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Everything posted by Seikan

  1. Well, about the loss of conversation Selkath animations etc, if you don't want to trouble yourself too much with animations mixes and stuff, a way to go about it could be not to replace the selkath model by the new one, but add it separately, and only apply it to selkath sith apprentices you'd fight with whom you don't usually have that many conversations anyways, and leave the regular selkath citizens, store owners, judges and all that stuff with their original animations, since they don't really need to be able to use melee weapons, etc.
  2. Well, if we superpose them the difference is this: (blue parts being the extra bulk of Bao Dur. It might look subtle, but there is a difference, mostly on the legs, but also the non mechanical arm, and as you said, the height, the torso is also slightly more thick ( but a much smaller difference compared to legs, arms and height). Such small difference could be considered negligible on the numbers as you said, "101-103% on each axis has the equivalent general body match his vanilla equivalent" 101, 103% isn't much if theory, but it definitely is noticeable at a glance, I've spent long enough looking at figures and comparing proportions/posture etc at university (fine arts) and to me the difference is enough to be bothering, the neck fix also while it allows it to fit better with the vanilla body gives a completely different feel about Bao Dur, it looks like he spent 10 months at the hospital and lost all his muscles. It's not really that bothersome in some of the models like the heavy plate armor, but on some it really does look weird, mostly on the underwear model, the armored flight suit, and the jedi robes, jal shey etc... I'm not criticizing, i think you're one of the most consistent and skilled modders in the community, mostly when it comes to the 3d side of thing, and it's ultimately your choice but i think it would definitely benefit from some more bulk in every model to have similar proportions to his default clothing. As superSzym pointed, the neck fix probably has something to do with it, while it's a good think to be able to attack Bao Dur's head to normal vanilla bodies, I don't think it's the best way to go about it, adapting the body models to Bao Dur's default corpulence would give a better result in line with the default Bao Dur, the neck fix is faster and easier since you only need to edit the head and can leave the body models in the original state, but it gives a Bao Dur with a neck longer than other characters when he used to have an even shorter and fat neck than them, takes away his bulk and will make him look very different than the vanilla Bao Dur (in a bad way in my opinion, since we already have every single humanoid besides with exactly the same body, it makes him more unique to be a bigger guy). But in the end I respect that it's your choice, and you're the one making the mod, so i don't have much say in it, and don't really mind if you change it or not, just giving my honest opinion, it's up to you to take it into account or not.
  3. Hmmmm, he looks kind of big headed though,almost like a bobble head, since his body is originally quite more bulky it explains it, wouldn't it be possible to edit the models into a more bulky shape as redrob had attempted to do?
  4. Well, it's not really the same, but in the meanwhile you can try out my version in "Seikan's armors of the old Republic" I think bastilla's model makes for a great replacement °°
  5. This makes me curious, when Sith specter animated the Revan's flowing cape, i remember him doing everything by hand, so was it impossible to use these animations as a shortcut and reduce the work or was it just that no one had found them yet?
  6. To be fair, as long as it's for personal use who cares, we see screenshots portraying other people's mods all the time, often in modified forms since everyone with minimum molding knowledge tweaks their game including the mods installed, I can understand Sith Holocron reaction to the posting of the pics as it could be misunderstood as he wanting to actually post it as a mod, but it could also be interpreted as him just wanting to show his attempt at how it looks, I find everyone blows this kind of out of proportion, I find many of the members of the forum overly zealous on this matters some times, since when do we forbid others from modifying our mods for their personal use? (after all that's exactly what we all do with someone else's property by doing mods (actually legally copyrighted material), and it's not like we have a very official legal right to do so, we're simply tolerated to do so. It might be unrespectful of him to go ahead and post the pics and I understand Sith Holocron being displeased at it, but I don't think it deserves to have everyone jumping on him, everyone does mistakes, this could easily be a misunderstanding and yet everyone is jumping to their pitchforks. Legally speaking as TDR says, there would actually be no issue considering the Read-me says people are free to use it as long as he (Sith Holocron) is credited, by respect I wouldn't use it either way, but legally it would be like me writing a song and allow anyone to legally cover it, then when someone I don't like want to cover I forbid him to, he'd be an a** to do it anyways, but legally speaking I wouldn't have a very strong case in court. But anyways this isn't a company, just a bunch of people gathered by a common interest doing stuff in a legal grey area.
  7. Though what he was suggesting is to remove the hood altogether to bypass that issue, and I must admit that I'd find the hoodless Revan robes with the cape/belt et cetera a great improvement on the basic Star Forge robes model, and the hooded out of sync ones.
  8. Seikan

    k1 black robes

    It's none of those in his website, so i guess it's not from him...
  9. I'm not sure he wants to upload the mod, I think he just wants to combine both mods into his own game and don't know how to do so, and is asking how can he take both textures mods and get them to work together on the game (like maybe he wants to exterior of one and interior of the other), or perhaps he just Wants to mix both textures. The only part I don't get is that if he's able to edit the textures on photoshop how can he not deduce by himself how to mix both mods ... Anyways that's just my take on his post, but it's true it'd be better if he could give more details.
  10. I'm not a favorites type of person, but i quite like Lindybeige . He is a pretty old youtuber and his channel is rather strange, here's the channel description : "A rather eclectic channel. Videos include many 'points' about ancient and medieval warfare and technology; rants to the camera; dance-related stuff; animated films; evolutionary psychology; silliness." He's pretty good to create interest for uninteresting topics, and I just kind of like watching his often silly videos.
  11. Hmmmm, the model itself is nice but it somehow feel very real wordly to me, it'd feel kind of weird to see it in star wars, why not take some inspiration from clone wars/ Rebels?: or similar sci-fi style of combustible canisters And make something more futuristic-looking in that kind of way? Just my opinion though.
  12. Well since this came up could this be an option?: Permission and copyright wouldn't be an issue: "Everything has been made by Jeroenimo, except the Mandalorian riding the droid, that's Codeusers. -Usage and Permission This is also a free release! Feel free to mess around with this and use them however you like. Just be sure to give proper credit when using it." It could replace the tsl basilisk with the more "legends cannon" accurate version, and it would also make the basilisk from the game an option for something else without harming consistency. Though I know the reason it wasn't this way in the first place is because tsl's team thought the lobster-mole robot was ludicrous and I guess some people might agree with them x) Now I don't know how easy to integrate it would be.
  13. No offense taken, I understand perfectly and agree on the stance of the site regarding the rules on this issue no matter how inconvenient they can be at times. CrashBandiTeam will relay my message to T7 by steam, and djh269 just pmed me an email that might or might not work to contact him that i'll use in case CrashBandi can't reach him (since i already asked him to do so). It is indeed about Wotor, and did read the read-me (though 99% of the mods would state something similar so i'd have proceeded the same way if i hadn't read it) T7nowhere is still the main modder and in particular the one behind the files I want to use, Shem was a tester, proof reader etc, and Svosh and Mono_giganto only contributed a couple files so it wouldn't be very appropriate asking them instead of T7, but anyways, he'll be contacted soon, and this will be resolved, so there isn't need for this much controversy, either he agrees or he doesn't, there's not much more to it.
  14. Yeah, I agree rules should be abided, and many of the people involved being gone it wouldn't be fair to them to decide arbitrary what to do, but I do think from now on modders could leave instructions in case of dissappearance from the modding community, stuff like: "Needs to ask permission to use, in case of retirement from modding community and no clear ways to contact free to use as long as credit is given" "in case of dissappearance, mods might be reuploaded with proper credit given" Or even "if I dissappear, nothing might be done with my mods, and if current hosting sites go down my mods are to go down into oblivion" if that's what's wished. I also think the download page could include an "open source category" where people could post stuff they don't mind others using, or like Silveredge stuff that he expressed anyone could use without asking for permission anymore, etc... Stuff from retired modders who give permission to use their stuff freely could be labelled into the category later, "modders ressources" posted long ago somewhere else and forgotten could be posted there too, since they were intended to be shared. It's not because we respect the rules of "modders copyright" that we shouldn't allow a space for open sourced mods and ressources which I feel are almost like a taboo (like fair strides stating he don't know if he can share old Quanon "big sale" files, etc...[even if him being active here it would still be nice to consult with him for politeness sake]) Not saying it's something bad, but some people really just want to share what they create and we shouldn't be afraid of sharing stuff that the author intended as a shareable file for everyone to use freely, and I feel there isn't much space for it here, probably by fear of people abusing it, but that's why I'd suggest a common place where it can be validated which files are "open source".
  15. Hey, does anyone knows how i could contact T7Nowhere about getting permission to use elements from one of his mods? I couldn't find any way to contact him, i did find he has a steam account, but i don't really have a steam account, nor could i contact him before spending money on the account, so anyone out there still in contact with him, or something? :0
  16. I'd have a tendency to say the problem comes from "[KotOR] Prequel Robe Replacement 1.1" since the model appearing in the dark jedi's is the one used by that mod and the jedi is clearly wearing a robe from it too. So i'd assume the mod replaces the model used by the dark jedi by the prequel robe one and then by installing Solomon Revenge it's texture overwrote the ones from the prequels robe replacement creating this mess. So if you want to have the regular dark jedi model you should find the responsible modelor alteration by the prequels robe replacement and get rid of it, and if you want them to keep the prequel robes then just drop the textures from prequel robe replacement back into the override and replace the BOS-SR ones with it.
  17. Just as a reference here's what the head looks like, sadly i don't have the texture i used anymore, so i don't remember very well how the horns were textured, I suspect somehow it used parts of the original texture in some way, probably the part the horn is located at, but it would definitely benefit from some tweaking regarding that to apply some other texture to the horns because if i'm not mistaken the current way it stretches so doesn't allow for much detail. So anyway, if anyone is interested to work on it contact me and i'll send the models.
  18. It would only be for TSL but I have a pmhc01 zabrak head I made back in the day with help of miro (the guy who made the naga sadow head and add geometry to heads mod), It's just the head with Bao Durs horns slapped on it, I quite liked playing with that head but I never published it, and I still have it since the files are on e-mails I exchanged with miro, so if anyone wants it to make a Savage Oppress for TSL I'd be glad to share it. (the horns could probably be edited to be larger to fit with the character etc)
  19. Yeah, that's the idea, I'll add an option for removing DS transitions completely for those who want, and the default state of the mod won't change anything so people can either use their own mods affecting ds transitions, or have ds characters with heads not matching their bodies, that way the most options remain open for players. I've also given some thought on making a tsl version (though that would be for later), the main reason i've never felt compelled to it is that tsl already have lots of mods affecting armors with new models etc taking every possible slot available for body models, so my mod would inevitably enter in conflict with other mods (that i myself might want to use), on the other side the revan armors in kotor aren't replaced very often, it only tends to be the case with revan disguises, and the original revan robes are rather ugly, so i never felt bothered by replacing them, but i was thinking that i could use bastila's model to make a new kind of dancing outfit for tsl and use that body type for my mod, it'd also allow me to add DS transitions. So i promise nothing regarding TSL, and if i do it would probably not happen before next summer, but might still happen some day.
  20. Sadly it doesn't, Kotor only has evil textures for underwear, TSL does have other models with an evil texture option, pxbj not being one of those though, but could still work in TSL by using on of those other columns. Yeah i could do that, but do it using the TSL patcher, so actually incompatibility would be reduced, it would work fine with reskins it would just not have the dark side transitions of those reskins, i'd feel better if i could add some dark sider eyes in there, which isn't possible, but that would be easy to fix by people themselves if they have any image editing skills, and if they'd rather have normal dark side transitions they would just not install that optional part... I guess i'll do it that way.
  21. The issue is that there's nothing in-game that allows to change the skin of the armor depending on your alignment, that's only possible with underwear and faces, making a separate armor without showing skin is an option I guess, though not my favorite (I'm planning on remaking the massassi ceremonial armor that shows a lot of skin, and it'd be a shame if dark siders didn't since it's actually more fitting to them), but could be the worst case scenario option I guess :0 I'll have to think about it.
  22. Hey, I've been playing with some ideas for possible new armors, and also been thinking about including mandalore's mask since Silveredge allowed usage of all his mods as long as he's credited, I might also try to contact T7 to include the Revan masks, but there was a more pressing matter in my mind... Recently i started thinking about the Tulak hord's armor on females (and a new idea i'm toying with for males), and since these armors reveal the skin of the character, if you play a dark sides PC and your face turns all grey and messy it won't match the body anymore, so the only solution i can think of would be getting rid of the game style transitions for something more akin to "movie style ds transitions" where the skin color doesn't change, but that would in turn get into conflict with any pc and bastilla reskins since my dk transitions would overwrite them and i don't really feel like starting a serious reskin work on faces to make them on par with quality as to what other modders might offer when it comes to it, so I'm not quite sure what i'm gonna be doing about it, anyone has any suggestion?
  23. @Fair Strides: only on the Ebon Hawk @Todd Hellid: well he did write "IT WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY OTHER MODS INSTALLED!!!" so I'd have a tendency to say that even though some basic mods like reskins, some item additions wouldn't cause any trouble, he won't warranty his mod working with any other mod, so it'd be up to you to test what you can install without breaking your game
  24. One thing that isn't quite clear to me though, your intention is to change absolutely all armors with the combat suit model to use the clothing model, or just one particular item ingame (like echani light suit or whatever) without touching other armors using the combat suit model?