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  1. I have the steam version. So I have a problem with the game where I'm at Nar Shaddaa and there's been a few threads on reddit with the same/similar problems, like here: I couldn't get help and am wanting to know if anyone can help me fix this problem so that it doesn't crash? I only have 4 mods installed. The "TSL Restored Content Mod", the "Schematic Lightsaber Mod 2021", and "Remove Restrictions for Force Power by Armor" all 3 from deadlystream and 1 from nexusmods called "Movie Mandalorian" that gives me armor here. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with fixing my situation so that the game doesn't crash in this area, like when I talk to the npc "Hussef". The problem though is that the game even still crashes without any mods installed, so then I tried talking to him again it still crashed. I think the TSLRCM may have altered things in the game with npc behavior or something but I'm sure it shouldn't affect the game's dialogue or things to the npc. I even tried changing and reverting back from "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" or "Disable Vertex Buffer Obtions=1" to default "DisableVertexBufferObject=1" May anyone please help me here tell me the solution to fixing this problem? Thank you. If anyone can take my save and get pass the part with Hussef dialogue, I would appreciate it. Just talk to him and get passed the dialogue
  2. Hello all! I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question. Quite frankly I'm not even sure it can be answered but I figured there's no harm in asking. My problem is exactly as the title says. I speak to Ajuur to set me up with a duel. I get to the cutscene, the announcer introduces Duncan, then introduces me... and then I get a crash to desktop. No error message, no nothing. I'm running like a 100 mods but the only ones that are affecting that specific module should be K1R and some mods for armor/weapon visuals upgrade. Anyone got any pointers as to what may be causing this? Thanks in advance for the reply! Update: I started experiencing some other annoying crashes when looting crates and other stuff, which prompted me to research this issue further. I eventually stumbled on this Reddit post and adjusted the menu font size to very big. The font mod in question is this one. The uploader has left information that the font size which I had chosen causes crashes, but I seem to have missed that. In any case, changing the font size also solved my issue with the crashing within the Taris dueling arena module. Figured I should update this post in case anyone else happens to experience this issue.
  3. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? After Twin Sisters attack in Cantina when Atton goes to warn the crew 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.5 and 1.2 respectively) We only provide assistance for the most current version of those mods. Yes from steam 1.8.5 and 1.3 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (4-CD version ONLY) Yes 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? fresh install 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Coruscant - Jedi Temple, Choose Mira or Hanharr (for TSLRCM), Invisible Headgear for TSL, Effixian's Redhead Pack, Lightsaber on Peragus, Fixed Lightsaber Colors (#1), Better Stocks, TSLRCM (English) + M4-78EP (English). All from steam workshop. 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Game started crashing around Red Suns but got past that. Did the cantina fight as Atton and won. Then went back to the ship and have the long conversation with the crew as Atton. Zhug Brothers walk up, say their lines, Atton says something about only understanding "very" then game crashes. 😎 Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? Yes 9) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes 10) Have you tried starting a new game? NO 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen? Yes pops up as its own screen when booting up 13) What language is your game set for? English 14) Which language of TSLRCM are you using? English 15) Are you playing this on a laptop or a desktop computer? Laptop ROG G750JX 16) Did you install TSLRCM after you started your game? No
  4. Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope y'all have a nice day. May someone confirm on their end that having a custom [placeables] model with custom name which injected to a module crashes the game only upon exiting the game? Looks fine when loading between saved game. Custom [placeables] model with vanilla name injected to the module didn't crashes the game at all though. Many thanks for considering this, and may the Force be with you all! Update: I can confirm on my end that this happens - I decided to move the crashed [placeables] model to Override and having the vanilla named custom area model which referenced the crashed [placeables] model injected to each modules [that shares the area model] The game doesn't crash [upon exit]. So indeed - on my end; having a [custom placeables] model with custom name on a MOD/module file, crashes the game
  5. The North Pole, in the middle of the Hk fight, the game crashed and. Every time I tried to restart it it kept crashing. After restarting my computer, I can enter the gam ei can't load anything(including after making a new character) any tips?
  6. Alright, so this is my First Playthrough of Brotherhood of Shadow, really it's my first Modded Playthrough of the original Kotor, but after a slow start figuring things out, I've made my way through the game, completed the original brotherhood of Shadow questline no problem, Started Solomons revenge and everything is moving smoothly. Then we get to the korriban Wastes, and things look a little... Odd. It feels like I was missing a lot of textures for Rocky outcropings because a lot of it was seethrough, but it wasn't affecting my ability to play, and it had a cool effect like the darkside was eroding the rock away, but I digress. We enter the temple, and I eventually find myself reliving Revan, Malik and Shadow's Assault on the mandalorian bridge. Again, things are going alright, figuring things out. Feeling smart cuz I got the puzzle with the power converters and the energy shield. Using gernades to blow them up was pretty cool. ANYWAY, I make my way to the next map, I think it was the bridge elevator. Map loads, I open the door, and I'm greeted by 2 droids, 2 small turrets, and at the far end of the room down the halway, 2 blue mandalorians and shortly after 2 yellow mandalorians show up running down the hall. (I'm using colors to hopefully give you an idea of where I'm at cause frankly I have no idea) And I enter the room, and the game crashes. The game always crashes without fail as soon as I aggro the mandalorians (I believe) I've worked out that I can camp in the little spawn room with my teammates and basically lure the droids in to the room to kill them, and wait for the turrets to die from blaster reflection, but the game crashes everytime I seem to aggro the mandalorians. Can anyone help me? Please? I've practically torn my hair out looking for this bug on like 3 different forums and I only found it reported once, with no answer. My Modlist is as follows Kotor 1 Restoration, k1 Force Powers, Fire and Ice HD, Solomons Revenge and Brotherhood of Shadow (I got them both from the combined install) Kotor1 Lightsaber Forms, 1k Skybox Retexture, Weapon Model Overhaul and Highres Lightning. I also have the optional 1k BOSSR addons Any and all help is appreciated
  7. Hi everyone, I have been scouring the internet to find a solution...without any success. I recently decided to play KOTOR 2 again. I Installed the game without any problems, worked fine until the side textures (corridors, floor etc... stop displaying) Leaving the game completely and then starting the game again would fixe that temporarily The game ran smoothly at that time albeit with a very annoying problem. I chose to update my drivers to their latest version. That's where things went south: I see a black screen at the menu (the menu supposedly displaying new game, load etc... ) I hear the sound just fine, the pointer even changes to the Kotor style blue arrow. For your information I also have KOTOR 1 that works just fine except for one small thing: I do not see the text of the main menu (New game, load game etc...) I have tried to Add the Dantooine lag patch (editing the.ini). Tried to start in windowed mode but for a reason that I can't understand, failed. Then, desperate I tried another version, multiple cds one. Which got me the other way around : I access the menu and character creation or options just fine. But the game crashes right after the intro video once starting to play the game. Here is the specs scan. I also added the error I obtained using the old version of the game hoping that it may help someone to help me solve that problem... Specs scan: Please note: I use KOTOR2 Gog version [sWKotOR] ReportDateTime=12/23/2015 8:46:22 PM SysInfoVersion=v1.00.60 GameExists=1 GameVersion=v2.10.427 GameInstallLocation=C:\Star Wars - KotOR22\ [OS] Name=WinXP Version=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2 Service Pack=None Status=Pass [swapFiles] ?:\pagefile.sys=0 [CPU] CPUCount=1 CPUSpeed=1995 CPUFamily=6 CPUModel=15 CPUStepping=13 CPUVendor=Intel CPUName=Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T7250 @ 2.00GHz Status=Pass [Memory] RAM=4088 Status=Pass [Disk Free Space] C: (NTFS), UNICODE=353.00GB Status=Pass [CD-ROMs] DriveLetters=D:\ Drives=Optiarc CDRWDVD CRX890A ATA Device [Video] Video Card Name=RDPDD Chained DD Video Memory=512 Desktop Resolution=1280x800x32 @ 60Hz DirectX=DirectX 9.0c ( OpenGL Version=2.0.0 - Build OpenGL Vendor=Intel OpenGL Renderer=Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator Vid Card Status=Warning Vid Card Driver Status=Pass GL Status=Pass DX Status=Pass [Audio] Sound Card Name=@wdma_usb.inf,%usb\class_01.devicedesc%;USB Audio Device Status=Pass ;Game Options from swkotor2.ini [Display Options] FullScreen=1 Disable Movies=0 Disable Intro Movies=0 Sort Modules=1 Width=1280 Height=960 BitsPerPixels=32 RefreshRate=60 [sound Options] Number 3D Voices=32 Number 2D Voices=32 2D3D Bias=1.00 Force Software=0 EAX=0 Sound Init=0 Disable Sound=0 [Graphics Options] EnableHardwareMouse=1 Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 FullScreen=1 [Game Options] TooltipDelay Sec=1 [Keymapping] Action286B=8 Action286A=7 Action285B=10 Action285A=9 Action284B=54 Action284A=51 Action283B=54 Action283A=51 Action282B=69 Action282A=73 Action281B=53 Action281A=76 Action280B=69 Action280A=73 Action268=52 Action265=58 Action264=57 Action263=43 Action262=85 Action261=84 Action260=83 Action259=82 Action258=81 Action257=80 Action256=79 Action255=78 Action254=77 Action253=31 Action245=75 Action244=55 Action243=67 Action242=74 Action241=87 Action240=56 Action239=68 Action238=82 Action236=83 Action234=81 Action232=80 Action230=79 Action228=78 Action226=77 Action225=70 Action224=90 Action223=31 Action222=25 Action221=24 Action220=29 Action219=28 Action218=42 Action217=87 Action216=65 Action215=63 Action214=60 Action213=62 Action212=61 Action211=66 Action210=59 Action209=71 Action208=89 Action207=72 Action206=30 Action205=55 Action204=67 [config] firstrun=0
  8. I play the game on steam. The mods I have installed are as follows: TSLRCM 1.8.4 M4-78 EP 1.2 SLM 2.0 After the fight with Sion on Korriban when Kreia tells you to run, the exile runs out of the academy and the game crashes. Help?
  9. I have recently started adding mods to my KotOR TSL game (beyond RCM which I've had for some time). I initially jumped in without reading into it and completely FUBAR'd my game, so I restored local content and created a backup of this once I confirmed it was working fine again. I then took it slowly, and found that the first few mods I integrated used the TSL patcher, and upon testing the game was fine. I created an updated backup of the game at a working point with the mods I had so far installed.* I then went ahead and installed some more mods, some of these explained that they just needed to be dropped into the override folder, which I did with no conflicts in file names. When I loaded the game again, it crashed as soon as I went through a loading door to a new area. (When this happens it boots me back to the title screen and the buttons are unresponsive, I then have to end the process through task manager). If I remove just the files I had added for the mod and load the game again, the issue remains. I then have to delete all the items out of the SWKotOR 2 folder and paste in a copy of the backup for this to work. (Even though the files are exactly the same as if I had removed the mod out myself) This, I have found, only occurs with some files, such as a vibrosword reskin mod and an enhanced beams reskin mod. However other mods such as BaoDur's repulsor reskin also add to the override and cause no issues. Is there a reason for this? *BaoDur's Electromesh Armor 2.0 BaoDur's repuslor reskin Aliens redetailed Thanks in advance
  10. I'm crashing every time I try to go through the Nar Shadaa intro scene with Goto and the hunters. At first the crash occured as soon as the video of the outside of Goto's yacht ended. After I tried disabling shadows and frame buffer effects the scene began to go far enough that I can see Goto fly past the assembled hunters before it crashes. Switching from fullscreen to windowed had no effect. Threaded opt. is off. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? start of Nar Shadaa intro scene 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.3b and 1.1b respectively) RCM 1.83B and M4 1.1b 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? 4 cd us patched to 1.0b 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (4-CD version ONLY) yep 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? fresh 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Azgath N'Dul's Tomb and patch Extended Enclave 2.2 Handmaiden 4 Females for RCM Hide Weapons In Animations;67468 Jedi Temple, Expansion, & Compatibility;76316;97510 Kreia to Dxun Tomb & Atton to Onderon New Bounty Hunters on Onderon Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack 1.2 Remote Unlimited (1.1);74664 Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod HLFP;43066;67156 Full Force Mod;105957 Force Zeal Light/Darkside Meditation before Prestige Classing [TSL] NPC Overhaul Mod 1.22 - without the 208TEL and 512OND parts Ultimate balancing mod w/o dialog.tlk Character Generation - K1 Style Droid Enhancement;91526 Party XP Bug Fix - changed to a max xp of 100%;71010 Feats Tweak feat.2da change no longer on this site Pathfinderesque Progression Improved AI (Modified AI);68905 Bao-Dur's Charged Armor Combat-Suit-Revisited Darksword by Darth InSidious Deadman Quarterstaff replacement Onderon Palace Expanded;93559 RedHawke TSL Armor Pack TSL Hak Pad TSL Multi-Stim Vao Armband Drop TSL GalaxyMapFix 357mag first national bank of coruscant;79396 New Masks and Items;73975 jedi robe stat boost;97698 Kill The Ithorian 1.1 Kinrath Egg Bash Crystal Drop V0.9 MG K1 gun models;66570 MG Law Enforcement blasters;67168 Onderon Museum Upgrade;66535 RH Correction Armband RH PC Beginning Items Prestiege Class Bonus Mod Thorium Charge mod Survival items;72804 Upgrade Kit (HK-47 to 51) Aliens Redetailed Mod 1.0 Textures Improvement Project 0.4 Twin Sun to Asari 1.0 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? I'm crashing every time I try to go through the Nar Shadaa intro scene with Goto and the hunters. At first the crash occured as soon as the video of the outside of Goto's yacht ended. After I tried disabling shadows and frame buffer effects the scene began to go far enough that I can see Goto fly past the assembled hunters before it crashes. Switching from fullscreen to windowed had no effect. Threaded opt. is off. 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Win 8.1 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen? Yep
  11. Have a game-ending crash right upon the arrival on Nar Shaddqa (Goto cut-scene). what should I do? I'm a "Windows 7 Kid", have a GOG version of KOTOR 2, have installed the latest TSLRCM (1.8.3b) + M4-78EP + most of compatible mods from the official compatibility list + various HD textures + Coruscant Academy (with TSLRCM compatibility patch) + Dustil Restoration (TSLRCM compatible version) Quick update: After the 100th attempt I managed to get past this cut-scene, fast-forwarding all the dialogues. Don't know how it eventually worked. Still, even though this theme is obsolete for now, in case it happens again with some other cut-scene - what are your theories on the matter? How can I painlessly solve such problems, shall they reoccur?
  12. When I fight through Freedon Nadd's tomb on Dxun- the part of the game where the party is made up entirely of non PC members- I can play through it fine up until I reach the gate where you go down into the main chamber and fight the four Sith Lords conducting the dark ritual at the bottom. Right as I pass through the gate, the game crashes, and the Names Differ: w_DblSbr_0011 w_dblsbr_001 error is left inside of my Kotor II folder. Any help would be appreciated. Current mods: TSLRCM/Droid Planet Holowan Duplisaber HK-47 Rejuvinated Thorium Charges Mod 90sk robe pack Megaskin Party Pack
  13. I don't know if someone knows about it, but it's quite old problem! The game crashes time after time, as in the example of Prologue, when you're above the Ebon Hawk with two droids and if you approach the Quadlasers! This works and can be bypassed, but without the "shadows" option. Please help, if you know about this problem or present any suggestions. Thanks again, beforehand!
  14. I can't start a game. I installed it earlier today after a fresh install of KOTOR2 through Steam. I clicked play after creating a character then it would load for a second then crash. I installed all the files in the correct places to the extent of my knowledge. I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? When I first installed today. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Using Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (Updates are included in the Steam version. Skip this question if you are using that.) 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh installation 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? I haven't tried it 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? N/A 8) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Not using any other mods. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? I got through creating a character then when I clicked play the loading screen started all black, then it would load for one second and crash. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes 11) Have you tried using a different save game? No other saves 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes. Several times after restarting my computer, re-installing the mods, and re-installing KOTOR2 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
  15. Hi everyone, I first just want to say what a helpful forum and site this really is and I'm so glad I found people on here who enjoyed both KOTOR and KOTOR 2 as much as I do, as these were a favorite games of mine growing up. :') Anyways, I'm just posting a little in regards to TSL. I have the Steam version with TSLRCM (latest version, 1.8.3) installed plus a two mods from Filefront which I will list below: Bastila's Jedi Robe by Sith_Master_3000 HK-47 Rejuvenated by BaneMinistry And my here are my specs: MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Intel i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53GHz, 3.0 RAM with Intel HD Graphics (Not exactly cut out for gaming, I know, but surprisingly K2 never lagged or crashed on me with these specs.) But anyways, basically the game was working great and I didn't encounter any bugs at all until this particular cutscene: As soon as Kreia sits down in the newly rebuilt Enclave, the screen goes black and all I can move is the green cursor and I can open the game menus (like to equip things, check the stats on my character, and save the game, etc.) My first thought was to save there and reload that save, and that got rid of the black screen, but as I go to the Jedi Masters, the cutscene where they discuss what a wound my poor Exile is the force doesn't trigger and I'm just left with 3 unresponsive masters. I think I've tried every fixed I googled but no dice. I know files that change Kreia's appearance conflict TSLRCM so I avoid those but I really don't know what else to do and I just want to finish this masterpiece of a game with this awesome content mod before I go back to school and don't have free time anymore. :'( If anyone has any fixes I can try or knows if my mods are conflicting, please let me know on this. You guys who made TSLRCM seriously outdid yourselves and I really, reaaaaaallly would like to finish it! Kind regards, Amber
  16. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? On Telos, as I boarded the Ithorian shuttle to Bao-Dur. This happened both times. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? ...? No updates were mentioned. I blocked Steam from updating the game to prevent it from interfering with the mod. 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? I installed the game, 1.8.3, and the M4-87 mod fresh. When I encountered the bug the first time, I downloaded and installed all three again. Ran into the same bug in the same place both times. 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? Didn't see a TSL patcher. 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? Don't know. 8) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Just TSLRCM 1.8.3 and the M4-87 mod. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? On Telos, after I saved Moza and Habat from the mercs, they sent me to the hangar to take a shuttle to Telos' surface. Whenever I board the shuttle, The screen fades to black and Carth starts to speak, then the game abruptly crashes. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7, but I've also tried running TSL in compatibility mode (XP service pack 2) Also tried turning it off and on again. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Hi there, I just started playing TSL with your mod a few days ago, and while it has been an all around good experience so far, I am now facing a bug I can't get around. Just after finishing the mission on Goto's ship and getting G0t0, I went and talked to Kreia. She gave me the prestige class choice, I chose Weapon Master and gained a level. Here's where my problem starts: I can choose my new skills (persuade, awareness, etc.) and my new Feat, but as soon as I click the power button, my game crashes to desktop. I have installed TSLRCM with the full installer on a newly installed and updated game. The only mods I've added since, are TGA overides I made myself. I still have the problem without these (though I can't see why they'd cause this). I have also tried reinstalling everything (both the game and the mod), and it still does not work. Here's a video of my problem. I've tried several combinations of skills and feats, to no avail. I hope you can help me here. CL
  18. This is the first time I've ever played KOTOR 2 on Windows 8; I hope that isn't the death knell. I noticed someone else on this forum had this problem, but he just switched to compatibility mode and it worked. Mine did not. I got all the way through Peragus and to the end of Citadel Station, but as soon as I board the shuttle to the restoration zone, the game crashes. I have my game saved so that all I have to do is board the shuttle. Here's what I've tried so far: - Run as Administrator - Run in Compatibility Mode, Windows XP SP3 - Applied Mss32.dll fix - Disable Movies/Enable Hardware Mouse/Force Software Sound - Applied 1.0b patch before installing TSLRCM - Switched Resolution to 800x600 - Ran KOTOR 2 in Windowed Mode I am no closer to being able to continue. I'd appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!
  19. Hey there, first time poster here. I just downloaded the restoration mod since I just got the Steam version of TSL. I've installed the mod in the correct folder and the game starts up fine up to the title screen with the correct logo to say that the mod is installed. As soon as I attempt to start a new game it brings up the loading screen, the bar fills all the way then just stops and doesn't move on to the next screen due to the program not responding. This happens every single time without fail, I've had the game running fine before installing the mod. I've uninstalled the entire game and reinstalled it twice now to attempt it again and still have the same loading screen crash each time. Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it? Cheers.