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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    This mod presents you an overhauled version of Lyn Sekla; a female Twi'lek who wanted desperately to get off Taris. In 3956 BBY, she heard that Bib Surool was stuck on Taris due to the Sith quarantine, and auditioned for him as a dancer. # Background # "But if you're ever traveling the galaxy and you see the Starlight Entertainers performing, stop by and ask for Lyn. I'll see if I can get you some free tickets". Spoiler-alert!: Actually, there's no correlation between the above statement and this texture overhaul, sorry for that lol. This overhaul was started because when surfing through mod's section in DeadlyStream, I saw an amazing Twi'lek's texture by @Dark Hope that leads me to think "Ah, this could be something!", and when I saw the description, DH also seems to wish that the texture could be utilized as a character for a story. So, I made up my mind to use the texture for Lyn Sekla; which I believe she would need a custom-unique appearance upstaging the rest of female Twi'lek's in the planet. The Force works right through me; I have the permission to use the assets from DH, and then the project was started then. # About this Mod # Significant change to the appearance of Lyn Sekla, using the base texture of "Girl with Ritual Tattoos", a high-quality texture mod created by Dark Hope which later I have them edited to fits this concept of the 'Legends' series of Lyn Sekla. [Updated in v1.0.1] # Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks for the next update are very much appreciated- PM me at deadlystream.com [ebmar] or just write a public message on my feed. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe]. Uninstallation: Remove n_twilekf001.utc [and the rest of the textures files, if you wish] from the 'Override' folder. Compatibility: Will not compatible with mods that changes the value nor conflicted with n_twilekf001.utc. This mod will be compatible with Dark Hope's "Girl with Ritual Tattoos" as this mod use different variation for the textures and the model that will not conflicted with the said mod. There is an update from @DarthParametric whom has found one other instance of n_twilekf001.utc in the game which potentially can caused multiple appearance of "Lyn Sekla". So, where the other instance is? The good news is, the mod probably in an OK state now. 🤞 Redistribution: Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any website at all. As inside this mod, there are base assets which they are not belongs to mine. If you plan on using this mod or only the assets from this mod to a mod you will be developing, I would be thankful if you give credits to Dark Hope as the creator of the base texture. Also, a credits to my name is always a welcome, welcome. Credits: Dark Hope for permission and for the "Girl with Ritual Tattoos" mod. DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, that made it possible for me to create custom NPCs. DarthParametric, again; out of the goodness of his heart looking through every damn module in the game to find one other instance of n_twilekf001.utc which potentially can caused multiple appearance of the texture. BioWare & LucasArts for the 'Game of the 21st Century'. All streamers on DeadlyStream which indirectly involved on this project that I couldn't possibly mentioned one by one. All modders either active or inactive. bead-v and ndix UR for the MDLedit. Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool. stoffe and Fair Strides for the TSLPatcher setup. DeadlyStream for a place to hangout and to discuss. -eb Preview [Under Development]
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.2.0


    This mod was requested by @Spectrometer. This replaces part of the trio of Dark Jedi that ambush you on Tatooine and Kashyyyk with Sith Assassins from TSL. You have two options: 1) The two Dark Jedi by the sides are replaced with Sith Assassins 2) The leading Dark Jedi is replaced with a Sith Assassin Personally I would go with option #1 because in #2 the Sith Assassin will be the one speaking to you, while in #1 they will silently stand by the side. I doubt Sith Assassins would waste time on pointless conversations. But it's your choice, otherwise I wouldn't have made it Note: If you go with option #1, you will make the fight slightly easier. This is because one of the Dark Jedi had a Dark Jedi Knight robe, which I had to remove because it obviously looked weird with the new model. I might address this in the future. Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe, choose which option you want from the dropdown menu, and select your main game folder. You will get 4 warnings if you install one of the versions when you already had the other installed. Uninstallation: Remove n_darkjh01.mdl/mdx, n_darkjlowm.mdl/mdx, tat17_darkjedi01-03, N_DarkJLowM01.tpc, and N_DarkJH01.tpc from your Override folder. Replace your appearance.2da and heads.2da with the backup that was generated. This is a port from TSL. I'm not sure if I have to clarify that, but just in-case. Compatible with any mod unless for some reason it uses the Sith Assassin TSL models/textures (n_darkjlowm.mdl/mdx, n_darkjh01.mdl/mdx, N_DarkJLowM01.tpc, and N_DarkJH01.tpc) Credits: Obsidian Entertainment (Sith Assassin model/texture) Bioware (KotOR) Fred Tetra (KotOR Tool) JCarter426 & Darth Parametric (helping me figure out porting between K1 and TSL) Spectrometer (original idea) bead-v (MDLedit) Stoffe (TSL patcher)
  3. 1 point

    Version R1


    Feel free to edit and reuse the textures. No need to contact me for any permissions (for distributing or editing these files). HDTP will provide a huge boost in visual quality in-game but it does have some missing details here and there. Some details were intentionally removed because I wanted EbonHawk to have a smooth metallic look like the droids do in SW universe (but the ships don't, so yeah). There are also some color/glass tweaks for computer display panels (obvious in screenshots) to make them look like LCD panels and increased specularity on ship surface to give the ship a droid-like metallic look compared to the vanilla textures (you can remove the increased specularity for vanilla look). Website YouTube Channel
  4. 1 point
    View File Sith Assassin Ambush This mod was requested by @Spectrometer. This replaces part of the trio of Dark Jedi that ambush you on Tatooine and Kashyyyk with Sith Assassins from TSL. You have two options: 1) The two Dark Jedi by the sides are replaced with Sith Assassins 2) The leading Dark Jedi is replaced with a Sith Assassin Personally I would go with option #1 because in #2 the Sith Assassin will be the one speaking to you, while in #1 they will silently stand by the side. I doubt Sith Assassins would waste time on pointless conversations. But it's your choice, otherwise I wouldn't have made it Note: If you go with option #1, you will make the fight slightly easier. This is because one of the Dark Jedi had a Dark Jedi Knight robe, which I had to remove because it obviously looked weird with the new model. I might address this in the future. Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe, choose which option you want from the dropdown menu, and select your main game folder. You will get 4 warnings if you install one of the versions when you already had the other installed. Uninstallation: Remove n_darkjh01.mdl/mdx, n_darkjlowm.mdl/mdx, tat17_darkjedi01-03, N_DarkJLowM01.tpc, and N_DarkJH01.tpc from your Override folder. Replace your appearance.2da and heads.2da with the backup that was generated. This is a port from TSL. I'm not sure if I have to clarify that, but just in-case. Compatible with any mod unless for some reason it uses the Sith Assassin TSL models/textures (n_darkjlowm.mdl/mdx, n_darkjh01.mdl/mdx, N_DarkJLowM01.tpc, and N_DarkJH01.tpc) Credits: Obsidian Entertainment (Sith Assassin model/texture) Bioware (KotOR) Fred Tetra (KotOR Tool) JCarter426 & Darth Parametric (helping me figure out porting between K1 and TSL) Spectrometer (original idea) bead-v (MDLedit) Stoffe (TSL patcher) Submitter eNoodles Submitted 07/26/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  5. 1 point
    Thank you for this, I hope to see more salvaged sections of the project.
  6. 1 point
    I've been wanting this for a while, and now that SWTOR port mods have been popping up... I decided to just request this. Basically porting over Lana Beniko's head from KOTFE. If you could port over the armor too, that would be nuts really. As long as I have Lana's head I'm happy lol. Anyone interested in making this a reality? XD (Model I'd like to be ported)
  7. 1 point
    I just played the end of TSL with Hanharr in my party. Not even Kreia says what happened to him. My request is that someone give him a proper ending, my idea is that he dies at that moment where you are trapped with a big storm beast. In this version you are trapped with more beats and cant escape, Hanharr appears and free the protagonist but end trapped himself. So how about this?
  8. 1 point
    Very Good!!!!!!!!!!!!! A new and bettered Canderous!!
  9. 1 point
    Want to report that drag-droppin' those files you attached [but I do delete 1 parameter inside the LDA_leaf02bump.txi; which is the isdiffusebumpmap 1. I chose to use the specular one] to the 'Override' do work on my end, and did not throw an error on loading. Here are some screencaps: Those are nice works, @Salk!
  10. 1 point

    From the album: VP's Screenshots

    Ajunta Pall Dance party!
  11. 1 point
    I agree, I don't like lots of flashy graphics or anything like that. But, I do try to fix some of the things in KotOR that take away from the overall experience, and make them blend in a bit better.
  12. 1 point
    I was never one of those "graphics for the win" types, a great story, good characters and a good soundtrack is what trully make a game a work of art. On the other hand, an improvement is always welcome, and you did an amazing job with this (and all your other projects!)
  13. 0 points


    Original Review on Filefront: Remember Sherruk? He was that Mandalorian on Dantooine with all the trophy sabers he bragged about. Yet when you had to fight him he used blasters/swords. I know "civilians" aren't trained to use lightsabers, but that never stopped anybody before! So why didn't Sherruk use those sabers, huh?! UGH! If you reacted in the above manner when you first played KotOR then you're in luck. Shem brings us a lovely mod that, while simple in concept, adds a new dimension to that part of Dantooine. Sherruk will now attack you with those trophy sabers, just like a good arrogant fool would. Apaprently Shem also didn't think a lightsaber collector would be caught dead with only two lightsabers. Where Grievous had four, Sherruk shows his prowess by having a whopping seven on his mangled body when you're done with him! Check his body for some other surprises that have been included! ~Inyri
  14. 0 points

    Version 5.2


    In an attempt to salvage some material from the now defunct SW:KotOR Upgrade project, I have decided to share this modification with the community. This file is meant to replace the original dialog.tlk that comes with the original game. It is meant to be used exclusively with the English version of the game. It is technically compatible with every other modification that alter this same file by patching it, provided this is installed first. Two versions are offered: one that includes only corrections and a revised one that includes most of the changes found in the PC Response Moderation modification by Kainzorus Prime. Enjoy!
  15. 0 points

    Version 1.2


    In an attempt to salvage some material from the now defunct SW:KotOR Upgrade project, I have decided to share this modification with the community. The basic idea is to allow players that dislike profoundly to reload upon losing Pazaak matches to have a better chance at winning. In KotOR, the player is unfairly forced to start each round of Pazaak, favoring considerably the AI. While I could not remedy this injustice, I could work around it by redesigning the three Pazaak decks that the AI uses against the player to counterbalance the odds. Winning is still hard and mostly a luck-based matter. It is made actually more difficult because most opponents now do require the player to win more than they have (as opposed to the original fixed amount of times) in order to unlock the dialogue about running out of funds. And when they do wage their cards but end up winning, they would play for credits again. Thus the need of nerfing considerably the value of the AI's cards. In the process, a number of bugs have been corrected and improvements to the dialogues have been made. More can be read in the included Read Me file. Enjoy!
  16. 0 points
    So I've looked into the tslpatchdata of this mod and I see model files, appearance files, utc files but no textures... Is this how it's supposed to be? I imagine you'd need to actually port the textures and the models.