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Everything posted by coolphoton1234

  1. I'm listening to Abny Park, Dr. Steel, Creature Feature, and Rufus Rex currently. If you want videos, try google...
  2. Yes, the focus on something besides combat is a large part of why I like them, (I think Planescape: Torment can be played with 0, none that is, kills, provided that you think about your responses) never mind the deep, multifaceted stories that most CRPGs have... witch is something the Xenosaga trilogy has in spades too. its the clunky or archaic interfaces that turn people away, I think, from old-school CRPGs. That and the lower quality graphics and the time involved to play them. I blame Facebook and its 10,000 games that are played in under a minute for the lack of CRPGs in recent years...
  3. Dosen't Sidius almost kill everyone on Corisaunt with force storm after his resurrection? also... the Sith at the very least worked very hard, and were moderately successful, in preserving force techniques for millennia, as illustrated when Darth Bane lernd of the ...mind bomb i think? from a holocron.
  4. I usually play ...chaotic neutral. I meta-game for the best gear/bonuses so I have been known to be a LS single saber watchman with Hanhar and HK bonuses, as well as a duel gunner with the cross fire. I figure I'm 30/70 LS/DS
  5. In KotOR1 I'm a fan of scout->guardian with sniper-shot/critical, depending on if I'm playing ranged or 1 weapon melee at a 8/12 split for both. For TSL I tend toward Sentinel for everything but a dedicated force spammer (Consular for that). Then i chose my prestige class mainly on combat style/ alignment. So a DS gunner will be Marauder for stupefying damage and a LS single saber will be a Watchman for paladin grade defenses. I feel I should point out that I never use force lightning and I'm of the opinion that critical is better than flurry, DPS should sacrifice defense, and that wizards should not hit things, so my builds are not very newbie friendly.
  6. I've been own to play Peragus with the music off. Much creepyer. creature feature for Taris, Sabatton (Primo Victoria in particular) and Ruffus Rex on Koriban. Other than that there is nothing in particular
  7. depends on which attributes and how much. Add 40pts to Con and I agree, ad it to Wis or Cha and the fite is much more challenging. I think giving him better gear (even just vanilla would work, with upgrades) would be just about the minimum to make him a 'hardcore' boss. Just don't add the 'lord' presege class to him. on the second point i sort of agree but there really is no assassin, unless you count trayus..
  8. Alwase loved this mod. Did the maker ever figure out how to add an AoE to the on hit?
  9. coolphoton1234


    I would think the permissions would be the hard part...
  10. Hmm... It does make grenades viable in the end game. Is it likely to break your mod to leave it in?
  11. there is a certain cyclic pattern in the extended universe. Mandolorian wars= apathetic Counsel Jedi war at the time of Darth Bane= warmongering counsel obsessed with power. galactic Civil war= apathetic/ overly cautious counsel It kinda looks like every 2000 years or so the Jedi Counsel is crippled by there own methods. They are to scared of falling to the darkside to fight it, they no longer reconise it unless it has a red light saber in its hand, or they erode there ability to fight it by denying its existence. In essence I think the Jedi's greatest flaw isn't that they fall, its that they Fear falling so much that it causes them to fall.
  12. just checked. i do have one k_sup_grenade.ncs from Modified Combat AI For High Level Force Powers. Forgot about it, but the only thing that says it changes with grenades is that Mira launches them in ranged AI...surly that wouldn't change the core functions of grenades buy adding a conditional modifier to them, would it?
  13. I've been testing, and with just TSLRCM and the droid planet installed equipping the wrist launcher adds (as best as I can determine) most, if not all of you demolition score to the dc of stun and sonic grenades and it seems to partly modify the damage as well on most grenades. I can get damage over 50 on a sonic grenade by the end of Telos and a DC 45 (that is 3x) stun if I focus on raising my demo score.
  14. One need not be able to control it to be an Eldritch Abomination. Mind you, Sion's descriptions are very 'shuggoth with anger issues'.
  15. My question is: Are the DCs on the Flash bang line modified by Demolition with the wrist launcher like the normal grenades are?
  16. “The man once wrote: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Tolkien had that one mostly right. I stepped forward, let the door bang closed, and snarled, "F*** subtle.” Harry 'I the Hell am Harry' Dresden - Wizard The tribbles ate the grain... The tribbles ate the grain... The colonist are going to starve... The tribbles ate the grain... EAT THE TRIBBLES!!! Carl- Vexxarr webcomic
  17. This would be a mod that could get mo to play KotOR again... this or someone making the upgrade system work like in TSL...
  18. coolphoton1234


    Request 1: I have copies of those as well as - eVermin (FileFront) AKA e-varmint (Lucas Forums):TSL Blaster Replacements 1 - BryanWee20:T.W.O - Heavy Blaster Pack,T.W.O - Blaster Rifle Pack,T.W.O - Heavy Repeater Pack - All of Inyri Forge's stuff (also here on the site) - Winternoise;s: Revamped Grenades But the Charric, Micro-pulse blaster, and all or most of the Disruptor weapons are not covered by them, and those (disruptors) are the weapons that I tend to favor. And they look like crap. Request 2: Sorry about the double post but as this is a different request I thought I should post separately. Has anyone ever tried making some of the head gear look like the pilot head things on Neon Genesis Evangelion? I know some of them look like that but most of the good ones are high profile ad kinda hard to ignore. Or maybe make things to do with shooting look like Vakarian's (ME2+3) HUD/Monocle. I think Oldflash had a model kind of like that, but it's on a massively OP piece of equipment (+6dex,+6 to most skills, found on Peragus.) Admin: I have merged your two posts. Do not double post again. O.K.
  19. So are you aiming for full on Pinhead or Pinhead meets Zombies and/or Husks?
  20. Traya's harping on 'balance this' and 'temperance that' struck me as a sentinel mindset rather than a consular one. Nihilus is a suppose to be essentially the opposite of the 'oneness'(Jedi letzt stil, one winged angel, etc.). He is not so much a person as an event. That level of power screams consular with 40+ wisdom and charisma. That or 'welcome to R'lyeh'.