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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. 3,284 downloads

    This is just a K1 version of my Vibrosword replacement pack, so I will quote the original description: Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.
  2. The only way I know is to get new fast hard disk.
  3. Such things usually happen when Windows swaps to HDD. Looks like your HDD have low write speed - this causes lag.
  4. The skin looks good, but I personally don't like blue hair. I suppose I'll just reskin it for my personal use.
  5. Favorite books? It's hard to choose, so a small list of my favorites: The Master and Margarita (by Mikhail Bulgakov) Fahrenheit 451 (by Ray Bradbury) The Witcher series (by Andrzej Sapkowski) Thrawn Trilogy (by Timothy Zahn) Lord of the Rings (by J. R. R. Tolkien)
  6. You don't need to compile anythnig! Just make a text file, name it exactly like your texture and change extension to *.txi. For example, your texture is named 100_TEX.tga and normalmap is named 100_TEXn.tga. Make a text file, rename it to 100_TEX.txi. In this file make the following line: bumpmaptexture 100_TEXn That should do the trick.
  7. *.TXI files are just plain text files (*.txt) with different extension. It's name must exactly match the name of texture. For normal maps, if I remember right, you should put the next string in the TXI: bumpmaptexture MAP_NAME Just replace "MAP_NAME" with actual name of your normalmap texture.
  8. You are right. All saber blades work this way - texture doesn't have alpha channel, but .TXI have instructions ('blending additive') which make black background transparent. 'Decal 1' in txi makes saber blade look like actual light beam.
  9. It's a mix of 2 and 3. Activation of MSG led to thousands of deaths, and Exile felt them very strongly, almost physically (because of her ability to form bonds). So she CUT HERSELF OFF to survive. Vrook explains that it's difficult to feel the Force user there, because Dantooine was destoyed by Malak (it's destuction left a lot of echoes in the Force).
  10. Awesome work man! Your textures change the whole atmosphere at Peragus; now it's more like a horror in Star Wars universe. Can't wait to play with them.
  11. The blade color is stored in model. So basically all you need to do is just hex-edit the original saber model to use new texture and change it's number. And, of course, edit *.uti to use this edited model.
  12. Screenshots looks VERY good! Keep up the good work.
  13. What I liked in DAO (besides great story and characters) was it's difficulty. IMO, modern games are quite easy, even on hard level. And DAO felt like "hello from 90's", where you must think very carefully about what you do. The game is a real challenge, and I like it for it.
  14. 7. She leaked information about the Exile to holonet. Thus, Exile became the last known Jedi Knight (others were hiding or dead). 8. Kreia was lying. Exile cut him/herself from the Force to survive at Malachor. When you gather Jedi masters the'll tell you that, and Kreia will confirm. 10. Kreia wants Exile as student because Exile is the only one who stripped him/her connection to the Force so completely, that it leaft a wound in the Force. Exile was a living proof of her theory that it is possible to live without the Force.
  15. Yes, TSL will find files in subfolders (but not in sub-subfolders). The game works this way: 1st it checks override itself, if file is not found there it will look in subfolders. If you have files with similar names in different subfolders, it will use that which it founds first. Engine browses subfolders in alphabetical order. It's really helpful when you want to modify something which is already in your override, but too lazy to make backups ant track what you have changed (just like me ). I have a special folder (called !!!test) where I put all new modified stuff, so if it didn't work like I want I can easily rollback by just removing this files.
  16. Not mentally, for K1 I have a text file with list of installed mods It's incomplete (I writed only large mods and ones which modify *.2da files), but I haven't played K1 in years, so I don't care. For TSL I just keep mod files in subfolders, in the override itself I have only *.2da files and global.jrl.
  17. You don't need previous versions, just install the last one available. Re-installing the game is required only if you have already installed tons of incompatible mods and don't know how to uninstall them properly.
  18. Once again I screwed Anakin's head... Why the hell those danglymeshes don't compile properly?!

    1. VarsityPuppet


      Are you getting the head animations to work correctly? From what I've found, sometimes you have to compile it a certain way, and then when you're finished, you can always use my HeadFixer program :D

    2. DeadMan


      The head itself works just fine (I've hex-edited it to work properly). Only danglymeshes are screwed. I'll continue my experiments.

    3. Lord Revan

      Lord Revan

      Are you still working on it, because I would Like to see it oneday, if your still working on it that is

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  19. My Exile is usually a light-side male. He's not getting lightside mastery (sometimes I'm giving myself to anger ), but almost there. But K1 is a different story. Those 'good' Jedi erased MY memory, they were manipulating me all along!!! So in the end my light-sided Revan turns to the Dark Side and takes the mantle of the Dark Lord.
  20. I'm not a fan of anime, but I liked Fullmetal Alchemist and Code Geass.
  21. Fallout 1&2. I've completed this games a lot of times, IMO they're THE BEST games of all times. BTW, F3 was a dissapointment, but NV is quite good. KotOR 2. I just love this game. In this game I can make my Exile is an almost perfect reflection of myself. It's a rare thing in games. The Witcher. I'm a huge fan of books, and the games are great. Love both of them. Deus Ex 1 and Human Revolution. A must-play for anyone, who like cyberpunk style. Dragon Age: Origins. Can't explain my feelings about this game in English, sorry. StarCraft. Didn't played SC 2, but the first one was great. I loved the story, I loved perfect balance of races (quite a rare thing in RTS), I loved MAP EDITOR! Hell, I studied English ONLY to mod this game.
  22. View File [K1] Saber&Melee weapon sound mod Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod for KotOR Author: DeadMan This is K1 version of my sound mod, so I'll just qoute the description from TSL version: Submitter DeadMan Submitted 02/12/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  23. Version 1.0


    Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod for KotOR Author: DeadMan This is K1 version of my sound mod, so I'll just qoute the description from TSL version:
  24. Shem's sounds are one of 'twirl' sounds (used for doublebladed saber) and 3 or 4 swing sounds. Can't remember exactly which ones (I've been assembling this for about 2 months). BTW, K1 version is coming soon.
  25. View File Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod Author: DeadMan 1. What is this? This mod will change sounds of lightsabers and other melee weapons. Lightsaber sounds are replaced with more movie-like versions. The mod will not only replace ingame sounds, but also will add some variety. For example, all lightsaber types (normal, doublebladed and short) now have unique set of sounds (not only on/off and ‘hum’ sounds, but also swing, parry and hit sounds). Vibroblades, vibroswords, long swords, doublebladed swords and quarterstaffs also have updated soundsets. Vanilla game had only 2 (!) swing sounds for ALL melee weapons. With my mod it’s 3-4 unique sounds for a weapon type. 2. Why should I install it? Why not? 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. The mod is not compatible with other mods which alter saber sounds. 5. Credits. Shem – I used some sound files from his Ultimate Sound Mod. Conditions of Use: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 02/10/2012 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes