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Found 8 results

  1. Hi guys With KotOR 1 I've got add an existing Voice Over to a Placeable attached in its .dlg file (just a short phrase). The thing works but with a weird behaviour. The dialog text is launched on screen correctly but the sound just is listened depending the angle I'm facing the Placeable (or the panning). Most of times never is listened, other times starts to sound and in a half second suddenly cut. Other times (the less) I'm able to find a -very thin- correct facing angle and can be listened all the phrase (but with a bit lower level volume than would be normal). I don't know if I have to modify something about the camera options in the .dlg file with the DLG Editor, if there is another system for get voiced sound of a Placeable or what I can do. Any help? Thanks in advance
  2. ndix UR

    Console M4-2K

    Version 1.0


    It's the console from M4-78. A high-res, animated take on the vanilla version. Includes an updated model for illuminated surfaces, non-mirrored screens, and restoration of two surfaces that were maybe originally intended to be screens but ended up as flat metallic surfaces. Also includes non-animated options. Knights of the Old Republic 2: TSL only.
  3. InSidious



    This mod replaces the standard, large computer panels with 'holographic' versions, inspired by the Mass Effect games. The textures are slightly animated, to create a 'static' effect. This mod does not affect the smaller computer panels, wall-mounted computer panels or the Rakatan computer model. Installation ------------ Put the two .tga files and two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this .
  4. I'm looking for assistance in creating a new UV Map for a project I'm working on. I've got all the tools needed, ( KotorTools, mdlops, Blender, and kotorblender) but I can't seem to get it working as intended. I think maybe I'm just not understanding the concepts behind creating new seams and cuts on the model. What I'd essentially like to do is take a placeable in-game, strip it of it's current UV Map and associated .tga, and then create a whole new mapped out wrap and .tga. If you'd be willing to help out with this, by all means let me know. In the meantime I'll keep playing around in Blender. Thanks for your time. -CO
  5. While trying to install a mod that added entries to placeables.2da, I came across a relatively severe limitation in KotOR that I feel should probably be known to anyone attempting to make or use large-scale or placeable mods. Maybe this is known or was documented on lucasforums, but I didn't find it anywhere. Unique placeables defined in placeables.2da are limited to 256 (0-255). If you use a value higher than 255 for 'Appearance' in a UTP file, it rolls over. So 256 = 0, 257 = 1, etc. That might not sound like a big deal, but the vanilla game already has 232 placeables, which means that there are only 24 placeable slots available for use by modders. K1R adds 8 placeables, so if you're using that, you have 16 slots available. BOS:SR 1.5 adds 21 placeables, so if you're using that, you have 3 slots available. And if you're using both of those mods you're already over by 5. So people using K1R and BOS:SR can't use any additional placeable mods (and should experience some visual errors in-game from getting the wrong placeables). This seems like key info for users to be able to evaluate what mods they want to try and use based on how many placeable slots they use. It is also among the first things to check if you have any problems with placeables not showing up or showing up as the wrong thing. I am wondering if any experienced modders know or will be able to think of viable workarounds for this? I've tried putting placeables.2da into module files (and removing it from Override/), but that doesn't seem to work. My only other thoughts have been: Making certain placeables characters instead of placeables? You lose any walkmesh related functionality like blocking line of sight... Combining certain placeable models and using animation states to swap out the mesh that is showing. For example, BOS:SR includes 6 rock placeables, could it be 3 if one rock was the 'on' state and another was the 'off' state? Baking placeables into area geometry? This is more work, harder to make fine adjustments, and you can't interact with the objects at all. It would have the advantage that you could 'easily' lightmap 'each instance' of the placeable though. Now that we have advanced model compilers this is at least a more viable option than in the past... I can say that this definitely applies to the GOG and Mac Aspyr versions of K1, I don't know about others. FWIW, this limitation doesn't seem to be present in TSL as its vanilla placeables.2da file has more than 300 rows (thanks DarthParametric for checking that).
  6. File Name: Console M4-2K File Submitter: ndix UR File Submitted: 03 Jun 2016 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes It's the console from M4-78. A high-res, animated take on the vanilla version. Includes an updated model for illuminated surfaces, non-mirrored screens, and restoration of two surfaces that were maybe originally intended to be screens but ended up as flat metallic surfaces. Also includes non-animated options. Knights of the Old Republic 2: TSL only. Click here to download this file
  7. So after years of modding, I'm starting to finally put things together. What I've discovered is that in order to get things working properly, I need to go into each module and modify all of the placeables that contain items and assign them back to their modules. I understand that this can be done. What I don't know is how exactly it works. If someone could provide a brief overview or a link to a tutorial, that would be appreciated. More importantly though, the reason I actually wanted to make this thread is to ask about compatibility concerns when editing modules. So far I've tried to keep my mod from touching or interfering with other areas of interest. My mod is designed around gameplay changes so I want to keep it from interfering with content additions/changes as much as possible. So before I start modifying all a ton of files, I thought I'd ask about common pitfalls. Basically, if I need to modify every module in the game in some way, what is it going to take in order to make my mod compatible with other mods?
  8. File Name: Holopanels File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 31 Mar 2013 File Category: Skins This mod replaces the standard, large computer panels with 'holographic' versions, inspired by the Mass Effect games. The textures are slightly animated, to create a 'static' effect. This mod does not affect the smaller computer panels, wall-mounted computer panels or the Rakatan computer model. Installation ------------ Put the two .tga files and two .txi files into your Override folder. Uninstallation -------------- Take them out again. Permissions ----------- This mod is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: ---------- Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this . Click here to download this file