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forgetcanon last won the day on March 14 2015

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About forgetcanon

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. forgetcanon

    4k Atton

  2. I'm glad you like it Unfortunately any before/after pictures wouldn't really help. All I did was make it so that Bao-Dur no longer visibly equips armor- anything equipped to him will affect his stats, but he will appear as though he is still wearing his regular clothing. Hope this helps!
  3. Bao-Dur is Buff View File Bao-Dur is Buff. This mod makes any armor appear as his default clothing. Because he's Buff. This mod will not conflict with any sort of "Let Bao-Dur Wear Jedi Robes" type mod, especially if they also use a TSLPatcher. If in doubt, install this one on top. This mod will probably make any "Bao-Dur is made of glass, let's give him special armor" mod look like he's just wearing his normal clothes. Submitter forgetcanon Submitted 07/22/2016 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible  
  4. Version 1.0


    Bao-Dur is Buff. This mod makes any armor appear as his default clothing. Because he's Buff. This mod will not conflict with any sort of "Let Bao-Dur Wear Jedi Robes" type mod, especially if they also use a TSLPatcher. If in doubt, install this one on top. This mod will probably make any "Bao-Dur is made of glass, let's give him special armor" mod look like he's just wearing his normal clothes.
  5. forgetcanon

    Bi Carth

    Bastila and F Revan is a different mod. You can DL it here.
  6. File Name: Bi Carth File Submitter: forgetcanon File Submitted: 19 Jul 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: No This mod does two main things: - Makes Carth romanceable by M and F Revans. - Makes it possible for F Revans to shut Carth down early on. No more sexual harassment! If you load a save past the second conversation with Carth and you wish to romance Carth, talk to T3-M4 and turn the romance "on." Otherwise, Carth will abruptly begin to treat you platonically. The option is under "Can I ask you some questions?" It will also make - the soldier in the cantina on Manaan - the Sith guy on Taris - and Davik's slave dude bisexual as well. If you want to make various female NPCs bi, "Bastila and F Revan, the untold love story" has those files for you. It is very likely that the Carth Romance Fix will work with an M Revan, so you probably want to snatch that mod up, for the best possible Bi Carth experience. BUGS: - Carth will call you "sister" and "woman" a lot. The slave guy will refer to you as "mistress." Sorry. Maybe one day I'll weed through the audio files, but for now, it is what it is. If you find any more bugs or problems, please report them on deadlystream or message me on tumblr. I will try to mend them ASAP. As far as I know it's incompatible with K1R. Click here to download this file
  7. forgetcanon

    Bi Carth

    Version 1.0


    This mod does two main things: - Makes Carth romanceable by M and F Revans. - Makes it possible for F Revans to shut Carth down early on. No more sexual harassment! If you load a save past the second conversation with Carth and you wish to romance Carth, talk to T3-M4 and turn the romance "on." Otherwise, Carth will abruptly begin to treat you platonically. The option is under "Can I ask you some questions?" It will also make - the soldier in the cantina on Manaan - the Sith guy on Taris - and Davik's slave dude bisexual as well. If you want to make various female NPCs bi, "Bastila and F Revan, the untold love story" has those files for you. It is very likely that the Carth Romance Fix will work with an M Revan, so you probably want to snatch that mod up, for the best possible Bi Carth experience. BUGS: - Carth will call you "sister" and "woman" a lot. The slave guy will refer to you as "mistress." Sorry. Maybe one day I'll weed through the audio files, but for now, it is what it is. If you find any more bugs or problems, please report them on deadlystream or message me on tumblr. I will try to mend them ASAP. As far as I know it's incompatible with K1R.
  8. forgetcanon


    Bug: When I left the Telos Academy, I got the scene with Atris where she tells the other handmaidens that Brianna has left with me. But when I got to the ship, Brianna didn't join the holo conversation ("those are master atris's records you have stolen!") and she's not on board the ship. I have a female Exile- that's probably what's causing this problem. Sorry, but I'll be uninstalling this until that's fixed.
  9. File Name: Force Dustil File Submitter: forgetcanon File Submitted: 25 May 2015 File Category: Mods This mod has a very simple purpose: It forces Dustil to spawn in the Sith Academy whether Carth has told you about him or not. This is a "no frills" mod. If you go to Korriban first, Carth will tell you about his son as though you've never met him later on. If you enter Korriba, Carth will harp on about Dustil until you resolve the quest. Future versions might revise it to account for these issues, but for now, all it does is make sure you're not screwed over on Carth's personal quest by doing Korriban first. KNOWN BUGS: The journal entry for the quest will only appear once you've spoken to Dustil should you choose to force the quest. If you encounter any others, please report them to me. Click here to download this file
  10. forgetcanon

    Force Dustil

    Version 1.0


    This mod has a very simple purpose: It forces Dustil to spawn in the Sith Academy whether Carth has told you about him or not. This is a "no frills" mod. If you go to Korriban first, Carth will tell you about his son as though you've never met him later on. If you enter Korriba, Carth will harp on about Dustil until you resolve the quest. Future versions might revise it to account for these issues, but for now, all it does is make sure you're not screwed over on Carth's personal quest by doing Korriban first. KNOWN BUGS: The journal entry for the quest will only appear once you've spoken to Dustil should you choose to force the quest. If you encounter any others, please report them to me.
  11. forgetcanon


    Excellent! I suppose I would need to Uninstall Handmaiden 4 Females before installing this mod?