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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Here it is, everyone. Female Darth Revan reciting the Sith Code:
  2. 2 points
    If you want to do a simple head swap/custom appearance, that's pretty straightforward. You're already most of the way there. You've got your custom model and custom texture. The rest is just extracting a few source files and a bit of TSLPatcher config. Here: https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Selven_Custom_Appearance_ebmar.7z Note that I have included the placeholder head texture I gave you previously, so make sure you overwrite that with your new version before installing. The steps involved to create such a setup: Extract source files using KOTORTool - heads.2da, appearance.2da, tar03_selven031.utc from tar_m03ab, PFBF04.tga (checking that it does not require a TXI, which this doesn't) Use Convert2DA to convert both the 2DAs to tab delimited text files so they can be easily edited in Excel, etc. Create a custom heads.2da with an added row for the Selven head model. This is extremely simple in this case. Just copy one of the existing NPC rows and paste it at the end, then change the row ID and head cells to "107" and "pfhebmar". Save as a tab-delimited text file. Create a custom appearance.2da with an added row for the Selven body. For this you can just copy an existing female player row and paste it at the end. I choose one of the "large" ones. Using that as your starting point, edit the values as appropriate. Give it a new row ID (509), new custom label (Ebmar_Taris_Selven), then change all the model and texture values to PFBFL and PFBSelven. Everything else can remain unchanged. Save as a tab-delimited text file. Note that we are specifying a custom body texture here in order to override whatever armour variation she may actually have equipped in the UTC, to side-step any custom textures the end-user may be using, and to allow for your own custom texture edit, if required. Use Convert2DA to convert your two text files to 2DAs. Create a mod folder with the appropriate structure. I like a "working" folder where I keep all the source files, and a "release" folder where I put the TSLPatcher setup. Create a release folder with a "tslpatchdata" sub-folder. Copy across the vanilla heads.2da and appearance.2da, head model MDL/MDX, head texture, body texture (rename PFBF04.tga to PFBSelven01.tga), and UTC. Create an "info.rtf" file. This has the text that the installer will show, so add info and instructions as appropriate. Get the TSLPatcher files. Copy across TSLPatcher.exe one level above the tslpatchdata folder. Run ChangeEdit.exe and go to File -> New. Choose the tslpatchdata folder you created and save changes.ini Now you can create your config. Under Settings, set the Window Caption to the mod's name (I used [K1] Selven Custom Appearance) and hit the Save Changes button down the bottom. You'll always need to come back here to save any additional changes you make. In the top Modifiers menu, choose Add 2DA File. In the popup, write heads.2da in the filename field and hit ok. Repeat and add appearance.2da. N.B. It is important that you add heads.2da first, due to the required order of operations. Now under 2DA Files you should see both heads.2da and appearance.2da listed. Select heads.2da Select the middle of the three buttons on the top right to compare two 2DA files. Choose the vanilla heads.2da when it asks for the original, and your custom heads.2da when it asks for the modified one. It will compare the two files and determine what you added. In this case, you should see AddRow0. Double click on that to open the editor. You will see there is a description explaining what you need to do next. Namely, in the Set Column Value section, for Column write 2DAMEMORY1 and for Value write RowIndex. Then hit the red arrow pointing right to add it. You can then close that editor. What you have done is added a "memory token". In this case, you are telling TSLPatcher to remember the index (i.e. ID number) of the new row it is adding to heads.2da which we'll need in the next step. Open the editor for appearance.2da. As before, add a new 2DAMEMORY token for RowIndex, except this time you'll want to increment the number (i.e. 2DAMEMORY2). Now TSLPatcher is storing two values, the row indexes for both 2DAs. On the right, double click on "normalhead" to make it editable. Change the Value to 2DAMEMORY1, then click the right facing red arrow to make the change. Close that editor. This is using the stored heads.2da row index memory token to set the proper head value in appearance.2da. This sort of thing is the primary strength of TSLPatcher, as it can dynamically account for people's custom pre-existing 2DAs that may have any number of additional rows. In the top Modifiers menu, choose Add GFF File and put tar03_selven031.utc in the filename field. Under the GFF Files section you will see your UTC, select it. Down the bottom tick the Replace File If It Already Exists, leave the destination as Override, and click the Set button. In the Modify Field Value section, click the little folder icon to the right to load the UTC. You'll see the GFF Field box turns green. From the drop down menu select Appearance_Type. Change the Value field to 2DAMEMORY2 and then click the upwards pointing red arrow to set the change. This will edit the UTC to add the row index of your custom appearance.2da row. Now go to the Install Files section. Click on the Add Multiple Files button next to the red arrows. For the folder name use Override and tick the Replace Existing checkbox. Select your model and TGAs. N.B. Very important! DO NOT add the 2DAs or UTC. This is a common rookie mistake. It will be automatically handled by TSLPatcher. Now go back to Settings and click Save Changes. You should be done and can close ChangeEdit. Run your TSLPatcher to test your install setup and make sure everything works in-game. Edit: Before and after pics (obviously without the custom head texture) If you want to go to full on quest editing/creation, that's going to add a reasonable degree of extra difficulty. You'll need to edit/create scripts and dialogue, possibly you'll want additional NPCs, etc. You are almost certainly talking about edits across two or more modules.
  3. 2 points
    Nope. But it's rather hard to argue properly when you throw down HERE, YOU ARE FANATICS. Don't counter, shut up, accept it. SUCK IT. Yeeeeeah.... maybe posting that way kinda contradicts 100% your entire argument. But apparently it's pointless discussing this since you don't want to discuss it. Just tell us we're fanatics and then just suck it up or shut up. HAH, no.
  4. 1 point


    Inside this download, you will find several VERY useful tools. Almost all of these were made by stoffe originally and the only alteration I made was to make sure TSL Patcher did NOT check for the presence of the dialog.tlk file to verify the path you're installing the mod to. This was done to allow installing mods to the Workshop folders. Of note in this package are three files: 1. ReadMe, really.pdf - A read-me file that really should be read if you want to understand how to do something with the TSL Patcher. 2. nwnnsscomp.exe - A modified script compiler that TSL Patcher uses to substitute tokens (such as .2da row pieces) in source scripts (.nss files) and then compile the scripts. 3. nwscript.nss - As far as I'm aware, the nwscript.nss file from KotOR 2, required by nwnnsscomp.exe to compile scripts. Below are the original release thread descriptions for stoffe's work and I honestly don't think I could put it better than she already did years ago. TLK Ed: TSL Patcher (along with ChangeEdit): A few quick "how to" examples: Insert new branches into DLG files. ( http://web.archive.org/web/20150911133933/http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2135535&postcount=177 ) Install a New Player Appearance mod. ( http://web.archive.org/web/20150929073207/http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2168405&postcount=201 ) Troubleshooting: Q: I get a RichEdit line insertion error when trying to install mods. What's wrong? A: It seems a few people have odd versions of the RichEdit DLL files installed in their system that doesn't play nice with the colored text box component TSLPatcher uses. To work around this you could try to replace the RichEd DLL files with versions that should work. Extract the two DLL files from this archive and put them in your Windows\Windows32 folder. Move existing files with those names to a safe location first so you can restore them if this causes other problems! Do not overwrite them! Alternatively, if you don't want to mess with your DLL files, you could force TSLPatcher to use a plain text box for status messages rather than the colored/formatted one. To do this, use Notepad to open the changes.ini file found inside the tslpatchdata folder that came with the mod you wish to install. Under the [settings] section, change the value of the key PlaintextLog from 0 to 1. Q: I'm not seeing any Install Mod button, and the text field in the TSLPatcher window seems to extend behind the window boundraries. A: This odd problem some people experience seems to be tied to what screen resolution and pixel density is being used in your monitor settings, but I have been unable to replicate it or figure out exactly what's going on. As a workaround you can "click" on the Install button by using it's quick keyboard command. Pressing the [ALT] keys on your keyboard should start the installation process. Q: When trying to install a mod it complains that it's not a valid installation location. What's wrong? A: Make sure you are selecting the folder the game is installed in, not the override folder, when the TSLPatcher asks you where to install the mod. Q: When trying to install a mod it complains that access was denied to the dialog.tlk file. A: Make sure that your dialog.tlk file is not write protected. This file is found in the same folder as the swkotor.exe binary. To check if it's write protected and undo it, right-click on the file, pick Properties in the context menu and uncheck the write protected checkbox. Original update history (ordered newest change first):
  5. 1 point
    I've been having a hell of a time attempting to get scripts decompiled. I've tried DeNCS (keeps failing), KotOR Scipting Tool (errors out and crashes), and xoreos-tools (I can't read bytes). If anyone would be so kind, I'm attempting to get the holo scripts from the Rancor Trio room on Taris. (I believe the mod is tar_m03ad.) There are some scripts in there named holoon, holooff, holoboom, etc. I've tried to find the source, but couldn't find anything that matched up. So if anyone would be so kind as to attempt a decompile on their end, I'd be much obliged. TYIA.
  6. 1 point
    All the "ModelX" columns get replaced with PFBL - modela, modelb, modelc, modeld, modele, modelf, modelg, modelh, modeli, modelj All the "TexX" columns get replaced with PFBSelven - texa, texb, texc, texd, texe, texf, texg, texh, texi, texj The "TexAEvil" column is a special case for Dark Side underwear, you can star that out - **** - for non-player appearance rows.
  7. 1 point
    The key with DeNCS is using the correct game nwscript.nss. K1_tar_m03ad_holo_scripts.7z
  8. 1 point
    oh!! haha i should head to the Hawk dorms WAY more frequently then.... lol
  9. 1 point
    Come on, that is by default GNihilus2! 😂
  10. 1 point
    oh my! that console in bed-foot !!! pure awesomeness.
  11. 1 point
    only thing i noticed is that on Tatooine (desert specially) the green texture is too light, practically unnoticable the greenish coloration. looks good on rest of the planets though. Tried to darken a little the texture (i assumed is the JC_FX_Laser_G1 tga) and improved but not too much. maybe i should darken it a lot .... rating 5 stars this anyway for the concept of adding luminosity/brightness to the blast itself instead of the flat colors. file.kor file goes to Override aswell, right?
  12. 1 point
    Oh look, someone who liked The Last Jedi who dismissed literally all conversation about the movie. Wow, I wish this would surprise me, but it doesn't.
  13. 1 point
    I watched the video and I disagree with the points brought up in the movie. I still do not like The Last Jedi. I don't think that makes me a fanatic. Saying things like this doesn't really show that you have an open or humble mind.
  14. 1 point
    Using this mod in conjunction with Shem's "Ultimate Sound Mod for TSL and KotOR" [Installing this mod after Shem's], is one of the best mod-combo out there. Permanent spot in the mod list has been filled.
  15. 1 point
    Looking crisp! Definitely digging this one rather than the vanilla. Permanent spot in the mod list has been filled. Thanks, JCarter426!
  16. 1 point
    As far as K1R compatibility, there are a number of .dlg files that replace the same field (and I haven't checked to verify whether or not the values that are replaced are the same, or which should be overridden). The other (and bigger) issue is that there are a number of script files that both mods modify. I'm delaying going through and checking them with a hex editor (or other means) until I consider this mod in a complete state so that I only have to do it once (and I make sure to get everything when I do). Thanks for the link to that mod! Looking over it, although it does fix a few of the issues, it looks like there's a huge amount of changes made that I don't think fit in this patch. It will probably be easier for me to create the fixes on my own rather than cherry-pick them from that mod. However, when I get a chance I'll look over the mod and see how hard it would be to take what I need, and if it doesn't look too hard, I'll get in touch with the author about permission (Hard in terms of amount of work compared to doing it from scratch, not in terms of actual difficulty).