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Everything posted by WildKarrde

  1. I actually already had the lights around the perimeter for that exact reason, might not have been clear in the screenshots. But I can also see how the full forcefield effect gives it a bit more punch.
  2. IIRC, I don't think any of the vanilla K1 or TSL hangars have visible forcefields, just lights around the perimeter to represent some kind of emitters. That's how the original trilogy handled it, too: DarthParametric added a visible forcefield to the Leviathan hangar for K1CP, which I did my best to emulate. Now that I've seen it in action, I have to admit that it's a pretty cool effect.
  3. Update: As suggested by DarthParametric (and reinforced by Sdub), I have added an option for a visible forcefield at the entrance to the hangar. If you've already installed version 1.0 and want to try the new effect, you can proceed straight to the "Add Visible Forcefield" part of the installation. Thanks a ton to Darth Parametric for providing an example forcefield that I could emulate!
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, DarthParametric. I'll take a look at adding an option for a visible forcefield. Edit: I have now added the option in version 1.1. Thanks for the suggestion and example!
  5. Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I actually never noticed the similarities either until I got the idea for this mod, and I started comparing the landing videos to see if an existing hangar might be close enough to reuse as a reskin. And then I got to Manaan and realized they were basically identical.
  6. View File Yavin Station Hangar In the vanilla game, Yavin Station is the only location that does not have a proper hangar where the player can walk to and from the Ebon Hawk. This mod adds one that generally matches the original landing and takeoff cutscenes, although I have taken a few artistic liberties. You may notice that, as with the original cutscenes, it looks remarkably similar to the Ahto City hangar on Manaan. I can only assume that the same architect worked on both projects. The hangar comes in two variants: with and without a visible forcefield effect over the hangar entrance. By default, the forcefield is invisible. To change to a visible forcefield, see the INSTALLATION instructions below. Aside from adding the new hangar, I have also made a few additional edits to the station: - Changed the stars to use a different, less-repetitive vanilla star texture. - Fixed some questionable geometry at the main observation window. - Edited the walkmesh by the observation window to correct a glitch where the player could teleport into space, originally documented by the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP). (This mod's walkmesh fixes were made from scratch and do not reuse any K1CP material.) - Added a proper load screen for the station. (New for version 1.4) - Added corridor geometry behind the various locked doors, in place of the original 2D backdrop. (New for version 1.4) IMPORTANT: To experience the new hangar, you will need a save from before visiting Yavin Station for the first time. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe, and follow the prompts. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see a warning that liv_m99aa.mod already exists and has been skipped. If you are using "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" by Sithspecter, see below for additional instructions. By default, the forcefield at the hangar entrance is invisible. To add a visible forcefield effect, run INSTALL.exe again after finishing the main installation, and select "Optional: Add Visible Forcefield". Version 1.4 changes the appearance of the added airlock doors so that they look less like the Sith base doors. If you prefer the appearance from version 1.0, copy the files in the folder "Option - Alternate Airlock Door (v1_0)" into Override. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is incompatible with other mods that edit the area geometry of Yavin Station. Reskins are technically compatible, but depending on how drastic they are, they might look strange with a few new textures from this mod. If you are using a reskin of the Ebon Hawk's exterior, see the instructions below. This mod is compatible with the Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP). It has not been tested with the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) or the K1 Yavin IV Planet Mod, but I do not expect any significant compatibility issues. For best results, install this mod after K1CP or K1R and before any other mods that alter Yavin Station. If you are using a mod that changes the station's load screen (i.e. "Loadscreens in Color" by Sithspecter), install it after this one, and overwrite "load_liv_m99aa.tpc" if prompted. If the loadscreens use .tga files, you will need to manually delete this mod's version of "load_liv_m99aa.tpc" from Override. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH QUALITY COCKPIT SKYBOXES If you are using "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" by Sithspecter (which I highly recommend), I have included compatible skybox textures matching my new hangar. After installing the cockpit skyboxes, perform the following steps: 1. Open the folder "HQ Cockpit Skybox Textures" from this mod. 2. Copy the TPC files corresponding to the desired quality into your Override folder. 3. If present, delete the following files from Override: - ebo_yab.tga - ebo_yaf.tga - ebo_yal.tga - ebo_yar.tga - ebo_yat.tga If you are using the alternate airlock door option, also copy the appropriate version of "ebo_yaf.tpc" from the "Alternate Airlock Door" folder into Override, overwriting if asked. "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" may be found at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/938-high-quality-cockpit-skyboxes/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- EBON HAWK RESKINS To use a reskin of the Ebon Hawk's exterior with the new hangar, perform the following steps: 1. Make extra copies of "LSF_EHawk01.tga" and "LSF_EHawk01.txi" (if present) from the reskin, and rename them as "yvh_ehawk.tga" and "yvh_ehawk.txi", respectively. 2. Open the new "yvh_ehawk.txi" with a text editor, and change the entry after "envmaptexture" or "bumpyshinytexture" to "CM_WK_YAVHGR". 3. Copy both files into your Override folder. 4. Delete "yvh_ehawk.tpc" from your Override folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra NormalMap Online by Christian Petry (https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/) New textures and models were based on existing KOTOR material by Bioware. Camera angle for the load screen was inspired by "Loadscreens in Color" by Sithspecter (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/916-loadscreens-in-color/). Bump map created following DarthParametric's tutorial here: https://deadlystream.com/topic/9353-bump-mapping-tutorial-request-for-novices/ Special thanks to: - DarthParametric for suggesting the visible forcefield effect, providing an example from K1CP, and providing feedback on the result, as well as for providing feedback on the new corridor extensions for version 1.4. - muitafruita for reporting that the Ebon Hawk was missing its venting sound. - Thor110 for encouraging me to create a new door texture that looks less like a knockoff of the Sith base doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added an option for a visible forcefield effect 1.2 - Added particle emitters at the ends of the visible forcefield 1.3 - Fixed the sound effect of the Ebon Hawk venting in the hangar 1.4 - Created a new texture for the airlock doors - Added a new load screen for Yavin Station - Added corridor geometry behind the various locked doors - Edited airlock door frames to improve seal - Revised particle emitter settings and UV mapping for the visible forcefield option - Consolidated and rearranged lightmaps - Made various minor walkmesh and model improvements - Edited module .vis file to optimize performance - Added scripting code to prevent party members from being accidentally locked outside the airlock 1.5 - Reduced the pixelation of the Ebon Hawk's environment map - Revised the install process to edit the module's GIT, ARE, and module.ifo instead of overwriting them - Changed the ceiling beams' environment map to match the hangar space - Added a bump map to the ceiling beams - Coordinated mesh bumpmapping flags with the presence/absence of bumpmapped textures - Adjusted walkmesh properties over hangar door - Adjusted texture UVs for the fins on the shelf at the back of the hangar ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 05/07/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.5


    In the vanilla game, Yavin Station is the only location that does not have a proper hangar where the player can walk to and from the Ebon Hawk. This mod adds one that generally matches the original landing and takeoff cutscenes, although I have taken a few artistic liberties. You may notice that, as with the original cutscenes, it looks remarkably similar to the Ahto City hangar on Manaan. I can only assume that the same architect worked on both projects. The hangar comes in two variants: with and without a visible forcefield effect over the hangar entrance. By default, the forcefield is invisible. To change to a visible forcefield, see the INSTALLATION instructions below. Aside from adding the new hangar, I have also made a few additional edits to the station: - Changed the stars to use a different, less-repetitive vanilla star texture. - Fixed some questionable geometry at the main observation window. - Edited the walkmesh by the observation window to correct a glitch where the player could teleport into space, originally documented by the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP). (This mod's walkmesh fixes were made from scratch and do not reuse any K1CP material.) - Added a proper load screen for the station. (New for version 1.4) - Added corridor geometry behind the various locked doors, in place of the original 2D backdrop. (New for version 1.4) IMPORTANT: To experience the new hangar, you will need a save from before visiting Yavin Station for the first time. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe, and follow the prompts. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see a warning that liv_m99aa.mod already exists and has been skipped. If you are using "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" by Sithspecter, see below for additional instructions. By default, the forcefield at the hangar entrance is invisible. To add a visible forcefield effect, run INSTALL.exe again after finishing the main installation, and select "Optional: Add Visible Forcefield". Version 1.4 changes the appearance of the added airlock doors so that they look less like the Sith base doors. If you prefer the appearance from version 1.0, copy the files in the folder "Option - Alternate Airlock Door (v1_0)" into Override. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is incompatible with other mods that edit the area geometry of Yavin Station. Reskins are technically compatible, but depending on how drastic they are, they might look strange with a few new textures from this mod. If you are using a reskin of the Ebon Hawk's exterior, see the instructions below. This mod is compatible with the Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP). It has not been tested with the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) or the K1 Yavin IV Planet Mod, but I do not expect any significant compatibility issues. For best results, install this mod after K1CP or K1R and before any other mods that alter Yavin Station. If you are using a mod that changes the station's load screen (i.e. "Loadscreens in Color" by Sithspecter), install it after this one, and overwrite "load_liv_m99aa.tpc" if prompted. If the loadscreens use .tga files, you will need to manually delete this mod's version of "load_liv_m99aa.tpc" from Override. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH QUALITY COCKPIT SKYBOXES If you are using "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" by Sithspecter (which I highly recommend), I have included compatible skybox textures matching my new hangar. After installing the cockpit skyboxes, perform the following steps: 1. Open the folder "HQ Cockpit Skybox Textures" from this mod. 2. Copy the TPC files corresponding to the desired quality into your Override folder. 3. If present, delete the following files from Override: - ebo_yab.tga - ebo_yaf.tga - ebo_yal.tga - ebo_yar.tga - ebo_yat.tga If you are using the alternate airlock door option, also copy the appropriate version of "ebo_yaf.tpc" from the "Alternate Airlock Door" folder into Override, overwriting if asked. "High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes" may be found at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/938-high-quality-cockpit-skyboxes/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- EBON HAWK RESKINS To use a reskin of the Ebon Hawk's exterior with the new hangar, perform the following steps: 1. Make extra copies of "LSF_EHawk01.tga" and "LSF_EHawk01.txi" (if present) from the reskin, and rename them as "yvh_ehawk.tga" and "yvh_ehawk.txi", respectively. 2. Open the new "yvh_ehawk.txi" with a text editor, and change the entry after "envmaptexture" or "bumpyshinytexture" to "CM_WK_YAVHGR". 3. Copy both files into your Override folder. 4. Delete "yvh_ehawk.tpc" from your Override folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra NormalMap Online by Christian Petry (https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/) New textures and models were based on existing KOTOR material by Bioware. Camera angle for the load screen was inspired by "Loadscreens in Color" by Sithspecter (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/916-loadscreens-in-color/). Bump map created following DarthParametric's tutorial here: https://deadlystream.com/topic/9353-bump-mapping-tutorial-request-for-novices/ Special thanks to: - DarthParametric for suggesting the visible forcefield effect, providing an example from K1CP, and providing feedback on the result, as well as for providing feedback on the new corridor extensions for version 1.4. - muitafruita for reporting that the Ebon Hawk was missing its venting sound. - Thor110 for encouraging me to create a new door texture that looks less like a knockoff of the Sith base doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added an option for a visible forcefield effect 1.2 - Added particle emitters at the ends of the visible forcefield 1.3 - Fixed the sound effect of the Ebon Hawk venting in the hangar 1.4 - Created a new texture for the airlock doors - Added a new load screen for Yavin Station - Added corridor geometry behind the various locked doors - Edited airlock door frames to improve seal - Revised particle emitter settings and UV mapping for the visible forcefield option - Consolidated and rearranged lightmaps - Made various minor walkmesh and model improvements - Edited module .vis file to optimize performance - Added scripting code to prevent party members from being accidentally locked outside the airlock 1.5 - Reduced the pixelation of the Ebon Hawk's environment map - Revised the install process to edit the module's GIT, ARE, and module.ifo instead of overwriting them - Changed the ceiling beams' environment map to match the hangar space - Added a bump map to the ceiling beams - Coordinated mesh bumpmapping flags with the presence/absence of bumpmapped textures - Adjusted walkmesh properties over hangar door - Adjusted texture UVs for the fins on the shelf at the back of the hangar ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.