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VarsityPuppet last won the day on December 29 2022

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  1. I know it’s April fools, but there is a HUGE announcement coming today!

    Stay Tuned!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VarsityPuppet
    3. VarsityPuppet


      And yes I’ve known about this since April

    4. Mephiles550


      I actually find this pretty mind blowing. Aspyr clearly knew about TSLRC since the Steam port of TSL and gave it as much support as it could, but it could never directly include it in it's product. Even TSLRCM for mobile had to be installed seperately via modding.

      But this feels like a game changer, now Aspyr (or you guys working with them? what's going on anymore?) is actually providing the mod (if you can even call it that anymore) themselves! I had a feeling TSL would come out on Switch, but I thought it would never have the  restored content and it would inevitably disappoint people, but dang! I might just be overthinking how important this is, but I genuinely never thought this would even be possible without them just flat-out stealing the mod and calling it their own.

       This actually makes me think that a Kotor 2 remake in the year 2032 actually WON'T suck in concept.