Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Weren't you going to make a KOTOR1 mod? Whatever happened with that?

  2. The off-topic posts were eliminated with ruthless precision. Back on topic folks.
  3. You might want to update folks on M4-78 EP as yet another thread has popped up.


  4. There used to be a M4-78 EP section here but I recall they lost the information when the Deadly Stream crashed some time ago. As far as updates, you can ask Zbyl about those since Stoney handed the reins for M4-78 EP over to him.
  5. Unless I'm mistaken, that's probably my video. One half of that video is not in the game files as it was acquired from a Prima DVD guide. The other half of the video was part of the hi-res video pack that used to have that clip in it. From what I recall, the newer versions of the movie pack had that clip removed. It makes no sense to restore this into TSL. If you're thinking to have it blow up after leaving the Ravager, how would you get the Ebon Hawk back. (It's in one of the docking bays.) No comments by the characters remain in game for this event - which in the in-game world would basically destroy the Republic. I also won't offer up my video for this as I've already lent it out for a total conversion mod already.
  6. I miss seeing snow. As I'm in Northern California for my current "tour of duty", the Mrs. and I don't get White Christmases anymore. That won't stop me from putting up lights and my Star Wars themed Christmas decorations. (The Sith bring miniature presents! Pictures to come soon.)
  7. In one of your threads, you gave your theory of what may have happened before the start of TSL. Might you answer a question I have related to this period that I've posted over at Lucasforums, in this thread?

  8. Interesting points being made here. 1) Disciple as Historian: I think it would have been fun to hear some examples in Jedi and Republic history, especially as events cropped up where he could draw parallels. It also may have been amusing to poke holes in his theories on how he thought things happened and how they actually occured. As Scorchy pointed out in his walkthrough how he misinterprets Revan's history for example: A Jedi Fan Boy flunks a history test 2) Spies and Dark Sides: I think his work as a Republic spy should have been discovered by the Exile (after Kreia and Atton preferably) if you asked the right questions, had a certain amount of influence, and had a significant amount of points in Awareness. Having exposed him as a spy, then an Exile could either "keep him pure" or corrupt him - explaining how his undercover abilities have been easted working for the Republic. JediExile, I think that the Exile was slated to train Disciple but he never got to receive his training because she followed Revan to war. As many of the other Jedi also went off to war, there weren't enough teachers to give the training. Yep, Dusciple got the shaft. (It would be interesting if he was a bit more angry about that - more dark side stuff to exploit.)
  9. Revenge of Revan tells a whole new story and as such, it wouldn't be utilizing most of the sound files in KOTOR2 nor the dialog files. TSLRCM (any version) won't be compatible for that reason. Logan23, congrats on getting the demo out. It's always a pleasure to see these large scale mods come out for either KOTOR game. There's also some satisfaction watching the cynics that say that "these sort of projects won'y be finished" have to eat crow.
  10. Ahhh . . . I get it now. I haven't heard of anyone getting the Factory confused with the M4-78 in a while. The HK Factory is not located on that planet. (If you want to find out where that is, check out the many HK Factory thread that seem to be up and running.)
  11. Don't fight scenes like these actually take place in another module? I'm guessing that many of the same problems you've mentioned probably crop up during the fight sequence onboard with the Trandoshan gang on Nar Shaddaa. (I used to know the name of that gang, darn it! Getting old here . . . )
  12. I mentioned something somewhat similar to this once before. I'll repeat what I said and then I'll add comments I received offline about it. Another suggestion: When the Exile talks to Atton when he's in the Ebon Hawk ****pit - many times the point of view is of seeing just seeing him hunched over the console and not facing the the Exile. This also means he's not facing us. Well, it's already been established in K1 that other camera angles can be arranged to do better than that . . . witness the following picture from KotOR1. I'm not implying that every conversation with Atton in the ****pit should use this angle. In fact, when he's being evasive in his answers or down right hostile to you, it might even be preferable for him to give the Exile (and therefore, you along with him/her) the "cold shoulder." Hiowever, seeing his face and emotional responses in the early scenes where you're just getting to know him might be beneficial to connecting better with the character." Perhaps the same problems that applied to my request might apply to yours?
  13. We've all heard the arguments against Disciple here and a great many other forums. The discussions tend to go along the same lines: he's a Jedi Fan-boy, he's an incompetent Republic spy, that he's so bland that Atton appears edgy next to him, the "love story" seems to present him as a simpering tool, etc. If you had the opportunity to reshape the character to make him more likable, how would you go about it? I'd like to hear what you all have to say.
  14. Apparently you missed the very first post in the thread. M4-78 is not part of TSLRCM - not in any version. Several items such as the cut GenoHaradan quest, Disciple's Holocron quest, and M4-78 have many files but not enough content. Attempting to put them in without creating some new material to make it work brings those quests out of the realm of restoration (TSLRCM's goal) but into another area entirely. Some folks are willing to put up with fan created material in order to see these files in the game. (I should know - I'm the voice of M4-78 in Darth Stoney's version of the mod, for crying out loud.) These sort of things will be released here (and probably elsewhere to boot) as unofficial add-ons. As many of the folks developing these side projects are members here, you'll find that once finished many of them will be compatible with M4-78. Stoney's current version of M4-78 is not compatible but there was always plans to expand it anyway. Zbyl has taken over the duties of the expansion of the M4-78 (called the M4-78 Enhancement Project) and hopefully will make announcements soon on what he has in store for us. As for Darth Shan's version, I don't know how nice it plays with others. As I stick with Stoney's version, I don't know that much about it. However some quick research brings up the following: As we all know from reading the first post , Handmaiden for Females doesn't work with TSLRCM so that's not a reason not to download the mod. However, you'll miss out on using Deathdisco's Coruscant mod which is rather popular. Those that have attempted to play through with Darth Shan's version are invited to comment here but only on compatibility issues. (I don't want this thread being highjacked by M4-78 discussions nor turning the thread into a flame war.)
  15. Does this mean I have to change my password yet again?
  16. You need to find the name of the mod AND provide a working download link to it for it to be reviewed.
  17. Unless . . . the comment "for any who know the way" refers to the enemy that is headed towards Republic space from "out there." In that case, the Jedi or Sith that followed Revan would be taking out the invaders that Revan is scouting against. It's just a theory . . .
  18. This figures . . . I ask the questions and I can't see the responses because the work computers block media sites (like YouTube.) I guess I'll have a while to wait until I finally get the answers!
  19. I'd love to see a mod to do this myself but I don't think it is in the scope of this particular mod. (I'd at least like to see the kolto drain out myself.)
  20. Sith Holocron

    Movie Saber Mod +

    Clan lightsabers? It sounds like you're talking about a Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy mod and not a TSL mod. Have I misunderstood?
  21. Since you asked . . . Here were some of my ideas - for both k1 and TSL - that I posted about over in Lucas Forums' Modding Request section. Click through to see the full descriptions . . . K1 Requests Seeing real Jedi in the tanks on the Star Forge - Ever notice they have this random Jedi model in the tanks on the Star Forge and he's so low-res too boot? I had an idea about that . . . TSL Requests The Fate of Colonel Tobin - How about seeing seeing his final fate? (This is of course assuming you didn't kill him yourself.) Complete with explanatory pictures! Improve the view outside Citadel Station's Windows = There are lots of low resolution bit out there. Click through to see examples I posted up over there. Cantina Musicians Take Requests - Pretty self explanatory. Have a chance for the musicians to play songs on the game soundtrack for you. This could also work for K1 as well. Quarren Model Skin Change - This was a request recently posted about over here. and as long as we're dreaming, the mod all KOTOR2 movie makers would love to have Add the Free Camera cheat to KOTOR2
  22. Expect a separate thread entitled "Mod Compatibility with TSLRCM 1.7" shortly. I imagine will report their own findings of what is and isn't compatible with 1.7 in there as time goes on.
  23. He needs a particular sound effect that's only in that scene - and not available anywhere on the game discs - to make the scene the way he wants. He's working on getting that sound, I believe. (I've put him in touch with someone that may be able to help.)