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Everything posted by Thor110

  1. You're welcome, I believe some people also make the machinimas directly in 3D modelling/animation programs, but some of the ones I have seen around use the game engine directly.
  2. Check the tutorials section, it is effectively like building a mod.
  3. View File Bao Dur & Force Fields This mod makes it so that Bao-Dur actually uses his arm and the associated animations shown in the cutscene that introduces his ability in order to open force field doors in the Military Base on Telos. For now that is the only place it works until I remember or rediscover any forcefields elsewhere in the game that he has the ability to open. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 02/01/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This mod makes it so that Bao-Dur actually uses his arm and the associated animations shown in the cutscene that introduces his ability in order to open force field doors in the Military Base on Telos. For now that is the only place it works until I remember or rediscover any forcefields elsewhere in the game that he has the ability to open. Thor110
  5. I kind of doubt anyone can give you an exact answer to that except possibly Obsidian themselves, though I guess you never know. I suspect there will be some fixes but probably not that many.
  6. It might be worth looking through the official list of fixes for both games in the relevant modifications or restorations. As for what is fixed in the base game, I would take a look at the patch notes of the official versions. I cannot say whether any of these were fixed, but I would imagine most of them either were, have been or are being worked on.
  7. Controversial projects are my speciality and it's not that no-one cares, I think a few people have put quite some effort in to their replies. Unfortunately everybody has a different view on both what the games stories actually are, represent, mean to them and how they interpret each and every aspect of the story which means that when discussing something like this, it is almost inevitable that everyone will be at odds or in conflict about certain key points somewhere along the line. You have raised some interesting points I think and certainly many that I have heard raised before and perhaps even a few that I have thought about myself, but I definitely feel after playing it through in recent years that it started to make a lot more sense to me, especially with TSLRCM. Yes it's not perfect, yes it's not what Bioware might have made, but it is what we ended up with. Have you played TSLRCM and been through all of Kreia's deep conversations? I remember there being some key points about why Revan left his place at the helm of the Star Forge. Nothing specific but enough to satisfy me, though I could be remembering it wrongly myself, this is one of the problems discussing these things. ( As I remember it, Revan went to look for something on the outer edges of the galaxy, that is good enough for me ) as good or bad, seeking something powerful or hidden is almost always worth it. Especially if it could be something related to the force. Before settling on anything like this, I would suggest re-playing both games to make sure that there aren't any small details that I, you or anyone else has forgotten or missed out on. It could be interesting and no one is telling you not to do it, just raising what we think are key points in relation to the points you have raised. Thor110

    I've been streaming development of the Expanded Galaxy Project on Twitch for a few days now, come check it out, make suggestions and see the state of the project.

    1. Thor110


      A long stream of testing and development for both parts of the project showing it in action and more is now available after I changed to save streams before the stream prior to this one.

      Check it out if anyone following this in the future wants to see the current state of the project and see the port in action as well as discussion on the project and it's inner workings as well as get a glimpse into KotOR modding.

  9. Thor110

    Blue Kotor-Like GUI

    This just happens from time to time, it doesn't seem to properly calculate the levels of my companions in the party select menu. It's also the GUI from the Port I am working on, that I decided to release standalone, that is why the images contain the KotOR companions and or levels.
  10. I guess this is just down to the two games being made by different developers and written by different people, unfortunately I suppose some of these things are the main reason some people tend to prefer the first or the second more, personally I thought they worked together quite well leaving the player to imagine the ultimate conclusion and backstory of the player character in both games. Though there is of course still a lot amiss and that might not add up so well, correcting this could mean potentailly rewriting both games, or just rewriting the second in it's entirety. Ok, now I remember it a bit clearly but it still sounds more like a campaign was led during that last battle that ultimately broke through their lines during a large battle over Malachor V, the inevitable conclusion I think is ultimately irrelevant as it is after the fact. I kind of agree with this one, but no one can say with certainty what any one person would do in any given situation, there could be a reason to shy away from being the centre of attention in the galaxy for a while. It certainly could be possible to tie the two games together a bit better, but major changes to the dialog is a tricky thing to do.
  11. It only punishes you, from a certain point of view. ( namely the view of someone who has played it before ) P.S. I am taking your suggestions seriously and trying to consider them in the context of the worlds as I understand them and the games, I would also happily point you in the right direction and make suggestions for making these sorts of edits, I am also trying to take on-board suggestions from the community at the moment for improving both games.
  12. At no point does the game suggest you do not level up, therefore there is no encouragement to refrain from levelling up too far too soon. I think you are mis-remembering it to be honest, I remember it being tough but I remember it also being a satisfying challenge to complete, it is also a challenge that not everybody takes on, which I think is also part of the point, not everyone does all the side quests for various reasons. Be it that they have done it before or they don't have the time, or that they just don't want to. Personally I like to do them and I like them to be challenging, if you can find something in the game that truly encourages you to refrain from levelling up, I would like to hear it because I am confident that there is no such suggestion or encouragement, other than that which comes from online guides or people who have already played the game.
  13. I took those to be two separate battles, but maybe I read it wrong. Considering info is spare as you say maybe we are both reading it wrong. 1 : Considering the character was on their way to the Star Forge, going to the closest planet to the Star Forge, might have made some sense, rather than darting off to the other end of the galaxy. As for the Star Forge, I don't think it really needs any mention of what happens to it or who might control it, I thought that was all meant to be a part of the end and your own imagination as to where you think the story truly goes from there. It is also made to be quite clear that no one even knew what happened, or only knows vague details that have spread across the galaxy like wildfire but likely remained inconsistent with the truth. From a certain point of view! lol
  14. You are certainly not encouraged to refrain from levelling up, considering the Endar Spire forces you to level up once ( mainly to teach you I guess ), but no one would have known prior to playing it that doing it this way would have gained you extra force power progression meaning that it is an after-play tactic. I myself remember being a high level leaving Taris the first time I ever played it, the Arena is meant to be a challenge, defeating the final opponent is not meant to be easy and nor is getting to them. As suggested it would be easy to do this by either altering the module or just adjusting the difficulty slider, definitely don't think it's something that needs modding into the game. That's just my opinion though, if you think it is that worth doing grab ERFEdit and K-GFF editor and dive into the level to alter the characters stats.
  15. View File Blue Kotor-Like GUI I recently made this GUI with the help of a tool created by another user that should see a release soon, I also automated the colour correction of all of the icons that were not already in the first game. Slowly I have been finding every last texture that is involved in the GUI's operation as well as the appropriate colour values in their .gui files. They aren't the best / don't match the other icons very well, but I will work on it again in the future as well as release it on it's own. Thor110 This should work for the base game and most variations, if not let me know. The only unnecessary entries that I can think of might be the planets on the galaxy map but they will now show unless scripted to do so, so it should not cause any problems. These .gui files are based on the base game's .gui files so might not contain any changes made in any other mods such as TSLRCM ( I am not sure how much the .gui's are altered ) Submitter Thor110 Submitted 01/07/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  16. I am not sure I would call all of TSL's writing crap, but it's definitely lacking here and there. Honestly I would say if you wish to go through 130,000 lines of dialog and improve them, rewriting them as well as finding a way to fix the Audio around them, crack on. Or otherwise good luck finding a team do so, I myself have had thoughts of changing all sorts of things, though I cannot say that the writing was heavily one of them, other than perhaps typos or out of place lines. There is also one huge thing to consider, which is compatibility and interest, compatibility for something like this will be practically non-existent and I suspect interest would be lacking also, though I can also say that on the other hand if done right interest would be huge, so all in all good idea, huge undertaking, I would say make a start on it, or form a team and make a start on it, or start by heavily improving the writing of just a single area in the game to showcase your suggested improvements.
  17. Good to know and incase anyone else is following this, I looked up : Which could be handy for people and that they are found in "k_inc_generic" for TSL I had simply forgotten as I haven't really used them yet, though I have known for a while that I really should start doing so.
  18. Perfect response, thank you and good to know that it can be used on placeables also.
  19. Does that include the talked to flag? To be quite honest, I haven't found a list of the local variables as reference yet, or are you just talking about a variable? As I know there is that large list of numbers that refer to local variables, however I do not know where they are right this second, I think in a 2DA iirc but I am not sure, perhaps you could point me and this newer user towards it?
  20. You can also just check if they have the datapad in their inventory Ah I doubt it / am not sure, I forgot you are working with a placeable, by the sounds of it you might be better off with a new global variable and making sure to continue using that variable more than once. ( depending on the extent of your use or need for the variable anyway )
  21. You could just use k_con_talkedto.nss for the conditional, it is a global script to check whether or not you have talked to that NPC before, meaning that tree of dialog can only be accessed once. ( if applicable in this situation ) it uses the talked to flag on the NPC.
  22. Currently I have changed entries to match the specified delay for the kodin.dlg that is widely known for doing this, I will continue to test it over and over again to see if it occurs however I could not get it to occur beforehand anyway. As this other issue is dialog related that I have been trying to solve for sometime I thought I would post about it here as well to hopefully get some discussion going on both dialog related issues. The above image shows the issue which sometimes happens in levels, recently I came across a custom level that was reproducing the bug 100% of the time when entering the level and I compared it against another .dlg file ( kodin's actually ) and discovered that it was missing the NextNodeID, adding this in for the custom level fixed the issue of the top part of the border not coming down. Removing this entry, would also cause it to happen in the custom level, adding it back in would also fix it and I verified this multiple times. I have come across a few levels in the main game that do this almost every time, for me at least this is the Harbinger Sion Cutscene and the dialog with atton when you reach the Hanger on Peragus and he complains about it being locked and possibly a few others. Considering that it is now a reproducable bug as well as a fixable bug, at the least for a custom level, I am almost certain that this can be fixed anywhere else it can be found throughout the game. ( however so far I have not had any luck with this level ) I will also be documenting any dialogs I come across that have the skipping issue and testing the proposed changes for those. Thor110 Update : Though I have not been able to fix it with the above level yet, I have fixed it in another main game level. It seems having the wrong NextNodeID set ( which I believe is meant to be 0 or 1 or whatever the starting NodeID is to the .dlg file ) causes this issue. In this dialog it was set to 25, setting it to 1 which is the NodeID of the first line of dialog Kreia speaks fixed it. Hopefully this can lead to all of these dialog issues being fixed for the game. Is it not possible this value is already recognised as something in the game?
  23. Ah I didn't really think about that part as I thought it was either similar or not too dissimilar to figure out, my bad! But thankfully someone has got you the answer. Good to know they have been helpful, I hope to write more in the future so let me know if there are any topics I can cover.
  24. Check out the tutorials section there are some fairly detailed ones in there as well as some simpler ones. Yes you create a .dlg file, link it in the conversation field of the .utc file, dialogs basically are cutscenes, so .dlg files are used to structure cutscenes. below is an example of a script I use to start a conversation with the lead rodian of the next example who just left that level. below is an example of a script I use to have four rodians leave the area and dissapear when they get to the door. It has all four of them walk through a set of locations before they get to the door, then has the lead rodian open the door as well as destroys them making them dissapear. Hopefully that helps or gives you some examples to work with, but there are some decent tutorials available worth checking out. Note : everything here is scripted for K2, so there may be slight differences to apply before it will compile. Thor110
  25. Is it just me or could you not just set the refresh rate of your monitor in windows before playing the game?