Cinder Skye

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About Cinder Skye

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. So @Sith Holocron was kind enough to try to help me out and made some progress -- there's at least two (but it seems like there may be more) textures involved in Death Field. fx_beam03 is also involved as an overlay. Making this file orange tinted was a partial fix. When I try Orange FX_beam03 with blue fx_lightning, there appears to be no color on the beam except that the electricity is brighter white than I remembered. Which makes the next part make sense: when I tried orange fx_beam03 with orange fx_lightning, the combination makes a purple-pink lightning effect for death field (as opposed to the original attempt to replace lightning with drain texture, making a purple lightning effect). So fx_beam03 appears to be part of the overlay but not all of the effect that causes tinting. Since orange and blue are opposites, it comes out white when fx_beam03-modified is combined with blue lightning, but when combined with red lightning there's another blue or purple source in there somewhere. There's also the issue that there doesn't seem to be any way to make orange death field without making force storm a warm color as well.
  2. Well, at least I know I was on the right track. Thanks. Unfortunately, 3DS Max is way out of my depth; I've done a bit with Blender in Skyrim but after a week of various struggles to do anything in 3DS Max I didn't get anywhere. My guess was the model but when I loaded it into 3DS Max via KotORMax I was just staring at empty space.
  3. Having an issue where the compiler assures me that a script has compiled, but it does not create a .ncs file. Have tried launching KotOR tool with admin permission. Running v1.0.2210.16738.
  4. I'm trying to mod death field so it doesn't use a purple tinted version of lightning but instead is visually distinct to match the appearance of drain. Not having any luck.
  5. Appreciate the effort you're going through to help me with this. Thanks. Uploaded multiple save files, "That Hurt" is probably the most useful one to you.
  6. Everyone else in all holos to the end of Peragus is fine -- I haven't gotten to Telos yet on this playthrough. Intel Core i7-7700HQ @2.81Ghz, 8 cores 8 GB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050, 4 GB VRAM Game is being accessed on a Samsung 256 GB SSD via USB 3.1 Using Win 10. OS is on an internal 128 GB SSD, so all OS functions should be called quickly.
  7. Having some issues with one Republic soldier in the very first log at the Harbinger bridge. Missing texture. Tried the Normal Map fix Screenshot Mod List follows
  8. HD Fire and Ice, Whee! View File Installation is simple: just drag the .tga files you want into your override folder. It is, in fact, compatible with KotOR 1. Fire Files: fx_fireball01.tga fx_flame.tga Covers the flame effect from flamethrowers and things that reuse this (most custom force powers using fire use this effect). The fireball is an adaptation of Fire_001 made by Mr. Bubble for RPG Maker games. ( I recolored the flames to be a little less red, and also added some tween frames to make the whole thing more puffy. It is approximately four times the original flame's resolution - the original was made of multiple overlapping 51x51 sprites expanded up to consume entire bodies, these are 204x204 with soft blending edges. The fire stream is an adaptation of Misc Fire Element made by dbszabo for general usage. ( It was a pretty simple affair. Ice Files: fx_crystal01.tga fx_reflectmap.tga The ice is an adaptation of Ice Texture made by DudeAlan2001 for general purposes, and is eight times the original resolution, going from 128 to 1024. ( I slightly colored the ice and played with the alpha channel, but I didn't really do any hard work on that one. Most of the hard work was actually on the ice's reflect map, reducing the overpowering glow to be a little paler and a little less common. Overall, it looks more like "unnaturally glowing ice and snow" and less like "unnaturally glowing saran wrap." Submitter Cinder Skye Submitted 09/10/2014 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  9. Version v2.1


    Installation is simple: just drag the .tga files you want into your override folder. It is, in fact, compatible with KotOR 1. Fire Files: fx_fireball01.tga fx_flame.tga Covers the flame effect from flamethrowers and things that reuse this (most custom force powers using fire use this effect). The fireball is an adaptation of Fire_001 made by Mr. Bubble for RPG Maker games. ( I recolored the flames to be a little less red, and also added some tween frames to make the whole thing more puffy. It is approximately four times the original flame's resolution - the original was made of multiple overlapping 51x51 sprites expanded up to consume entire bodies, these are 204x204 with soft blending edges. The fire stream is an adaptation of Misc Fire Element made by dbszabo for general usage. ( It was a pretty simple affair. Ice Files: fx_crystal01.tga fx_reflectmap.tga The ice is an adaptation of Ice Texture made by DudeAlan2001 for general purposes, and is eight times the original resolution, going from 128 to 1024. ( I slightly colored the ice and played with the alpha channel, but I didn't really do any hard work on that one. Most of the hard work was actually on the ice's reflect map, reducing the overpowering glow to be a little paler and a little less common. Overall, it looks more like "unnaturally glowing ice and snow" and less like "unnaturally glowing saran wrap."
  10. Thank you very much. After reading your post and doing some work, I've uploaded a new version that also makes the ice look a bit better. Those were the two blatantly godawful combat textures, I think.
  11. Fire and Ice HD, Whee! View File Installation is simple: just drag the .tga files you want into your override folder. It is, in fact, compatible with KotOR 1. Fire Files: fx_fireball01.tga fx_flame.tga Covers the flame effect from flamethrowers and things that reuse this (most custom force powers using fire use this effect). The fireball is an adaptation of Fire_001 made by Mr. Bubble for RPG Maker games. ( I recolored the flames to be a little less red, and also added some tween frames to make the whole thing more puffy. It is approximately four times the original flame's resolution - the original was made of multiple overlapping 51x51 sprites expanded up to consume entire bodies, these are 204x204 with soft blending edges. The fire stream is an adaptation of Misc Fire Element made by dbszabo for general usage. ( It was a pretty simple affair. Ice Files: fx_crystal01.tga fx_reflectmap.tga The ice is an adaptation of Ice Texture made by DudeAlan2001 for general purposes, and is eight times the original resolution, going from 128 to 1024. ( I slightly colored the ice and played with the alpha channel, but I didn't really do any hard work on that one. Most of the hard work was actually on the ice's reflect map, reducing the overpowering glow to be a little paler and a little less common. Overall, it looks more like "unnaturally glowing ice and snow" and less like "unnaturally glowing saran wrap." Submitter Cinder Skye Submitted 09/08/2014 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No  
  12. Version v2.1


    Installation is simple: just drag the .tga files you want into your override folder. It is, in fact, compatible with KotOR 1. Fire Files: fx_fireball01.tga fx_flame.tga Covers the flame effect from flamethrowers and things that reuse this (most custom force powers using fire use this effect). The fireball is an adaptation of Fire_001 made by Mr. Bubble for RPG Maker games. ( I recolored the flames to be a little less red, and also added some tween frames to make the whole thing more puffy. It is approximately four times the original flame's resolution - the original was made of multiple overlapping 51x51 sprites expanded up to consume entire bodies, these are 204x204 with soft blending edges. The fire stream is an adaptation of Misc Fire Element made by dbszabo for general usage. ( It was a pretty simple affair. Ice Files: fx_crystal01.tga fx_reflectmap.tga The ice is an adaptation of Ice Texture made by DudeAlan2001 for general purposes, and is eight times the original resolution, going from 128 to 1024. ( I slightly colored the ice and played with the alpha channel, but I didn't really do any hard work on that one. Most of the hard work was actually on the ice's reflect map, reducing the overpowering glow to be a little paler and a little less common. Overall, it looks more like "unnaturally glowing ice and snow" and less like "unnaturally glowing saran wrap."