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My favorite games are Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, The Witcher ( Just the first one.) and an old rpg called Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage for Nintendo 64.
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2. Because their wills are inferior. The deception is easier because it's more believable. The chances of them checking over non-Force sensitives is lower because they pose little threat. Moreover, you don't even need to use the excuse of slaves at that point. Ultimately, allowing non-force sensitives into the academy is a compromise I'd be willing to make between realism and the ability to interact with your party on Korriban. Realistically, all of them would be stopped at the door. Allowing Force-Sensitives into the academy as slaves is a bridge too far, but I'd hand-wave the others for the sake of variety. 3b. Again, this is because Bioware didn't think things through and in general, how they design almost every encounter to basically ignore your companions' presences even when they directly interrupt in some cases. They go unaddressed and silent until the game specifically calls for it. It's just another facet of the same problem. 4. There is no light side presence to detect in Star Wars lore because there is no "light side". There's the Force, there's the dark side of it (unnatural corruption brought on by using it selfishly). It's the Force Sensitivity that can be detected in this case or the corruption itself if present, though Sith always claim they can feel the dark side in you, specifically to erode your will. True in some cases, a lie in others. The Light Side points in the game are just a mechanic to give morally good players a bonus for the sake of game balance. In reality, you don't grow angel wings and don a halo by acting as the Force intends you to act. Sith arrogance is a lazy excuse. It should be relied upon as little as possible. Some situations can be hand-waved with it, others are too unbelievable. Once you're admitted into the academy, suspicion begins slackening and less attention is paid once you start engaging in their world. That is natural and somewhat more reasonable so I can suspend my disbelief. 5. Groups of piers, not slaves and even that is out of the ordinary. It draws undue attention. Calo needed to if he wanted to be hired to hunt them, which he was. His story had to be believable. Calo also probably didn't understand the significance of the information that he gave in regard to Revan being alive. The Dark Jedi trios seem to be sent directly from Malak to any world with a Star Map. I'd say you were partly correct when you supposed he didn't want other Sith who are not directly under his thumb interfering. Just not Calo being only a bounty hunter. That's at least a plausible excuse even though we all know Bioware just forgot the obvious again.
2. Because they're armed. Because broken men behave in particular ways. Simpering, avoiding eye contact with their master. Lack of confidence. No backtalk. No signs of harsh physical abuse that would be required for such strong-willed individuals to be broken. Scars, bruises, burns, sheered fingers. All the little cruelties that would be expected from a Dark Jedi intending to become a Sith. That sort of thing isn't required for non-force sensitives. 3a. Individual interest outweighs collective interest in Sith philosophy. Extra converts are not worth being overthown, and that's not how the recruitment process works in the academy anyway. They only pick one student in the end. I agree there are other reasons for Bastila not wanting to go on Korriban, but they're not the primary reason. In that regard for risk of temptation, Juhani shouldn't be there either. 3b. There is no way to anticipate that ahead of time. There is no justification for the PC to take that risk when infiltration is the goal. 4. Related to point 2. Murder is fine among the Sith, however, each of them is desperately trying not to be murdered. Uthar's goal is to remain master. His secondary goal is to replace Yuthura because she's too ambitious. His third is to train new Sith. Yuthura wants to bring in a hopeful with Force Sensitive slaves? Cool, he can leave them in his locker until school's out. 5. I'd have just confined all three to the ship. There's a risk of high ranking Sith being present in Dreshdae and I'd want as few questions coming my way as possible. One unknown fallen Jedi coming to Korriban is nothing out of the ordinary, three travelling together at once stands out like a sore thumb. Calo would not have necessarily divulged info of the Ebon Hawk to Malak. He's a famous bounty hunter with a reputation to uphold so he would not want the Sith beating him to the punch. It was also personal matter to him at that point. No one had ever escaped him before. The Ebon Hawk is recognized in Dreshdae only by Czerka employees and smugglers, not the Sith.
Because they are obviously not slaves. I didn't say anything about alignment. The deception was too weak to be believable in all three cases. Were I the Master of a Sith academy I would not consider a person with two Force Sensitive "slaves" as impressive or desirable. I would consider it a threat of potential subterfuge or espionage especially during wartime. There can be only one master in the academy. Having individuals present with ultimate loyalty to a would-be subordinate is foolish. I won't to entertain the "Sith Arrogance" counter-argument either. As for the Governor not recognizing Bastila, it's part of the same issue so I'd have no problem with them correcting it. Either all of them should, or none of them. The Ebon Hawk is a different matter. We have no idea whether the Sith patrols are just picketing their zones for unmarked craft (pirates) or actively searching for it specifically. Some are random encounters, others were sent specifically to intercept. Depends on the circumstances. Freighters were coming and going from Korriban all the time. Czerka ran the outpost there and the Sith themselves were contracting ships to ferry out artifacts from the valley. 3 out of 4 times it would be fine, unless you make Korriban the final planet. Personally, I've always thought it made the most sense narrative-wise to run into the Leviathan leaving Korriban rather than anywhere else, so I usually make it second to last.
Manufactured, not designed. Anyone can manufacture weapons suited to a specific race provided they know the anatomical limits/requirements of the race they're dealing with or have a native example to use as a template. Kashyyyk doesn't strike me as a hub of industry, their most famous blade being cobbled together from the steel of a crashed starship, so it stands to reason that some would be imported, but I digress. Glad you made progress.
I added some to the Czerka Store on Kashyyyk in an unreleased shop mod that I made. Thought it was logical that some trade would be going back and forth between Czerka and Chundar's people since the precedent was set with his Bowcaster including certain Czerka modifications. Moreover, it could be as it often was in our world, where a lot of the old colonial powers would export stock blades made in their home countries to places that lacked the industry. Upon arrival, the local populace and garrisons would modify them to fit their needs and aesthetic preferences. Basically, even though it's intended for Wookiees doesn't mean it was necessarily made by them.
[KotOR] Tomb of Naga Sadow door
Ragnarök replied to Salk's topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
After finishing Sadow's Tomb both Hord and Pall's tombs were locked. Ragnos and Sadow's doors were open, though I never checked if you could actually zone back into them. I don't think any of them should be sealed personally, even the Academy itself gets sealed after slaughtering everyone inside. Could make sense I guess. Maybe there was a lone Sith hiding under one of the beds that escaped notice and locked you out or something or maybe a patrol came back and discovered what happened. The tombs locking doesn't make any sense though. -
From an RP standpoint: Yes, since there is no expression for enemies to attempt to capture you in the game, killing on sight is a reasonable action. Moreover, it's clear while Malak preferred to take her alive, he wasn't that concerned about it given he ordered the entire planet destroyed just to remove her as a factor once it became obvious he wouldn't find her. An easy solution would have been to just have a quest in the game that allowed you to find a disguise for her, but I guess Bioware never thought of it. It's amusing though that for some reason they made a huge deal of her being recognized on Korriban, but not on Taris, despite all of the Sith actively looking for her there. Lol. As an aside though, it doesn't make sense for any of your Force Sensitive party members to be allowed on Korriban, since Uthar or Yuthura would pick up on their sensitivity immediately and the jig would be up.
Thanks, I saw this mod but I sort of just wanted the battle music fixed for the valley rather than messing with the other areas. I'm fine with the Tombs playing the Sith Base theme for variety's sake as well as the Sith base on Manaan playing the Valley theme to differentiate it from the one on Taris. I suspect those were intentional choices rather than errors.
I noticed a while ago that for some reason Korriban has its own battle music in KotOR 1's files but for whatever reason the vanilla game uses the battle music for the Sith Base in the exterior zones of Korriban. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Not really a mod request as such, but more of a curiosity for my own efforts.
I wound up testing it myself last night and it seems to work fine, which makes sense I suppose if the file was merely an extracted vanilla .mod file. I was worried that your file was edited in some way that made it different to the one included in the KCP but apparently not. .mod editing, if such a thing even exists, is above my pay grade so I just wanted to be certain that one was no different to the other. Thanks for the responses.
- 1
So, just curious... You said in the readme and description that this mod is compatible with the KotOR Community Patch 1.7 and possibly 1.8 but when I go to install the optional "Obelisk" portion of your mod, the installer says it's detecting another unk_m44aa.mod file in the modules folder so it automatically skips overwriting that file. Now, I know for a fact that's the one included with KCP 1.7, so my question is this: Do I need to then manually install your unk_m44aa.mod file overwriting KCP's, or does it even matter? Thanks.
Well, Qel-Droma could have owned more than one set of armor. Naga Sadow's Poison Blade shouldn't be on Korriban either, but it is. We as players and "antiquarians" probably put far more importance on these particular objects than their bearers ever did. For Ulic, the armor would have just been considered a tool, but 50 years later, it's a relic. Hell, he may have sold it on to a random merchant himself while he was still living. Or the item could just be a well crafted fake that had nothing to do with him at all.
Immunity to Fear and Force Regeneration of 1 or 2 seem sensible to me. Dexterity penalty since it's armor.
I don't know. If it was one or the other then maybe, however it wasn't just the game, or just the book. He was behind both and as I recall Bioware were trotting his name about pretty heavily for a time. He may not be solely responsible, but he is responsible. It shocked me at the time, but in hindsight, was Drew ever that worthy of praise? Or did he just get lucky with the Bane trilogy. I don't know, but I do know I'd never want to take a chance on him again.
Drew Karpyshyn was responsible for the complete ruination of both Revan and the Exile's character and motivations in TOR and that atrocious prequel novel 'Revan'. I wouldn't even want the man sharpening pencils, let alone having anything to do with writing for a hypothetical KotOR III. Chris Avellone would be heading the project ideally, but if not him then I'd go for Mark Yohalem who worked on Planscape: Tides of Numenera and wrote Primordia. But it will never happen due to the decanonization of the EU and a whole host of other reasons. It's probably for the best anyway.