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Everything posted by coolphoton1234

  1. Finally found the bloody combat log. At level 2 with a +3(17) Dex mod and 13 demo (with equipment) I'm getting a DC of 28, damage 33 on sonic grenades, normal is 15 dc damage 10. If I drop the demo equipment to the 4 I have naturally the DC is 19 and the damage is 24. conclusion: the dc and possibly the damage is heavily modified, with the wrist launcher, by the user's Demo skill. EDIT: new !FUN! way to play: Vangard. Use force jump in to a group and grenade the closest one with wrist launcher equipped and full Demo. If your defense is high enough you may not oneshot yourself. Its very orky.
  2. ...don't know why I didn't add this to the original post: After my first two Saber run (sorta boring), I went with Saber Staves or Blaster Pistols in KotOR. In KotOR TSL I usually go with Blaster Pistols. My last run was was a Single saber tank. My current one is using Blaster Rifles.
  3. Just what the topic says. I'm wanting to know what people are using to kill the idiots that shoot at them...
  4. if you like CRPGs like Fallout 1&2: Arcanum Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Planescape Torment JRPG: Xenosaga
  5. in no particular order: Xenosaga 1&3 Chrono Trigger Arcanum Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Dwarf Fortress Dragon age Origins Final Fantasy 7&10 Mass effect 1-3 Serra City building games X3:TC Total Annialation Supreme Commander Homeworld1&2 Sins of a solar empire Neverwinter nights2 D&D online Infinite Space Final Fantasy Tactics Galactic Civ 2 Age of Empires 1&2 Age of Mythology Age of wonders 2 Planescape Torment ... You know what? i have trouble deciding what my favorite *genre*
  6. coolphoton1234

    Level cap

    what they really need is buffed and equipped properly. in particular adding some mods to the late-game enemy's armor and weapons would probably go a long way, particularly the resist energy (for most sabers and blasters). Not that I know if this is possible. or maybe add environmental debuffs to the late game levels. The Ravager in particular really should have some anti-force debuffs, given its nature. Imagine how much harder it would be if you could no longer use tier 2 and 3 powers or it cut your wisdom and charisma scores buy 75%.
  7. coolphoton1234


    personally I would like a full set of re-skins for *all* the guns, not just a hand full or all the sonic ones or most of the blaster. I've almost completed a full set (everything but the high-end blasters and the disrupter class weapons), but most of the mods I used were from filefront and on top of that the original moders had stopped replying there anyway. I really don't care if there Star Wars weapons I just want them to look decent. If someone knows how to contact them I can give a list of files/authors I have in the original ZIPs.
  8. I guess that is in the 'out of whole cloth' category then. You could add the exile saying something along the lines of 'what is this feeling' and then have the old bat shut them down with a 'we must leave line'... seems like a lot of work to add a little foreshadowing and explanation for a score of dudes...oh,well. skins it is I guess
  9. Some of us 'football fans' play flag football...
  10. how bout a consular/WM with wisdom of 20 and charisma 20. level 37... and the concussion is still more reliably stunning the Jedi at Malicore. it only evens up with FM. I think something is adding ether the consular bonus or my dex bonus (21) to the dc...
  11. the stun grenade's stun check is a will save isn't it? edit: the in game description says stun concussion and sonic are both will saves...and there both 15 and they both effect the Jedi masters .
  12. Both actually. I added the ability to use it to my Exile and now the stun grenade is more reliable than the force power and the grenades hit whatever I am aiming at. Is it that because I'm a Duelist this time? Anyway the Stun concussion grenades are even effecting Jedi masters...all of them...
  13. is it just me or does using Mira's wrist launcher change up the DCs of the grenades it fires?
  14. Thank you. For some reason, I've never been able to find any skins for the high-end guns (like the zezeum rifle, Mandalorian Rippers, Disintegrator rifles, Micro-pulse blasters, etc). Every one seems to want to skin the standard blaster...
  15. I always sort of pictured Traya, Sion, and Nihilus (respectively) as Sentinal, Guardian, and Consular just from the descriptions from Kreia gives. (Never mind the actual classes.). I was really expecting a force drain, terror, plague spamming nightmare boss the first time I fought him. Perhaps add the plague debuff as an environmental effect (is that even possible?) in the boss room?
  16. ...several months later, I just realized I didn't get an answer to my original post...can someone help with that please?
  17. a lot of fun, well rendered and balanced toward the late game
  18. yep. now YOU too can were sunglasses at night...
  19. i think Inyriforge is out of the modding seine. there twitter is private now and there web sight is gone. it's kinda sad...
  20. OK, but I think they're drunk or something right now.
  21. Try Jack of Blades @vesaldi on Twitter. as far as I can tell its the only way to contact them.
  22. I'm looking for a guide on how to take inyriforge's: carnifex m8 assault rifle widow replacements and reassign them to the highend (Mando) disruptor pistols, the disruptor rifle, and the Charric. I have contacted the author and gotten permission to modify/reassign her skins.
  23. Love the mod, one question though: Is this compatable with the Korriban Expansion? Located here: http://knightsoftheo...XPANSION;118246