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Status Updates posted by Thor110

  1. Health Bar be damned! Here I thought I had tracked down all of the hard coded GUI elements, but it seems the health bar and some light green text remains to be found.

  2. Finally changed the dialog text colour in TSL! The GUI can now be completely recoloured.

    1. Effix


      Stand alone mod please, or better.. explain things in a post.

      Keep up the good work brother

    2. Thor110


      It's for my port, I posted the details in my tutorials here in "#24 - [ADVANCED] - Hard Coded GUI Elements"

  3. KotOR Chess, Maybe... Probably not though.KOTORCHESS.jpg.ccd2e8f71bb9b23de4c9accce799e50c.jpg

    1. Thor110



      The Pieces


      The script to spawn a grid of any size, which has been added to my tutorials in-case it might ever be of use to anyone. ( It has to be an even number, otherwise the pattern gets broken )

    2. Mephiles550


      Imagine if you had to play a type of chess or checkers game to progress through a mandatory part of the game, kinda like the tomb of Naga Sadow to get his sword.

      Come to think of it, the floor puzzle in the Lehon temple basement was kind of pointless, you were given the answer to it. Makes me wonder why they implemented it at all. I sometimes wondered if it was intended for a much more eleaborate puzzle that the devs just weren't able to properly implement and they just slapped something together last minute. A type of chess game may have been too ambitious if the board wasn't just scripted to allow only one proper sequence of events to succeed. 

    3. Thor110


      I was just having a bit of fun, I am not sure I will finish it, but I am sure it could be done.

  4. The Expanded Galaxy Project is still looking for texture artists, modellers, testers and finally writers to join the project! Drop me a message if you are interested.

  5. Gammorean Shadow Fix had a problem, sorry anyone that downloaded it, updated and fixed now, would cause anything using the other model variant to t-pose.

  6. For anyone that saw my recent but now gone mod, use PapaZinos Ebon Hawk Repairs instead as they fix the same thing, are much better and the walkmesh was broken with the one I uploaded.

    It has since been deleted.

    1. LordMerek


      I can't remember my early playthroughs of KotOR 2, but in my recent playthroughs I don't recall ever seeing this issue which is why I was confused as to why it was a thing. Having that mod installed might explain why.

  7. Is there really no way to delete a mod?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snigaroo


      Correct, we can hide them to restore later or delete them outright.

    3. Thor110


      Could you possibly delete my latest? It is flat out broken and PapaZinos Ebon Hawk Repairs do the same thing which I was not aware of.

    4. Snigaroo


      Yeah, done.

  8. Ok I caved and released the Brotherhood port early, at least for testers. I am also looking at putting together a writing team.

    1. Thor110



      All levels and animations have been fixed for the KotOR Port. ( Including the missing walls of Sleheyron & Manaan! )


      Kashyyyk's broken level was fixed some time ago.

      All that remains to be fixed is the Taris level from Brotherhood, for which the Skybox is broken but the level still plays fine.


      Though I barely show it the skybox in the background is broken, but I get to play as this random Twi'lek Jedi Republic Captain looking sort instead of what is meant to be one of the main characters from Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomons Revenge.

  9. I really enjoyed my Brotherhood Of Shadow : Solomons Revenge playthrough. Very good mod and definitely worth playing!

    1. Thor110


      So much so that...


    2. Thor110


      Drop a line in the work in progress topic for the project if anyone is interested in getting involved, things are finally moving towards where I have a platform from which I can fully develop the storys and start writing etc

      Also looking for people to get involved in the project as well as testers.

      Hoping to cut down and port two of the recreated visions from BoSSR over to my port of KotOR to replace the .bik movies.

      While feature creep has been a bit of a thing for the project, the foundations of the main and port project are very nearly no longer under construction! ( RoR Heads & BoSSR Port Complete, Main & Port Foundations : Complete )


      I thought the above cropped screenshot was suitable.

      On top of the main two parts of the project, Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomons Revenge ported over really nicely and seems to play with no problems, I have also made it so that it can easily be turned off with another small set of template files to swap between BoSSR & KotOR.


  10. I updated my KotOR Modding Tutorial series to cover some Blender basics. Should get into Blender more myself but really haven't had the time, these took but a few minutes and probably won't help anyone but they are there anyway. I believe the same or better in guidance is already available on the kotorblender download page.

  11. Both KotOR games and the Jedi Knight series could become phenomenal games if the whole of DeadlyStream were ever to work together!

    Here's to hoping! Include a Battlefront 2 Original section as well because I really want to get into modding that and have all the tools, a bunch of mods and I had plans for a large project in that game around the same time I started my current project.


    I've been streaming development of the Expanded Galaxy Project on Twitch for a few days now, come check it out, make suggestions and see the state of the project.

    1. Thor110


      A long stream of testing and development for both parts of the project showing it in action and more is now available after I changed to save streams before the stream prior to this one.

      Check it out if anyone following this in the future wants to see the current state of the project and see the port in action as well as discussion on the project and it's inner workings as well as get a glimpse into KotOR modding.

  13. I finally updated the first post to my topic for the Expanded Galaxy Project both yesterday and today to include the latest information and links for the project.


    1. Thor110


      This is a little preview of something I have been working on along-side the Expanded Galaxy Project, in time I will be reaching out to the TJM & RoR authors in regards to a release of each mod that will allow KotOR2 to function as shown in this video for others.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'm sure @Trex and @Logan23 would be relatively easy to reach out to.  In a sense: with this post, I've just done that.  ;)

    3. Thor110


      I have sent them both a message but thanks, I also changed the way I had it all setup, it now works as intended/shown in the video but with the original releases of TJM & RoR meaning I no longer need to enquire about re--uploading their projects, but I have asked permission to upload some of the assets that are contained in the templates.

  15. I wanted to say a big thank you to all of the Mod Authors that have let me include their Mods in the Expanded Galaxy Project.

    While continuuing to work on the Port and the main Project I will continue looking for decent mods / fixes for the second game to include.

    Also still looking for testers, suggestions and modders to get involved with the project, if you would like your mod included or would like to get involved then please message me on here or on Discord.

    1. Effix


      I'm not that into logging into Discord every day, but you know how to reach me if I can be of any help :)

  16. I managed to put Peragus back onto the Galaxy Map for my project, seeing as there are no more planets to fill that last slot I will leave it as it is for the moment.

    It is the last working planet slot though, two of the 16 slots don't seem to actually function, that is currently Onderon, though I think it could be made to function it is locked out for the story and the Ebon Hawk which is currently used for Malachor V as the player doesnt need to exit to it.

    Beyond that as far as I can tell it's impossible to add any more planets, unless replacing Peragus or Onderon.

    Though there really is no need for so many planets, I just wanted to push the galaxy map scripts to their limits and see what could be done.

    I think it is hardly noticeable that the galaxy map is not present during the tutorial, but let me know what you think if you are reading this extra long status update.

  17. v.0.7.4 of the Expanded Galaxy Project Demo for the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords is out and available on the Work In Progress page on page 4, I have tested it as best as I can using saves, but I am looking for testers and people to get involved with the project.

    1. djh269


      I'm free tomorrow so I'll download it and come back to you boss :D


    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      BTW, I've just approved your other mods posted today.

    3. Thor110


      @Sith Holocron Thanks! I wasn't initially going to release them but somebody suggested I offer them as standalone mods for anybody that might not be interested in my main project, which includes all of them.

  18. What are peoples thoughts on removing the Ebon Hawk Icon and Peragus in favor of Sleheyron and Lehon? There is also the possibility of using Malachor V for another planet, Telos Polar Regions could also be used to replace Peragus or for another planet, I could also make it so the player has to manually travel to Malachor V, allowing the player to finish their quests.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thor110


      How do you mean? @djh269 "without the use of the Galaxy map" yeah that is the one planet you can travel to without the galaxy map, other than Malachor V which I have already changed, but it still occupies an entry in the relevant scripts / files in order to appear on the galaxy map in the first place / trigger the relevant cut-scenes.

    3. djh269


      You can script traveling to areas using the warp function, but it causes problems with getting back on the Ebon Hawk though :)



    4. Thor110


      Yeah I know, luckily I don't have any more areas to add at the moment, I might consider porting Ord Mandell in the future for the spare planet slot, but for the time being I am going to leave it as it is.

  19. Much more settled on a direction for the project now, latest story descriptions can be found in my latest post on page 4 of my WIP topic, much more realistic than some of the outlandish ideas I had to begin with.

  20. Does anybody get the fake lag bug in TSL? I was getting it for a while and think I have found a fix, would like to find somebody with the same issue for verification.

  21. Are there any 3D Modellers or Texture Artists interested in getting involved in a project for KotOR & TSL? I am also looking for regular beta-testers, of the originals, patched versions, tslrcm, m478ep, the project and mods for both games in general.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thor110


      It is all just ideas for the time being, most content has been converted but cut for the moment down to the base 5 planets, Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, Lehon & Yavin, which will have short stories and side quests to accompany the main games storylines and be completely optional.

      Following that, if possible there will also be expansions and new stories overall for both games set after the main games story and credits.

      If any of all this makes sense, thanks for your feedback.

    3. Thor110


      I also hope to learn to make geometry fixes and small fixes like removing doors that are part of the map models myself, hopefully more I am just not great at 3D modelling, but there is already loads of room for new content, during and after the main games story, starting with during.

    4. ebmar



      If any of all this makes sense...

      For things to start makes sense you should start getting more technical and practical. That way you will gain trust from potential recruits who will lend their time and expertise for you [and the project].


      ...thanks for your feedback.

      No worries; I think that's the very least I can provide you at this stage. Best of luck with the project. :cheers:

  22. I have begun writing a KotOR Modding Tutorial Series and have released my first draft, it will document everything I learn during development of the Expanded Galaxy Project.

    Please check out my project, topics, posts, pages, videos and more then let me know what you think, if you have any ideas for the project and leave a review on the ModDB Pages for both mods if you have tested them.

  23. Wondering what people think about retro-actively fitting the K2 engine to allow for and streamline the process of Total Conversion modifications set in both the Star Wars Universe as well as outside of, could also be used for Point & Click stories.

    1. N-DReW25


      What exactly would this do to benefit the player?

    2. Thor110


      This could allow for more games / stories to be played and made by the community, set in the Old Republic Era, there is a lot of content that could be used for new stories and Total Conversions, could also be edited to be compatible with current Total Conversions, trimming down the game for each individual TC.

  24. When you fix one thing and break something else > _ < I don't suppose anybody caught the files I uploaded of a working yavin? I cannot seem to get the lightmaps working again and have tried every combination I can think of / remember trying, hopefully I am just tired and will fix this again in the morning, just added the Endar Spire's red door back into the game as a new set of doors so that the Harbingers doors remain blue.

    But for some reason the lightmaps on Yavin havent been working for a while and im not sure why / dont remember changing anything, have tried every combination of including and removing, vis, txi, tpc, tga etc. the map either shows really bright without shadows or really dark without any lighting what-so-ever, as people should be able to see from my early posts I had this working for quite a while.

  25. All K2 modules made for K1 complete, just a few issues on a few maps, more screenshots soon!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thor110


      Didn't know there was a hard limit though it's no surprise it's a more solid / stable engine compared to K2.

      I haven't looked into detail at this as it's a side project or the second expanded galaxy mod to work on in the future.

    3. Thor110


      May just bypass the problem by completely porting the first game to the second game as a total conversion.

      Would also make sense as it would require users to port some files from the first game themselves ( exe, dlls, inis, music, sounds and movies ) and allow me to make an ultimate KotOR 2 install and Launcher that can start both games.

      My first thoughts were to include the dialog.tlk file in the second games and increase all references / entries to it for the first game but trying to include it seperately and having it handled by the launcher might be a better option.

      It should durastically decrease the install size, remove the need for porting of the second games maps altogether and allow for easy module creation for both game using just one installation made of an original install of both games and a mod, should also allow for easy patching to update for other mods as the dialog.tlks will be kept seperate.

    4. Thor110


      This shouldn't go against any issues as it would require both games from the user and manually copied files as well as the second game to begin with and would avoid conflict to arise for the K1 port too soon as well as save me the trouble of having to fix the Telos, Dxun and Dantooine Maps from the second game and instead creating copies of the modules as any guide would show you how to do.

      Great question! Got me thinking ^^