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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. im sorry to ameican but i found this so funny

    1. Kerk


      Yo dawg! Us americans finds it offencive!

    2. Jac


      Uh-huh. Just one more reason as to why Michael Moore is not the person to get one's history lessons from.

  2. love when some of your favourte shows refrence star wars - it does it about 5 times

  3. New skyrim dlc looks amazing

    1. Quauhtli
    2. Kerk


      Yep, but I suspect that dragon riding will be available only above Solstheim.

  4. quick question for americans, what is your mian choclate company. so like who is the most populare american company you buy from, because england has cadbury; (any english people will renember this beast of a advert

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jac


      Cadbury sells their chocolates over here as well I believe.

    3. bendarby24
    4. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Lucky Canadians get both British and American chocolates. British is far better. Much smoother and better tasting. When I go to my family in NYC or Miami or Chicago or San Diego I always bring a box of Coffee Crisps. Best candy bar of all time. :)(:

  5. so close come on already

    1. zbyl2


      There's the longer one too:


      The scene where they compare their screwdrivers killed me.

  6. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  7. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  8. Doing my first modded playthrough of K1 in 5 years. Figuring out compatibility of mods is a nightmare these days, never any clear answers...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LoneWanderer


      Since Recruitable Kay use TSLPatcher, chances are, it is compatible with K1R (or, at least, won't break the game), if the they don't have .ncs scripts with the same names.

      Look at the situation from other position: you can be the first person to inform community, whether these mods are compatible or not! 😉

    3. Mephiles550


      What's even more of a nightmare is trying to modfix the incompatible mods yourself to make them work with eachother and you keep missing something so you get new problems every time

      Trying to make brotherhood of Shadow compatible with my specific mod build has been quite the challenge and I'm definitely not done yet. 

    4. Thor110


      I've said it before and i'll say it again, while all the customisation is great, some users just want a complete package and to not have to spend their time learning how to mod a game just to play it with mods.

      The community could still really benefit from a complete overhaul of both games that combines essentials and the best of the best into one package, only problem is organising such a thing and getting everyone to work together, unfortunately and understandably everybody is so busy with their own little ideas for the game that this sort of thing is unlikely to ever happen beyond say the reddit build list.

  9. Don't visit that often these days, but i am noticing a lot of spamming lately....  

  10. Anyone else going star wars celebration? cant wait to see dave filoni's pannel! :)

    1. Kexikus


      I will. It's gonna be great :)

    2. Rinku


      I wish I could go T_T keep us updated about everything :D

  11. Back from London, was alsome because i whent t brits 2013 and say soo meny celebrities :D

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Sry I couldn't sign an autograph for you XD

    2. bendarby24


      just looked at my post and this provese how tired i was :/

  12. Bens 4 stages for dealing with a bad grade: Denial, Anger, Depression and Ben and jerry's!!!

  13. BIGGIST HANG OVER EVER :/ but such a good night :D

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Drink a full glass of water after each complete drink you finish next time. (Yes, a shot counts as a complete drink.)

    2. bendarby24


      chears for the advise

  14. bye off to London to do geography resurch, should be back in to days. If im not active in the next 4 days it because im going to caning town the most deprived place in the UK and whn i go there we are force to wear stab through jackets - that how bad it is

    1. bendarby24


      not stab through, that would kill me #stab proof

  15. collage lecture was so boring, they found 5 million ways of useing the phrases x, y and x into every sentence

    1. Malkior


      Just wait until they start using z ...

      and various Greek symbols.

  16. cool, havent got skyrim yet, going to get it in the januray sales after my exams :(

  17. does any body know any chearful songs, i have had a crap day :/

  18. don't do A Level art i have been doing my art work for the last 18 hours straight, i missed lunch and i hate dinner and worked at the same time :( and before that every day for the last week i have been doing art for 6 hours a day

    1. bendarby24


      i better get the grade to do a art technology coures in university and become a concept artist or 3D mesh or texture artist

  19. Dragonborn DLC is alsome i rewived it 8/10 due to the fact you cant actally controll the dragon in the sence of movment or attack and all you can do it chose the target. But i know why they did this, it would be the bugist thing ever to do it and you would get a lot of people trying to fly through the meshes of mountians and discovering al location will take 5 minutes

    1. Kerk


      What about the story? Is it good or as usual?

    2. bendarby24


      yea i like it, it good but could have been longer in my oppion :/ but its intresting how i ties in with one of the oblivion relms