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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. Thank you all for your help and suggestions. For now, I'm just going to make my current PC's head as the one in use for the mod's entry in the appearance.2da. If I start a new game with a different male head, I'll just change the number. Until I find a better, more permanent fix that doesn't involve having to edit files each time or needing additional items besides the armor itself equipped to get it to work, this will do for now. I'm using this mod as a template now. It's much easier to work with than other Bandon-style armor mods. No transparency issues as well.
  2. I've always wanted to be able to wear Darth Bandon's robes in Kotor, especially since the armor on his corpse was just a lame combat suit reskin. There are actually several mods out there that make it possible to wear his armor. Problem is, not a single one of them works. At least, not for Kotor, and not without replacing anything or being buggy in general. TSL hasn't been to problematic in the past. I don't have this problem for TSL because there is an armor variant, which is the armored flight suit model I never use, that I replace with the Bandon armor model and I don't recall having transparency issues. I don't really know for sure though, as that was a couple years ago since I last tried to mod the armor into TSL. As for Kotor, I've never managed to get the armor to work the way I've wanted to, so I decided to give it a try now. The mod I used was the most well known Bandon armor mod, This was the best I've gotten towards making the model actually work without replacing an already existing model. Actually, the best results I've had were having both my PC's head showing on the armor, but the head would vanish once I entered a new module. I didn't take any screens of that though, and I'm not sure how to replicate it again. This doesn't even take into account transparency issues. TXI files never seem to work all of the time, as some modules will make the armor transparent while some don't. In fact, the transparency issue is probably the second biggest problem I've got. Say I replace some standard robe model with the Bandon armor model, which I've done before; after having to copy and rename missing essential model files that were already missing from the mod in the first place, the armor textures always come off as transparent. I'm not going to turn off any alpha shaders. That just makes the armor look butt-ugly, but the TXI files don't seem to be doing anything. I'm pretty sure that the only way to get the results I want is through some tinkering with the appearance ands heads 2da files. The modifications I've done to said files are what you see above you. I don't have the edited files anymore. I deleted them along with the Bandon mod files and went back to my backup 2da files instead. I used the "test" row, the second row, as my base for the mod's appearance. I'd prefer the armor to be stand alone and not replace anything, but if need be, I can replace the Star Forge robes model or maybe even the Iridonian yellow space suit model from Manaan if the head won't present an issue. If someone could guide me as to how I could add this armor properly in the game without transparency, and preferably without replacing anything...
  3. 2DA files... so messy. Ugh

  4. ShemL's modifications are amazing. I've tried to model my version of Kotor after how he made his.
  5. The newer version looks so good. Better colors and shading than the original. I'd love to download this Thank you for saying you'd also replace the Jal Shey robes, but I recommend you give them new descriptions if you do so.
  6. I'm sorry, I may have worded that poorly/inaccurately. When I said "permission", I really just meant a lack of notification from the original content producer. In reference to my original comparison, the Streets of Rage Remake was allowed to proceed into it's final version with some old betas released in the progress. Sega showed no interest in it, but when the final version of the remake was released, Sega told the remake's developer to cease distrubuting the game, less the remake team want to face any more issues. Aside from actually finishing their game, what also happened, I think, was that the remake team was asking for donations to complete their project. That's an immediate red flag; I don't believe any profits or revenue from donations can go into the making of a fan product when it's based on an already trademarked IP. Wouldn't that could be considering profiting off of the original IP? The Kotor Remake's website, while saying they won't currently be taking donations, said that they can. Kind of vague, but still. I don't really have any faith in this remake being complete any time in the future, legal pressure being a factor or otherwise. The project's goal is just too massive. Regardless, what they're doing is probably legal, but just barely. It wouldn't surprise me if the project developer(s) got a C&D anyway.
  7. Anyone fans of Sega? The same thing that happened with the Streets of Rage Remake will likely end up happening here. The developers have permission to proceed, but If this remake is finished, and I doubt that will ever happen, then it'll get the C&D card quickly.
  8. That's considered skill? I do that as well.
  9. Pazaak is not hard or easy, it's all completely lucked based. I call bullshit on anyone who says the game requires skill. Every time I beat someone at Pazaak in Kotor/TSL, It was because the random card draw favored me or I had a good side deck because I forked over the credits to buy the cards. The same applies vice-versa for my opponent.
  10. K1 Override is now 4.5 GB. New personal record? :P

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What mods are you using?

    2. Mephiles550


      A bunch of graphics mods, several small mods, bits and pieces from other mods, and my own personal tweakings. It all looks balanced and polished in the end, but let's just say I couldn't use K1R for compatibility reasons. I did download it so I could get the script files for the restored rough-cut Wookie crystal for example.

  11. I'm sorry if my post came out as ignorant or rude. I know that you're busy and that time is an issue, so I'm just curious which mods you plan to mainly focus on for the future.
  12. Do you have any plans to make the K1 overhaul fully compatible with the K1 restoration mod?
  13. LiliArch's fix worked for me, but I'd recommend just waiting for the next release (2.0)
  14. I know who made the second saber model. He's recently released a new mod for JKA after a long absense, so your timing is good.
  15. This could come in handy for M4-78! Downloaded. Looking forward to replacing an NPC or two.
  16. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the characters in TSL's menu screen with Darth Malak like in the first Kotor. I know this mod exists because I've downloaded it before but I can't find it anymore. Can anyone help me find it?

    1. Mephiles550


      Alright, I downloaded the mod from Lonebullet and I have no problems. Thank you for putting my worries aside. :)

    2. HK-47


      I've had the same malware warning from both gamefront and lonebullet. Chrome wouldn't even let the download finish.

    3. HK-47


      Oh, and glad to hear you got what you were after.

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  17. Hell, I've had times where I couldn't merge 2DA files when utilizing the TSLPatcher. I always hated that because I knew that would mean I would have to waste another 5 minutes just to modify my Appearance.2da file to be what the TSLPatcher should have made it in the first place. Thank goodness for the 2DA merger tool.
  18. Excessive use of high res textures may cause your game to crash depending on whether or not you're using the 1080p patch and what your Computer's build is. This is especially the case for the first Kotor game, but less so for the second one. I ran both on 1080 resolution using Flawless Widescreen. My override size for Kotor 2 is 2.75GB. Along with the other files I have in other folders that came with the NPC overhaul, M4-78 mod and TSLRCM, I'd say that puts it all at 3GB, give or take. I download mods for Kotor 1+2 from all types of different websites, some mods being days old and some being a decade old. I sometime have to make things compatible or try to rip out the compatible parts from incompatible mods. It can be somewhat annoying, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem for you I'm guessing. If you're planning to install the Weapon Model Overhaul for the second game, know that the only working version for Kotor 2 is an incomplete Beta. Several models aren't included, and the texture rework for the mod barely works with the Kotor 2 beta due to various reasons. I really don't understand how anyone could get higher than 3.5GB for their override folder for either of the Kotor games. 3.5 was the highest I ever had for Kotor 1 and I had so many different large mods installed with my own self-made compatibility patches. How many types of mods are you people downloading? XD
  19. Mephiles550


    Was this mod ever released? I looked for it in multiple archives, found nothing, then found a WIP thread for the mod where the last post was Darth333 back in 2006 saying he may not finish the mod. EDIT: According to a post from really early 2015, Insidious said he had the mod. You may want to PM him about it.
  20. I think Kylo Ren's unstable lightsaber would fit perfectly with Darth Nihilus.

    1. Sithspecter


      I think the unstable lightsaber blade symbolizes that the crystal inside was cracked. Bad crystal = blade on the fritz. No need to read into it.

    2. 1Leonard


      Besides, I don't think it has ever been stated that the saber is ancient itself, just based on an ancient design.

    3. Mephiles550


      Decided to rip the Nhilus saber from the Ultimate Saber Mod and give it to Nihilus. Works like a charm with no comparability issues with TSLRCM mod because I only edited his MOD. file.. :)


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  21. Isn't it pretty obvious that the guy in the hood is Maul? The voice and the glimpse we have of his facial features match. Hell, I'd say that was the best part of the trailer. That reveal was perfect. Anyway, this trailer was amazing. I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of the season. All of the subtle hints to Kotor only make me love this show more and more. Are those spider like creatures Kinrath? And judging by how Ezra found a Malachor/Kylo Ren style green Lightsaber, I can't tell if this will take place in either Korriban or Malachor. I'm expecting Korriban, but having Malachor return would be the greatest thing ever. We also have a new inquisitor. My only problem is that it sounds like Vader's voice was changed...darn. The glimpse we had of his voice sounded really unintimidating. Is that still James Earl Jones?
  22. More proof that Kotor is cannon. :)
    1. VarsityPuppet


      They are being absolute cock teases.

    2. Sith Holocron
    3. Mephiles550


      I realized the mistake the moment I typed it. I'm not going to delete a status for it.

      Besides, cannons are cool.

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  23. Stupid me, how could I have forgotten the most important item. XD