Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Doesn't look too terrible this time around. But then I remember TLJ's trailer looked good too and all faith goes out the window. Can't say I like Han nor Lando too much, Chewie's stealing the show. Also notice the droid is played by Phasma. She was so AMAZING in TFA and TLJ, would she get more than 2 minute screentime here? Even chromier? Won't watch it in cinema. Sorry Disney, you've brought that on yourselves.
  2. Of course that does raise the question... why make it a mystery rather than just say so. We all know the answer (JJ) but still...
  3. I've just wrote this giant piece somewhere and I kinda want to preserve it just incase I need it in the future, so have another piece of my mind, 3 months later. "I think that's how the fan base got divided. U either like what happened or u don't."
  4. Rian Johnson lacks a brain. And mirrors https://t.co/9ca1RsNHOa

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Last I played TSL was 6-7-2017, so... nope.

    2. 1Leonard


      Never said anything about permission. I'm sad you're so angry :(

    3. jc2


      "Oh, the Caretaker village… it was so much fun!" he said of an elaborate deleted scene in which the droll fish-nun proprietresses of Ahch-To dance with the male counterparts not seen in the theatrical cut. "You can see there's the men from the hunting tribe who come for their once-a-month dance with the nuns. Oh, I love it! I love the idea. It was so cold [during filming]. But it was so much fun. It was a party." - Was this man on drugs?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. Blarb. Fooled. Could have atleast hinted at VI coming out as fool :/ Or what I planned before I got lazy and made it out like we rewrite TSL as TLJ with Meetra Sulrik as MaRey Sue with instant influence 100 with everyone, and making all kinds of re-writes to write out KOTOR1 out of it, with Revan dying on Malachor from PMing too hard with Kreia throught their Force links (no problem with the Exile and Kreia of course) and the player beating Sion till he flees on Peragus and Korriban so it's really threatening to see him on Malachor etc. etc. With Last just lazily copied onto The Sith Lords logo in the main menu (unlike that awesome one from last time ) along with it being 1.8.6 of course.
  6. MALACHO... VI... Oh. Still cool I suppose. I mean; I probably need to actually watch the vid rather than see Grenn and type a reply as I do now. Hahahahahahaa..... *runs* EDIT: Watching it (and not just making VP cry) that didn't show anything new at all :/
  7. Mauler delivers again... A New Hope this time around... ehm, sorry... The Force Awakens this time;

    1. jc2


      Ha! I knew you would notice this!

    2. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      The only problem with posting these in status updates is that there's no "Like This" button. Thanks!

  8. Might as well add this since it's 2.5 years later... this is how it looks / sounds ingame;
  9. Well, sub2 is never triggered, and I think sub1 should already have different int strings and object names. Also you still check for string1, int1 in sub2
  10. And here I was getting my hopes up a bump of this topic was the new vid.
  11. But to make sure, yes, the VO was replaced in 1.3 by ones from CommissarBro.
  12. 802DRO and 808DRO respectfully. What do you want to change?
  13. Pretty much admitting it by changing the posters... to THIS genious. Looks greeeeeeeeeeeeat, doesn't it? Oh, they removed their guns from the posters cause reasons. Oh, Disney. I feel like singing "bravely running away" from Monthy Python's Holy Grail.
  14. Doesn't seem like they would, looking at merch sales alone (-40% or somesuch I read) any further decreases put a serious dent on Disney's action. You can't just replace your old fanbase and expect a new one with shoddy materials. Just ask the Stargate Universe people who dumped Atlantis for their new baby and killed the popular franchise. After the TLJ backlash yes. They seem to think what some people here seem to ignore is happening. I would agree. Except EA has an absolute monopoly on SW-games at the moment, so there is no "volume" nor any chance for a KOTOR. So no, there's no chance of that suddenly happening without a direct chance of action by Disney. Sorry to blow your bubble.
  15. Easter Egg mode is GameCompleted, not CurSithLord
  16. They ARE going to change if people suddenly stopped watching Star Wars in cinema since it's dead to them. @Zbyl; Not much to do with luck, more with buying a super-popular IP. No "luck" involved there. And while they tear on said fanbase to be successful they also just gave us the finger. Is that a smart business decision? Time will tell but I would guess "no".
  17. Seems we could have gotten a more fleshed out Phasma and a scene on the ship far exceeding what we got. Sadly, Rian said it can't be so, and we got what we got.
  18. More Solo news... and it isn't good. LucasFilm / Disney have been found out plagiarising the promo posters; EDIT: Seems the Facebook post of the artist I linked is deleted 0_o Plenty of articles about it left on the web though, like; http://www.indiewire.com/2018/03/disney-accused-plagiarizing-solo-posters-french-artist-hachim-bahous-1201936483/
  19. Tell me more. And we'll see with Solo and IX the harm TLJ has done. I'm fairly confident both will fail tremendously. And rightly so. Ah, the old "just f*ck off" argument. Why are WE not allowed to enjoy Star Wars we have all our life till now? Hmmmm? But what do I know? According to Disney I'm a Russian far-right bot nazi racist sexist who is threatened by woman... nice way to portray your client-base.
  20. Found this vid on IHE's TLJ vid... yeah vidception. Doubt SH would approve me posting it in the topic, so it's here till it gets pushed out. Enjoy!

  21. On one hand, you would think with the TLJ response someone would go out "you should probably shut up" rather than "yeah, let's have this guy PR our next movie, that's a GREAT idea." Sounds like LucasFilm is a touch out of reality (as if JJ's response wasn't bad enough) which is very troubling indeed.
  22. Well, if we need a good example of someone just putting TLJ Critism as Sexism look no further than Disney! Apparently JJ Abrahams says if we don't like this movie we are "Threatened by Woman". Yup, the guy that's supposed to give us faith in the series again and wanting us to see IX. Yet can't see how terrible all the characters of the new trilogy are. Doesn't promise improvement, just bashing fans. I feel confident already... How about for once Disney/LucasFilm admits blame instead of insulting us all. That would be a nice change of pace. And maybe creates some goodwill for the series you're dragging into it's grave. So I watched the 18m torture of IHE again (since it was the same one I saw before, and even on second viewing still terrible) and the first 4 minutes is complaining about fans, then a whole minute on the movie. Literally this though; First I was somewhat conflicted, but positive leaning. Second I was positive. Third I loved it. Oh good, GREAT discussing off all the pro's there! Then straight back to fan-bashing again (and he goes deep in bashing). Then another 1m of "pro's" (all visual ones btw). And back to bashing. There's also a min or 2 where he lists his dislike (very similar to everyone else's like Canto Blight, it's message, porgs, Holdo). Which only takes so long since he needs to add a stab to all other Star Wars movies. Of course. And back to bashing! Odd. Just like I said and remembered. Yet got flamed by 2 people here for simply stating facts. Sorry. So we got 2m of actual arguments out of the 18m movie and 14m of bashing. Did you guys watch the same damn YouTube movie? Did you guys think bashing are great arguments? What the hell was supposed to convince me there this was a good movie. What made you guys think he offered even a SINGLE argument for the movie? Anyway, onto the next one... Comment Comeback. Haven't seen this one before. Well, not much to say here. The actual arguments about the movie he waves off as "I told them in my review" and then there's a lot of discussion about the ranty stuff. Oh, and Luke's death was great apparently... dying from literally nothing. Totally comparable to death due to lightsaber or lightning, suuuuuuure. There's literally nothing here argumenting the movie besides that Luke part... and... ugh. Comparing Luke's death to Han's and Darth Vader's. Really? Nothing vs. being killed vs. sacrifice? Aaaaanyway, onto 1Leonard's movie. I hope it contains actual arguments for more than 25% of it's duration this time. Oh... it's not 10 arguments FOR the movie. It's 10 arguments WE have being stupid. Really... really? Wasn't this my entire fucking point? People can't actually give reasons, they just need to trash the other guy? Sure, I'm going to continue watching, but this isn't looking good. Let's go over them too why don't we? It's apparently what we're supposed to do. 10. Snoke isn't anybody. This is apparently a good thing. She's more excited that a villain who can't intimidate a fly is there rather than Snoke. Oookay? Why we liked them is since he was the only even remotely threatening thing in the Order. Now... they're a joke. Yay! Subversion! We all want potentless enemies, right? OH GOD... The Emperor argument again. Yeah, cause it was totally not the second movie there with a well-established opposition (The Empire) compare to The First Order who just came out of nowhere 3 movies later when 2 movies ago we totally beat the Empire and brought peace to the galaxy. But totally the same thing, don't explain why we suddenly have a new Empire after our heroes won. That's good storytelling right? How can people not see this difference? 9. Kylo sucks as villain. Pretty much the exact same argument as 10, but let's roll with it. As apprentice he works fine. As main baddy, you need someone who can realistically be intimidating or lead an army. Kylo fails at both. He's a joke villain. That's the problem. Good for a secondary villain, not the primary. She poses what movies have scary villains. Why? Classics. Terminator (2), Alien(s), The Matrix, Star Wars, LOTR. Odd, ain't that? Moving on... Oh wait, we got HUX. Who's now a clown. TFA Hux, maybe. TLJ Hux, joke. And the knights of Ren! Did YOU see them this movie? Good job making your argument revolving things Rian just couldn't bother adding. 8. No story left, pointless since it's like "a day after TFA where nothing happens". Actually, both are entirely true. TFA left tons of threads for the story, all killed now. The ending left little interest or motivation for IX. It could be anything. Not exactly great for the end of a trilogy. Oh and apparently Rey beating a 15-year trained Jedi first battle was a good thing now. Uhuh. Kylo having no motivations is good. The enemy all crying is good. WHAT AM I HEARING? 7. Rey is nobody. Mary Sue confirmed. That's good now too. Wouldn't want actual backstories or logical reasons for power in this trilogy now would we. All we want is a reason for her to NOT train like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE. Or train. Note we got neither. 6. Luke the Mass-murderer; Apparently the only reason he tried it on Vader was since he couldn't defeat him in combat. He could Kylo so, OFF WITH HIS HEAD. *mind blows* What am I hearing. What IV, V and VI did you see that makes you think Luke is a sociopath? "Yeah, actually fighting wouldn't be what the good guy does. Killing in his sleep, yeah, that's good guy stuff" (paraphrasing but she literally said that). 5. Leia in space. Visually it looked bad, yes. Story-wise as well. Once again, you don't suddenly gain Force Powers. You train. Rey doesn't, that was a major complaint in TFA. Why would anyone think it would go over better in much higher quantities in TLJ? TRAINING. You need to Train to be a Jedi. Anakin, Luke and Kylo all trained for YEARS. Rey and Leia not a day. You see why that's an issue? 4. Everything is Holdo's fault. Yeah, it is. Why didn't she told the plan. Being a terrible leader. Wouldn't be AS bad if the movie also acknowledged her being a terrible leader. Yet, it does all in it's power to portray her right while she's not. There's the fault people put at it. Also "guy she just met"... with the Resistance being apparently like 100 people and she being a general... how is that possible? It's not. Only with bad storytelling. Also no, people didn't die when Poe "found out the plan" since he didn't. People died since he DIDN'T know the plan. Once he knew the plan he was like "that's a good plan", and that was it. 3. Ryan sets up his trilogy with broom boy. Sorry you missed the memo, but yeah... he totally did. Welcome to now knowing. 2. The B-plot was pointless since it didn't work. You forgot boring, preachy, had horrible characters, and contributed nothing to the end-result. Notice how Cloud City failed but nobody has an issue with that. Since it did "failure" right. Not just failure for the sake of failure. And you say "they learn from this failure". Since they don't, you kinda contradict your own reasoning for it having a reason to exist. If it paid off, it wouldn't be pointless now would it. And there would be less complains. But it's not, hence concerns. Also 3/4th the failures list every movies have. Since you added "the bad guys plan got thwarted = failure" in there. Such a never seen before concept. Not to mention you literally bring up your 4th point here. You can't complain about this whole thing screwing up Holdo yet ignore the whole thing didn't happen if Holdo just said the darn plan. 1. "The film challenges you"... WHAT? What does that even MEAN? Oh, it means "subversions". Yeah, those were bad. A subversion can work (KOTOR), but adding 20 kinda delutes their purpose. Subverting a subvertion (Leia dies! Oh she doesn't!) even more so. All the end result leads to is you just get completely uninterested in the content since literally everything gets retconned, sometimes even minutes later anyway. Where's the tension then? If you can't add in decent tension, don't expect me to keep attention. Which they probably hoped for anyway with the many plotholes added in there you're supposed to not register. But thanks guys. When I said the people who apparently are Pro-TLJ on YouTube cannot for the life of them actually defend the movie with the movie, just by attacking those who didn't like it and their arguments... you sought out 3 examples proving exactly that. I was kinda expecting this, because as I said that's all I see on YouTube, but you were fairly insistant you could find something different for me. That didn't happen though. And for some lighthearted fun, 2 songs. First is Anti-TLJ so beware of that if you dislike that. The other one is good for everyone!
  23. If you were holding out any hope for this... Rian Johnson just came out and said he loved it. So yeah... it's gonna suck. (Are they activelly sabotaging this thing or what?)