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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. K1 Override is now 4.5 GB. New personal record? :P

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What mods are you using?

    2. Mephiles550


      A bunch of graphics mods, several small mods, bits and pieces from other mods, and my own personal tweakings. It all looks balanced and polished in the end, but let's just say I couldn't use K1R for compatibility reasons. I did download it so I could get the script files for the restored rough-cut Wookie crystal for example.

  2. Lol, Happy Birthday Darth Nihilus!

  3. MDLops is a very useful tool, although it's not really friendly to newcomers. I'm using it to fix some texture issues with ToastyFresh's Weapon mod for TSL.

    1. 1Leonard


      Cool! It always bothered me that he never finished it up until now...

    2. Mephiles550


      With some of Inyri's weapon models and a couple of other weapon models available here on DeadlyStream, I'm trying to replace every single ranged weapon in TSL with higher quality ones, the majority of which being ToastyFresh's models. Maybe I'll eventually get to updating some melee weapons at one point, but my priority is on ranged weapons. :)

  4. Modding Kotor to be just the way I want it after a reinstall can take hours, but the final result, usually, is worth it. Then a few days later, I usually uninstall and reinstall again and have a different mod setup. It's all part of the fun. :)

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I used to be a gaming adventurer like you until... <(0_~)>

  5. My current TSL Override is 3.5GB. Go hard or go home, huh?

    1. milestails


      Big texture mods present?

    2. LiliArch


      My whole TSL folder is ~ 100 GB... never checked the size of an individual Override, though. I have multiple mod combinations present, swapping folders as needed.

    3. Makashi


      Yeah, textures overhauls are quite heavy ;/

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  6. Oh wow, I didn't expect Kotor II to ever be re-released for Xbox One. That's interesting. I wonder how that'll turn out.

  7. Out of curioisity, does anyone have a solid explanation as to why Kotor gets screwed over with Intel HD Graphics? It's not an APU problem because I've used AMD APUs and Kotor runs great, all things working normally. Intel HD, no matter which variety, just doesn't agree with Kotor... or a couple other games for that matter. Odd

    1. DarthParametric


      It's likely down to the way the engine is coded, although it's odd that issues persist with entirely new Intel integrated GPUs a decade and a half later. Perhaps ndix UR could provide some insight based on firsthand poking under the hood.

    2. LiliArch


      My guess is that something in Intel drivers just doesn’t like KotOR’s engine.

    3. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      I'd have to run the GPU caps viewer on the Intel driver to say specifically, but the short answer is that the game uses old OpenGL extensions, often NV_ or ATI_ namespaced ones. The big two have kept those features in their newer packages while Intel has, presumably, not gone back and implemented every historical OpenGL extension. Especially since OpenGL is the ignored stepchild to Direct3D on Windows. Long story short, it is unlikely to ever get better and it's not a hardware issue.

  8. Quanon made a Jolee reskin, didn't he? I can't find it anywhere.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I've asked Quanon to comment as he's on right now.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Oh - and thanks!

    3. Quanon


      I havent releases it just yet. Expect it soon. I just need to pack it all up and take few extra screenshots ☺

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  9. Really nice of Battlefront to provide a large bonus in credits today. Gave me an excuse to waste time racking up points on a video game instead of working on my finals. Don't know if I regret that or not.

  10. Sleheyron's music really is a masterpiece and it fits the area it's used in, the mysterious box, perfectly. It took me by surprise to see that the track belonged to Sleheyron, but I can slowly see why it fits. I also love how it's named "The Unknown World" as a reference to how it was meant to be played for a planet no one saw in the game and never knew the history about until years later.

  11. So in Kotor 1 Restoration, when you convince Hurka to take you past the guards after opening the bridge door, are you supposed to be teleported directly behind the airlock next to the room with the Dark Jedi or is my game glitching on me?

  12. So many appearance problems in Kotor could be fixed if Kotortool could detect custom appearances properly like KSE could. D:

    1. djh269


      Are you talking about utc's? If your kotor tool detects the correct registry paths for k1 and tsl it should detect custom appearances

    2. DarthParametric


      Enable the option for it to use the Override folder and it will pull data from any custom appearance.2da, etc.

    3. Mephiles550


      Thank you DP, I wasn't aware of that option before. That saves some headaches.

  13. Still heavily anticipating Jorak's Taris texture overhaul mod. That'll probably be my mod of the year. I've been yearning for a Taris overhaul that feels similar to the original but still feels different enough to be unique as well.

  14. Testing out TSL on Steam now. It's both funny and irritating seeing all of the older mods be uploaded to the Steam-workshop without any proper credit to the original author.

    1. djh269


      I think they shot themselves in the foot with how you install the mods also. I always download one small mod and place the rest of my mods into that folder.

  15. Thanks to Toasty Fresh's TSL weapons overhaul beta and a couple of weapon models from kotorfiles, I'm pretty close to having every single weapon model in TSL being replaced with a higher quality model. All that's left are a few swords and the Sonic rifles.

  16. The bit of content that Obsidian absolutely needed to keep in the game was the scene where HK-47 destroys G0-T0. How would the Exile activate the Shadow Generator if G0-T0 was still active and wouldn't allow it? The Remote obviously couldn't stop him.

    1. Rece


      Don't you just love rushed releases?

  17. The fact that they give you 5000 Credits in the Lehon temple always confused me. You can't go anywhere to spend your credits after you fly to Lehon. :/

    1. milestails


      You could always use RedHawke's Rodian Elder Merchant mod.

    2. milestails


      "This simple mod spawns Gviian Sluupor a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders. I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well."

    3. milestails
  18. Theoretically speaking, would it be possible for a version of TSLRCM + M4-78 to be ported to the Xbox version of TSL? I'm curious since I've seen alpha maps of M4-78 and the HK factory work on it.

    1. bead-v


      Well, if an xbox version of TSLRCM and M4-78 was made, then yes. The big problem has always been that the MDL format is different on xbox, so it was impossible to get any models to work. This will be possible in the future though, so theoretically speaking, yes :)

    2. Mephiles550


      I just looked up some of the restrictions, which include the inability of using custom mdl/mxl files, textures higher than 256x256 and usually any MOD files. What do you mean it'll be possible in the future?

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      New tools, perhaps?

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. There's a texture in Kotor called "LKA_Lightbeam666". It goes from 1-5 and then just 666. I laughed.

  20. TSL could have it's lack of content by interpreting that the devs actually intentionally left all of the gaps to be filled in by the players themselves. No HK factory? Maybe you were never meant to find it and the false hope was intentional. :/

    1. 1Leonard


      Sure, I get you. They did a fine enough job, considering their impossible deadline...

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      The Last Jedi parody?

    3. 1Leonard


      Would be a pretty bad analogy if it was, no?

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  21. TSL has a max character level of 50. Is there any possible way to get that far? What's the highest level you've reached before?

    1. milestails
    2. Rece


      47. How? Idk.

  22. TSL is strange. The loading screens imply that the citizens were originally going to be low poly models, but that was changed last minute into better quality models. That's good and all, but then why is the Sith Marauder a low-poly citizen of all things?

    1. HK-47


      I would say that they were used to make the screenshots early on before the high poly were made. Then the low poly in the Trayus Academy are part of the incomplete tasks when the game was rushed out (as is the case with basically all of Malachor V).

    2. N-DReW25


      I bet the Sith Marauder's low poly model was a placeholder for a new appearance that was supposed to be made, similar to how the Archon's on M4-78 where Firaxan Shark's during its development before it was cut. As for the low poly models on the loading screens. I assume most of the starting development was done on the Xbox, perhaps the low poly models were used in early tests of Kotor 2 but during testing, they discovered having high poly models didn't cause lag or issues on t...

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  23. Vanilla Darth Nihilus is too easy of a boss, but giving him Force Death Field instead of just lvl 1 Force Drain makes him way to difficult. He'll sometimes use Death Field 3-4 times in one turn. The power can be really broken sometimes when used by enemies.

    1. Mephiles550


      While giving Nihilus Death Field does make him annoying sometimes, I do enjoy the extra challenge and I think it suits a character of his prowess more than just drain life.

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Yes I agree that he was way too easy for a sith lord that destroys planets.

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I always thought that a party member should die in that fight.

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  24. What I think is pretty funny is how the modding community was porting from Kotor 2 to Kotor 1 since the games first came out. I've seen images of HK-47 with his dirty TSL textures ported to Kotor 1 that are over a decade old lol.

  25. What's happening with the BOS 2.0 mod installer? Is it still being worked on?

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Yes it is. I actually got the installer all finished (with no errors running it!) this last weekend... But the hard drive physically failed literally the next morning. :( :( :( So I need to re-do the installer from scratch, again. *sigh*

    2. Mephiles550
    3. jc2


      My sympathies FS.