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Found 12 results

  1. jc2

    Kill Marlena

    Version 3.0


    JC2 PRESENTS KILL MARLENA On Tatooine, Marlena decides it is O.K. to murder her husband. While the PC is either oblivious to this, or acknowledges it, yet still does nothing about it. This is wrong. Being ignorant or merely not understanding a psychotic woman is understandable, but for those who chose the dialogue option "it sounds like you are going to kill him!" Then, it becomes apparently obvious that a mod is needed to fix this lame interaction into a character developing moment. You can either bring justice to the outer rim by killing her, as a Jedi. Or you can cut her down, because she assumed you to be a low life thug. Or even, simply because she reminds you of your ex-girlfriend who broke your heart and you need compensation from a video game to express the full extent of your "feelings." You poor thing. Nevertheless, there are 6 total response the PC can have to this situation. 5 Darkside responses leading to death. 3 Lightside responses/outcomes Added an additional force persuasion option, it'll make you laugh! Therefore, if you are not sure if you'll go darkside or lightside, you will still benefit from downloading this mod! Also, you can inform Tanis (her husband) of his wife's condition. Either alive, dead, or gone, etc... See readme for full disclosure on the mod, including how to get the most out of it. ------------------------------------ I hope you enjoy! Please give any feedback, even negative! I need it to improve. Recommend downloading Ebmar's Marlena Venn Legends reskin to improve the experience. ------------------------------------ Credits: Fred Tetra for KT and Stoffe for his tslpatcher for hosting this mod. Request made by ToddHellid.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This mod brings detail to the next level! Add a more 3-D feel with aging and realistic skin! So like all my mods, I add some age to the character - wrinkles around the eyes, nose, forehead, laugh lines. I increased the sharpness in game and this make a huge difference. The hair looks a lot better than VANILLA... she differently looks older! (But not as old as that witch!) The reason for this is she was a Jedi so probably 20 years old if not older then roughly 10 years traveling around space puts this one at 30 or older. (I think older.) Oh yeah, let me say that this re texture and the modifications I made are a big step up from my two re-textures! If you're going to download a skin, please down this! I worked my butt off and I learned a lot of new things along the way. This is truly a PASSION project. THIS IS A MANUAL INSTALL. I also added a dark side transition but they are not as detailed as the base face if this gets downloaded enough, I'll add the aging to the dark side. Thank you for all the support and the downloads. I really hope you enjoy this skin. I'm personally doing a brand new play through.
  3. View File PHMC06 Beard and new Dark side Transition I'm going to explain a bit about the mod. I added a beard and darkened the hair of the blonde guy PC head for KOTOR 2. I also created a full darkside transition from scratch that I believe will add a new touch to darkside play-throughs. --INSTALLATION-- Installation is simple, just extract the files in the zip folder to your override folder in the game directory. If you're replacing another mod that alters the same PC head as mine, it'll ask you if you want to overwrite existing files, hit yes to all. -These are the only files you need to extract. I will include a read-me with these instructions in case you miss them. PMHC06.tga PMHC06D1.tga PMHC06D2.tga PO_PMHC06.tga PO_PMHC06D1.tga PO_PMHC06D2.tga --COMPATIBILITY-- - There shouldn't be any compatibility issues unless another mod directly alters the PMHC06 head. Submitter Trailblazer444 Submitted 12/29/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I'm going to explain a bit about the mod. I added a beard and darkened the hair of the blonde guy PC head for KOTOR 2. I also created a full darkside transition from scratch that I believe will add a new touch to darkside play-throughs. --INSTALLATION-- Installation is simple, just extract the files in the zip folder to your override folder in the game directory. If you're replacing another mod that alters the same PC head as mine, it'll ask you if you want to overwrite existing files, hit yes to all. -These are the only files you need to extract. I will include a read-me with these instructions in case you miss them. PMHC06.tga PMHC06D1.tga PMHC06D2.tga PO_PMHC06.tga PO_PMHC06D1.tga PO_PMHC06D2.tga --COMPATIBILITY-- - There shouldn't be any compatibility issues unless another mod directly alters the PMHC06 head.
  5. Idea is for a mod that gives bastila Sith Eyes when she goes to the dark side, but with no other changes. Like no grey skin. The skin I would prefer this to be made from is: This is my favorite Bastila reskin and I am glad these talented authors made it! I found a mod that does this but uses the vanilla skins so I am unsure how to combine them: This mod has cool sith eyes too, I just don't want the grey skin: Basically I think having Dark Hope and Quanon's HD Bastila when bastila is lightside and a version of it with Sith eyes being the only change when she is turned to the darkside would be awesome and I wish I knew how to do it myself. Hopefully I am allowed to make a post like this, if I'm breaking rules I will remove it. Thanks for reading.
  6. View File PFHCO5 HEAD/FACE This mod brings detail to the next level! Add a more 3-D feel with aging and realistic skin! So like all my mods, I add some age to the character - wrinkles around the eyes, nose, forehead, laugh lines. I increased the sharpness in game and this make a huge difference. The hair looks a lot better than VANILLA... she differently looks older! (But not as old as that witch!) The reason for this is she was a Jedi so probably 20 years old if not older then roughly 10 years traveling around space puts this one at 30 or older. (I think older.) Oh yeah, let me say that this re texture and the modifications I made are a big step up from my two re-textures! If you're going to download a skin, please down this! I worked my butt off and I learned a lot of new things along the way. This is truly a PASSION project. THIS IS A MANUAL INSTALL. I also added a dark side transition but they are not as detailed as the base face if this gets downloaded enough, I'll add the aging to the dark side. Thank you for all the support and the downloads. I really hope you enjoy this skin. I'm personally doing a brand new play through. Submitter Iamstarlordsra Submitted 08/27/2019 Category The Sith Lords  
  7. I want to use this mod( but in the readme it says if you've installed mods that make changes to the heads.2da or the portraits.2da files "you will have to make updated changes with the KOTOR Tool to make it compatible with each other." How do I do that? what does that mean? Any help would be much appreciated.
  8. 271 downloads

    Hi! This is my first KotOR2:TSL mod! It's just a simple reskin of Atton's Ribbed Jacket with more 'darkside' elements. It should be compatible with everything that doesn't change Atton's appearance. It only works with Atton's Ribbed Jacket, so don't get mad if you put a robe on him and it doesn't show. |WARNING!| THIS MOD WAS UPLOADED ONLY TO DEADLYSTREAM AND STEAM WORKSHOP IF YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE ELSE, PLEASE CONTACT ME! INSTALLATION It's very simple, just place the 'override' folder in your KotOR2:TSL installation path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II" for STEAM "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2" for RETAIL Enjoy!
  9. 208 downloads

    Hi! This is my second KotOR2:TSL mod! It's just a simple reskin of Bao-Dur's clothing and arm with more 'darkside' elements. It should be compatible with everything that doesn't change Bao-Dur's appearance. |WARNING!| THIS MOD WAS UPLOADED ONLY TO DEADLYSTREAM AND STEAM WORKSHOP IF YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE ELSE, PLEASE CONTACT ME! INSTALLATION It's very simple, just place the 'override' folder in your KotOR2:TSL installation path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II" for STEAM "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2" for RETAIL Enjoy!
  10. View File Kill Marlena JC2 PRESENTS KILL MARLENA On Tatooine, Marlena decides it is O.K. to murder her husband. While the PC is either oblivious to this, or acknowledges it, yet still does nothing about it. This is wrong. Being ignorant or merely not understanding a psychotic woman is understandable, but for those who chose the dialogue option "it sounds like you are going to kill him!" Then, it becomes apparently obvious that a mod is needed to fix this lame interaction into a character developing moment. You can either bring justice to the outer rim by killing her, as a Jedi. Or you can cut her down, because she assumed you to be a low life thug. Or even, simply because she reminds you of your ex-girlfriend who broke your heart and you need compensation from a video game to express the full extent of your "feelings." You poor thing. Nevertheless, there are 6 total response the PC can have to this situation. 5 Darkside responses leading to death. 3 Lightside responses/outcomes Added an additional force persuasion option, it'll make you laugh! Therefore, if you are not sure if you'll go darkside or lightside, you will still benefit from downloading this mod! Also, you can inform Tanis (her husband) of his wife's condition. Either alive, dead, or gone, etc... See readme for full disclosure on the mod, including how to get the most out of it. ------------------------------------ I hope you enjoy! Please give any feedback, even negative! I need it to improve. Recommend downloading Ebmar's Marlena Venn Legends reskin to improve the experience. ------------------------------------ Credits: Fred Tetra for KT and Stoffe for his tslpatcher for hosting this mod. Request made by ToddHellid. Submitter jc2 Submitted 03/24/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. File Name: More darksided Bao-Dur! File Submitter: Bandi File Submitted: 14 Jan 2017 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Hi! This is my second KotOR2:TSL mod! It's just a simple reskin of Bao-Dur's clothing and arm with more 'darkside' elements. It should be compatible with everything that doesn't change Bao-Dur's appearance. |WARNING!| THIS MOD WAS UPLOADED ONLY TO DEADLYSTREAM AND STEAM WORKSHOP IF YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE ELSE, PLEASE CONTACT ME! INSTALLATION It's very simple, just place the 'override' folder in your KotOR2:TSL installation path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II" for STEAM "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2" for RETAIL Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  12. More darksided Atton View File Hi! This is my first KotOR2:TSL mod! It's just a simple reskin of Atton's Ribbed Jacket with more 'darkside' elements. It should be compatible with everything that doesn't change Atton's appearance. It only works with Atton's Ribbed Jacket, so don't get mad if you put a robe on him and it doesn't show. |WARNING!| THIS MOD WAS UPLOADED ONLY TO DEADLYSTREAM AND STEAM WORKSHOP IF YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE ELSE, PLEASE CONTACT ME! INSTALLATION It's very simple, just place the 'override' folder in your KotOR2:TSL installation path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II" for STEAM "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2" for RETAIL Enjoy! Submitter Bandi Submitted 01/07/2017 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible