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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. You're all such a nice community. I can't really play Kotor much anymore, but I love seeing what creative mods come out.

    1. jc2


      I concur! Deadlystream is a welcoming star wars/modding community.

  2. anytime I see DP post I expect him to reveal his magnum opus... well for that month anyway.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      His magnus opus is his moddin' knowledge!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Magnum. Damn you, autocorrect!

  3. A bunch of star wars games are being made backwards compatible on the Xbox One today! Kotor II is included!

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Mephiles550


      The Xbox ports are surprisingly really good. Their all visually enhanced and have more anti-aliasing than I thought would have been applied to them.

  4. C'mon people, I wanna see some new screens of the week! I'm so bored of Seeing HK's tan at the beach.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I submit this piece for screenshot of the week. I call it Ajunta Pall Dance Party

    2. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      Yes please VP

  5. @Sith HolocronCan you say how Kotor  has performed on your PC ever since you got your Radeon 570? I've heard Kotor has a couple issues on AMD cards, including some specific stories with the 570.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sorry, I haven't seen this post until right now.  I've installed KotOR and TSL on the computer but I haven't played either of them on a consistent basis.  However, I did record the into to mrmann's Cruse of the Sith video with no problems so consider I not only was playing the game with no issues but also recording with FRAPS at the same time.  What sort of issues have you heard about regarding the 570?

    2. Mephiles550


      Things like resolution errors, crashing, shading issues, texture abnormalities, and the like. It may not necessarily be the GPU but the specific AMD drivers being used that are responsible.

  6. When you kill Nihilus and Visas looks at Nihilus' face, what do you do differently to have Visas say he looks like "a man, nothing more" instead of "a graveyard world"? Is it random?

    1. TK-664


      Huh? I didn't know about that, I always got the first line.

    2. LDR


      There's two dialogue options:

      1) Tell me what you saw. (I saw a graveyard world...)

      2) What did you see when you looked at him? (A man, nothing more.)

      If I'm interpreting this correctly, there's Visas seeing/looking with her eyes, and then there's Visas "seeing" with the Force. I took a look through Kotor Tool (ERFs > Modules > 852NIH_dlg.erf > 852end.dlg), and emphasis is placed on the wording the player uses. Feel free to look at it yourself and give it your own interpretation.

  7. Has anyone heard anything from Sithspector or how his progress on Sleheyron is going? It's been quite a while. 

    I'm guessing he's just not had much time to work on it, which is understandable. 

    I'll stop inquiring about it permanently if mods want

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I sent him a message on another matter and it went unanswered.  If I had to hazard a guess, RL has reared it's head.

      When he does have something to report on Sleheyron, I am sure he'll mention something in the WIP thread.

    2. LDR


      Knowing him and his passion for it, I assure you Sithspecter is probably hard at work with Sleheyron.

  8. What I'm curious about is how faithful they'll stay to the original game and how many liabilities they'll take with their own reimagining of things.

    Also if this is some episodic type deal like FFVII I'm probably not gonna bother.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I've heard that they're reimagining it for a new generation... soo, I'm not getting good vibes from this

    2. Nevrius


      There is some chatter going on the comms that they supposedly hired an SJW with serious hatred for the OG, but I'm taking these news with a grain of salt, since I find these channels tend to blow things out of proportion more often than not. 

      I'll likely gonna adopt my usual stance for games I'm excited about, but want to see how they actually look (meaning watching playthroughs on YT).

      Honestly, the thing I'm most bummed about is that from what I understand, it's a PS5 thing only, and I'm a PC guy (though someone said it would be for PC too? Can anyone clarify?), and not willing to spend money on consoles which are gonna be obsolete in a few years anyway. 

  9. If you use the brotherhood of Shadow mod, what happens if the keep Sera Degana with you all the way to meeting Bastilla on Lehon and add her to your party via the dark ending? Bastila and Sera use the same character select slot.

    1. LordMerek


      Shouldn't she use Juhani's character slot? Or does this assume you've killed Bastila? Because in a Dark Side playthrough the chances of killing Bastila are lower than killing Juhani. Usually. Depending on what you are doing.

    2. DarthParametric


      To answer the question in regard to party slots, you cannot add an NPC to a slot that is already filled. The script will simply fail. If it was supposed to perform additional functions after trying to add the NPC, then those will probably break. One would hope that some failsafes were built into the script to avoid that, but you'd have to look at the source.

  10. I've heard something about a 4GB memory patch for TSL, what benefits does this provide and will Steam users be able to use this or is only compatible with the 4CD EXE?

    1. Malkior


      Darth Parametric answered it in this thread, I believe. 

      The gist is, yes it may boost some performance but it would be minimal since modern systems can handle any overhead already.

    2. Thor110


      It's probably possible to use the Aspyr version .exe that is available on the GoG forums, though because of it's nature it would sever it's connection to Steam, I wonder if this has any noticeable effect on the time it takes for the dialog skipping bug to occur.

  11. Darth Vader vs Darth Sion... who wins?

    1. Rece


      Sion no doubt.


  12. The bit of content that Obsidian absolutely needed to keep in the game was the scene where HK-47 destroys G0-T0. How would the Exile activate the Shadow Generator if G0-T0 was still active and wouldn't allow it? The Remote obviously couldn't stop him.

    1. Rece


      Don't you just love rushed releases?

  13. Modding Kotor to be just the way I want it after a reinstall can take hours, but the final result, usually, is worth it. Then a few days later, I usually uninstall and reinstall again and have a different mod setup. It's all part of the fun. :)

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I used to be a gaming adventurer like you until... <(0_~)>

  14. Do we have an update on ToastyFresh's TSL version on his weapon overhaul besides his old incomplete release?

    1. Kexikus


      I don't think so, no :(

  15. I'm going through that phase again... time to delete my Override's contents, reinstall Kotor, and download, edit and customize hundreds of mods to my preference.

    1. milestails


      Make sure you always have a copy of the vanilla game folder ready in order to save time.

  16. Does anyone happen to know the name of the floor texture in the Korriban cave? I swear, I can find around a dozen of the same textures in Kotor Tool, but none of them seem to be the one I need. Korriban's textures are confusing. ):

    1. Mephiles550


      Nevermind, I found it. (LRK_Flr)

  17. I returned from the graduation ceremony of someone I know. One of the professors gave a speech in which he quoted a bunch of lines from the Star Wars movies. Let's just say that it felt so weird to both authentically laugh and cringe simultaneously.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Force Cringes. I'd watch that.

  18. Honestly, it's a pretty good point


    1. DarthParametric


      It's pretty clear from their pajammas getup that they aren't Dark Jedi, they're space ninja. That should explain everything.

  19. Testing out TSL on Steam now. It's both funny and irritating seeing all of the older mods be uploaded to the Steam-workshop without any proper credit to the original author.

    1. djh269


      I think they shot themselves in the foot with how you install the mods also. I always download one small mod and place the rest of my mods into that folder.

  20. I really wish there was a way for this to have gotten in the game as an alternative ending somehow
    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      And my video makes another appearance.

  21. Deadlystream... are you ready... to MOD?

    1. jc2


      [it] Always has been, the challenge is on your end ^^

  22. Does anyone know where the file is for the Nar Shaddaa cantina ambience beat, or what the file is called? I searched all over the TSL directory and couldn't find it.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'll see you in PMs. ;)

  23. You know, after this calculus midterm, the upcoming Bio one doesn't seem nearly as bad.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Study hard and good luck!

  24. So Traya was originally supposed to be Yoda's species?

    Would you have preferred that? I think that would have been a really intriguing idea. Would he/she talk like Yoda and have his speech patterns? Would they more or less be exactly like Kreia personality wise? A grey/evil version of Yoda sounds cool.

    1. DarthParametric


      I think you are mixing Bioware's ideas with Obsidian's. The Yoda-species thing was Bioware's idea for K2, but then they refused the gig and used the main plot idea for Jade Empire instead.

  25. Revan: "Carth, a sith patrol is harrassing those people outside of our apartment, we gotta help them!"

    Carth: "You're right, don't worry, I'll just throw a grenade between all of them!"

    Duros with 1 HP, 3rd degree burns and entrails falling out of abdomen: "Thankfully you were able to step in and help us, human"

    You know you questioned this whole scenario once lol 

    1. Mellowtron11


      I  always thought that Duros caught a round from the crossfire between the 2 parties.