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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Was able to do some nice renders for a fellow modder. Some great skins, take a peak in my gallery!

  2. Quanon

    Face04 Close

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    A quick close up shot.
  3. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Another one of Cache71 skins; lovely stuff!
  4. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    More of Cache71 work.
  5. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Cache71 a fellow modder passed me these gorgeous skins
  6. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Cache71 made these lovely skins; a stunning job.
  7. Read it all Fair Strides. I get the feeling that all the things that happened with your family, is catching up. You say you supress the feelings and emotions. This takes a ton of energy. I'm not blaming you, what I get from your story is you had to grow up FAST. Decide major things that have a serious impact on your life. It's far from odd you have these on and off periods. Feeling tired by it all. And not sure what to do about it. I think writing this out in a blog is a good step. You can let it out, doesn't matter if it's a bit cluttered or rambling on. At least you let it out and it can give you some insight on what's going on in your head. I admire it, it's brave to start digging in yourself. Though it does take time and you should take your time. Take time, but also take good care for yourself, keep eating and drinking at the right times, you can feel very tired and worn out, by not eating enough and not drinking, causes headaches... ect, hold on to some structure. Could write a whole lot more, but I got the feeling I would be talking to much about myself here; I've gone through difficult periods myself, about myself. Still fighting with it at times. But I don't want to take away your "thunder". Feel free to PM me anytime; I don't think I can help much, but you got my ear
    1. VarsityPuppet


      Luke and Leia's wardrobe is very SWTOR, though not the Jedi class armor

    2. Quanon


      It was part of an art challenge. There where a few other nice looking art pieces, but I can't find the link back.

      But this one jumped out to me. Never played SWTOR, so I can't comment if the look matches or not.


    3. jc2


      I agree with your comment on Leia's clothes, but Luke's looks more idk, it looks like a hipster duster, than anything i came across in swtor. Yeah Quanon this is a neat piece of art, thanks for sharing it.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. Hmm, can't get to my PMs...

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I can't take a look until Tyvokka fixes something for the site.

    2. newbiemodder


      I've noticed I can't show all comments in the Recent Ststus Updates


    3. Quanon


      Ah, so I'm not the only one with some issues then?

      I'll wait it out then.

  9. Looks like I got many PMs with B-day wishes that my inbox is broken. Keeps on loading forever :D

  10. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Redrob skins at their best, but closer!
  11. Quanon

    Dance Up04

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Redrob skins at their best, part 2!
  12. Quanon

    Dance Up03

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Redrob skins at their best!
  13. Been working on the other structures for the Manaan skybox. Very much WIP, ugly shadows, need to fix up the smoothing groups and further tweaking the mesh. But here's a quick preview on how it looks so far.
  14. Lol, I was planning on doing these waaaaay sooner. But I never got to it. That's life I guess; it throws things in the way, so a modder can't get to his business So, I spend most of my time creating a new texture to go with my model, closely eyeballing that one picture you posted. To get the same feel and look; as best as I could. I'm not really all that well in the texture department. Then adjusted the UVWmapping a bit. Playing with the render settings Picture time! Also many thanks to Jorak Uln, he created the window texture; and I really love it! Hope you don't mind me using it on this project Jorak
  15. Had a good start on that "circle" the landingbay is located. The detailing is simple, since this is a distance shot. But I can't find a good texture from Manaan areas, that matches better, to the one seen in the real skybox. It's close, but far to cluttered/ busy to work. Anyone any idea what texture would be a better fit? Redoing the color to match, isn't an issue. But so far it doesn't look good enough to me. Here are some preview shots, the fins in the background are a quick mock up Oh, and this is just 1/4 of the full circle/ tube shape
  16. Time to pick this up and run with it! Spend some time on another city, I can visit Manaan as well.
  17. Going in deep with White Russians, Bulgaria, Sofia at night.

  18. For the Dejarik game, why not, do the same like you did for the billboards and commercial signs Add a small circular plane, as a placeable, fit it nicely in the center of one of the tables, so you can pick a table or 2 to change and the other remain untouched. Since it's a placeable you could perhaps add in a tiny Rancor with a hologram effect applied to it. But that would suck up polyies. Perhaps; we could render out a few game beasties with the hologram effect, stick those to small planes on top of the Dejarik tables. Just thinking out loud though ^^ Overall, Nar Shaddaa has always been my favourite planet, since I visited it in Dark Forces 2 for the very first time
  19. Here you go! One TGA file with said texture. I double checked, but my PSD file is the same as the TGA; I collapsed the layers. The quick run down of things I've done, by just seeing the texture: Used the Smoke/clouds render effect, black and white. Then applied a glass/ ocean ripple effect. Using that as a top layer I made a bottom layer, with just a gradient in it. Going from this orange to red. I then changed the layer mode of the the top layer to multiply, overlay or something. I might have used a copy and another mode. Last step was to make a clipping mask and apply a bevel&emboss effects by just double clicking on the layer mask. And then setup the options for the bevel stuff. I can't give any specific numbers and tweaks I did, that's lost to history, lol http://www.mediafire.com/download/4xleq9m3b9sd769/QKor_Data.tga
  20. I found a render back and a zip file with all the stuff for this Korriban Temple thing I started once. The texture is very basic really
  21. I made a texture that looked like it for a Korriban area; a few years ago. It has an orangy glow to it, but I never got to animate it. I was back in the day looking into it redo it anyway; since I wasn't really happy how it looked thus far. And I can't seem to find it back on my PC for the moment. Not sure if I still have those areas installed for my Kotor games.
  22. Darth Nihilus was up for a photoshoot. Check out the gallery for the results ;)

  23. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Tweaked the lights a bit more.
  24. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Another peek.