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MVacc224 last won the day on September 20 2014

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13 Jedi Padawan

About MVacc224

  • Rank
    Jedi Padawan
  • Birthday 02/24/1991

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  1. Thank you to all who have taken the time to view my content. I give permission to use my mods in any future projects with the appropriate credit.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      As status updates are a temporary thing, I highly recommend that you amend your mod's descriptions to include this fact. If you haven't already, of course.

  2. Hi. Sorry for the delay. This mod must be installed after any texture related mods to work since it changes the table. Also, if one of these robes was in your inventory before installing the mod, it will not work. I can not figure out a fix for either issue, I tried during testing & the initial release. Thank you. Hi. Sorry for the delay. This mod must be installed after any texture related mods to work since it changes the table. Also, if one of these robes was in your inventory before installing the mod, it will not work. I can not figure out a fix for either issue, I tried during testing & the initial release. Thank you. Hi. Sorry for the delay. This mod must be installed after any texture related mods to work since it changes the table. Also, if one of these robes was in your inventory before installing the mod, it will not work. I can not figure out a fix for either issue, I tried during testing & the initial release. Thank you.
  3. Hi. Sorry for the delay, I still get notifications to my email. This is the K1 Version of the mod. Installing it on TSL is probably what caused your issues. The TSL Version is called Feats Tweak.
  4. You're wondering if I'm making a version for the Droma Robes in K1?
  5. Cool, any idea when you plan to release the UI for TSL?
  6. Is there a particular file that governs knowing if a container is "empty" in TSL?

  7. Wondering if it is at all possible to restore the implant line of feats to TSL...

    1. Mandalore


      I'm afraid feats are hardcoded, so they can't be added. It's a thorn in the side of modders everywhere.

    2. MVacc224


      Damn that would've been a fun project. Thanks!

  8. You peaked my curiosity so I did some digging in the KotOR Tool for both games. TSL's .2da tree contains a file called regeneration_e3.2da which pertains to a table showing force & vitality generation connected to time, class, level & stats. K1 doesn't have this file present. My hypothesis is that my mod works for K1 because of this absence.
  9. The Jolee thrilled when I found it, then I felt kicked in the balls when I realized only Kreia could use it haha thanks for downloading & enjoy
  10. It made absolute sense & yes you are correct. I did use 1.8.3's feats.2da file to build my mod. I did not change or touch anything in relation to the icons since I was aware that 1.8.3 had included the fix. I merely added it to my mod's changes list in case any vanilla player without TSLRCM wanted to use my mod.
  11. Hello & yes you are correct! Welcome back!