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Version 1.0.1
Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs. -
View File No Drop Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Experience the Male Revan, with the voice of Jeff Bennett who portrayed him SW:TOR, while retaining his lighthearted nature from KOTOR and authoritative persona from SW:TOR. Introducing as my first mod: SW:TOR Revan Voice Mod! I definitely know this is one of the mods people have been waiting for. Rino Romano, the original voice of Revan, did a fantastic job in the game. But have you ever asked yourself or wanted your character to sound like SW:TOR’s version that’s voiced by Jeff Bennett? (Who’s also the voice of Kyle Katarn). Well with the power from Elevenlabs &, now you can! In the first Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) game, Revan is the central figure whose story filled with secrets and epic adventures captivated players across the galaxy. A true force to be reckoned with, Revan was a formidable Jedi Knight, renowned for his exceptional skills and leadership. However, destiny took an unexpected turn when Revan fell to the dark side, becoming a Sith Lord of great power and influence. This profound transformation led to Revan's pivotal role in shaping most of the Old Republic universe. With this mod, you have the chance to embody a slightly younger version of Revan's voice that preserves the character's essence from both KOTOR and SW:TOR. Experience Male Revan, with the voice of Jeff Bennett while retaining the balance of lighthearted comedic nature and commanding authority, reflecting the revered figure Revan we know and love!!! Happy 20th Anniversary to KOTOR and May the Force be with you! All Voice Lines Installation (READ VERY IMPORTANT): Download the zip file and open it. Select all of the .wav files and put them inside the streamsounds folder in KOTOR directory. (DO NOT PLACE THEM IN OVERRIDE) (DO NOT PUT THE OPTIONAL FOLDER INSIDE STREAMSOUNDS. See step 3.) If you do not wish to use the optional sounds then skip to step 6. (OPTIONAL) If you WANT the optional files then continue but open the optional folder. There are three folders: Security Failure, Critical Hit, and Mine Placement. You may only have ONE security failure file in the streamsounds folder. (OPTIONAL) Choose one of the security failure options. The folder will tell you what he’ll say. Place *only one* of the .wav files inside the streamsounds folder. (OPTIONAL) If you want to use the other critical hit and mine placement or just one of them then place the .wav file in streamsounds. If it says a file exists with that name or to overwrite then just hit ok or replace. Paste the backup folder into your streamsounds folder and you’re all set! Uninstall: Use the backup folder I provided and copy all the files inside the backup folder and paste them into your streamsounds folder. Other Information: Your character will no longer make sound when getting hit and dying in combat. I have intentionally removed these lines as the OG voice does not fit with Jeff’s voice. If you’ve played KOTOR 2 then this likely won’t bother you! However, this may be solved in a future version. Compatibility: I doubt it will affect anything important that doesn’t mess with player male files in streamsounds. Recommended Mods: Jedi Knight Revan Stylized Portrait created by Tinman888 This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Electronic Arts, the Old Republic, or Bioware. Do not contact them for support of this mod. LucasArts is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. -
View File Universal Weapon Damage Allows you to change the lightsaber and disruptor weapon base damage type to Universal. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/08/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.1
This mod buffs the Sith Lightsaber that you can find in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. If you already visited the tomb the mod won't work, you need to load a pre tomb save. Default Version: -------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Force Point Regeneration: 1 Bonus Feat: Force Focus Bonus Feat: Improved Force Focus Alternative Version 1: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Keen Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Alternative Version 2: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack On Hit: Stun, 50%, 6s, DC14 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Alternative Version 3: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Blaster Bolt Deflection: +3 Bonus Feat: Power Attack Bonus Feat: Improved Power Attack-
- lightsaber
- sith
- (and 6 more)
View File Heavy Repeater Buffs This mod buffs the Heavy Repeating Blaster and the Mandalorian Heavy Repeater to match their KotOR2 versions. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File INT Bonus for Security Changes the Security skill bonus from Wisdom to Intelligence. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
KotOR Saber Replacement 2022 (KSR) =========================== Author: Kaidon Jorn July 2022 This saber mod was built using the K1CP mod. It is mandatory that it be installed before this mod. You must also upon installation open up the swkotor.ini and under [Graphics Options]change the line "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" to read "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" putting spaces between words. So here's a little thing I whipped up.... In this mod for Knights of the Old Republic, all Jedi party members and force wielding NPC's will come with their own unique lightsaber models. These hilt models from my stash have been updated with Crazy34's new lightsaber blade models with ambient lighting. There are also several unique lightsabers that will drop from enemy npc's or come as rewards for quests on each planet in the game. All saber textures have been redone to some extent in an attempt to update this mod from the old SotOR mod. =================================================================================================================== Installation: Run the .exe file after installing K1CP. Removal: A backup folder was created in the KSR main folder on installation, just replace all files into their relevant folders. Then delete all lightsaber files and dialog files that came with this mod within the Override folder. Thanks to: Crazy34 for his great work on new lightsaber blade models, and allowing me to convert my hilts to use his blades. Thanks to SithSpectre for the use of his Unstable Blade texture. JDub96 for helping out with *most* of the saber descriptions and giving me ideas on where to place them. FairStrides and Darth Parametric for all the scripting help and suggestions. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES.- 41 comments
- 3 reviews
- 12
- lightsaber models replacement
- kotor 1
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0.0
This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fought the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies from one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerful ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet.- 5 comments
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- ajunta pall
- kotor
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View File K1 - No Alignment Penalty No more force point cost penalty for using opposite alignment powers, but you still get the force point cost reduction if you use force powers that correspond with your alignment. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/15/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Force Point Regeneration Robes This mod replaces Jedi Robe Defense Bonuses with Force Point Regeneration. It won't work on robes that already spawned in. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/05/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Useful Sith Lightsaber This mod buffs the Sith Lightsaber that you can find in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. If you already visited the tomb the mod won't work, you need to load a pre tomb save. Default Version: -------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Force Point Regeneration: 1 Bonus Feat: Force Focus Bonus Feat: Improved Force Focus Alternative Version 1: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Keen Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Alternative Version 2: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack On Hit: Stun, 50%, 6s, DC14 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Alternative Version 3: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Blaster Bolt Deflection: +3 Bonus Feat: Power Attack Bonus Feat: Improved Power Attack Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/02/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- lightsaber
- k1
- (and 6 more)
Version 1.2.1
Improves the AI of KotOR 1. Changes: - Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy) - Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them - The AI now uses feats granted by items - Once the player reaches a high enough level, the Jedi Support AI no longer uses low level force buffs, because they became obsolete - Companions now heal every team member properly not just the one controlled by the player (injury check fix) - Compatibility Patch for Repeating blaster attacks restoration 2.0 by R2-X2 -
Version 1.0.1
Don't you hate it when you get a cool looking item at the endgame but it has early game stats. Because i do. So i made the Wookiee Warblade a bit more useful. (If you already been to the Black Rakatan Settlement or you have the item in your inventory you need to use KotOR Savegame Editor to remove the original item then add the moded one to your inventory.) -
View File Mandalorian Spawn Fix The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) now spawn further back so they can properly nuke you with grenades. Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/22/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- mandalorians
- mandalorian
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- spawn
- mandalorians
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View File Mandalorians on Lehon Fix The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) are no longer unnecessarily immune to 'Damage Type: Universal'. This can be useful to players who changed the distruptor pistol/rifle damage type from Physical (Piercing) to Universal. Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/14/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- 1
- mandalorians
- mandalorian
(and 8 more)
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- lehon
- mandalorians
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