Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. Yes, and I also discovered that the program doesn't free up the save menu options when you make a new journal... The planets issue seems to be me not refreshing the list by accident... As to the End thing, you should be able to right-click The text under End. The only values it recognizes are(without quotes: "Yes", "yes", 1, "No", "no", 0. Also, interesting things happen if you set the planet and then try to change the priority of the quest... So, I'll be doing a bit of work...
  2. Version 1.0


    Warning: You will need three dlls, which can be found here. These will have to be in the same folder as JRLEditor, OR you can follow the instructions in the DLL link. This will work for all of my tools. Warning Done. INTRODUCTION: ======================================================= Walkmesh Switcher is a KotOR\TSL modding tool designed to read, display, and edit binary walkmesh files(in .wok format). The program will count the number of faces in the walkmesh, parse the coordinates, and then draw each face according to the coloring of the face's walk type. In essence, this tool will read a binary .wok file (KotOR's collision map data file) and will draw the faces according to the type of surface they're identified with. These colors correspond to the NWMax plugin, for those familiar with KotOR modelling to relate a bit with the program. An example of a very good use of the tool is for reskinning one of the game's modules. Take the Rakata structures, for instance. Say someone wants to reskin them into a metal fortress, but they keep hearing sand crunch under their feet. With WalkSwitch, you could change the type to metal instead of sand, and the game would then play the proper sounds for the fortress.
  3. Version 1.0


    Warning: You will need three dlls, which can be found here. These will have to be in the same folder as JRLEditor, OR you can follow the instructions in the DLL link. This will work for all of my tools. Warning Done. This simple set of commandline tools will allow you to convert a .tlk file to .txt, with some simple formatting, and back again, with ease. It will allow you to simply edit a dialog.tlk file with Notepad(or any other text program), which opens up options for copy-and-paste, replace, and finding certain info quickly. The tool has been confirmed to work with languages other than English, so no worries.
  4. Version 1.2


    Warning: You will need three dlls, which can be found here. These will have to be in the same folder as JRLEditor, OR you can follow the instructions in the DLL link. This will work for all of my tools. Warning Done. Well, I'm back with another modding tool! This time, it's a graphical editor for the Quest Journal in KotOR 1 and 2. It came about as a result of my seeing a 2005 request for one when browsing tk102's old threads at LucasForums... I'd like to thank a few people up front: ZM90: Letting me code the tool while working on K1R. Varsity Puppet: Critique and banter concerning the tool. HarIII: Critique and banter concerning the tool. Malkior: The AMAZING icon he made for the tool! JRLEdit allows you to quickly and easily edit the .jrl files used by the KotOR games. This file controls the Player's quests, and so is often modded with large projects. With JRLEdit, you have the quests in an organized list, and can delete certain parts with the click of a mouse, or open up the interface when you click on a quest. The interface allows right-click editing of most fields, and will parse TLK String References automatically with the current game's dialog.tlk file. The only difference in saving is that files are a few KB bigger, due to the program adding in a local string to every StrRef section...
  5. Is it possible to increase the maximum file size? With the way Perl packs it's files, my tools usually run above 5MB, but don't get as high as 10MB. The maximum is 2MB, and I simply can't meet that.
  6. Well, right now, we don't intend to release a beta version anymore. You see, were really close to finishing the mod, mostly just a few areas to touch-up, so there wouldn't be much point in releasing a beta...
  7. As in, uploading it in the download section? Hadn't thought it really necessary, as it's a specialized tool and we don't really have a section for tools in the upload...
  8. As in, uploading it in the download section? Hadn't thought it really necessary, as it's a specialized tool and we don't really have a section for tools in the upload...
  9. Well, HH, would you like to be a beta tester for it? Also, The "extended" file purposes are implemented as tool-tips when you hover over the section. And... Just so you know, KT's Module Editor also does the camera angles, you just need a map texture in .jpeg format and rename the extension to .map...
  10. Well, as the title says, this is about GITEdit. GITEdit is a program I'm making to give a visual interface to edit the file, as opposed to the tree view of K-GFF that I despise(not the program, just the layout)... Currently, the program can: Load .git files from the .rims, .mods, and override Parse TLK references Count the number of each type of file Provide an interface to each file type Allows you to input degrees for the bearing and orientation Compiles each file type into a list Can delete items from the lists But I'm at a loss as to what functionality to add to it. I will add the ability to copy and paste item types as soon as I look up the XML parsing. Adding new items of a specific type will be implemented shortly. Currently, as the program stands, here's what I've got for you: So, if anyone has any requests, please feel free to share.
  11. Try turning off V-Sync, Shadows, and Grass.
  12. To use TSLRCM, or mods in general, you have to turn off the Steam Updater for the game. With the newest update, turning off the Updater was thought impossible...
  13. Nice! When I heard about the Steam update and the change to the Updater's policy, I thought we'd have to say goodbye to the Steam users...
  14. So... Can anybody provide a list of alien audio files, with a small description of what emotion the file represents? I could really use it K1R right now, rather than tracking down the audio threw the dlgs...

    1. newbiemodder


      There should be an alienvo.2da file

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Unfortunately, K1 doesn't have that .2da, but it did lead me to a solution.:)


      K1 has the aliensound.2da file, which lists the filename and a comment about it.:D

  15. Unfortunately, later testing proved inconclusive. I'll have to dig through MDLOps to see how it handles animation compiling...

    1. Fair Strides
    2. LiliArch


      What happened, if I may ask?

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      It seems MDLOps won't pack the animations as perfectly as the game's files, so some data wasn't included, making the animations only run when named "default".

  16. Well, it's official: a new modding "breakthrough" has been made today, as of half an hour ago. While telling SithSpectre about my theories on how the game does animations and what I've learned from Bioware's work, I loaded up a test in-game. I was successfully able to do a custom animation, though this method is only for cutscenes.

    1. L0ki194


      Glad to hear it. Will definitely be interesting for future mods.

    2. HK-47


      Exclamation: That's awesome!

      Query: What animation is it?

    3. Mandalore
    4. Show next comments  210 more
  17. After 4.5 years of the mod being worked on, do you think we'd kill it when it's so close?
  18. Yes. The Pazaak Tourney is now 90% complete, and I will be working to finish it over the next week, two at the most.
  19. From what he's shown me over Skype, he's using scratch modules, but going off of the architectural concepts of his Demo. Also, unlike his Demo, these new ones will have lightmaps, since he's gotten some area knowledge under his belt since then.
  20. Me too! As to cliffhangers... Just think of when you have all of the episodes and can watch them all in a row! I did some research on the official site and other places, and there's 24 scheduled episodes, so it should be done by the middle of December. Also, if watching the episodes at swordartonlineepisodes.com, you can download 50mb videos from the MP4Upload player... Not sure about quality, but it looks good on 1024x768.
  21. If you need any help with that at all VP, even for trouble-shooting/theorizing, you know my Skype. Also, as to the Player's Name thing, just put "" minus the quotes anywhere where you want the full name, "" for the the first half of the name(the game populates the token by separating at the first space in the name), and "" for the second half of the name(same treatment as first half, but opposite). I've successfully used each of these before, and the only parts to watch out for are that you encapsulate the text with and that you capitalize the first letter of each word, with no spacing in-between.
  22. @Malkior: Handy tip: Complete Suulru's quest on Dantooine to get the Micro-Pulse Blaster, and then upgrade it with as high a level(Mark V, I think) of Ion-damaging components as possible, and a Mando pistol with just as good of components. On the console, I once had a Micro-Pulse Blaster that did around 48-65 damage, but it wasn't the ion one. It was freaking obscene, on the level of Force Crush when I use the pistol with Rapid Fire and Master Speed...
  23. Well, I haven't read it, but I have read Revan's wiki article. In that book, Darth Bane uses Revan's teachings from the holocron(which was found/recorded in the Temple on the Unknown World [Lehon, if you prefer it that way]) to establish the Rule of Two. The appearance of Revan is the Darkside, post Mando-Wars Revan.