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Files posted by Fair Strides
Visas' Dancer Outfit and Dance
By Fair Strides in Mods
Visas' Dancer Outfit
By Fair Strides
This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit.
Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence.
A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay.
Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option.
You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions:
1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it.
2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work.
3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact.
4. You
do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them!
-loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting...
-Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option.
TLK->Text Converter(Vice-Versa)
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
You will need three dlls, which can be found here. These will have to be in the same folder as JRLEditor, OR you can follow the instructions in the DLL link. This will work for all of my tools.
Warning Done.
This simple set of commandline tools will allow you to convert a .tlk file to .txt, with some simple formatting, and back again, with ease.
It will allow you to simply edit a dialog.tlk file with Notepad(or any other text program), which opens up options for copy-and-paste, replace, and finding certain info quickly.
The tool has been confirmed to work with languages other than English, so no worries.
DLL Files for Fair Stride's Tools
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
These are the three DLL files my tools use, and rather than re-packaging them each time, I'm making them available here. To use them with my tools, you will have to have them in the same folder as the tool, OR follow these instructions:
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
This tool is called ModHex and was created using Perl/TK. It is designed for
Knights of the Old Republic and it's sequel, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.
This tool is designed for easily cloning a module/level in such a way that editing it
will not interfere in any way, shape, or form with the original module/level.
ModHex will:
-Rename and hex-edit the .mdl and .mdx files
-Rename the .vis, .lyt, .pth, .git, .are, and .ifo files
-Rename the Textures and Lightmaps
-Rename and allow you to edit the .wok files
-Edit the model and module references in the .lyt, .vis, .are, and .ifo files
-Allow manual editing of the .lyt and .vis files
-Allow you to toggle the inclusion of the original module's/level's files, whether individually or by type
-Allow packing of the files into a .mod module file
-Allow packing of the .mdl and .mdx files into the .mod file
-Allow you to view the module's/level's textures and lightmaps
-Allow you to see what textures and lightmaps each .mdl uses
-Allow you to edit the .are, .ifo, .git, and .pth in K-GFF, GITEditor*, and PTH Editor*
*: For their respective files, of course.
Game Mode: KotOR or KotOR 2
Module Filename: Name of the module's file
Module Reference: The 5-character (if Game Mode is KotOR) or 6-character
(if Game Mode KotOR 2) piece of info used in the model names
Moduel Prefix: The 3-character prefix in the beginning of most of the textures.
Module Name: The name displayed in-game for the area.
The Interface:
When you open ModHex, there will be a series of buttons and the choice of Game Mode
in the upper-left.
The Game Mode is used to determine the length of the Module Reference for hex purposes.
The first button is used to select either a .mod or .rim file to represent the module,
and is the one you'll most often use, probably. It will have you select a .mod or .rim
file, extract it's files to a folder named after the file, and then will proceed to load
the level using that folder.
The second and third buttons are the first button's function split into two.
The fourth button allows you to initialize/edit your program paths. These paths can be used
for editing the .are, .git, .ifo, and .pth files. When you click this button, a window will
pop-up with five paths to set/edit:
*K-GFF : The path to your GFF-Editor of choice, though most people use tk102's K-GFF
*GITEdit : My tool for editing the .git files with a more friendly interface
*PTH Editor : Bead-V's rather handy tool for editing the .pth files
*KotOR : The path of your KotOR Installation
*KotOR 2 : The path of your TSL Installation
After you're done editing the paths, the Ok button will close the window.
>>Hex-Edit Boxes
Going back to the main window, there are two box sections that take up the upper-center
and upper-right of the window.
The first one in the upper-center is where your Module info will be going when you load
a module. the upper section will be the info from the loaded module and the lower four
boxes contain the info that will be used for the hex-editing. Look to the vocabulary section
for their uses.
The first box has a limit of 16 characters.
The second box has a limit of 5 characters for KotOR 1 and 6 characters for KotOR 2.
The third box has a limi of 3 characters.
The fourth box has a limit of 64 characters, but you *really* shouldn't need that many...
The second one in the upper-right is for the actual hexing-process.
The Extraction path is for setting the path for where ModHex extracts a level.
Below the Extraction section are three checkboxes. These affect several things both during
the extraction process and after the hex-editing process.
"Pack module into .mod" -- Packs the newly-cloned module/level into a .mod archive/package
for immediate use in-game.*
"Pack models into .mod" -- Packs the .mdl, .mdx, .wok, and .tga files into the .mod to avoid
cluttering the override folder.
"Use files in Override" -- This is used during the module extraction process. If this is checked
then ModHex will check the Override folder before taking a file from
the .mod/.rim and the game's files.**
*: Don't worry about the .rim extension. If this option is checked, ModHex will ensure there
is a .mod file extension on the finished module's file.
Now the last parts of the Interface.
>>File Viewer
The file viewer allows you to view and interact with most of the files involved.
The Models page allows you to view a list of models used directly by the module/level.
When you click on a model, you will see the model's filesize, textures, and lightmaps
in the panel on the right.
The Walkmeshes page allows you to view and edit the .wok files. To do so, simply select
a .wok file from the list and click the "Draw .WOK" button.
To edit the walkmesh, click on a polygon (or hold the Control key and drag the mouse
over several polygons) and then click the "See Face Types" to open another window.
Click on the face type you want from the list and the selected faces will be changed.
You can leave this window open for future edits.
The Module Layout page allows you to edit the .lyt and .vis files manually, and also
allows you to open the .are, .git, .ifo, and .pth files in there respective tools, should
you have the paths entered.
The Textures and Lightmaps pages both allow you to view those respective images.
The Area Content page allows you to toggle whether a file is included in the cloned
module's files. You can do this for individual files as well as by filetype.
>>Status Bar
The last part of the interface is the status bar.
On the bottom of the window, you will see a weird box kind of hiding. This is the
Status bar and is used when extracting a module/level.
It is designed to "pop up" on mouse-over and to "drop down" after the mouse leaves it.
The update to ModHex will expand on it's use...
Known Issues:
1. The PTH Editor doesn't support the commandline, so it won't open your .pth files.
Instead, you'll have to open those yourself.
2. Occasionally, the Module Prefix isn't set correctly.
Contact Info:
You can contact me in four ways:
1). My Skype: fairstrides2
2). PM at Deadlystream: Fair Strides
3). PM at Lucasforums: Fair Strides 2
4). My Email: tristongoucher@gmail.com
RGB-BGR Converter
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
This conversion tool is simply a converter between the standard hexadecimal RGB colour format and the decimal BGR color format.
This BGR format is used in the Fog settings and the Tweak Colour field used in the UTD structs in a .git file (though, the tweak colour might be useable in all of the Type structs...).
DLG Editor
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
DLGEditor is a GUI based dialog viewer and editor for Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
The editor is divided into two panes. The upper pane contains the treeview
portrayal of the dialog with NPCs speaking in red (Entries) and PC replying in
blue (Replies). Upon highlighting the nodes of the tree, detail widgets appear
in the lower pane containing node-specific information which can be edited.
TSL Patcher, TLKEd, and Accessories
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
Inside this download, you will find several VERY useful tools. Almost all of these were made by stoffe originally and the only alteration I made was to make sure TSL Patcher did NOT check for the presence of the dialog.tlk file to verify the path you're installing the mod to. This was done to allow installing mods to the Workshop folders.
Of note in this package are three files:
1. ReadMe, really.pdf - A read-me file that really should be read if you want to understand how to do something with the TSL Patcher.
2. nwnnsscomp.exe - A modified script compiler that TSL Patcher uses to substitute tokens (such as .2da row pieces) in source scripts (.nss files) and then compile the scripts.
3. nwscript.nss - As far as I'm aware, the nwscript.nss file from KotOR 2, required by nwnnsscomp.exe to compile scripts.
Below are the original release thread descriptions for stoffe's work and I honestly don't think I could put it better than she already did years ago.
TSL Patcher (along with ChangeEdit):
A few quick "how to" examples:
Insert new branches into DLG files.
( http://web.archive.org/web/20150911133933/http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2135535&postcount=177 )
Install a New Player Appearance mod.
( http://web.archive.org/web/20150929073207/http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2168405&postcount=201 )
Q: I get a RichEdit line insertion error when trying to install mods. What's wrong?
A: It seems a few people have odd versions of the RichEdit DLL files installed in their system that doesn't play nice with the colored text box component TSLPatcher uses. To work around this you could try to replace the RichEd DLL files with versions that should work. Extract the two DLL files from this archive and put them in your Windows\Windows32 folder. Move existing files with those names to a safe location first so you can restore them if this causes other problems! Do not overwrite them!
Alternatively, if you don't want to mess with your DLL files, you could force TSLPatcher to use a plain text box for status messages rather than the colored/formatted one. To do this, use Notepad to open the changes.ini file found inside the tslpatchdata folder that came with the mod you wish to install. Under the [settings] section, change the value of the key PlaintextLog from 0 to 1. Q: I'm not seeing any Install Mod button, and the text field in the TSLPatcher window seems to extend behind the window boundraries.
A: This odd problem some people experience seems to be tied to what screen resolution and pixel density is being used in your monitor settings, but I have been unable to replicate it or figure out exactly what's going on. As a workaround you can "click" on the Install button by using it's quick keyboard command. Pressing the [ALT] keys on your keyboard should start the installation process. Q: When trying to install a mod it complains that it's not a valid installation location. What's wrong?
A: Make sure you are selecting the folder the game is installed in, not the override folder, when the TSLPatcher asks you where to install the mod. Q: When trying to install a mod it complains that access was denied to the dialog.tlk file.
A: Make sure that your dialog.tlk file is not write protected. This file is found in the same folder as the swkotor.exe binary. To check if it's write protected and undo it, right-click on the file, pick Properties in the context menu and uncheck the write protected checkbox.
Original update history (ordered newest change first):
- TSLPatcher
- Patcher
- (and 3 more)
Dance, Dance, Dance!
By Fair Strides in Mods
/*I say it is TSLRCM compatible, but it does edit the spells.2da, so if 1.8 does so, you might have to do some work.*/
FreeDancing, Step Right Upby Fair Strides
Contact info:
Fair Strides atdeadlystream.com
Fair Strides 2at Lucasforums.com
This started outas a bad idea, but long story short, after spending five hours hassling mira'sdialogue, trying to make Mira and the PC(who was female) dance together. Itdidn't want to work at all, and I couldn't change the camera angles becauseTK102's dlgeditor couldn't edit the angles(to my knowledge, at least) and Iread that Kotor Tool will ruin TSL dialogue files. The item I am adding to thegame is a stimulant called 'Dancer'. It had to be a stimulant, since I couldn'tmake it a shield and I wasn't sure how to make use of the 'Activate item'property on an armband.
Anyways, sorry for thelong intro. This mod lets you dance anytime you want, so long as you arefemale.(Can someone test this with a male, because I'm unsure if they have thedancer animations). You have the option of which dance animation you want to use,though I see no difference between the two. The animation will go on forever aslong as you don't move, talk, or do any action whatsoever.
Just run the.exe to install the mod, and pick which animation you want to use. Touninstall, just copy and paste everything in the tslpatchdata folder into youroverride, and hit 'yes to all', then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
None. I managedto get it so that the item can work on two or more people at a time.
My patience for makingme go on, and my self-restraint for not letting me punch through my computerscreen after five hours of dilogue editing that proved useless.
You have thegiven right to modify these files any way you wish, for personal or public use,but if for public use please contct me to let me know ahead of time and to seewhat's been changed. Disreagard this requirement after 4/30/2060.
Global Boolean Tracker
By Fair Strides in Mods
You want some globals?by Fair Strides
Contact info:
Fair Strides at deadlystream.com
Fair Strides 2 at Lucasforums.com
Hello guys! How ya been? Everything okay on the forums? Glad to hear it, because this is the only way I can contact you guys. This mod was an idea I got after I had issues with my games screwing up, and perusing the NWNLexicon until I stumbled upon Custom Tokens. The idea was to give the player a way to keep track of their globals, so that they could backtrack if they screwed up while editing globals, or so people could make skip mods faster, if they had a mind to do so.
At present, the mod just shows you the global booleans, given the immense amount of typing I've had to do. Numbers will come, I promise.
To get the item in-game, just talk to Bao Dur's remote, and select the option for getting a copy of the globals. Now you have a datapad with a list of the global booleans. However, it will never update unless you have the adrenaline item, which you can get through codes with the following:
'giveitem global updater'
without the quotes. If you can't get it to appear, make sure you have cheats on by going to your game's root directory[just hit "Find Target..." from the properties menu of the shortcut to the game] and open the file named swkotor2.ini and add the following line under the heading [Game Options]:
save the file, and enjoy! Note: to enter cheats, after you have them enabled, just hit the tilde( ` ) key.
EDIT: Now you should be able to acquire the global updater by 'giveitem global updater'. If not, and I would hate it if it were so, have a moderator look at it and try to fix it.
Just run the .exe to install the mod.
My patience for doing such an endeavour solo, since I can't get on the boards to ask you guys for help. This was NOT a fun task. I was so thankful to whoever invented the idea of copy-and-paste.
You have the given right to modify these files any way you wish, for personal or public use, but if for public use please contct me to let me know ahead of time and to see what's been changed. Disreagard this requirement after 4/30/2060.
If I am unreachable on the forums, then either email me(and put the mod name in the subject line, please), or contact one of the older modders, like cHaInS.2DA, Hassat Hunter, and Bead-v. I would trust their judgement as to whether or not the changes to my mod are good. You might ask Malkior, as well. However, before asking them, email me, as I can get on my email in the mornings at school, so I'll probably answer you. Can't send files, though; the internet has a pretty good filter, and I don't want to risk trouble...
Warper Bands
By Fair Strides in Mods
Teleportation?by Fair Strides
Contact info:
Fair Strides at deadlystream.com
Fair Strides 2 at Lucasforums.com
Hello guys! How ya been? Everything okay on the forums? Glad to hear it, because this is the only way I can contact you guys.
This mod is highly experimental, with a lot taken from NWNLexicon. If it works, I'll try the other idea that failed miserably. So far this only works if you don't leave the module, but if my other idea works, this won't be so. With this mod, you can set up a position, teleport back to it, and the teleport back to where you were in the first place. I can see it being useful if you're tired of walking all the way across the module, or if you're getting slaughtered in combat...
EDIT: I finally ironed out the issues that I was having, so now it will actually work. I thought that might be a little important.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the mod, guys!
EDIT(as of 10/27/2012):This is version 2.0, complete with fixes. You should now use the Portal Band for moving around in a module, and the Mod Warper Band for moving between modules, though it's a little buggy.
giveitem modwarper
giveitem portalband
Just run the .exe to install the mod.
Read the 'Issue.txt' file. I did manage to fix the issues of wrong warp placement, and the probably-unnoticed glitch up when a dead party member was involved.
My patience for doing such an endeavor solo, since I can't get on the boards to ask you guys for help. Many headaches with this one.
You have the given right to modify these files any way you wish, for personal or public use, but if for public use please contact me to let me know ahead of time and to see what's been changed. Disregard this requirement after 4/30/2060.
If I am unreachable on the forums, then either email me(and put the mod name in the subject line, please), or contact one of the older modders, like cHaInZ.2DA, Hassat Hunter, or Bead-v. I would trust their judgement as to whether or not the changes to my mod are good. You might ask Malkior, as well. However, before asking them, email me, as I can get on my email in the mornings at school, so I'll probably answer you. Can't send files, though; the internet has a pretty good filter, and I don't want to risk trouble...
NPC Auto-Leveller
By Fair Strides in Modder's Resources
» NPC Auto-Leveller 1.0 Read-Me
NAME: NPC Auto-Leveller
TYPE: Modder's Resource
DATE RELEASED: July 2, 2017
A while back, Darth Tyren was asking me about how the KotOR 2 balances the enemies to make them tougher as you go on through the game. We then spent a few hours running some tests and digging through the files, with the end result being that the game seems to just upgrade the enemies' Hit Points and Force Points.
I then theorized that one could use the extra functions Obsidian added for modifying your skills, attributes, feats, and force powers to work up a framework for levelling up the NPCs without actually assigning them levels. This is the result of that work.
The heart of this modder's resource is the "fs_level.nss" #include file, where I've one main function called LevelUp and several support functions that will randomly assign feats, force powers, skill points (including support for cross-class skills), and attribute points at the appropriate times and in the appropriate amounts. I've scoured the various .2da files and the all of the default values and rules that the player has to obey are obeyed by the script as well.
Also, there are 750 .uti files included. There are 50 for each class, and each item handles the defense, saving throw, and attack modifier increases that a given class would get as they level. These items are not accessible or equippable in-game, as they use the hidden creature slots (specifically, slots 14 and 15).
I've shown how to use the #include file in the included "k_ai_master.nss" in the source folder. The compiled form is included in the installation.
An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation.
You don't have to use the installer if you're just using parts of this or adapting it, but it's an easy way to get it all set up and ready to go.
Not exactly a bug, but the two slots I used may very well be used by animals like the Kinrath that have special properties to their attacks.
There are 2 ways to report bugs:
1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.
2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream.
1) Go to DeadlyStream ( http://deadlystream.com/ ) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ )
2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week.
1) Go to the Bug Thread ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5509-downloadnpc-auto-leveller/ )
2) Reply with as much detail as you can provide, and please list (and preferably link to) all the mods you're using.
Darth Insidious, Malkior, Markus Ramikin, Darth Tyren, and probably many others who were willing to discuss the topic with me over Skype.
Darth Tyren for the initial investigative work and the idea itself.
90SK for some installer help on my Fumble! mod, whose changes.ini file I edited in Notepad for this mod.
This mod may be re-distributed, but may not be re-uploaded. I request that proper credit be given to me for making the mod, even if you use parts of the mod instead of the whole thing.
I would also like to be contacted before you release your mod.
Bastila on Korriban - K1R Version
By Fair Strides in Mods
Bastila on Korriban - K1R Version
By Fair Strides
This is an old favorite of many players, and now we've simply made a K1R version that "meshes" better with the game.
Though I honestly don't see a difference that broke the old mod with K1R, I did think it could be done in a way that wasn't as jarring. In the old version, Bastila was selectable despite saying that she wouldn't be going.
In this version, you can choose to have her available or not. There are only two new player lines and no voice-less Bastila lines.
Simply run the TSLPatcher and direct it to your KotOR 1 folder.
Delete the following files from your Override folder:
And replace the dialog.tlk file in your main KotOR folder with the dialog.tlk file in the backup folder made by the TSLPatcher.
Vulkar Coward Redux
By Fair Strides in Mods
By Fair Strides
This mod is in reply to requests that the original vulkar coward that you encounter in the Vulkar Base Main Level be put back in, in place of the restored Vulkar we put in his place.
This mod is fully compatible with K1R and gives the user three different options for how they want the original coward restored:
1. Original original, with no K1R changes applied.
2. Original appearance, but with K1R dialog and with English VO as well.
3. Original appearance, but with the K1R dialog and with Twi'lek VO like the original.
Simply run the TSLPatcher and select which verison you want to install.
Overwrite the tar_m10aa.mod file in your modules folder (from the main KotOR 1 folder) with the tar_m10aa.mod in the backup folder the TSLPatcher will create in the folder it is run from.
People for requesting this in the first place.
Sith Specter for discussion of possible options, even though I went a bit beyond what he'd suggested...
Party on the Leviathan!
By Fair Strides in Mods
Party on The Leviathan!
by Fair Strides
This mod came about as a way to realistically restore cut content that K1R couldn't restore.
Juhani had some dialog that played specifically on the Leviathan, both for normal players and for a romanced Female PC. However, normally you can't ever talk to Juhani on the Leviathan and there was no real way for K1R to include the content without breaking immersion/not sticking to its goal...
So, I had the idea to spawn the entire party (except Bastila and Carth, obviously) in the Detention Block after you're rescued. Here, you can talk to all of the party members, though only Juhani has any new lines here. And right as you leave the Detention Block, all the party members will run off around the corner ahead of you (You did tell them to get their gear and head off...) to get to the Hangar and free the Ebon Hawk.
This mod is both compatible with K1R and does not require K1R to be installed!
Simply run the TSLPatcher and direct it to your KotOR folder.
Delete the following files from the Override:
And if you did NOT have a mod that added/modified a lev_m40aa.mod file in your modules folder, then delete the lev_m40aa.mod file from your modules folder.
If you DID have a mod that added/modified the lev_m40aa.mod file in your modules folder, then replace that file with the lev_m40aa.mod file from the backup folder in the same folder from where you ran the TSLPatcher.
ZM90 for discussion.
- restored content
- leviathan
- (and 2 more)
KotOR SaveGame Editor
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
KotOR Savegame Editor is a Perl/Tk application used in the editing of
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic savegame files.
The following fields are currently editable:
- Savegame name
- Player name
- NPC Name
- Appearance (player and party)
- Portrait (player and party)
- Attributes
- Skill Ranks
- Equipment (player and party)***
- Feats (add/remove)**
- Powers (add/remove)**
- Cheats Used flag
- Hit Points (current and max*)
- Force Points (current and max*)
- Experience Points (player and party)
- Good/Evil rating
- Credits
- Time played
- Class (see notes below)**
- Levels
- Current Party
- NPCs
- Global Booleans
- Global Numerics
- Gender
- Min1HP
- Inventory**
- Influence (TSL only)
- Chemicals (TSL only)
- Components (TSL only)
- Quests
*=Note: Max Hit Points and Max Force Points, while editable appear to be calculated
at the time the savegame is loaded. Therefore while these fields are editable, the
game will change the values back to what it calculates as correct. It is therefore
better to change your Wis/Cha and Con to affect your MFP and MHP.
** Not supported on Xbox Saves, will cause "Damaged Savegame" message.
*** See special section for detailed instructions
tk102 for originally creating the KSE.
Pazuzu156 for reporting the issue with the Cloud saves, as well as helping fix it and setting up a mirror for and creating the auto-updater.
Chev Chelios for much discussion of how Steam worked, as well as creating the INI-Generation tool, KPF.
Before Using KSE
Intro to KSE
Using KSE
Override Folder: Subdirectories NOT supported
Notes About Feats and Powers
Reminder: No Safety Net!
Notes regarding Class-changing/Adding/Removing
Notes regarding changing levels
Notes about changing equipment
Known Bugs
No saves found (You have Steam KotOR 2 and use cloud saves)
Go to your KotOR 2 folder and make a folder called "saves".
Inventory Hiccup
If an item is added to your inventory and it has the same Tag as another item, KSE
will generate an error.
Getting Stuck During Vision Sequence (KotOR1)
Symptom: After leaving the Endar Spire or Leaving Taris, you run into a sequence
where you should be seeing a "dream" cutscene but instead you're locked up in a
room with a "CutStart" object that doesn't do anything.
Cause: You have NOT placed the modified .dlg files into your override directory
and you have changed your character to a Jedi/Minion/Droid class or you have
changed your Gender to something other than Male or Female.
Fix: Download the KSE Fixed Cutscene Files (available from http://www.pcgamemods.com/8800 )
and place the .dlg files into your Override folder.
After changing appearance to look like (an NPC), the real NPC has no head!
Symptom: You change appearance to look like one of your party NPCs and all is well
until you attempt to enter a new area with that NPC. Then the NPC loses its head!
Cause: SW:KotOR doesn't like two unique characters appearing together.
Fix: From T7Nowhere's post on Holowan Labs--
Equipment Section
Due to an unknown bug, the Equipment branch might become unusable.
The only fix is to restart KSE.
Please report bugs to zxcvbnm6012@yahoo.com
11/7/13 - In addition, please report bugs to tristongoucher@gmail.com Thank you. - Fair Strides.
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
This script is released under the GPL, see the included
MUCH MUCH MUCH thanks to Torlack for his NWN MDL info!
Without his info this script could not exist!
Thanks to my testers:
Thanks to all at Holowan Laboratories for your input
and support
file browser dialog added by tk102
AABB, animations, lights and emitters, and speed-up by JDNoa
Calculations of vertex and face normals by VP and Fair Strides
1.0 version by ndix UR, thanks to bead-v for inspiring many of the added
features, figuring out a number of critical format algorithms, and sharing
the journey
This is a Perl script for converting
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (kotor 1 for short)
AND Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords (kotor 2 for short)
binary models to ascii and back again.
Binary models are converted to an ascii format compatible
with NeverWinter Nights.
It can also do some other operations on models,
like renaming textures and replacing meshes.
-Automatic detection of binary model version
-Automatic detection of model type
-node types supported:
-model properties supported:
-self illumination
-many, many more
-supports compile/decompile pwk/dwk/wok walkmesh files
along with their associated models
-when reading in a binary model a text file is created
that lists all the textures the model uses.
-replacer function lets you replace 1 tri-mesh in a binary
model with another tri-mesh from an ascii model
-renamer function lets you rename textures in a binary
read the tutorials "KotOR_Tutorial.txt" and "Quick_tutorial.txt"
for an explanation of how to get your models into kotor
This script may only be hosted from sites that do not claim
ownership of files they host. In other words, any site that
claims "All files submitted to this site become property of
the site owner" can not host this script.
You are free to host this script from your website as long
as the distribution contains only the files listed below.
You are free to submit this script to any public download
site as long as the distribution contains all the files
listed below.
KotOR Tutorial.txt
I also ask that if you do host or submit this script to a
site send me an e-mail to let me know. My e-mail address
is at the top of this file.
Fumble! Grenades
By Fair Strides in Mods
» Fumble! Grenades 1.0 Read-Me
NAME: Fumble! Grenades - No Feedback
TYPE: Added Content
DATE RELEASED: July 7, 2017
So, some of you may remember my recent "Friendly Droid Kits" mod where I mentioned Malkior and I had been talking about fumbling grenades. Well, things happened, I got bored, and it boils down to "Why not?"
What this mod does is allow anyone who ever uses a grenade to have a chance at fumbling the throw. Essentially, the person throwing the grenade will need to make a Reflex saving throw when they go to throw the grenade. The result of the throw is then matched up against a target DC based on the thrower's level:
Levels 1-5 = DC 20
Levels 6-10 = DC 22
Levels 11-14 = DC 25
Levels 15-19 = DC 30
Levels 20-25 = DC 35
Level 26+ = DC
The scaling might seem off, but it tries to account for the better-tier items and boosts you get towards the higher levels and takes into account that it should get easier to use grenades over time.
Another thing this mod does is restore the Weapon Proficiency, Focus, and Specialization feats for the grenades. I've corrected the TLK entry for the description of the Weapon Specialization: Grenade feat to reflect the actual vanilla contents of the "k_sup_grenade.nss" script. I've also modified the use of the Weapon Focus: Grenade feat, since you don't make Attack rolls with grenades. Instead, the DC to save from fumbling will be reduced by 5 if you have the feat.
This version of the mod provides no feedback on the results of your fumble save.
An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation.
You have four options to pick from when installing the mod; these choices boil down to two separate choices
The first is whether or not to print feedback to your message log on the results of the Reflex save against fumbling.
The second is whether you want to install a version compatible with Shem's SEM - Super Enhanced Mod.
Not a bug, but when you fumble a grenade, you won't know until it blows up. This is because the animation and model of the thrown grenade is specificied in spells.2da and takes a predefined course, namely at the person you're targeting.
There are 2 ways to report bugs:
1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.
2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream.
1) Go to DeadlyStream ( http://deadlystream.com/ ) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ )
2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week.
1) Go to the Bug Thread ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5508-fumble-grenades/ )
2) Reply with as much detail as you can provide, and please list (and preferably link to) all the mods you're using.
Malkior for play-testing and providing feedback, as well as the initial idea and several talks on the subject.
N-Drew25 and high5 for playtesting and providing feedback/
90SK for doing the majority of the installer for me due to ChangeEdit not liking my resolution.
This mod may be re-distributed, but may not be re-uploaded. I request that proper credit be given to me for making the mod, even if you use parts of the mod instead of the whole thing.
I would also like to be contacted before you release your mod.
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
DISCLAIMER: I did not make ERFEdit originally. I did however receive the source code from Stoffe via PM at Lucas Forums, after telling her about a severe issue that needed to be fixed. I have fixed the issue and am now releasing the updated version of the tool.
Version: v0.5
Released: 2006-05-18
Updated: 2007-03-11
Updated_FS: 2017-03-19
What is this?
This is a simple Packer/Unpacker/Browser for the ERF/MOD/SAV/HAK/RIM format files used by the bioware engine games Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic. The resource type list is updated to handle some types of files used by the KotOR games that were not used by Neverwinter Nights.
It is capable of creating new files or modify existing ones, as well as extract any resources found within the file. A simple search feature makes it easier to locate resources in the list within large ERF format files.
The Description field is currently not shown or editable since it is not used with the KotOR games.
User Interface shortcuts
You may drag and drop files into the list to add them instead of using the "Insert" button, or you may drag selected files from the list to the Desktop or a Windows Explorer window to extract them rather than use the "Extract" button. Selected files in the list can be deleted with the hotkeys Backspace and DEL in addition to using the Remove button.
When dragging many or large files from the ERF/RIM file to the desktop (or a Windows Explorer window), keep the mouse button pressed until the progress bar has reached 100%, then drag the files to where you want them and let go. Hopefully I'll be able to fix this quirky behavior in the future.
New files/resources added to an ERF file are not actually added until you Save the file. Do not move, rename or delete any files you have added before you save the open ERF/RIM file, or the resource will not be added upon save.
Resources in the list with an asterisk (*) following the ResRef are newly added and not yet saved into the file. These files cannot be extracted until the ERF file has been saved.
Effects Log
By Fair Strides in Mods
» Effects Log 1.0 Read-Me
NAME: Effects Log
TYPE: Added Content
DATE RELEASED: March 10, 2017
This mod is a request by wedgiey1 on the KotOR Subreddit to show the current effects you're under on the screen, instead of having to guess at the arrows on your icon or go through several menus. This implementation is the best I could come up with, even if it has its quirks.
What this mod does is allow you to see the items and force powers that are currently affecting you ("you" being the currently-controlled character), both good and bad. This will only show you vanilla effects, not modded force powers or items, simply because the only way to account for them is manually adding them to the script.
There is a hiccup with this mod, though. The first time the dialog pops up in combat, your character's current action will be halted. I've tried to get around this, but it simply won't work. Any future times in that same encounter where the dialog pops up, you'll do a default attack. This is because making the dialog pop up somehow (I have no idea how...) empties your combat queue...
An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation.
WARNING: This mod will not be compatible with something that has the k_hen_heartbt01.ncs file.
There are 2 ways to report bugs:
1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.
2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream.
1) Go to DeadlyStream ( http://deadlystream.com/ ) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ )
2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week.
1) Go to the Bug Thread ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5202-effects-log/ )
2) Reply with as much detail as you can provide, and please list (and preferably link to) all the mods you're using.
wedgiey1 on the KotOR Subreddit for making the request.
This mod may be re-distributed and re-uploaded, but I do request that proper credit be given to me for making the mod, even if you use parts of the mod instead of the whole thing.
Friendly Droid Kits
By Fair Strides in Mods
» Friendly Droid Kits 1.0 Read-Me
NAME: Friendly Droid Kits
TYPE: Added Content
SIZE - Unzipped: 959 Kilobytes, Zipped: 261 Kilobytes
DATE RELEASED: March 10, 2017
This mod, for me at least, started out as an idea back when I was discussing things like fumbling grenades and portable cover with Malkior. It re-surfaced when I stumbled upon and investigated the scripts the floating mines used. Then Khaledm99 on the KotOR Subreddit asked about a mod that would do something similar to what I had wondered about, so I decided to go ahead and give this a whirl.
What this mod does is allow you to build a "kit" at the workbenches. This is a one-time-use item that will create a floating mine droid that is friendly to you and hostile to your enemies, a welcome change. The droid can be talked to and given orders to follow you and you can determine how close an enemy can be before the mine will go to attack.
The settings are using the normal mine droid behavior as the defaults. The mine droid will not follow you (it will stay where it's spawned) and will target any enemy within 7 meters. You can talk to the droid and pick between three distances: 5 meters, 7 meters, and 10 meters.
In addition, if told to follow you, the droid will follow the current party member at all times and will stop following if you enter solo mode. Also the behaviors can be adjusted on a per-droid basis.
Lastly, two things: accessibility and damage. I've made it so you can't build the kits until you are level 12 AND have 15 or more points in the Repair skill (items do count towards this). As for the damage, first I'll show the vanilla damage calculations and then my own:
Vanilla: 1 to ( * 4). A level 10 player could expect a mine to do 1-40 damage.
Modified: 1 to ( * 4) + ( * 2). A level 10 player could expect a mine to do 21-60 damage.
I've modified the damage to balance out the weakness of the mines and making the risk a bit more real compared to getting a mine in the face and only taking 1 point of damage...
An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation.
You have two choices to pick from when installing the mod. The first will simply install the mod and use my modified damage calculation. The second will apply the modified damage to the rest of the mines you'd normally encounter, just to be fair.
There are 2 ways to report bugs:
1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.
2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream.
1) Go to DeadlyStream ( http://deadlystream.com/ ) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ )
2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week.
1) Go to the Bug Thread (http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5197-friendly-droid-kits/ )
2) Reply with as much detail as you can provide, and please list (and preferably link to) all the mods you're using.
Malkior for play-testing and providing feedback.
Box for discussion of the concept and ideas in the past.
Khaledm99 on the KotOR Subreddit for making the request to get me off my ass and working on the idea...
This mod may be re-distributed and re-uploaded, but I do request that proper credit be given to me for making the mod, even if you use parts of the mod instead of the whole thing.
Handmaiden - Fit and Athletic
By Fair Strides in Mods
Handmaiden - Fit and Athletic
by Fair Strides
This mod started out as a request by Malkior to tweak Handmaiden's underwear model and re-shape
her bra (and make her waist human).
However, we got down to critiquing Handmaiden's body model and I tweaked some things here and
there till it was about right. Sadly, never did manage to re-shape her bra like he wanted it to be.
Over the course of tweaking her body, I decided to go in and make her LS and DS clothes match the
changes to her underwear model and did the same for her Dancer model, which was the most extensive
since it showed the most skin.
I've widened Handmaiden's waist to be human but still attractive, made the indent between her shoulder
blades more shallow (in her vanilla model, the dip is very noticeable...), made the curve of her lower-back
more shallow (felt the vanilla indent didn't look quite right), and then widened her upper arms.
That last one was because she's quite fit and muscular by nature, yet her upper arms look pretty flat and weak.
Just a simple re-size later and now she has a bit of barely-noticeable muscle on her upper arms.
This mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and does not require TSLRCM to be installed.
Simply run the TSLPatcher and direct it to your KotOR2 folder.
Delete the following files from the Override:
Also, be sure to take the appearance.2da file from the backup folder (located where you're installing this from)
and put that in your Override folder.
Malkior for the request.
Malkior and LiliArch for the continual discussion/debate on various aspects of Handmaiden's anatomy (even if it did get a bit weird at times, it was fun ).
Official 1.0b Patch
By Fair Strides in Media
Official 1.0b patch for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.
IF you have a non-English version of the game, then you will need the 1.0a patch for your language BEFORE you apply the 1.0b patch.
Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
By Fair Strides in Mods
You must download all seven (7) parts of the BoS 1.0 before trying to unpack them. The unpacker should unpack them all in a row if you start unpacking the .part01.rar file!!!
A note about the 1.5 bundled release:
The 1.5 bundled release has some bugs fixed, but it is also in preparation for an eventual 2.0 release that will only have 1 installer. This 1.5 release still has both the 1.0 and the 1.1 downloads, so you will need to download both files.
Bugs fixed by this bundled release are listed below.
This pack includes several fixes for BoS:SR, done by LiliArch. Source files included.
Original 1.0 Review from Filefront:
Original 1.1 Review from Filefront:
KotOR Toolset
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
You see before you the culmination of eight months of effort, or there about.
This is a PUBLIC BETA of a new KotOR Toolset, whose central focus is as a level-editor. This means that the tool's main job is to edit levels, and to go along with this, I've built editors for most of the games' file types: UTC, UTD, UTE, UTM, UTP, UTS, UTT, UTW, ARE, IFO, GIT, and NSS.
The Toolset cannot do the following things yet: UTI files, DLG files, anything beyond extracting models, no texture support whatsoever (no viewing, no extracting, nothing), and no support for walkmeshes of any kind (.wok, .dwk, and .pwk).
This Toolset should be intuitive and easy to use, or at least that is my sincere hope. I've taken great pains to label mostly everything in layman's terms and also to explain things whenever I can. Most people wouldn't know the amount of effort and time I've put into this project, but it's all I can do to hope that people find it useful, easy to use, and most of all, helpful to new modders.
The documentation is rather sparse at the moment, but I hope that I (or any volunteers...) can expand on things later on, as well as continuing development.
Lastly, this is a PUBLIC BETA!!! I am expecting bugs and errors, so please by all means report them.
Bioware -- For their NWN documentation PDFs on most of the file formats, which I referenced heavily (and ripped off some screencaps of in the read-me. )
tk102 -- For creating the programming libraries I've used to create this Toolset. Otherwise, I'd have been lost in a lot of backtracking...
Sithspecter, LiliArch, 90SK, Malkior, Dastardly, Logan23, Rece, and Canderis -- Support, advice, and more than a few talks asking for opinions on how something looked, or how best to design this or that piece. Also, most of them helped out in a Private Beta earlier this month.
Sithspecter -- Icons used in the Area View. He just couldn't stand those colored circles I'd been using...
Logan23 -- Initial testing and advice from the perspective of a heavy user.
If there's anyone I forgot, please mention it and I will correct this issue.
You are allowed to use this program for any use, so long as it isn't illegal and is not for profit. In addition, if you were to produce a mod using this tool, I'd greatly appreciate a mention in the read-me.
You ARE NOT allowed to re-upload this program anywhere without my express permission. If I want it up somewhere, I will upload it there myself, thank you very much.
By Fair Strides in Modding Tools
You will need three dlls, which can be found here. These will have to be in the same folder as JRLEditor, OR you can follow the instructions in the DLL link. This will work for all of my tools.
This tool is called GITEdit and was created using Perl/TK. It is designed for Knights of
the Old Republic and it's sequel, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.
This tool is designed for easily editing the .git file used by these games to
keep track of a level's objects. The .git file keeps lists of variouse objects which
should be spawned every time the module is entered, without conditions.
With GITEdit, you can change the following:
For the Encounters and Triggers, you can also:
-Edit the shape of the object's "pressure plate"/"activation zone"
-Edit the number of points that make up the shape
-Edit the number of spawn points(Encounters only)
How To Use GITEdit:
To begin using GITEdit, you first have to open a .git file.
You can browse for one by using the File Tree in the lefthand-pane, or by using the button.
In regards to the File Tree, you can browse for a .git file from either game,
regardless of whether it's in a .mod or .rim or in the override folder.
Additionally, you can use the two buttons located directly under the tree to add or remove
custom paths to the File Tree. Upon adding a path, GITEdit will scan that path for .mods,
.rims, and .git files and add them to the tree.
When you open the window to add a Custom Path, you can add an identifying label for use in
the File Tree and then the path itself, which you can use the "..." button to select.
When you open a .git file, information about the file's size, save time, and contents
will be added to the File Info box. Also, the contents of each type of object will be
added to their respective sections in the pane on the lower-righthand side.
Upon selecting an item, an interface appropriate to the type is created.
Varsity Puppet, Bead-V, ZM90 ~-~ Beta-Testing
UltimateBear, VP ~-~ Advice on layout
Vriff ~-~ Help with radians...