: The way upgrades work in K1 requires that bonus properties be manually set for each upgrade type (rather than being predefined by the game like in TSL). I was unsure what to add without going overboard. The current bonuses are as follows: Improved Energy Cell: Adds 1D4 ion damage Scope: Adds +1 attack bonus Beam Splitter: Adds massive criticals, 1D4 Hair Trigger: Adds on hit chance of stun, 25% for 3 rounds, DC14 I'm open to suggestions on improvements/alternatives. TSL Installation: You have a choice of three options. The first two versions that will replace a couple of the existing blaster rifle models in the game that may be wielded by enemies or turn up as loot/store inventory. Note that these two options are purely cosmetic, they don't affect the base stats of the weapons. The third option is an added custom blaster rifle that comes with a mild base energy damage buff (1D4) and is fully upgradeable (scope/chamber/energy cell). It can only be added via console command or KSE. Extract the archive. The texture is shared between all versions, so copy DP_E-11.dds and DP_E-11.txi to the Override folder. Then choose which option you prefer (you can choose all 3 if you want) and also add those files to the Override folder. In order to obtain the 3rd option in-game you must manually add it to your inventory via a console command or KSE. The item ID is w_brifle_83. To uninstall, simply remove the files from your Override folder. Note that for the third option you should first remove any that are equipped or in your inventory beforehand, or you will encounter errors. Bugs/Known Issues (Both Versions): Both games have a lot of problems with hand positions for weapons. Depending on what clothes/armour you are wearing, the hands may or may not be in the right position, potentially causing clipping issues. This is not a problem with the weapons themselves, and there is no fix possible on the weapon side of things. Changing it to suit one body model would just result in more errors for other body models. In short, your character (or NPCs) may not hold the weapon properly or their hands may clip through it. You'll have to live with it. P.S. I would have liked to have posted more in-game pics, but getting even those few was a serious pain in the ass. Both games seem to be borderline unplayable for me these days with crashes and freezes.
  20. 24bit is RGB, 32bit is RGBA (8 bits per channel). The converter handles both.
  21. OK, I think this is done. Kind of a waste seeing as it's basically just a black blurry mess in KOTOR. I guess InSidious was right after all, lol. Oh well. Edit: Whoops, kind of helps if you remember that MDLOps completely screws the UVs of elements with contiguous edges that are split across UV islands. Freaking MDLOps. So anyway, slightly less of a blurry mess in K1 now. Looks better in TSL though. Edit 2: Now released - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3939-k1tsl-blastech-e-11-blaster-rifle/
  22. There are a bunch of small differences. To be honest it's actually really hard to tell just watching the movies, unless you know ahead of time what to look for and freeze frame like crazy. Even then it's sometimes impossible to tell because things are out of frame, obscured, or blurry (especially before the HD transfers turned up). The ANH hero props were built off real Sterling submachine-guns, with resin casts used for stunt weapons. They had rubber t-tracks running along the barrel vent holes. They had a full rifle scope mounted on a pair of thin metal rails. What is considered the definitive version had a Hengstler mechanical counter mounted on the left side wired to some tubes mounted on top of the magazine (you can see these being held by the Stormtroopers that escort Leia to Vader on the Tantive IV, and by the squad that come to the bridge where Obi-Wan is disabling the tractor beam). Not all versions had the counter, but it seems like most if not all firing versions kept the tubes on the magazine (like the versions Han and Luke have in the cell bay shootout and subsequent chase/escape). From what I understand, the counters were only glued on, and many fell off during shooting. It may have originally intended to have been standard on all variants. According to one reference site that I used back in the day, there were at least 8 different versions used during ANH. Here are some shots from ANH. These are the non-counter version with tubes. Here are some fan-made replicas showing counter and tubes: ESB was largely similar to ANH, and reused a lot of the same props, but it seems like many/most of the stunt versions were resin versions roughly cast from one of the ANH originals. They added some greebles to this version, some additional sight blocks in front of and behind the scope, a few pieces on the rear of the main housing (behind the magazine) on both sides. It seems this version was used in all the promo material, and was also grafted onto IG-88 as his gun arm. Most notably they didn't bother with the Hengstler counter at all from this point onwards. It's hard to find any decent shots of the ESB variant, but here's some promo shots where you can make out some of the details: In ROTJ they again reused some props from ANH/ESB, but by that point a lot of props had gone "missing" (including, famously, Vader's lightsaber), so they also made some new hero props. These were not made from original Sterlings (which were probably hard to source by that point) but replica versions made by a company in Japan. They used some different pieces to replicate the look of the originals. Metal rails to replace the rubber t-tracks, a solid 1 piece scope rail, a fabricated scope made from the back end of a real scope with a metal cylinder bolted onto the front, some different greebles on the body. This is the version that I modelled. Here's one of the actual screen-used ROTJ props, on display in one of the prop tours of recent years:
  23. They are on indefinite hiatus until someone releases a properly working alternative to MDLOps.
  24. So, per a post in the request thread, I had a dig through some of my old files to see if I had an E-11 that I had been working on back in my "recreate all the Original Trilogy props" period. There wasn't much of use so I just decided to whip up a new replacement from scratch. Did most of it over the course of several hours last night, just finished off the scope and remaining details this evening. Possibly I got a bit carried away, as it runs about 3,800 tris. If InSidious sees this I'm sure he'll have a conniption. He got elevated blood pressure seeing some of my weapon models with 2K polys back in the day. I still have to texture those Nautolan and Kel Dor heads (which I was planning to do over Xmas), so this should be a nice way to get acquainted with my new Wacom tablet.