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About zbyl2

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    Evil Overlord
  • Birthday January 20

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  1. View File Kaevee the Twi'lek DESCRIPTION: Do you like Kaevee as a character, but hate her voice? Would you rather listen to alien gibberish instead? Well, this is the mod for you! It turns her into a blue Twi'lek, complete with alien VO. INSTALLATION: TSLRCM is mandatory and must be installed first. Copy all files to your game's "override" folder. If you're using the Steam workshop version of TSLRCM, you must copy the file to the wokshop's folder, not the main game's folder; it'll be something like "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937\override" The mod must be installed before entering the Enclave sublevel on Dantooine. Thanks to JC for extracting all the alien VOs for me. Submitter zbyl2 Submitted 09/30/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. zbyl2

    Kaevee the Twi'lek

    Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION: Do you like Kaevee as a character, but hate her voice? Would you rather listen to alien gibberish instead? Well, this is the mod for you! It turns her into a blue Twi'lek, complete with alien VO. INSTALLATION: TSLRCM is mandatory and must be installed first. Copy all files to your game's "override" folder. If you're using the Steam workshop version of TSLRCM, you must copy the file to the wokshop's folder, not the main game's folder; it'll be something like "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937\override" The mod must be installed before entering the Enclave sublevel on Dantooine. Thanks to JC for extracting all the alien VOs for me.
  3. I'm not sure I understand your argument. I never mentioned anything about "modders content" or whatever, it just wasn't very good or added anything to the scene. The difference between Visquis' lines (there's two) and Red Eclipse camera is that one is required for other Mira content to work, animated camera adds nothing to the scene. Carth's intro is the opposite of the RE boarding, camera animation actually makes his entrance better. It's not "extensive use of modders content" by any means though. Looking back at the dlg now, GP's note doesn't even mention it being animated. {[Gameplay Programmer: Cut to a scene on board the Ebon Hawk, the empty corridors. Make it a little creepy.]}
  4. Red eclipse is at 3:58. The updated scene is literally the same thing just without the 30 seconds animated camera, so start at 4:30.
  5. I just thought the animation was a bit shoddy and didn't really add anything to the scene. It existed because there was a GP's note to have one. I remember that I even created the first version of it (that was probably worse?). If someone thinks I'm totally wrong about this, I'm willing to hear the argument, it can be modded back in in about 10 seconds.
  6. We released a surprise new patch recently. If you're subscribed to the mod on Steam workshop, it should have auto-downloaded for you. Otherwise, feel free to grab either the new installer or the updated mobile version in usual places. Patch notes below. May contain spoilers if you haven't played the game yet. * New logo by @Sith Holocron * [PC Installer] The installer will now always ask you to confirm install location * [Mobile] Fixed tutorial popups using PC controls * Fixed a possible dialog break when talking to Kreia * Fade out/fade in animation instead of a sudden black screen when teaching companions force forms * Telos: Lt. Grenn turns to the player when talking to him after Batu Rem's death * Telos: No longer possible to trigger mercenaries / Lorso cutscene as B-4D4 * Telos: Removed a random black screen and immediate fade in when Atris takes out your saber * Telos: Atris no longer plays "talking" animation when standing silently * Telos: Changed a camera angle in a cutscene where Atris talks to Handmaidens to avoid an awkward jumpcut * Telos: Handmaiden no longer uses "talking" animation when thinking * Telos: Added autosave before Handmaiden fights her sisters, so you don't have to sit through four different cutscenes again if you die * Telos: Atris and Handmaiden stay with lightsabers active and in "ready" pose after their fight, until Atris lightnings Handmaiden * Telos: Rebalanced the HK Factory * Telos: Asking for a finders fee when delivering fuel no longer grants less XP than other dialog options * Nar Shaddaa: Removed animated camera from the Red Eclipse boarding cutscene * Nar Shaddaa: Fixed an issue where two music tracks sometimes played at the same time during the Red Eclipse boarding * Nar Shaddaa: Party members will no longer randomly activate their shields and/or stand up when getting knocked out by the Red Eclipse * Nar Shaddaa: Party members now play "working on computer" animation instead of just standing next to the galaxy map in the Red Eclipse cutscene * Nar Shaddaa: Added missing lip animation when Ratrin boards your ship * Nar Shaddaa: Randomized Duro VO in the cantina cutscene * Nar Shaddaa: Fixed a skipped animation when Atton warns the party * Nar Shaddaa: Removed Visquis' sound from an empty line when he releases Kath Hounds * Nar Shaddaa: Atton can no longer pick T3-M4 as a third party member if he was sold to Kodin * Nar Shaddaa: You can now try again if you didn't have enough money to bribe Kaalanah the first time * Onderon: Atton now pilots the ship in planet's intro * Onderon: Soldier in the palace no longer starts a dialog for a single line, uses a "bark" instead * Onderon: Fixed a typo in Kiph's dialog (two dots instead of three) * Korriban: Sion no longer uses "talking" animation before approaching player * Korriban: Fixed fade-out animation after escaping Sion * Ravager: Lightsabers don't turn off for a cutscene halfway through the Nihilus fight * Malachor: You can now fast forward through "precognition" cutscene of your party members in cells * Malachor: Fixed Sion & player sometimes not jumping to proper positions for post-fight dialog, therefore not being visible * Malachor: Restored a previously skipped shot of player approaching Kreia * Malachor: Some additional animations in party vs Kreia cutscene, like Visas holding her weapon ready when Handmaiden/Disciple attacks Kreia * Ebon Hawk: HK-50 torture scene now fades out at the end, instead of hitting you with a sudden black screen in the middle of HK's line * Ebon Hawk: Fixed Handmaiden's empty {frowns} line always skipping instead of playing animation before training her as a Jedi * Ebon Hawk: You return to the cargo hold instead of being moved to the cockpit after training Handmaiden as a Jedi
  7. I wish it was possible, but we don't even have all the source files anymore. We weren't particularly well organized when we started this. We included some scripts that can't be decompiled in modules (I remember there are some in 003), but they're few.
  8. zbyl2

    the switch port

    No one stole anything. Please don't start such rumors. You probably didn't mean to, but it can be interpreted that way, and Aspyr has always been very respectful of our work and nothing happened without my & HH's knowledge or permission.
  9. Did you just report yourself for spam? I think that's a first.
  10. Updated mobile version again; fixed some Kreia's VOs not playing.
  11. @darthbdaman upload your save and I'll check
  12. Mobile version updated: - Custom audio now plays - Changed archive to ZIP to make it easier to extract and install on Android, without using a PC Big thanks to @Drazgar for figuring out proper audio format for mobile
  13. When did you download? You might need to redownload to make sure you got a new version.
  14. Yeah I talked to a guy responsible for russian translation about that - we don't know how to fix that yet, fonts work differently on mobile than on PC. start new game Well if you're still on peragus it probably won't matter much
  15. Fixed. Redownload and reinstall the mod If you install the mod correctly, the main menu logo will say "restored content mod". I don't have an iOS device, so I'm not completely sure how the process works. Basically you need to copy dlc folder from download to kotor folder on your device.I saw this on reddit earlier: "Computer with iTunes, go to file sharing in iTunes and click Kotor, drag the “dlc” folder (after deleting its non English subfolders ) into the same main area as the game’s files such as “saves” Edit: use the file transferring in Finder if you have a Mac since iTunes doesn’t exist any more"