Doctor Evil

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Doctor Evil last won the day on April 7 2016

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51 Jedi Knight

About Doctor Evil

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    Sharks with Frickin Laser Beams

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    somewhere outside Las Vegas

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  1. hmm, well i'm noticing modules being skipped or overwritten in every instance which leads me to believe it's not working properly for me, however if this is the case then that makes sense. Thank you
  2. I've noticed, at least with the kotor version, that TSL patcher has issues when it comes to mods using the same module files thus creating massive compatibility issues. Is there a work around so that mods that edit the same module files may be used?
  3. Hell yes, I've been waiting for a mod like this. I hope you put it in Kotor 2 as well (having Mandalore own it would make narrative sense)
  4. Doctor Evil

    Kotor Apeiron

    Can't tell if serious or trolling as zybl said rofl
  5. Does not include Kreia porn... am sorely disappointed.
  6. RIP rancor fodder, you will never be forgotten Btw, any thoughts on who that hooded figure is kneeling before that tank? I highly doubt it's Vader, and who the hell would the Emperor bow to?
  7. Dunno why you guys ain't liking this trailer, my only issue was the cringe-worthy line "I Rebel".... It's almost like they brought good ol' George back to write the screenplay. Other than that this trailer looked pretty darn sweet. to be fair, the first six movies all had male leads and only one female of note.
  8. If you haven't even seen it then why the hell are you browsing this thread which is full of spoilers? No offense, but that kind of kills it. I will tell you that the episode is fantastic. Well, I don't think the voice was Traya that's for sure, because the rule of two wasn't practiced until Bane came around and Revan was the only one before him to ever practice it as well. The temple heavily relied on the rule of two, and the weapon itself seems to crude for someone like Kreia My theory is that it might be someone like Darth Zannah if Rebels wants to borrow from old EU, but who knows.
  10. That's also a plausible theory, considering that systems generally have more than one planet. I'm sure that Malachor V, given that it was the fifth planet, could have had sister planets that would have been occupied by the sith. So, as for that owl we saw at the end again, Filoni keeps saying it means something and it is a big thing.... methinks it could be more than a symbol :V
  11. Whine, whine, whine. You realize what Ahsoka said was an interpretation right? KOTOR wasn't even canon anymore, but let's assume it is. Second of all it's not "stealing" rather re-using when the material is still theirs to use, and EU was 75% crap anyway. Take the salt out of your mouth and look. Remember, the events of KOTOR were THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. Doubt they'd have all the details, hell, only those that were there in LOTR knew well about what happened when they first took down Sauron. It's perfectly reasonable that there was more to Malachor than just Trayus Academy Instead of jumping to conclusions how about take a breath, watch it again, and then take a look. I'll put a full in-depth post on this episode later. Yet he managed to fix the Clone Wars which was left to crap thanks to the prequels Because someone absolutely needs to die in order to satisfy your definition of a good season finale. Update Posted Yesterday, 12:49 PM [EST] Oh my god, that episode was an absolute masterpiece, if I wasn't sold before the ending, I am now. That ending track has to be one of the most powerful tunes I've ever heard, and boy does it fit the scene. I am slightly bummed that Kanan didn't die, but I think I know why they didn't kill him yet... So that they play the tug of war between him and Maul further. The fight between Ahsoka and Anakin was also quite awesome, and him almost coming back to the light was also great. (AAAAND SHE'S NOT DEAD). I wonder what Ahsoka will find left in that temple. Finally... Darth Maul never changes and thank god that's great. IMO him mentoring Ezra was some of the best Star Wars moments I've seen, true Dark Side Corruption coming up. As for Malachor, I'm OK with it being this way. It's ambiguous, it's not saying what really happened there, and it's perfectly understandable that the Sith had more hidden on that damn abomination than just Trayus Academy.
  12. Dunno if this has been posted or not ,but I'll look back and see if iti s. I have an issue with the textures where they either look shiny chrome or dull purple on the sabers. Any fix?
  13. Saw it too, couldn't hold over myself. Overall a fantastic episode again