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Everything posted by aneeryrlue

  1. File Name: TSL - Ultima Duel Room File Submitter: aneeryrlue File Submitted: 27 Jun 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes TSL - ULTIMA DUEL ROOM MODIFICATION ____________________________________ maded by Aneeryrlue ----------------------- 1, Installation 2, Uninstallation 3, Compatibility 4, Description 5, Special Thanks ---------------- 1, Installation: ---------------- copy Modules/dr_arena.mod -> your xyz/kotor2/modules/.. copy Override/medlog.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. copy Override/secsys.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. copy Override/dr_arenaenter.ncs -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. ------------------ 2, Uninstallation: ------------------ delete file from your xyz/kotor2/modules/dr_arena.mod delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/medlog.dlg delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/secsys.dlg delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/dr_arenaenter.ncs ------------------ 3, Compatibility: ------------------ TSLRCM COMPATIBLE This is a lore-friendly mod, it's should be compatible with everything EXCEPT, if you have medlog.dlg/secsys.dlg in your override folder, if you overwrite them, you can't access to the UDR Arena. ex: medlog.dlg -> Medical Terminal at game starts on Peragus ex: secsys.dlg -> Security Camera System on Ebon Hawk --------------- 4, Description: --------------- Here is 340+ enemy with some personality Dialogues has some level restrict for unlocking them. Well, the most of the enemies are OVERPOWERED, but they are BEATABLE! I maded this mod for that reasons if you overbored by the story, or just want to chillin' on an another way Q: How to access to the Arena? A: 1, Start New Game-> Go and talk with Medical Terminal after 25secounds gameplay, choose Load Ultima Duel Room option. A: 2, While storyline is goes, on the Ebon Hawk go to Security Camera System -> choose Load Ultima Duel Room option. Q: xyz A: If you enter to the module, there is an information terminal for another questions. Q: xyz2 A: write me a message at anytime about anything on, i'll answer i promise ----------------------------------- 5, Credit List & Special thanks to: ----------------------------------- -Kexikus for NSS Source Scripts -Antonia for NSS Source Scripts -Fair Strides for all-time helping me -Real Rece for some Robes -Varsity Puppet for some corporate -Stoffe because his premission and many thanks for it -Kainzorus Prime for Clone Armors(future relases) -Jorak Uln for original ideas, and hopefully for some corporate in future relases -Small Chicken -djh269 for some tests -for you if you download/ed this modification Click here to download this file
  2. TSL Ultima Duel Room - Beta has been uploaded

  3. My own birthday realse
  4. Version 1.2


    TSL - ULTIMA DUEL ROOM MODIFICATION ____________________________________ maded by Aneeryrlue ----------------------- 1, Installation 2, Uninstallation 3, Compatibility 4, Description 5, Special Thanks ---------------- 1, Installation: ---------------- copy Modules/dr_arena.mod -> your xyz/kotor2/modules/.. copy Override/medlog.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. copy Override/secsys.dlg -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. copy Override/dr_arenaenter.ncs -> your xyz/kotor2/override/.. ------------------ 2, Uninstallation: ------------------ delete file from your xyz/kotor2/modules/dr_arena.mod delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/medlog.dlg delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/secsys.dlg delete file from your xyz/kotor2/override/dr_arenaenter.ncs ------------------ 3, Compatibility: ------------------ TSLRCM COMPATIBLE This is a lore-friendly mod, it's should be compatible with everything EXCEPT, if you have medlog.dlg/secsys.dlg in your override folder, if you overwrite them, you can't access to the UDR Arena. ex: medlog.dlg -> Medical Terminal at game starts on Peragus ex: secsys.dlg -> Security Camera System on Ebon Hawk --------------- 4, Description: --------------- Here is 340+ enemy with some personality Dialogues has some level restrict for unlocking them. Well, the most of the enemies are OVERPOWERED, but they are BEATABLE! I maded this mod for that reasons if you overbored by the story, or just want to chillin' on an another way Q: How to access to the Arena? A: 1, Start New Game-> Go and talk with Medical Terminal after 25secounds gameplay, choose Load Ultima Duel Room option. A: 2, While storyline is goes, on the Ebon Hawk go to Security Camera System -> choose Load Ultima Duel Room option. Q: xyz A: If you enter to the module, there is an information terminal for another questions. Q: xyz2 A: write me a message at anytime about anything on, i'll answer i promise ----------------------------------- 5, Credit List & Special thanks to: ----------------------------------- -Kexikus for NSS Source Scripts -Antonia for NSS Source Scripts -Fair Strides for all-time helping me -Real Rece for some Robes -Varsity Puppet for some corporate -Stoffe because his premission and many thanks for it -Kainzorus Prime for Clone Armors(future relases) -Jorak Uln for original ideas, and hopefully for some corporate in future relases -Small Chicken -djh269 for some tests -for you if you download/ed this modification
  5. aneeryrlue

    A Closer View

    well, thats not good:S
  6. aneeryrlue

    A Closer View

    Seems good. I don't really play now because of making my mod but i'll use this. Like new-gen RPG games
  7. I am pretty amazed by my own mod.. coming soon. It's now under testing

  8. Someone could maybe test some part of my mod while I was making it?

  9. aneeryrlue

    Duel Room Final

    Thanks! Luck and a few friend's like FS knowlegde is with me, so it's will work^^ mod is coming i promise
  10. These lines solved a problem of my script! But, i got an another glitch or something with this script lines, when i close my store i can't click on objects, can't use anything even can't press escape to acess menu. why? is here anything for me to resolve this ?
  11. Well, I have the same problem! I tried out unlimited script variations - shop is in .git too... script fires at PC or NPC whatever... soon I have to delete my files at all I can't resolve this problem. Shop is opens, but if I close it, it opens again automatically. Unlimited times. I just don't understand I made similar and same mods of like this for k1 there weren't any problem like this. Note: I tried with script ends with a line what re-opens dialogue and that still won't work. I need help as I can't resolve this alone. Update Posted 15 June 2016 - 10:52 AM Solved - but, I got another glitch or something with this script lines, when I close my store I can't click on objects, can't use anything even can't press escape to access menu. Why? Is there anything that I can do to resolve this?
  12. I have no any problems with dialogues. Update Posted 15 June 2016 - 10:51 AM Solved, But, I got another glitch or something with this script lines, when I close my store I can't click on objects, can't use anything even can't press escape to access menu. Why? Is there anything that I can do to resolve this?
  13. I'm wondering, maybe a line at script's end what does to return to dialogue when shop closes could fix it. Am I right?
  14. I have some problems maybe you can resolve it. its a noob thing i think, i use this open store script: void main() { object oStore = GetObjectByTag("TAG_OF_STORE_HERE"); object oSpeaker = GetPCSpeaker(); if (!GetIsObjectValid(oStore)) oStore = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_STORE, "RESREF_OF_STORE_HERE", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF)); if (GetIsObjectValid(oStore)) DelayCommand(0.5, OpenStore(oStore, oSpeaker)); } Problem: If i open this store it works, but if i close it, it opens store again automatically unlimited times.. Can you help me a bit ? Note: I tried to fire the script both on PC and NPC lines.
  15. Closed topic. I already got it years ago and I have started to work on this mod.
  16. aneeryrlue

    Combat Arena

    i'm already working on it. 2-3 months later it's will be relased
  17. aneeryrlue

    Combat Arena

    I'm working on this mod's overcopy, much bigger but more simple one of this. premission got years ago^^
  18. aneeryrlue

    Duel Room Final

    similar mod like this, but much bigger one is coming in few months for TSL.
  19. and i'm amazed again, epic job, it seems great mod and it's under downloading^^
  20. rare legendary work. you rule^^
  21. aneeryrlue

    Duel Room Final

    Yes, erhm, i had a plan to make this for TSL, i have premission to do 3years ago but I haven't really time for this. In this year maybe^^
  22. Okay, I'm searching for someone with some modding experience who want to work with me, I want some help to make this mod bigger. Gimme a private pm if you are
  23. aneeryrlue

    Duel Room Final

    So Mod is compatible with everything if you haven't; -end_pod.dlg -k_htmd_dialog.dlg -exptable.2da In your override folder.