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Everything posted by Thor110

  1. There are quite a few around the games levels, I made a pack that fixes any left in the second game : But I realise this is the first game, however if it annoys you like it did me perhaps you will require fixes for TSL in the future also :)
  2. I finally updated the first post to my topic for the Expanded Galaxy Project both yesterday and today to include the latest information and links for the project.

  3. wrong person @lachjames is the developer of this tool. I have just been privvy to it's development for a while so I have weighed in where I can to help people get it running.
  4. Did you consider looking up the required specifications for Unity itself? : Also does the moduleout folder exist? Besides setting up the five destinations and the target game, opening the scene and clcking Load KotOR that should be all that's needed to get it working. That's all I can think of for now, if not hopefully the developer will be able to help when they get a chance.
  5. If you could provide a screenshot or copy of the error log I am sure the developer will be able to look into it, or somebody else might be able to help. Have you set up the Aurora Settings in the Unity Project Settings? K1 Location, K2 Location, K1 Save Location, K2 Save Location and moduleout save location. ( the moduleout location needs to actually exist ) so make sure you create a folder before pointing it to it, or after pointing it to a location create the folder. Also make sure to set TSL or KotOR as the target game. Then clicking Load KotOR should provide a list of levels that can be loaded underneath that button within the "Instance Editor" Oh, also have you opened the KotOR Unity Scene file?
  6. An error will pop up stating so if the "chitin.key" is the issue. The name of the "Module Editor" is mis-leading, which might be the main issue, something to note is that there are some errors that will display currently in the log no matter what. Oh, I believe I forgot to mention that you need to open the KotOR Scene under the Projects tab / project browser. "Assets/Scenes" inside Unity's Project/Folder/File Browser. From here, via the "Instance Editor" on the right, you should be able to load KotOR or TSL modules via a drop down that appears. The developer will appreciate the error logs I am sure and luckily messaged with me just as I was writing this response and reminded me of the KotOR Scene.
  7. The "Module Editor" is for editing the contents of a module via a list. you must click "Load KotOR" in the Instance Editor which should present you with a dropdown list of the available modules / levels. Make sure to set the target game in the Aurora Preferences. Note : it is also worth noting to make sure to set the Games Installation Directory so that it isn't Read-Only so that it can access the chitin.key file. ( if you get this error ) ( also for Steam users make sure the saves folder for K2 is etc "cloudsaves\UserID" etc ) Also make sure that the "moduleout" folder already exists at it's location.
  8. Glad to see KLE finally getting it's public release though I have been using it on and off for some time now it is an amazing project and I like many others eagerly await to see how it turns out in the near or far future at least now I have somewhere to point people to who ask me about KLE! Note : For anyone interested, it is more than worth using in it's current state. It is a very capable level editor for KotOR 1 & 2.
  9. I am personally not sure how this version works but I use : which I subsequently added into my own project with permission. Perhaps comparing the effects of the two versions, their fixes / changes and how they are applied could provide a better method to fix any more fog issues in the latest versions of the game.
  10. Looking good/some great work and quick progress you have been making, great to see somebody working on new maps and content for the game in general. Always good to have more KotOR

    1. Thor110


      This is a little preview of something I have been working on along-side the Expanded Galaxy Project, in time I will be reaching out to the TJM & RoR authors in regards to a release of each mod that will allow KotOR2 to function as shown in this video for others.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'm sure @Trex and @Logan23 would be relatively easy to reach out to.  In a sense: with this post, I've just done that.  ;)

    3. Thor110


      I have sent them both a message but thanks, I also changed the way I had it all setup, it now works as intended/shown in the video but with the original releases of TJM & RoR meaning I no longer need to enquire about re--uploading their projects, but I have asked permission to upload some of the assets that are contained in the templates.

  12. Upon examination of the files I see no real reason why it wouldn't work with TSLRCM, I think it might have been added to the site before there was a TSLRCM Compatibility option for Mods in the Download Section, though if anyone knows otherwise feel free to correct me.
  13. I have most of both games scripts decompiled but there is still a select set that cannot be decompiled properly due to various technical issues. Where I have been working on a total port of K1 to K2 I have the majority of both games scripts decompiled ( at least those that will decompile ) Strangely enough I have encountered similar times when some scripts in a bundle of scripts won't decompile at the same time, but when I split them out or into chunks they would ( though I didn't meticulously test this, so it could be a matter of forgetfulness from repetition ) Ultimately though there are still quite a few scripts that cannot be decompiled and that probably won't change anytime soon. From a quick look at the M12AB folder / level from my Port, the only script I could not decompile is "k_heartbeat.ncs" the rest of the scripts from that level should decompile just fine. Is it just that script that doesn't decompile? If so, that's just a problem you will have to deal with / work around.
  14. Thank You, it is quite ambitious and may take years to complete. The new storyline / quests will all be optional. Entirely new main and side quests for the K1 planets set in the K2 era. Though I have been slacking a little bit recently ( taking a break ) I will be back to working on both Expanded Galaxy Projects soon, the Port is very nearly done and will require an Expanded Galaxy all of it's own to introduce the K2 planets into K1 in K2s engine. I am almost always on the Discord if anyone wants to get involved, ask me questions, offer suggestions, test or anything else etc Thor110 Update : Check the first post in this topic or the Discord for more information and links to 0.9.4 & the 0.9.5 patch! ( Up to 0.9.8 patches available and a standalone release on the Discord sever for the project ) Extra : YouTube Video below with a lengthy description of the state of the port part of the project! I have also finally been working on the main project again! Install Instructions for the project in the video below. ( Inside the spoiler box )
  15. Thor110

    KotOR Port

    Images of the KotOR Port in action.
  16. Thor110


    From the album: KotOR Port

  17. You could do that piece by piece but I think a better idea is to figure out the correct scaling for each map, you could use the minimap itself as a guide for that and then render the level as an image to either create the minimap from in Photoshop or I know through rendering techniques borders can be applied etc but again I am unfamiliar with that I still haven't done that much looking into it yet because I am not very good with 3D modelling. KotorMax and NWNMax have a Mini-Map maker button that according to forum posts only works in 3DSMax, I wonder has anybody tried it out?
  18. Thor110


    From the album: KotOR Port

  19. Thor110


    From the album: KotOR Port

  20. Thor110


    From the album: KotOR Port