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Everything posted by milestails

  1. All in favor of SH changing his avatar to something more easy on the eyes say EYE!

  2. There's also these: K1 - Clone Wars Armors [TSL] Clone Wars Armors Made by Kainzorus Prime
  3. Bought my first gog game today - Medal of Honor Allied Assault War Chest - one of my favorites!

  4. Some really cool camera angles there.
  5. Posting this from atop the Getty Center in LA.

  6. milestails


    Good catch on the ending ceremony attire. Never thought of it. Would be great to have this modified for continuity purposes.
  7. Went on Hyperspace Mountain at Disneyland today...Meh...Also thought about buying the $160 Cell Phone controlled BB-8 and keeping it as a collectible but I didn't in the end.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Do they actually call it Hyperspace Mountain now?

    2. milestails


      Yeah. You fly through a space battle.

  8. milestails


    Here you go: Lone Bullet seems to have a large repository of K1 mods.
  9. Kreia: "It is different. It has been some time." More like it has been no time! In no time at all! Wow, I never knew about this loophole. Fascinating.
  10. milestails


    Here is Deadeye Duncan on Manaan: What disqualifies the Deadly Stream upload of vurt's mod for you?
  11. Never knew they were repurposed! Cool mod.
  12. This reminds me of a request from the request thread on LF:
  13. Reign of the Sith - GSCCC: After Ending Mod - gameunlimited: Both are K1 mods. EDIT: Added authors and updated homepage for GSCCC
  14. Why not just submit it to the downloads section?
  15. Advances in tools lead to advances in mods! Love it!
  16. Yeah Kylo Ren comes off as powerful yet severely flawed in his abilities hence Snoke saying that he has to finish his training.
  17. A must for people who use those other mods! Love the detail on the planet.
  18. milestails


    There is a BETA version already released: