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Everything posted by Seikan

  1. I don't really meant recording alien voice over, but using the in game alien dialogues, it's not like they're actually saying anything, so you can use their generic alien dialogue to make them say anything you want without extra work, where voice over do need to make good quality recording, and depending on the voices can feel pretty out of place (i remember some mods with voice overs where it kind of broke immersion every time i heard a voice that somehow didn't fit in with the game general audio feeling...)
  2. Yeah, some time in fine arts, actually learning how to use Photoshop and into digital painting etc does wonders xD I did the old textures when I was a kid like 6 years ago, it had barely started touching GIMP (didn't use Photoshop at the time) and had to work with the mouse (I use a graphic tablet now). These armors replace the Star forge robes model in appearance 2da, they're ugly to begin with and as you say you only get them pretty far into the game, so anyways the Revan's robes will replace them, but I wanted as you say an earlier chance to get them, but don't know what would fit the lore, maybe the Korriban bar merchant, or don’t know... And by the way, I've been reading your masks overhaul topic more in detail, and getting to know better what you're doing since I just came back and noticed you're pretty new and still don't know many of the aspects of KotOR modding, so I wanted to give you a few tips to improve on your mod, I’ll send them to you by PM. PS: Just noticed the Caucasian female characters somehow didn't got the right texture before and they ended up with the male textures, don't know how no one ever signaled it to me x)
  3. Finished reworking the male version of the mandalorian armors: - Red and Blue versions only received some small color adjustments, minor corrections and improvements, small differences to the helmets patterns to make them slightly different from each other, and better alpha channels, so they don't look that different from before: - But regarding the yellow version i was really dissatisfied with how it was before, it was a murky ugly yellow color that really didn't looked good, so i felt like doing something very different from before and gave it some major changes in style and give it an unique twist compared to the other two. (and while I was at it I made it so it kind of matches Xander's version of teta's royal head band that I had a hard time matching with vanilla armors): Concerning the location of the armors in game here's what i've thought so far: Sith soldier items: Taris Sith governor Darth bandon: Darth bandon fiber armor obviously. Yellow mandalorian armor: replaces Cassus Fett Battle armor (who's supposed to look like this: and not some weirdo wearing an ugly pink armor... Tulak Hord's in his tomb as said before Either on BOSSR for those using it if SilverEdge agrees, or for other perhaps on the mandalorian commander in the shadowlands (How did he got it? dunno, but not like any place would really fit lore, and I wouldn't make him wear it, that would really be weird... unless he wanna be a pretender...) Mandalorian blue robe could be used by jaggi instead of going to a duel to the death wearing normal clothes. Mandalorian red armor could be on Sherruk (not sure if i would get him to actually wear it though, what do you think) As for the Revan robes I still don't know since star forge is way too late and boring as an option. But if you've got any suggestion, or think another location might be better, etc i'm all ears.
  4. Yeah, i was thinking alien as to not have a mute weird vendor and not having to make voice overs, but if you don't mind either of those choices humans are just as well, or some alien speaking human perhaps, i believe there is one such guy somewhere in one of the two games (besides Sasha)
  5. couldn't it be made more like a quest? you give them the items as a dialogue option, they tell you to come by later and next time the module is reloaded or something like that they have a new line about the items being ready and then you can buy them? if the merchant is an alien no need for voice overs nor anything, and it would be more immersive.
  6. I played it for two months, I enjoyed it and then my subscription ended and i didn't bother to renew it, it isn't a bad game per see (though i'm still stingy about the fact it killed prospects for a Kotor 3 and I hate what they did with Revan), but didn't really felt like paying any more, I got a lvl max character finished it's story line, started many other classes, played all the flashpoints, etc... but at the time (dunno about now) pvp wasn't that balanced and the amount of CC was ridiculous for me, so i just dropped. I could have kept playing F2P but don't know about now but at the time it wasn't all that appealing, reduced XP which changed the base grinding that was already considerable became huge since you'd have to stick to a map where you already exhausted everything to do just to grind your way up to a decent level before being able to move away to some other place, subscribers didn't really get a bonus over f2p since it remained pretty much the same as before they introduced f2p but instead they tried to make the f2p annoying to push people into subscription, and I hate grinding when it's forced upon you and not an option you take, so I just completely dropped it. So I can just hope it's better now, anyways should be less bothersome the first play through, even less if you didn't got to play it the normal way, it's always worse when there's a downgrade than when you start low to begin with, but it would without a doubt be more pleasant to play on a subscription, so i'd consider getting one if I was you as VarisityPuppet said.
  7. Yeah, I'm rather neutral to the issue since i don't give authorship as much importance as others do, as long as people use my mods (ok, I haven't done much...) with respect and give me credit ( even if asking is always better, or at least a letting me know), this one post they made is sure full of hypocrisy, i don't think they did it consciously or with bad intentions, people very often do things they wouldn't like done to themselves unconsciously with a certain sense of self-righteousness, I suspect they just don't fully realize what they did is exactly what they are talking about in this post, but to be fair there are some of the stuff he says that they did respect: a good and quick response to people bothered by their mods being re-uploaded. But yeah ultimately this post is what would make me tend towards a negative opinion on the archiving by Nexus, not by the fact itself which is debatable but doesn't personally bothers me (on of my mods did end up there), but by the fact that they pretend to defend values completely against said archiving and somehow deluded themselves that it wasn't the same thing they criticize in this post, it does show they took things a little bit too lightly.
  8. Yeah, at first it failed, but it wasn't the script, i suspect that it was the fact that bao-dur doesn't like jedi robes and i didn't account for it when i choose it as the disguise for males. Regarding spawning i don't know how it works in kotor, but the first idea that would come to my mind to keep it from sight would be to spawn it under the module's mesh (as when you glitch in many games and fall off the world....) but dunno if that's possible, regarding the coordinates, would it be possible to spawn it in relation to the player instead of the global coordinates of the module?
  9. Alright, i tested it out at it's simplest and it does work, the item is correctly replaced, disguise applied, and disguise item replaced by the normal one when removed, doesn't seems to be anything wrong with it (for both genders)
  10. Well, any head mod from an active modder could easily get a compatibility patch, but it's true that it would have a different set of obstacles. Regarding your script i'm not sure how to test it since i've never worked with scripts, but if you have the time to fill me in the tweaks to get it into the game and proper items i'd be happy to test it out (just gotta reinstall tsl) for you in case no one better suited is willing to.
  11. That is why i was thinking of using the script to figure the appearance used by the player (with GetAppearanceType(OBJECT_SELF) as Fair Strides proposed) and have an appearance row for the disguise with the same head as the appearance detected by the script, of course it would mean having a duplicate appearance row for every single playable appearance (ignoring the 3 classes differences and using only one would be enough imho), but if it is possible to do, that would be less convoluted that your method and avoid the complication of having to figure out a way to restore the normal appearance since it would dissipate once the disguise effect is removed. There might be some issues to overcome but probably less than the head swapping which has so many steps it could easily go wrong at one of them.
  12. I don't know why, but every time i see you post about the disguise option you give me the impression you believe that the disguise property limits the armors you can wear (but maybe i'm wrong), i did the disguise option with helmets before: Here they are with matching armor for sake of aesthetics and because i actually made the matching armors, but they are completely apart from the helmet, i can get my character in underwear, or with any other armor in the game while keeping the helmet on as i would normally do without the helmet, the only issue as you say is that you've gotta make a female and a male version of the item which is annoying. So sure some helmets are hard to match with other stuff, like the sith helmet is way too shiny for most armors, but many other masks like black ones, Mandalore's etc can easily match different armors without you making a specific armor for them In this case managing such a scrip as we're talking about would only serve to unify both items into a single unisex item in the case of your mod, and the mod wouldn't have that much of an issue without it, looking for such a convoluted method for a single mod wouldn't be worth it, but if such a script could be done and understood then many mods like yours could take advantage of it like any other modding tool.
  13. @ JCarter: Yeah i suspected it would require quite a convoluted process, but as you say it is tempting, if someone manages to pull it off it could be used as a modder's resource that would open the door for other modders who might use the new models available for new skins, helmets (It could be useful for Xander's masks "retexture" to avoid clipping of his new helmets for example) , etc... @Fair Strides: Another thing I was wondering, if you wanted to apply exactly the same effect to different characters (in the case of helmets for example, where you'd only need one male and one female appearance, do you have to make a script for every single male companion and male player appearance or would it be possible to add multiple variables on the "if(GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "")" so that there is a single script for all the male characters and one for females ones?
  14. Sounds like it's almost possible, i actually did think about something like what the OnHeartBeat script does (a check every X time), the delay wouldn't be that much of a problem if it opened new possibilities, I think the modification you propose would work great on party members (even if it might be quite the cumbersome script) but doesn't look like it would work on the player itself since you'd be disguised to the same appearance no matter what the player base appearance is. I really don't know much at all about scripting so i wouldn't dare take to much of your time with this, I was just wondering if it would work to get around some of the limitations of the game in general for everyone, i don't really have the time to get into it myself at this time (it'd mean learning some scripting basics while i have to prepare for moving abroad), but I thank you for your time, and perhaps my idea flies over there and someone finds an use to it, who knows.
  15. Hmmm thanks for the answer, though just to be sure i want to give some more details on to what I was thinking, since maybe i was misunderstood, if not then sorry for keep this going x) I don't want an item that allows to activate a script by "using" it like an armband or any kind of usable item in a game, so instead of using an item to trigger a scrip having a scrip that triggers when you equip an item which I think on paper might have more chances to work with the limitations of the game. The use i imagine for it would be to work around some of the limitations of the game regarding appearance.2da, so the way i thought (of course only assuming it'd be possible to trigger a script by equipping a certain piece of equipment) was to create duplicate rows in the appearance.2da for each playable character (only for one the three classes should be enough), and use items that disguise you into the duplicate appearance corresponding to your character's base appearance which would look exactly the same except one aspect of it: you could change all the body models to simulate new armor classes, by using a duplicate of your character's appearance you'd double the number of armor models you could use and would allow to much more variety and compatibility between mods instead of having to replace the existing armor models each time you want a new armor type and have people being able to choose only one mod amonst many because they all replace the same body model. Another use to it could be like i did for my mod's helmets disguising you into a new appearance with a head fitting inside but instead of like I did having to make an item for males and one for females have a script differentiate your character's gender to assign the correct appearance. I know it's very unlikely that it works and people might have thought of it already, but i thought it would be a shame not to give it a try and ask for the opinion of people more knowledgeable on the matter, since i myself don't know the limits of scripting when it comes to kotor.
  16. Oh right, you meant ingame... x) Well, i've been thinking about it, -Both revan armors wouldn't make much sense lore wise unless they are the star forge / revan armor, but then i'd be rather late, so i'm still pondering about it. -The sith soldier style i would most likely put on some elite sith soldier along with the helmet -Darth bandon's is self explanatory -Mandalore's the only way it would really make sense is to put it on solomon's revenge mandalore, but first i'd have to contact Silveredge about it, and i'd have to put in an alternative for those not using Solomon revenge, maybe on on some mandalorian. (I'd love to add some extra juice for it, but i don't really have the knowledge nor time to make quests and add characters) -Tulak hord's would be in his tomb, -Then i haven't put up any screen shop but i have some mandalorian armors as well ( pauses to go get a screenshot).... i'll put them on some mandalorians or shops, main problem will be compatibility, i'll have to check other mods. (these are the old versions, still don't know what changes i'll do to them) And i'll see if i add any new armors, might do a red sith soldier version, and whatever other idea comes up, but only if i got the time for it.
  17. (Updated the screenshots again because the image was too small) I'll be uploading it here after i've finished reworking all the armors, and update it on nexus as well, but i'd expect it to take a couple weeks since i have to prepare for my studies abroad next year as well.
  18. Well, I've been over some of the armors and managed to get some screenshots of decent quality so here's a little update on the work so far with better screenshots of the older versions as well for the sake of comparison, these aren't necessarily the final versions and, some still need their alpha channels, and some might get some extra tweaks but I'm rather satisfied as to how things are going (as you will see my Photoshop skills have improved a little [and xander2077's improvement of my mask does wonders too] ) ps: Tulak Hord's armor screenshots are inverted compared to the other armors, new version is on the left side, and old one on the right)
  19. Hello everyone, i've never really know anything about scripting, but i was wondering something, is it theoretically possible to use a script to make an item apply an effect depending on the appearance of the one using it, something like detecting the appearance of the character and triggering an effect in response?
  20. I found it! It's part of Wotor (Weapons of the Old Republic), but it's not mentioned anywhere in the description, but I had the feeling it was by T7, and seems I was right But thanks for your guesses. Now i can keep modding without worries... Ps: I definitely have a lot of work to do with this: Don't know what I was thinking when I did this horror x)
  21. Well, little update: 1) Revan's armor completely redone to actually look like Revan's armor. 2) Small update on Tulak Hord's armor (might still change it a little) 3) Tulak Hord's mask redone thanks to the model upgrade by xander2077, so globally smoother horns, and a new more detailed texture. And also I wanted to ask if anybody remembers where does the white Revan mask from the first screenshot of my first post comes from, I lost all my KotOR files a while ago (along with some personal mods, like the handmaiden underwear redone to something that doesn't traumatizes me every time she strips for training, or some extra armors ) and I can't manage to remember where I got it from to begin with. PS: Does anybody know how to get decent screenshots from the game? The normal way has a horrible quality...
  22. It was only those two and some Mandalorian masks chopped off the in-game Mandalorians but you haven't used them I think. Regarding your issues about how to avoid clipping, actually disguise is the route I went for with the Sith helmet, I think it's worth it considering the lack of alternatives, the only real issues are that by disguising to a set appearance defines your character race so if you're in underwear or something revealing some skin you might not have your character's real skin color but it can be avoided by doing a full body underwear texture, now the real annoying part is that it sets the gender for your character so you have to make two helmets one for males and one for females models, but other that that once disguised you can equip any armor normally if the appearance row in appearance.2da is constituted similarly to a player's appearance (like copy paste of a playable appearance with a custom head (mine was a monster head which gave terrible results during the leviathan revelation scène °° ))
  23. Hey hello, I Seikan, i was contacted a while ago in your stead to get permission for the sith soldier helmet and the weird horned one, as you noticed the texture was missing, it seems at the time i forgot to include it in the mod, but what you did with it is actually pretty much what it was meant to be, i opened a new topic about updating my mod, and you can see it in one of the screen shots, it was meant to replace the Tulak hord nonsense of a mask along with a new armor to make a tulak hord set made out of tukatas. Anyways your reskins are pretty neat good job
  24. Hello everyone, I'm an old modder from the lucasforums/ kotorfiles era, and a certain person directed me here, so I decided to make a little come-back before i leave abroad for my studies and update one of my old mods which had rather horrible textures into something more polished, so I'll be posting my progress here, in the meanwhile I'll post the old screens so you have an idea of what I'm talking about. For now I only plan on updating the textures, and maybe an extra tweaking, I will update as soon as i've got something conclusive done