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1 point
Version 2.0
Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. -
1 point
Version 3.1
This is the next part of an ongoing series. The purpose of this mod is to bring the much more up-to-date design choices from SWTOR to Kotor. All textures have been made from scratch. The Overhaul also contains sophisticated Mass Effect 3 orientated high Quality animations. Update 3.0 out now! Safe to upgrade from 1.0 - and for those who downloaded 1.0 i highly recommend to get 3.0 since the difference is huge. This is a huge one - to catch the flair of SWTOR all animations have been redone from scratch again - the floor now contains cubemap based reflections & scratches. Further a new kolto animation & a HQ metalic tech texture have been implemented. Installation: Download the file, extract its contents with an archive extraction tool such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the contents to your game's override directory Compatibility: This mod uses cubemaps, so there could be minor incompatibilites with mods that uses custom cubemaps too. ( but i actually dont know any mod that does that) Just to be on the safe side, i recommend to install my mod last. Beside that it should be compatible with everything that doesnt retexture the Sith Bases either at Taris or Manaan. Credits: I want to thank Darth Sapiens for his wonderful Cubemap-Ressource pack, which enabled me to do a lot of things that would otherwise been not possible. I also want to thank Xarwarz for using the hex edited mdl & mdx files from his Overhaul. That allowed me more variety on my panel retextures. -
1 pointI meant to post this back in June, but I forgot. It was supposed to be a quarterly thing, but it remains a semi-regular thing. Updates Supermodel Fix for K2 - Fixed a facial issue and updated K1 style running to match what I did with it in my supermodel port. Yay for consistency. Minor Fixes for K1 - Minor updates for minor fixes. Fixed some leaf textures and converted them and others to superior TPC format. Darksaber for K1 and for K2 - Made new blade textures using the Saber plug-in for After Effects. Fixed the hilt alignment because apparently I had people holding it sideways before. Flipped Y-axis on the normal map so it doesn't look like it came from the mirror universe, and maybe made other improvements, hard to say. Converted other textures to superior TPC format. Security Spikes for K1 - Fixed an issue with the code that let it open doors the player normally couldn't interact with, like ones meant to seal holes in the fabric of the universe. Lightsaber Visual Effects for K2 - Added optional textures for the new colors added by the Ultimate Saber Mod, in case you want to use that and have consistent blade quality. Mandalorian Armor for K1 - Fixed a minor issue with Option A & the upgrade screen. New Mods Robe Adjustment for K1 - Two options to give you additional robes on Dantooine. The first option gives you robes to actually wear during the montage; they have the stats of clothing, so the change is merely aesthetic. The second option makes Zhar give you the robes he normally gives a bit earlier, right when you can start wearing them. They can be installed separately or together. Jedi Tailor for K1 - Adds a Trandoshan who will tailor your robes for you. He'll change the color between brown, black, red, and blue without affecting the robe stats. He also sells stuff and gossips. Something Completely Different My pick for this entry is Sith Armor - Freelook Filter Mod by @ebmar. It's such a simple and in retrospect obvious thing to add, but at the same time it's one I doubt I ever would've thought of or bothered with doing myself, so it's especially nice that somebody else did.
1 pointTry this - [K1]_LSI_box01_x512.7z One is a standard x512 upscale and the other one is an experimental x512 [normalmap baked diffuse with some retouch - can to you it'd be useful somehow]. Preview:
1 pointA creature's soundset is defined in the UTC. You'd need to manually create a new UTC and make it available in the module (or globally). The creature could then be spawned via script when needed. You can, however, directly play sound files from sounds.bif (where all the SS files are) using PlaySound(string sSoundName) For example: DelayCommand(10.75, PlaySound("p_plyermw_dead2"));
1 pointNah, happening to me too. If my experience with nexusmods is anything to go by, maintenance/server issues is probably the answer.
1 point
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Power Staff - Made by K.O.2 Mods (aka "The Frozen One" on deadlystreams) Version: 1.0 About this Mod: The Power Staff will be located inside the FootLocker at the very beginning of the game, right next to your bed. If you'd rather spawn the modded item in your game, open the console and type "giveitem g_w_qtrstaff06" without quotes, then hit enter. This mod was created for KotOR 1 (K1) in mind only. Extra Info: This is the first mod I've made for KotOR in roughly 9 years, so please forgive me for being rusty. I aim to only improve with each mod going forward. How to use/activate/enable this Mod: Just copy every file in this folder (except the ReadMe file of course) and paste the files into your Override folder. Those that helped me with this Mod: Thanks to JCarter426 for telling me what I needed to do in order to get my custom textures to show up in game. Without his help I would've likely been stuck much longer on this. Regarding the uploading of this Mod: Please don't upload this mod anywhere without my approval. If you would like to improve on it or add it to a mod collection, please contact me for approval. If I give you the green light to do so, all I ask is for you to give me credit for the mod(s) that I've made. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
1 pointHi, I came back to Kotor and wanted to download some new files (I have tons of mods from a year back and many from here) but now it downloads only zero-size zip and rar files - tried some different files. Is that a problem for me alone or is a maintenance going on? Would like to enjoy some new mods here :)
1 point
1 pointShemL still doing good work, trolling people... https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/cmfpkt/operation_save_trask/
1 pointEither one of the load screens can be desaturated. I was planning on doing desaturated versions for the default mod, but I’m so in love with the colored versions that it makes it hard. I am not sure why people think the first one matches the style better. They are both just screenshots of the area like everywhere else in the game 🤷♂️ But maybe it does match better. The first screenshot is very similar to one angle from an original screenshot. The second is from a section of the street that I created from scratch with no real template to base it on. I’ll post up desaturated versions of both and maybe that will help decide. Here's both desaturated: I agree that the Option 1 looks much better than Option 2 when desaturated. I'm thinking the best course is, as others have suggested, Option 1 for default loadscreen, and Option 2 for Loadscreens With Color Add-on.
1 point
0 pointsSo, I fixed my melee weapons problem: Turns out it was a conversion problem of sorts. When I wrote the code, I stuffed up the file header .mdl byte length entry correction. Essentially it didn't update at all, which I fixed, however, I had already exported a bunch of models. I decided to manually fix this for them. It just so happens that for the vibroswords, I got one of the entries wrong, it was 164999 instead of 16499. Funny thing is that this is actually important. I initially realised that I had stuffed up the correction of these entries when I realised certain models were not being rendered in-game. Oddly some were, however, I hadn't played long enough for these to cause a game crash. I found that out with the vibroswords later. So far it seems like it was only the vibroswords that were affected; all of them, as Toasty made a different style of model for each, and I opted to use the one style for all variants. So, they were all copies of the same model file with the bad entry. I think it won't be an issue for any of the rest, so, I should be able to release with updated models / textures for the sword melee weapons. However, on my numerous playtests of the Dxun Tomb to test for the above issue, I got very used to playing this part of the game so much so that I started to notice things I hadn't before. Like this issue with the fixed lightsaber models: So the problem is that particle effects -- those with blending mode additive -- are blending over the top (as it were) with the lightsabers particle effect -- the blades. I'll need to test some things, including seeing if this was an issue with the original saber models. But hopefully I can fix this or at least modify some of the particle effects (that use dark textures) so that this won't be an issue -- though, there will likely be a trade off. I also need to load and check each area of the game, as I found I had some left over temp textures used for finding out how certain textures were being used in areas: Can't release a mod with such a glaring oversight. Not sure what this means for time-frame...