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Everything posted by WildKarrde

  1. Are there any special steps to export Bezier keyframes, aside from just setting the keyframes on Blender’s timeline to Bezier interpolation? I’ve successfully exported one model with Bezier keyframes (which animates very smoothly in-game), but I have a second one which only exports with regular linear keyframes even when I set all of them to Bezier in Blender, and I haven't yet figured out what I've done differently (aside from the fact that they're two distinct models). Opening the exported MDLs with MDLEdit confirms that the one model has Bezier and the other has regular. Is there perhaps another step which I’m not realizing? Model 1 animation track (exports as Bezier): Model 2 animation track (exports as regular): EDIT: After some more experimentation, I think it didn’t like that my first keyframe of the animation sequence was location 0,0,0. Moving the first keyframe to a slightly different location allowed it to properly save with Bezier keyframes, as did adding a dummy keyframe of 0,0,-0.1 right before the beginning of the sequence. In any case, I seem to have got the animation working now.
  2. Well, after more experimentation, I think what I’ve stumbled across is some sort of strange bug with TSL’s room visibility system. For some reason, I think the engine is getting confused and treating any emitters attached to the 101PER2aa node as being part of 101PERza from a visibility standpoint, and it hides them when the VIS file says not to draw 101PERza. I added 101PERza to 101PER2a’s visibility list, and voila—the emitters start working as soon as I walked into the medbay. So if anyone else runs into this in a different module, see if you can isolate a room that your emitters may be getting confused with, and try editing the VIS so that both rooms are drawn together. Good point, thanks for the suggestion. That might be the better approach from a mod compatibility standpoint if I ever do release this in some form. Some further random observations which may help anyone who tries to deal with this in the future: This bug only affects emitters. Meshes attached to the -a nodes always appeared in-game like they were supposed to. It doesn’t seem to be related with room count. Editing the LYT (without editing the VIS) to remove the 25 or so rooms before 101PERza had no effect, but removing only 101PERza made the emitters work. I was also able to make the emitters appear by deleting four meshes from 101PERza: mesh476, mesh480, mesh481, and mesh482. However, deleting all of the room’s meshes except those four also worked, so it doesn’t seem to be an inherent issue with those meshes. Attaching those same meshes to node 101PERzaa also fixed the issue. Interestingly, meshes attached to -a nodes seem to be always drawn, even when the VIS would say otherwise. (When I edited the VIS so that no room was visible from any other room, the other rooms’ static meshes all disappeared, but I could still see their animated meshes like the docked Harbinger.) Maybe linking them to the -a node removed them from interacting with the visibility code and therefore circumvented the bug? It doesn’t seem to be related to mesh count or poly count (at least, not entirely) because deleting four different meshes with higher total poly counts didn’t bring the emitters back. When I tried adding an emitter to the -a node of a different room in the same module, that emitter remained broken even after I added 101PERza to its visibility list. However, it did start working when I walked a few rooms away and looked back, so I suspect that it was linked to the visibility of a different room. My guess is that a given room’s animated emitters become entangled with a unique room, rather than every room’s emitters being linked to the same room.
  3. I'm experimenting with adding a water column that drops as the player slumps in their kolto tank during the opening "waking up" sequence. As part of that, I'm trying to make the tank bubbles turn off as the water drains, and I believe I need to have it linked to the -a node to animate the emitter parameters. I'm also thinking of adding a moving water splash emitter at the top of the water where the player model breaks the surface. (The emitters in the screenshots do not remotely reflect the final setup, I'm still just trying to see if I can get anything to cooperate.) I know I can skip these emitters entirely if I have to, but I'd like to figure it out if I can. Got it, thanks for the info. I don't think deleting the walkmesh will work in this case, but maybe I can swap in and modify a walkmesh from another model that does play nicely with the module. I'll report back if I do manage to narrow it down any further.
  4. I haven't tested it, but I'm not seeing any files that would conflict, so I think they should be fine together.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, attaching the emitters to a dummy produces the same effect—The emitters are visible if the dummy is linked to the base but invisible if it’s linked to the -a node. After some more research and experimentation, I have made an interesting discovery: The emitters magically start working if I remove 101PERza from the module layout or replace it with a different room model. Removing 101PERza is obviously not a long-term solution, but I’ll investigate that model next to see if I can determine what about it is causing the problem. @DarthParametric, I saw on this thread that you and bead-v were once able to help fix an issue with Kexikus’ TSL Backdrop Improvements mod where the edits to the Ravager somehow also broke the fire emitters in the boarding zone. Do you happen to remember the details of how that fix worked? The thread mentions something to do with the walkmesh?
  6. Is there any special trick to animating the parameters of emitters in room models for TSL? I’m experimenting with modifying the Peragus medical bay (101per2a.mdl), and whenever I try linking an emitter to the node 101PER2aa for animation, that immediately breaks the emitter, even without adding animation keyframes. I know it must be doable because the fountain in the Dantooine enclave sublevel (610dan_01.mdl) has all of its water splash emitters attached to its -a node (610DAN_01a), and the Harbinger’s medical bay (152har36.mdl) also has one with animated parameters in Sion’s kolto tank. But I haven’t yet figured out what makes mine different from theirs. I am using Blender 4.0 with the latest version of KotorBlender (3.10.3). To test if I can get them to work at all, I’ve tried adding a water splash emitter (copied from 152har36 with the keyframes removed) right in front of the Exile’s kolto tank and directly linked to the model base node. I have also made copies of it and the kolto bubble emitter and linked them to 101PER2aa. As you can see in the screenshots below, the ones linked to the base node work while the ones linked to 101PER2aa do not, even though their properties are otherwise identical. Re-importing the exported model shows that the emitters are present, they just don’t work in-game. Has anyone run into this before? I have attached my edited model in case anyone would like to take a look. Screenshots: Emitter layout in Blender. The two white squares to the right of the tank are the emitters linked to 101PER2aa. In-game screenshot. As you can see, the emitters on the left produce bubbles and water ripples like they should, but the ones on the right do not. Sample Edited 101per2a.zip
  7. Several months later, I’m pleased to report that I’ve finally found a work-around to fix the render issue with the Star Map seen through the diving suit faceplate. It’s a little outside the box: I replaced Manaan’s Star Map placeable with a stationary NPC (essentially a turret) which looks exactly like the Star Map. I was inspired by this thread, which mentioned making placeables into NPCs as a way to get around the appearance.2da row limit bug. That plus changing the faceplate TXI to "blending additive" (suggested by DarthParametric back when I originally released this) finally made the Star Map render correctly through the helmet: I have updated the mod to include this fix along with a few other minor tweaks. I have also switched over to HoloPatcher for the installer—thanks a ton to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol, who spent a lot of time upgrading HoloPatcher’s script compiling ability to handle the scripts in my mod.
  8. Curious, fortunately KotorBlender didn't have any issues with it. I have edited the models and uploaded them as a proposed addition to K1CP. For now, you should be able to download them directly from the K1CP issue page: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/755
  9. The KOTOR 1 Community Patch actually already fixes that and gives you back your clothes while talking to the Tusken chieftan. I highly recommend it if you haven't used it before.
  10. Yes, you assume correctly. The main installation also patches all of those holes, the main feature of the compatibility version is the added forcefield.
  11. You are welcome, glad you like it! lsi_ehawk01a is the texture just for the glass/transparisteel in the cockpit windows, and it is still necessary. Since the vanilla texture has no detail and is just there to provide a reflection, I am assuming that reskin mods do not edit it, and therefore there would be no conflict. But please let me know if I have assumed incorrectly. Edit: On another topic, I completely missed that K1CP also had some minor fixes to the Dantooine landing pad, which my mod was overwriting. With @DarthParametric's permission and assistance, I have released an update to include K1CP's fixes.
  12. Looking forward to that when you release it. Yes, we’ll definitely have to coordinate on a patch when that happens. I don’t think so, it doesn’t look like the Github version of K1CP currently touches m26ad_01a.mdl/mdx. If you don’t already have a fix for that in progress, you are welcome to borrow the geometry from my version if you want.
  13. View File Transparent Cockpit Windows for TSL This mod edits the various landing pad areas so that you can see the through the Ebon Hawk's and Telos shuttles' cockpit windows, which should be a bit more interesting than the blacked-out windows in the vanilla game. It also adds more detail to the room which is visible through the hole in the side of the ship in the prologue. This mod includes some model fixes to the Telos hangars and Telos shuttle crash site developed by PapaZinos, which are included here with permission. I have also made the following area model improvements: - Added proper lightmaps and missing geometry to the Ebon Hawk on Malachor V (i.e. landing gear hatches, the exit ramp, and the entire port side). Also patched the chunk missing from the starboard side for better consistency with the prerendered cutscenes. - Fixed the flickering windows at the Citadel Station Entertainment Module's shuttle terminals. - Changed the texture for the base of the crane in the Telos Academy to one that doesn't look like concrete. - Added unique environment map reflections for the Ebon Hawk similar to KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only). - Replaced the 512x512 vanilla Ebon Hawk texture with the 1024x1024 version from KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only). Because mods that edit the same area models are incompatible by nature, I have included optional compatibility patches for use with other notable mods. Please see the "Compatibility" section below for further information. **IMPORTANT**: There are two versions of this mod: - Enhanced Reflections - Adds new area-specific reflections to the Ebon Hawk's exterior. Recommended if you do not use any mods that reskin/upscale the Ebon Hawk exterior (or if you do and are willing to do some extra work to make them compatible). - Reskin Friendly - More readily compatibility with reskins of the Ebon Hawk exterior. Does not include the new reflections. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION If you are using one or more of the mods listed in the "Compatibility" section below, install them first. Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. It is normal to see warnings that 202tel.mod and 222tel.mod already exist and have been skipped. When installation is complete, copy the files from any required compatibility patches into your game's Override folder, overwriting when asked. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 For best results, I recommend using a save from before visiting the Citadel Station Entertainment Module for the first time. However, this is not required. If you continue from a later save, all you will miss are a couple of pilots for the Entertainment Module shuttles. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM, any of the mods listed below, or any other mods which make significant edits to the Telos Entertainment Module. Except as noted below, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that edit the same files. The main installation is compatible with following mods: - Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2059-ultimate-citadel-station-repairs/) - Telos Model Repairs by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2059-ultimate-citadel-station-repairs/) I have also included compatibility patches for the following mods: - KOTOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1280-kotor-2-community-patch/) - M4-78 Enhancement Project (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/277-m4-78-enhancement-project/) - High Quality Skyboxes II for TSL by Kexikus (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1793-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/) - Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn (https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/realistic-nar-shaddaa-skybox) - Telos Polar Academy Hangar Skybox by DarthParametric (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1389-telos-polar-academy-hangar-skybox/) - Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/585-coruscant-jedi-temple-by-deathdisco/) - Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2004-nar-shaddaa-landing-pad-repair/) - Spark Effect - Ebon Hawk by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2314-spark-effect-ebon-hawk/) This mod is compatible with most reskins and texture mods. If you use the "Enhanced Reflections" install package with a mod that reskins the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, the Telos military base, and/or the Telos polar academy, follow the steps below. USING RESKIN MODS WITH ENHANCED REFLECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are using an Ebon Hawk reskin with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, perform the following steps: 1. Make a copy of PER_EH1.tga/txi for each row in the table below, named to match the Texture Name column. 2. Open each of the resulting TXI files in a text editor and change the envmaptexture or bumpyshinytexture parameter to the corresponding "EnvMap" in the table. 3. Delete each corresponding TPC file from this mod, as well as kor_ehok.tpc. Texture Name EnvMap Notes: wk_dan_eh1 WK_CM_DanPad wk_dxn_eh1 WK_CM_DxnHawk wk_nar_eh1 WK_CM_NarPad wk_per_eh1 WK_CM_PerHang wk_telac_eh1 WK_CM_TelAcad wk_telcit_eh1 WK_CM_TelHang wk_cor_eh1 WK_CM_CorPad Only needed if using with Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco wk_m478_eh1 WK_CM_M478Pad Only needed if using with M4-78 If the reskin includes any of the following files, open their TXIs and change the "envmaptexture" or "bumpyshinytexture" as follows. Also delete the conflicting TPC file from this mod. Texture Name EnvMap 002_ebo_main1 WK_CM_PerSpace 002_ebo_main3 WK_CM_PerSpace mal_ebo_main2 WK_CM_MalHawk If you are using a reskin mod for the Telos military base and/or polar academy with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, I recommend doing the following: 1. Make extra copies of tel_tr07.tga/txi and rename them to wk_telacadmtl.tga/txi. 2. Open wk_telacadmtl.txi with a text editor and change the envmaptexture to WK_CM_TelAcad. 3. Delete the version of wk_telacadmtl.tpc from this mod. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 K-GFF by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Kexikus, deathdisco, and DarthParametric for granting permission to include modified files from their mods for compatibility. Thanks to PapaZinos for also granting permission to include some of his model fixes as part of the standard installation. Thanks to Sharen Thrawn for creating the original Nar Shaddaa Realistic Skybox mod. The Telos shuttles' interiors are based on "Modder's Resource: Shuttle" by Darth InSidious and JCarter426 and are used in accordance with the permissions in its Readme file. Thanks to both of them for putting that together. The original resource may be downloaded here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/381-modders-resource-shuttle/. This mod includes material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. The cockpit interior elements may be treated as a modders resource and used in other mods as long as appropriate credit is given to this mod's author. The new environment maps may also be used in other mods with appropriate credit. Use of any assets which are based on or incorporate material from other authors also requires permission from those authors. Other uses not described here of assets from this mod require the author's permission. This mod shall not be reposted on any sites other than Deadly Stream without permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 08/14/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  14. View File Ebon Hawk Transparent Cockpit Windows for K1 This mod edits the various landing pad areas so that you can see through the Ebon Hawk's cockpit windows to the interior, which should be a bit more interesting than the blacked-out windows from the vanilla game. This mod incorporates model fixes to the Dantooine landing pad and Leviathan hangar developed by the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) team, which are included here with permission. I have also made the following minor area model improvements: - Adjusted the Manaan hangar's ceiling layout to hide a rogue seamblocker mesh. - Edited the Korriban landing bay's lightmapping to add some bounce lighting around the floor lights. - Created new environment map reflections for the Ebon Hawk in Davik's hangar and the Leviathan's hangar to better match the hangar space. Because mods that edit the same area models are incompatible by nature, I have provided optional compatibility patches for use with other notable mods. Please see the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION If you are using one or more of the mods listed in the "Compatibility" section below, install them first. Copy all files from "Main Installation" to your game's Override folder. Then, copy files from any required compatibility patches into Override as well, overwriting when asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY Except as noted below, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that edit the same files. The standard installation is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and includes most of its edits to the Leviathan hangar except for the added forcefield, which can be added with the separate compatibility patch below. I have included additional compatibility patches for the following mods: - K1CP (Added Leviathan Forcefield) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch/) - High Quality Skyboxes II for K1 by Kexikus (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/) - Yavin Station Hangar by me (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2068-yavin-station-hangar/) As noted above, the K1CP compatibility patch is only required for the added forcefield over the hangar opening and is entirely optional if you prefer the vanilla-style invisible forcefield. This mod is compatible with most reskins and texture mods. If you are using a mod that reskins the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, delete this mod's version of LSI_EHawk01.tpc from Override. If the reskin includes "LSI_EHawk01.txi", open it and change the entry after "envmaptexture" to "WK_CM_LevHang". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Special thanks to: - DarthParametric and JCarter426 of the K1CP team for granting permission to include their fixes to the Leviathan hangar and Dantooine landing pad. - Kexikus for granting permission to include an environment map for Davik's hangar based on his High Quality Skyboxes II mod ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Updated Dantooine to include fixes from K1CP ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. The cockpit interior elements may be treated as a modders resource and used in other mods as long as appropriate credit is given to this mod's author. The new environment maps may also be used in other mods with appropriate credit. Use of any assets which are based on or incorporate material from other authors also requires permission from those authors. Other uses not described here of assets from this mod require the author's permission. This mod shall not be reposted on any sites other than Deadly Stream without permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 08/13/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. Version 1.0


    This mod edits the various landing pad areas so that you can see the through the Ebon Hawk's and Telos shuttles' cockpit windows, which should be a bit more interesting than the blacked-out windows in the vanilla game. It also adds more detail to the room which is visible through the hole in the side of the ship in the prologue. This mod includes some model fixes to the Telos hangars and Telos shuttle crash site developed by PapaZinos, which are included here with permission. I have also made the following area model improvements: - Added proper lightmaps and missing geometry to the Ebon Hawk on Malachor V (i.e. landing gear hatches, the exit ramp, and the entire port side). Also patched the chunk missing from the starboard side for better consistency with the prerendered cutscenes. - Fixed the flickering windows at the Citadel Station Entertainment Module's shuttle terminals. - Changed the texture for the base of the crane in the Telos Academy to one that doesn't look like concrete. - Added unique environment map reflections for the Ebon Hawk similar to KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only). - Replaced the 512x512 vanilla Ebon Hawk texture with the 1024x1024 version from KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only). Because mods that edit the same area models are incompatible by nature, I have included optional compatibility patches for use with other notable mods. Please see the "Compatibility" section below for further information. **IMPORTANT**: There are two versions of this mod: - Enhanced Reflections - Adds new area-specific reflections to the Ebon Hawk's exterior. Recommended if you do not use any mods that reskin/upscale the Ebon Hawk exterior (or if you do and are willing to do some extra work to make them compatible). - Reskin Friendly - More readily compatibility with reskins of the Ebon Hawk exterior. Does not include the new reflections. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION If you are using one or more of the mods listed in the "Compatibility" section below, install them first. Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. It is normal to see warnings that 202tel.mod and 222tel.mod already exist and have been skipped. When installation is complete, copy the files from any required compatibility patches into your game's Override folder, overwriting when asked. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 For best results, I recommend using a save from before visiting the Citadel Station Entertainment Module for the first time. However, this is not required. If you continue from a later save, all you will miss are a couple of pilots for the Entertainment Module shuttles. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM, any of the mods listed below, or any other mods which make significant edits to the Telos Entertainment Module. Except as noted below, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that edit the same files. The main installation is compatible with following mods: - Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2059-ultimate-citadel-station-repairs/) - Telos Model Repairs by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2059-ultimate-citadel-station-repairs/) I have also included compatibility patches for the following mods: - KOTOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1280-kotor-2-community-patch/) - M4-78 Enhancement Project (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/277-m4-78-enhancement-project/) - High Quality Skyboxes II for TSL by Kexikus (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1793-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/) - Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn (https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/realistic-nar-shaddaa-skybox) - Telos Polar Academy Hangar Skybox by DarthParametric (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1389-telos-polar-academy-hangar-skybox/) - Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/585-coruscant-jedi-temple-by-deathdisco/) - Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2004-nar-shaddaa-landing-pad-repair/) - Spark Effect - Ebon Hawk by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2314-spark-effect-ebon-hawk/) This mod is compatible with most reskins and texture mods. If you use the "Enhanced Reflections" install package with a mod that reskins the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, the Telos military base, and/or the Telos polar academy, follow the steps below. USING RESKIN MODS WITH ENHANCED REFLECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are using an Ebon Hawk reskin with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, perform the following steps: 1. Make a copy of PER_EH1.tga/txi for each row in the table below, named to match the Texture Name column. 2. Open each of the resulting TXI files in a text editor and change the envmaptexture or bumpyshinytexture parameter to the corresponding "EnvMap" in the table. 3. Delete each corresponding TPC file from this mod, as well as kor_ehok.tpc. Texture Name EnvMap Notes: wk_dan_eh1 WK_CM_DanPad wk_dxn_eh1 WK_CM_DxnHawk wk_nar_eh1 WK_CM_NarPad wk_per_eh1 WK_CM_PerHang wk_telac_eh1 WK_CM_TelAcad wk_telcit_eh1 WK_CM_TelHang wk_cor_eh1 WK_CM_CorPad Only needed if using with Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco wk_m478_eh1 WK_CM_M478Pad Only needed if using with M4-78 If the reskin includes any of the following files, open their TXIs and change the "envmaptexture" or "bumpyshinytexture" as follows. Also delete the conflicting TPC file from this mod. Texture Name EnvMap 002_ebo_main1 WK_CM_PerSpace 002_ebo_main3 WK_CM_PerSpace mal_ebo_main2 WK_CM_MalHawk If you are using a reskin mod for the Telos military base and/or polar academy with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, I recommend doing the following: 1. Make extra copies of tel_tr07.tga/txi and rename them to wk_telacadmtl.tga/txi. 2. Open wk_telacadmtl.txi with a text editor and change the envmaptexture to WK_CM_TelAcad. 3. Delete the version of wk_telacadmtl.tpc from this mod. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 K-GFF by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Kexikus, deathdisco, and DarthParametric for granting permission to include modified files from their mods for compatibility. Thanks to PapaZinos for also granting permission to include some of his model fixes as part of the standard installation. Thanks to Sharen Thrawn for creating the original Nar Shaddaa Realistic Skybox mod. The Telos shuttles' interiors are based on "Modder's Resource: Shuttle" by Darth InSidious and JCarter426 and are used in accordance with the permissions in its Readme file. Thanks to both of them for putting that together. The original resource may be downloaded here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/381-modders-resource-shuttle/. This mod includes material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. The cockpit interior elements may be treated as a modders resource and used in other mods as long as appropriate credit is given to this mod's author. The new environment maps may also be used in other mods with appropriate credit. Use of any assets which are based on or incorporate material from other authors also requires permission from those authors. Other uses not described here of assets from this mod require the author's permission. This mod shall not be reposted on any sites other than Deadly Stream without permission.
  16. Version 1.1


    This mod edits the various landing pad areas so that you can see through the Ebon Hawk's cockpit windows to the interior, which should be a bit more interesting than the blacked-out windows from the vanilla game. This mod incorporates model fixes to the Dantooine landing pad and Leviathan hangar developed by the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) team, which are included here with permission. I have also made the following minor area model improvements: - Adjusted the Manaan hangar's ceiling layout to hide a rogue seamblocker mesh. - Edited the Korriban landing bay's lightmapping to add some bounce lighting around the floor lights. - Created new environment map reflections for the Ebon Hawk in Davik's hangar and the Leviathan's hangar to better match the hangar space. Because mods that edit the same area models are incompatible by nature, I have provided optional compatibility patches for use with other notable mods. Please see the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION If you are using one or more of the mods listed in the "Compatibility" section below, install them first. Copy all files from "Main Installation" to your game's Override folder. Then, copy files from any required compatibility patches into Override as well, overwriting when asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY Except as noted below, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that edit the same files. The standard installation is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and includes most of its edits to the Leviathan hangar except for the added forcefield, which can be added with the separate compatibility patch below. I have included additional compatibility patches for the following mods: - K1CP (Added Leviathan Forcefield) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch/) - High Quality Skyboxes II for K1 by Kexikus (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/) - Yavin Station Hangar by me (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2068-yavin-station-hangar/) As noted above, the K1CP compatibility patch is only required for the added forcefield over the hangar opening and is entirely optional if you prefer the vanilla-style invisible forcefield. This mod is compatible with most reskins and texture mods. If you are using a mod that reskins the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, delete this mod's version of LSI_EHawk01.tpc from Override. If the reskin includes "LSI_EHawk01.txi", open it and change the entry after "envmaptexture" to "WK_CM_LevHang". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Special thanks to: - DarthParametric and JCarter426 of the K1CP team for granting permission to include their fixes to the Leviathan hangar and Dantooine landing pad. - Kexikus for granting permission to include an environment map for Davik's hangar based on his High Quality Skyboxes II mod ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Updated Dantooine to include fixes from K1CP ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. The cockpit interior elements may be treated as a modders resource and used in other mods as long as appropriate credit is given to this mod's author. The new environment maps may also be used in other mods with appropriate credit. Use of any assets which are based on or incorporate material from other authors also requires permission from those authors. Other uses not described here of assets from this mod require the author's permission. This mod shall not be reposted on any sites other than Deadly Stream without permission.
  17. Is there any significant benefit to using an uncompressed TPC for a texture as opposed to a TGA with a TXI? I know compressed TPCs are typically used for space savings, but I have a specific case where the compression artifacts are too noticeable for my liking. Is the main benefit of TPC just the option of compression? If I go with uncompressed, does it just come down to organizational preference (i.e. one somewhat larger file vs two files), or are there other benefits?
  18. Splitting the model out into opaque and transparent components is an interesting idea (although that would probably mean the transparent projected components of the map would still disappear). Unfortunately, KOTOR 1 is severely limited in terms of adding new placeable models, as outlined in this thread: I gather that current modding practice is to avoid adding new placeables if at all possible for this reason, so unfortunately that probably wouldn't be a practical solution in this case. But thanks for the idea.
  19. Don't know for certain, but I suspect it would, unfortunately. My best guess is that it happens because the Star Map also uses mesh alpha transparency, which is required for the map portion to appear and disappear. It could be worse, the dark lighting on the sea floor makes it less obvious than it otherwise might have been. That's a possibility, is there enough interest to merit adding that as an additional option? It might also work to delete my mod's version of P_WaterSuit02.tpc, which will revert the environment map back to the vanilla CM_BareMetal. That looks somewhat less clear and more gold, as you can see in the screenshots for the TSL version.
  20. That's a fair point...but then I'd be missing the spacesuits for the regular option, so it's a no-win scenario. And "Transparent Diving and Pressure Suit Faceplates" just seems too long. Come to think of it, "Transparent Environment Suit Faceplates" is a decent catch-all name. I'm going ahead and updating the title. As long as no one minds that the readme will still say "spacesuit" until I release another update.
  21. Thank you! This picture should demonstrate. If you look closely, you can see that the part of the Star Map behind the helmet glass has disappeared. As I understand it, it's because the game engine uses shortcuts to decide rendering order, so you sometimes get glitches like this when a transparent object is incorrectly drawn before another object behind it. Sometimes there are ways to coax the game into drawing things correctly, but I haven't yet found one that works here. Fortunately, the Star Map is apparently the only placeable in this module that this happens to. I actually hadn't noticed that scripts.bif had source code for it. I saw that there was a version packaged in manm28ac.rim and jumped to the conclusion that I needed to decompile it to edit it (or, in this case, go to K1CP's repository for a pre-decompiled version). Now that you point that out, though, k_pman_airlock02.ncs in scripts.bif is definitely not the same as the one in manm28ac.rim. The compiled scripts are different sizes, and the decompiled code doesn't completely line up either. (Here's the decompiled version from manm28ac.rim for comparison: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/Vanilla_KOTOR_Script_Source/blob/master/K1/Modules/M28AC_Manaan_Hrakert_Kolto_Control_manm28ac/k_pman_airlock02.nss). All of the scripts work like they're supposed to, so the module version must take precedence. So...I meant to do that? One of the doors was disappearing behind the helmet glass just like the Star Map (only much more noticeably). I discovered that some of its properties didn't match the other doors, and changing them to match fixed the issue without any apparent adverse side-effects. @Nehua made a good case for it in the comments section of the file. It made sense to me, so I added it as an option. (I think real spacesuits have a reflective visor essentially for this reason.)
  22. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, that reverses the problem and makes it so that the glass isn't drawn over the Star Map. With "blending additive": Without "blending additive" (published version): I also tried changing the alpha blending in the TPC, with no success. In my opinion, the disappearing Star Map is less obvious than the disappearing glass, so I'll keep it as-is for now. Interestingly, the Star Map is the only placeable on the sea floor that this happens to, and I think it's also the only one that uses mesh alpha. My guess is that the game always renders a character model with mesh alpha before a placeable with mesh alpha. If you're using that player head, the merc will instead have the "mullet man" head. I didn't convert any of the commoner heads to work with the suit, so to use one of them, you would need to process it with the included instructions for adding heads. Changing to a different player head would be much easier, since you would only need to change the normalhead/backuphead entries for "WK_WaterSuit_NPC_M" in appearance.2da. I didn't add anything special for his facial expression, but (a) the zoom-in is pretty fast and (b) the bottom of the helmet covers up his mouth, so his lack of reaction isn't very noticeable in-game. Sure, that logic makes sense to me. I have updated the mod with an installation option for just the diving suits.
  23. View File Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates for TSL This mod makes your spacesuit's faceplate transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing it, as opposed to the opaque faceplate on the vanilla spacesuit. I have also made the following edits to the suit model: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the bright white squares on either side of the faceplate. For plot-related reasons, the faceplate will still be opaque for the Jekk'Jekk Tarr sequence when Mira steals your spacesuit. I have also included an option with a less transparent faceplate, if you would like some transparency but prefer something closer to the mirrored visors on real spacesuits. This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It has not been tested with an unaltered version of the game without TSLRCM. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored helmet. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select "Main Installation" from the drop-down at the top, and click the "Install" button. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 If you would like to use the "Less Transparent Faceplates" option, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2243-holopatcher/. This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - 201TEL.mod If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It is not compatible with any other mods which edit a_104per_enter.ncs. For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM and any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the spacesuit - The Peragus spacewalk module - The Citadel Station dock module This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see the file "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 Holopatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Salk for suggesting an option with reduced transparency on the faceplate for the K1 version of this mod. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. This mod contains material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. a_104per_enter.ncs includes edits which were originally developed by the TSLRCM team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to reduce the faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk for the K1 version). - Added an edited version of the spacesuit placeable to make its faceplate transparent. 1.2 - Adjusted inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Correctly assigned texture to the helmet lights - Switched installer to Holopatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve Holopatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 05/27/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  24. View File Transparent Environment Suit Faceplates for K1 This mod makes the spacesuit and diving suit faceplates transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing them, as opposed to the opaque faceplates on the vanilla suits. There is also an option to install only the diving suits, if you prefer the spacesuits to keep their mirrored vanilla faceplates (similar to real spacesuits). I have also made the following edits to the suit models: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the squares on either side of the faceplate (which were apparently intended to look like lights but instead appeared reflective in the vanilla game). - Added light beams and in-game light sources to the diving suit to simulate helmet-mounted floodlights. (I have also included an option that does not have these lights if you prefer.) - Added a new environment map for the spacesuit which approximates the surroundings during the spacewalk. I have also included two optional variations: - No Diving Suit Floodlights - Omits the diving suit's new floodlights - Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates - Reduces the transparency of the spacesuit's faceplate, if you prefer a more mirrored look but would still like some transparency. The diving suit is not affected by this option. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the diving suit and spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored faceplates. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. IMPORTANT: A save from before exploring the Manaan seafloor for the first time is required. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select which version of the mod you would like to install from the drop-down menu at the top of the window, and click the "Install" button. The "Full Install" options make changes to both the space suits and the diving suits, while the "Diving Suits Only" options only affect the diving suits. IMPORTANT: - Select one of the "K1CP 1.10+" options if you are using KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) version 1.10 or higher. If you are using K1CP 1.9.2 or lower, use one of the "General" options. - Select one of the "K1R" options if you are using the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) with the option "Party on the Sea Floor". If you are using K1R without "Party on the Sea Floor", use one of the "General" options. If you would like to use the "No Diving Suit Floodlights" or "Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates" options, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2243-holopatcher/. This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher of HoloPatcher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - lev40ad.mod - manm28aa.mod - manm28ab.mod - manm28ac.mod - manm28ad.mod Selecting the "Diving Suits Only" option will still install the UV fixes and new environment map for the spacesuit. If you do not want these changes, delete the following files from Override: - UV Fixes: spacesuit01.mdl, spacesuit01.mdx - Environment Map: P_WaterSuit02.txi If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R). Note that if you are using K1CP 1.10 or higher or K1R with the "Party on the Sea Floor" option, you must install the appropriate option as described in the "Installation" section above. It is not compatible with any mods that alter the following files: - k_plev_airouopn2.ncs - k_pman_airlock02.ncs - k_pman_airlock03.ncs - k_pman_airlock11.ncs - k_pman_starmap05.nss - k_pman_starmap02.nss (K1CP 1.10+ installation option only. K1CP itself is, of course, the exception that is compatible.) This mod's edits to m28ad_01a.wok are sufficiently minor that overwriting this mod's version with one from another mod will not cause any significant issues. For best results, install this mod after K1CP, K1R, or any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the space/diving suits - The module with the Leviathan spacewalk - The Manaan seafloor or undersea base modules This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Similarly, due to the nature of a work-around used by this mod, any mods that edit the Star Map MDL/MDX will not affect the Manaan Star Map. Mods that reskin the Star Map are compatible. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN BUGS The new lights on the diving suit do not equally affect all objects, likely due to game engine limitations. If you are using the compatibility patch for the K1R "Party on the Sea Floor" option, your weapons will not be reequipped automatically when you reenter the underwater base. This is a work-around for a bug where party members were somehow still able to use blasters underwater to shoot the Firaxan sharks. Apologies for the inconvenience. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 HoloPatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Nehua for suggesting an option to keep the mirrored faceplates on the spacesuits. Thanks also to Salk for suggesting an option with intermediate transparency. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. Vanilla scripts are based on the K1CP team's repository of unaltered, decompiled vanilla scripts (found at https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/Vanilla_KOTOR_Script_Source). This mod makes use of the script function CP_RemoveForceSpeed developed by the K1CP team. The K1R-compatible version of k_pman_airlock11.ncs/nss includes edits originally developed by the K1R team. Similarly, the K1CP-compatible version of k_pman_starmap02.nss includes edits developed by the K1CP team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to install only the diving suits (suggested by Nehua). 1.2 - Added option to reduce the spacesuit faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk). - Applied spacesuit environment map with a TXI file instead of a full TPC to improve compatibility with mods that reskin or upscale the original texture (also suggested by Salk). 1.3 - Added work-around for the Star Map to render properly when seen through the diving suit faceplate - Revised suit bubbles to more closely match vanilla behavior - Revised inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Added code to Manaan airlock scripts to clear Force Speed before going out to the seafloor (vanilla issue originally documented by the K1CP team) - Streamlined the K1R installation process - Switched installer to HoloPatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve HoloPatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 05/27/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  25. Version 1.2


    This mod makes your spacesuit's faceplate transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing it, as opposed to the opaque faceplate on the vanilla spacesuit. I have also made the following edits to the suit model: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the bright white squares on either side of the faceplate. For plot-related reasons, the faceplate will still be opaque for the Jekk'Jekk Tarr sequence when Mira steals your spacesuit. I have also included an option with a less transparent faceplate, if you would like some transparency but prefer something closer to the mirrored visors on real spacesuits. This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It has not been tested with an unaltered version of the game without TSLRCM. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored helmet. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select "Main Installation" from the drop-down at the top, and click the "Install" button. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 If you would like to use the "Less Transparent Faceplates" option, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2243-holopatcher/. This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - 201TEL.mod If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It is not compatible with any other mods which edit a_104per_enter.ncs. For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM and any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the spacesuit - The Peragus spacewalk module - The Citadel Station dock module This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see the file "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 Holopatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Salk for suggesting an option with reduced transparency on the faceplate for the K1 version of this mod. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. This mod contains material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. a_104per_enter.ncs includes edits which were originally developed by the TSLRCM team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to reduce the faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk for the K1 version). - Added an edited version of the spacesuit placeable to make its faceplate transparent. 1.2 - Adjusted inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Correctly assigned texture to the helmet lights - Switched installer to Holopatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve Holopatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.