Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Even when many theorised against, I'm always of the opinion that Bao-Dur survives, NO MATTER WHAT. That's why he's gone. The "make my sacrifice matter" seems to refer to him losing his Remote on Malachor. When escaping Malachor, Kreia makes it very clear the droids are on the Hawk. Bao-Dur's inability to be read hints at them not wanting to give them a final future like other members, leaving him for KOTOR3 along with T3 and HK-47. His inability to kill him in any way seems to reinforce that, whereas all other party members were intended to be killable on Malachor. This way even if going pure DS and killing all, there's one remaining Jedi to restart the Jedi Order after it's destruction. 1) It's also used on Onderon Revisit, although a lightsaber works fine at that point. Bit of an odd leftover. Then again it being used only on Telos isn't that much of a stretch when you notice his Shield Breaker is also pretty much useless outside of said planet. The only other shield-users are in Atton's solo-section. The force fields always disabled on use, rather than having the default forcefield line about Bao-Dur (which literally is the default force field door). It wouldn't make sense they actually had different doors in there if that wasn't intended. 2) It's primary use is repair kits, which use the repair skill, which HK has a high level of unless you really screw it up. These allow you to finish the factory no matter what. 3) As stated, those are anti-Jedi defenses. At one point Zbyl or Stoney did remove them, but it was (fortunately) decided to restore them since they absolute make sense in context. 4) That's why VP killed one off in the cutscene I think, not sure why we did that rather than lower their stats (the lower level droids are not quite as hard)... but I think those are Obsidian's default values. Still 30x easier than TSLRP 0_o 5) Or not use Recommended? As for Bao's piece-de-la-resistance, how about that entire annoying Remote sequence? Why doesn't it count?
  2. I would probably say TFA. All of it's questions being wasted didn't do it much good in retrospect, and it wasn't all that great in the first place, just as leadup. Since it failed at that, it falls flat. On the other hand TLJ ruined my interest in future Star Wars movies, something TFA obviously didn't do, and fortunately, since Rogue One was pretty good, unlike the numbered ones.
  3. Seems a KOTOR1 item. Considering it's followed by bodies collected for bounties, it probably was an intended bounty item for a scavenger quest they likely scrapped. My impression anyway.
  4. I prefer space politics above EARTH politics shoved into a SW-movie. I love animals, Canto Blight was still a blight on the movie. I like woman. Rey is still cardboard Mary Sue, Holdo a total bitch and Rose should have been murdered by AT-AT's for cringe #2, moreso than Anakin's dialogue. Space/Superman Leia the most ridicilous thing to EVER happen in a Star Wars movie ever. Phasma is still as much a waste as ever. I'm a man, and although I don't care males are portraited as failures, every character is just such a fucking moron. Hux got ruined. Luke got ruined. Finn got ruined. Poe had no point staying alive in TFA in the first place, and his "Yo momma" pretty much sets up his arch of being a pain in the butt for the whole movie. Snoke got ruined. Kylo can't even beat the guards Rey sliced up easily, making him a non-issue (there goes IX out the window) and then on Hoth he reverts to being a moron. Yes, I get it, First Order are Space Nazi's. So was the Empire. Did we really need to make them a super-comical incompetant opponents? None of the other foes of Star Wars ever was. As for Jar Jar, one comical relief character vs. ALL characters being comical relief characters. Yes, I still stand by my statement the prequels are better.
  5. Watch a franchise after it's dead and will no longer produce movies? Seeing how they officially call Solo a "total failure" already 6 months in advance... I somewhat doubt mr. Rian's trilogy has that much of a promising future, or the franchise as a whole.
  6. Reminds me of Batman vs. Superman. Horrible movie. But after all movies, games etc. all showing Batman doesn't kill here he suddenly goes "kill mode" on someone who has done nothing wrong, only for the extreme slight possibility it can happen without having any evidence for it to be a reality. Come in Retard Batman. Really, entire movie I couldn't shake the feeling Batman was a total moron. I was WAITING for the scene where the butler would slap some sense into him. But that never happend :/. No correlation whatsoever (played by a bad actor didn't help). Sadly, that was the LEAST of the issues of that movie, just like here :/. @DarthYcey; I know you're describing the prequels, but every con you mention I can nod on being an issue with the new trilogy. So I re-itterate; Yes the prequels beat the new trilogy. I seriously doubt IX changes that since III was the strongest of the 3 aswell. And with zero leadup to IX given, character stagnation and the dead of several of the most interesting characters (not to mention the entire evaporation of any kind of threat from the "enemy") it's very doubtful it'll be a good movie in the slightest. (I do like Rogue One though)
  7. Oh, watching YouTube vids here's a GREAT point; Why did Finn and Rose save the animals, but leave the slave-kids behind? Some heroes. EDIT: Also another great decomposition;
  8. If you think so. KOTOR1 is the total "safe" Star Wars game leaning extremely close to the formula to not alienate fans, even if it was set 4000 years prior. KOTOR2 however, is far from that. How exactly does that not mirror TFA and TLJ? (And I *still* want KOTOR3. No interest at all in IX. That's the power of leadup vs. "anything can happen since there's absolutely no setup") Have your vomit bag ready; http://steamcommunity.com/app/208580/discussions/0/2906376154326818122/#c1621724915777161337
  9. "Midi-chlorians" Oh wait, TLJ... I would disagree. "Super-Leia" and "Rose Kiss" where 2 ultra-cringy moments that alone turn you off of this movie. Not forgetting the half-hour of Las Vegas. I tried that. The movie made it impossible. You don't think we didn't enjoy it on our own accord, did you? Or are we going into "You just watched it with a pre-determination to bash it" conspiracy in here? I went to the VERY FIRST showing in this country in the nearest cinema. Obviously I would go in at the very first moment if I didn't hope to see a good movie, right? One mediocre and one outright bad movie, the bad movie leaving ZERO plots left for IX. Yeah, I think I can put in my 2 dollars already, there's no way IX is able to salvage this trainwreck. Not when the only thing "left" is Darth Emo the whiny vs. Mary Sue Rey the Undefeatable. What could POSSIBLY happen? Oh, the suspense is killing me. As much as I would like IX retconning VIII entirely, it would just turn that into another bad movie. There's lose/lose all around. No, seriously. "Snoke is back" or "Hey, Rey isn't Mary Sue after all" at this point would just be even worse than just moving on. I gave VII a pass for "they can lift this up in VIII". Do I need to give the same leeway twice? While the first time around it already got so much worse? No, I don't think so. Wasn't alive for the release times, but ESB had plenty of setup for ROTJ. TLJ pretty much feels like a concluded movie. ZERO leadup to the next movie. No adversery (Vader and Emperor where bad, Kylo is a total loser). No, no, we don't. A good third movie wont retro-actively make this watchable. A good director's cut cutting out all jokes, killing Leia on the ship and removing Finn and Rose entirely would be the only way to go for that. So basically, it was all a big lie. As I said before though, backpedalling now just makes it worse. So I hope you're wrong. The ONLY salvagable thing is "TLJ was all a dream" and IX just follows VII and does it right. That's not a good thing. That is not a good thing AT ALL. And as a true SW fan, I'll give it a wide berth. And if people not wanting to see your movie and not seeing your movie and then artifically inflating it's score makes a "good film" then I don't know what to say to you expect have fun with your very narrow-minded view.
  10. Got time for a proper reading and response this time; Your point being? The end being known matters little, it's the content in the movie, the writing, that matters. You wont know that coming in the movie either way. It's as Kreia says "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey." And both are expected to be interesting for the around 2 hours the movie lasts. R1 succeeds (I'm going to buy that movie), TLJ fails (and with that my plans to buy the trilogy box. What's the point? TFA was mediocre, TLJ is awful. You seriously think IX will redeem both? You mean... Finn? Resetting his TFA progress and redoing it while being 100% reduandant? Shell Rey? Character-murder Luke? Poe maaaaybe. Kylo isn't that bad but he's still whiny and non-threatening. They ruined Hux. Couldn't care less for Rose, Phasma, Leia, Purple-hair woman. Did I miss anyone? *cough* Rey *cough* You know which movie had that? TLJ. People died, ICONIC people even. And I couldn't have cared less at that point. The ONLY death that could have meant something was Finn, but nooooooooooo, they HAD to ruin that. Definitely. Saw II and III in the cinema and walked out just fine, not soul-crushed "what the f*ck did I just watch" That by itself is already a clear signal they're better, even as popcorn entertainment where you only think about issues later. Oh yes, I looooooooved those. You can clearly see that from the earlier posts. Gotta love all the pre-conceptions one gets thrown about if you hate this movie. "You're a bot", "It's because of your fan theories", "You just can't see the good points Rian makes" (*pukes*). Remind me again, where in the prequels are the "your momma" jokes again? Also if people hated Jar Jar, what suddenly turned Disney "hey, LET'S DO THAT AGAIN". Apparently better palatable for some people if given by every single character in the movie rather than just the comedic sidekick.
  11. Did you HONESTLY said this on forums dedicated to KOTOR? KOTOR1 is a rehash of the Star Wars story. KOTOR2 is a total deviation from it. Basically they mirror TFA and TLJ entirely. Difference is; Both KOTORs were good. Both movies were bad. Apparently IT is possible though to do either and not suck. Funny that. EDIT: Being in the KOTOR2 > KOTOR1 team I, by your terms, should unconditionally love TLJ. I don't cause it's a horrid mess.
  12. That wasn't even close to the worst part of TLJ. And yes, Prequels beat the Newquels at this date. Nothing was given in the movie. TFA ended with "training and going to the Rebel Base" and TLJ picks up right where it got off. So the 18h was all we were given (and remember in that time Finn and Rose got to do their entire PETA-part on Earth too). Either days are really short on Luke's planet or it's just really crap writing at work. (Answer: It's B ) Worst battle vs. only worthwhile battle in the movie. Who compares worst to best now? The rememberence being "Who was he?", "Why did they even promote a non-character", "Why ain't she dead?", "Why didn't this woman just tell Poe the plan, the Resistence sucks as much as The First Order" or "Plot-advancement device" (fair enough the Darth-Vader machined guy in Rogue One follows somewhat similar to Mas... but it's got nowhere near the throwable character-roster the new Trilogy has. That seems to be a common charasteristic about people liking TLJ, telling people who care "don't care"/"doesn't matter" or "just deal with it" for ANYTHING based around plot. Sorry, I don't watch movies with my brains off, that's just not my thing. R1 didn't have a follow-up movie that relies on tension, TLJ does. There isn't. It's Darth Emo vs. The Undefeatable Mary Sue. Ohh... what could POSSIBLY happen? I must have missed that entire half then since she beat the 15-year trained Sith guy within 5 days of learning about the Force. He got his face cut up, she had 0 injuries as of yet in 2 entire movies. Humour is part of all Star Wars movies, mostly coming from the droids (forgetting Jar Jar for a moment). TLJ seriously went overboard with everyone being a joke, primarily the bad guys. They can't even use Star Wars terms at that point and went to earth-terms. Nobody writing this knows Star Wars obviously or they would have never added "cops" or "hacker"... come on. It's almost like TSL is a good middle of a trilogy. Building on it's predecessor (rather than throwing all away) and leaving much room for a third part and an interest in exploring it. Both not TLJ's area. You say badass, I say lame. Especially Leia's Force use was absolutely attrocious. It looked ridicilious. Not to mention nothing in TFA even remotely hinted at Leia getting training so it's another mysterious power usage. And Luke dying to that. Being peaceful? How the hell did the kids even learn Luke doing that, did the First Order publically broadcast their assault or something (they are so borderline stupid at this point I wouldn't even question *that*). Oh, I brought Hope by doing absolutely nothing, better pass on now. Come the f*ck on... Yeah, they did misinterpretate it, in that "balance" wiped out the Jedi entirely to do so rather than the Sith. Doesn't make it fairly likely Jesus is outclassed tenfold 2 generations after birth.
  13. @1Leonard: I know the Prophecy is about Anakin. When did I state otherwise? You can clearly see so by me saying "2 generation" Luke being the first new generation, and Rey the second. See? And yeah, it was stated Anakin was the most powerful Jedi ever. Midichlorian scene remember? Born from the Force. We know more about Snoke than the Prophecy, really? Tell me ANYTHING we know of snoke, besides his visuals since we can see them. That's pretty much it. My point exactly, "Rey Nobody" is an actual insult to the sudden surge of Power shown. And the Prequels didn't really show an increase in Force Power, just more flashy lightsaber combat. And Anakin went through about as many years as Kylo Ren to make progress (there's no actual real use of Force by him in Phantom Menace, as should be), not the days of Rey. Untrained. ESB had failures. Luke failed against his father and learned his lineage, making the stakes higher. Han got frozen. TLJ has NONE of these setups. None. While the Rey/Kylo scenes are the best of TLJ they really have no emotional connection to care for us moving to IX. Unlike Luke/Father were we wonder if he can overcome his lack of power here we got Rey, who's Rey and Rey is awesome and can't fail so we really don't care about the confrontation, she'll win like she always does. For a movie of failure it seems awfully unaware for a main character to be interesting they need that failure to be believable and have something to actually overcome that interests the viewer. Rey got none of that. Even if there was such leadup (VII had it) the way VIII shat all over it would anyone really trust a proper resolution now? "The Dragons are coming" -Game of Thrones "Hah, they got killed off-screen to here. We juuuust hyped them up a loooong time, but it's all your fault for actually going in with our hype. Suckers!" Would you really go with 'Best plottwist ever' or 'Terrible terrible writers'? 1. Probably. Can't care either way. 2. Snoke being alive would be a copout ruining yet another movie, so hopefully not. 3. And we know Rey will win since Rey is Rey and Rey can't loose. Exciting! (not) 4. The Jedi (and Sith) are a philosophy, not a set of rules. You should really know this. They don't need books to "survive". Infact the books would mostly just introduce the failures of the Jedi Kreia and Luke hate so much (and Luke thus didn't follow in the old EU anyway). 5. I... literally cannot care? 6. I agree, but this movie completely and utterly ruined this. I would really like any incentive to watch IX, but VIII left absolutely zero reasons to go for it in.
  14. Someone should tell the First Order when they put their GIGANTIC ship with 12 anti-fighter guns. 12! TLJ literally spawns plotholes out of thin air, and facepalms are inevitable. 12 man. TWELVE. Who DESIGNED that thing? Rogue One did something new, loved it. TLJ didn't do "new" as much as it just crapped all over Star Wars as we know it, and *literally* added in Earth at one point. Expectations where CREATED by TFA, actual plotpoints we expected resolution. If toying with their own setup we expected resolution to is "playing with everyone's expectations" I just call it what it is; Writing a story and then just throwing it away. Did you think KOTOR2 would be better if it went, oh well, KOTOR1 was all about Revan, now we're 5 years later... Bastila stabbed him, the end. Well, here's our new story, 18 hours of Malachor V slogfest would you also go "This is great!" Cause that's how it feels like. So... it's a good thing the guy the prophecies tell of for THOUSANDS of years is outclassed in every way 2 generations later by a nobody literally tenfold. Without any training. And that's... good? Why did they even prophecise the Skywalkers if within 2 generations their power was peanuts. They should have made a prophecy about the power of Rey. I would be fine with a new powerful Jedi out of thin air if it took like 4000 years after the original trilogy. Not when the original Skywalkers weren't even dead and literally made of Force, literally Jesus, and this girl just stamps all on Jesus. I don't think Jesus got surpassed these 2017 years right? Now imagine 40-50 years, and you got Rey. But tell me... what is left for IX. Why should I care about the next movie. Cause... I don't. The First Order only exist out of immature teennage rageboys who are about as threatening as an Ewok. Heck Ewoks are more treatening. It would be like the Empire run by Gungans. Yeah, that's scary right? On the other hand the Rebellion consists out of... well; Finn and Rose who are literally pointless after VII (Here's a prediction; In IX Finn runs, gets stopped and turns a hero. Cause we haven't seen that arch twice yet). Rey is literally the boring super woman who there is no interest to watch since she wont fail anyway, she can't. Such tension *yawn*. Leia dies offscreen. And I feel Poe literally should have died off in VII already to not cheapen Finn's arch. And he was kind of a pointless tool in VIII too. Only character making any progression in the 18h slogfest race, but a character I never liked throughout either. So... Chewie. Watch IX only for Chewie. Eeeeh... no? The ending here really felt like an ending. First Order is a joke. They all resolved what ridicilous plotpoints this movie had, everyone interesting is dead. What literally should IX tell? Doesn't feel like there's another movie left there from the non-existent plot left. All got killed. All that's left is facing Kylo. And that sounds terribly dull since he's a horrible antagonist. Lackey, okay. Antagonist... No, nope. Nuhu. No way. There is literally ZERO incentive to watch IX from this movie. Even if it didn't crush your Star Wars soul.
  15. I don't think Jakku appeared in Rogue One. Do you mean TFA where they went to hyperspace in a hangar just outside of Jakku (where all this happened and Hux/Kylo's ship RIGHT THERE ignored all of that happening), which already indeed was an indication Disney was messing with any pre-establisted rules. Much more than the 18h chase in a single system that pretty much the entire TLJ. Heck, in that 18h Rey did her whole "training" and caught up with them all. Literally. Heck, this writing is getting worse and worse everytime you think about ANYTHING happening in it. Sounds like TLJ and the Guards fight. Except in much lower quantities IMO Somehow with more character and backstory than the new trilogy managed in TWO MOVIES. Not a single throw-away like Snoke or Phasma, or Rose, or Pink-Hair Woman. Or Mas either. The First Order *somehow* managed to conquer the entire galaxy between the 0 minutes inbetween VII and VIII, yet also turned from genioune threat to hilarious over-the-top villain that couldn't kill a fly. And killed off their ONLY leader that wasn't a teen with rage issues. Good luck selling any threat in IX like that. 18h chase with no progression whatsoever comes to mind. Literally nobody dying in TLJ made any impact since all of them where throwaways. Infact the stakes or "suspense" was all annoyance at them missing yet another opportunity to actually add value to their characters. Don't even get me STARTED on Finn's sacrifice, the first actual stake/suspension added in the movie (after 2 hours mind you) ruined again, per point. While Rey isn't uncharasmatic, her ability to literally gain lvl 50 from just typing IneedForce in a dropbox is just... terrible and making her feel like a cardboard cutout char. And they ruined their opportunity to actually give it somewhat of a resolve, going the "nope, she's just awesome and able to do anything and never fails and literally better than JEDI JESUS cause reasons" Sorry, can't get more terrible than that. I take it over TLJ's forced humour.
  16. *I liked the duality of the Rebellion (their willingness to assassinate, just not pure good guys). *Darth Vader, obviously *The final battles in space and on the ground. *The everyone dies ending or that they did all that to never get any recognition, just for the good of the galaxy. *I liked the floor battle on the Crystal planet. *How it explained the weakness of the Death Star (not that by new lore we couldn't have just hyperspaced through it making it all pointless) *It was rather refreshing to have no Jedi to speak off, even if we got some Force Sensitives. *The droid was actually funny. Dislikes: *I am one with the force, the force is one with me...I am one with the force, the force is one with me...I am one with the force, the force is one with me...I am one with the force, the force is one with me...I am one with the force, the force is one with me... SHUT UP! SSSSSHHHHHHUUUUTT UP! *The guy they look up on the Crystal planet is kind of wasted and doesn't go very far and then he dies as the planet explodes. *CGI Leia Fit the mold?
  17. Well, let's throw in my voice... the voice of utter disappointment. When coming out of Rogue One, which I loved, I was having high hopes for a "new" Star Wars story, rather than the rehash VII was. To my disappointment, VIII butchers it completely and utterly. I'm not going into it point per point like you guys, I'll just stick to the major disappointments. That's all that comes to mind to me right now. Really really disappointing, and I doubt I'll watch IX in the cinema. My interest in Star Wars movies is just... gone. And that's a shame since Rogue One was FREAKING AWESOME.
  18. Been a while. Anyway, say Last Jedi... it was pretty terrible. Disney is maltreating Star Wars worse than Electronic Arts. Probably more to follow in spoiler topics. :/

    1. 1Leonard


      I respectfully disagree. It was okay, so far Rogue One was by far the worst one.

    2. Mephiles550


      I respectfully disagree. I think Rogue One was the best of the three Disney movies we've got now. From what I've read about the Last Jedi, the only thing I dislike is what they did with Snoke. Sounds much better than The Force Awakens, which is easily the worst of the three.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      It does beat TFA. Nowhere near Roge One level.

  19. It's the quote. The dots are there since you needed (still need?) to make 5 new symbols before you're allowed to post.
  20. Appears to be 3 sets only yeah. Rather than add clone VO, just change the setting in the .dlg to use any of these 3 sets. Copying over the VO wont make it sound angry anyway.
  21. You really need to check the dialogue and script, it's been like 3 years ago when I did that :/
  22. Camera probably needs modification for that one yeah. Depends if it's animated or a static one how easy that is.