About This File
TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade
Version c.01
by 90SK
"This is but a taste of the dark side to whet your appetite..."
Mod Info:
A fresh take on the body items in TSL, with over 60 new skins!
- In-character skins and integration into TSL's world.
- It was created to add life to TSL's selection of armors and robes.
- Requires a new game & start to fully add everything.
This mod is not primarily compatible with other mods, please know what you are installing and consult files before installing.
- See changelog for details on latest version and giveitem codes.
Patches for Loot Immersion Upgrade:
- Ceremony Jedi Tunics Alternate Expansion
- Marauder Tunics Expansion
- Patch/Alternate Version of Loot-Immersion Upgrade c.04
- Default Jal Shey Expansion
- Skinning, item creation, scripting, ideas/putting the mod together
- Skinning help, Model enhancement: Jedi robe, Master robe, Heavy armor robe, Darth Bandon female armor
- Heavy Armor Female skin remap to male and model
- Skinning help, texture parts for M class Items (Darth Bandon model)
Fred Tetra
- KotOR Tool
Silveredge9 & Quanon
- Mandalore mask model and original skin
- Beta Testing
- great placement of jedi armor on Geeda merchant idea
L0rdReV@n88 -
Exile darksider robe skin
Sharen Thrawn
- Nar Shaddaa skybox skin
- Tutorial on VO recording
tk102, Stoffe, Darth333
- Scripting tutorials
Darth Nihilus art from prima guide as base for Nihilus mask reskin
Developers of KotOR
- a lot of materials, the games, and making way for my work to be done.
It will add many additional robes and armors, replace many robes and armors, add and improve loot drops, and it is designed to fit in with TSL.
Content Overview:
- Cloaked Knights of the Old Republic 1 style tunics replace the padawan robe model with new skins.
- Jedi master robes have been reskinned.
- Significant added content focused on armors/robes for Onderon pt1 and pt2, Nar Shaddaa, Dxun, Telos, Korriban, and Dantooine.
- Canon and comic book style improved masks for Nihilus and Mandalore.
- Improved Bao-Dur skin (tan, green eyes).
- Korriban and Dxun tombs have improved appearance item loot.
- All unrestrictive items and textures totally overhauled.
- Metallic/improved HK-50, 51, 47 and T3.
- Vacuum mask replaced with an electromesh mask design.
- No-glitch upgrade screens for red space suit and Mandalore Armors + Custom Icons.
- Cheat code "giveitem light_matrix" for blue hypermesh armor.
- Cheat code "giveitem revan" for Darth Revan robe .
- Cheat code "giveitem shadow" Azkul's outfit.
- Cheat code "giveitem 90sk_1" and "giveitem 90sk_2" additional Exile's personal robes.
Step 1.
- Download 7Zip to unpack .7z files (harmless freeware for file packing)
Step 2.
- Copy baseitems.2da to an empty Override
- Install TSLRCM and any Lightsaber mods you want
Next, after installing saber mods or TSLRCM, copy this mod's Override from Mod archive to either your
- "Program Files/steam/steamapps/common/Knights Of The Old Republic II" ,
- or "Program Files/LucaAarts/SWKotOR2" if you're not using the steam version
Step 3.
That's it!
To verify that the mod is working, check it in KSE.
You can do a few things to remove the mod if you need to, but it is largely not recommended.
- Use the auto-generated Backup folder to replace files from the mod.
- You can also reset your Override folder (delete your override folder, make a new folder and name it override)
- Manually manage your Override folder
Misc Information:
In TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade, I have revised all the appearance items in the game, and added quite a few new armors and robes.
- If you are playing for the first time, please start a New Game to fully play the features of this mod.
Armor designs and culture is largely intact, item descriptions and icons have been filled out, and I tried to hide new items all over the game.
- You will receive an Exile item on the Harbinger, and you will also encounter new models and skins for old items throughout the game.
- Additional items have been created and placed at static loot drop points in the game.
Opo Chano on Telos sells a robust variety of droid parts and all HK parts.
On Onderon, I have fully replaced Gegorrann with a new faction merchant who will go about business as usual selling you Military surplus and rarities, per his agreement with the Onderon Military.
- Beware playing Dark side on Onderon when using this mod.
- There are no glitches per say, but I believe they attack the merchant, vice versa at the end.
- Not to spoil anything, but those guys are riot police.
TSLRCM works functions but I do not know if you can reach the HK factory. But, you can complete the game.
Likewise I heard that the new merchant on Onderon makes an outcome not passable for Dark Side players, but I don't believe this is the case with version 4.4.4.
I explain how to bypass these potential glitches further down the page in the Troubleshooting section.
- If you are using Movie Mandalorians, please install it after installing Loot and Immerison Upgrade.
- This mod largely has every mod I've worked with in it. There are variations to this mod's content in separate, older releases that you can find on my profile.
- The Cortosis armor mod, New Onderon Merchant mod, armored robes mod, and all other mods I've made are currently inside the Loot and Immersion Upgrade in most up-to-date form.
- I did not include Beautified Lightsaber Blades for TSL in this mod.
If you have any questions about the mod, or want to know more about it before you download, feel free to leave a comment or Private Message me (90SK) on DeadlyStream.
I fixed as many glitches and anomolies as I could find, including everything with missing items, KSE, the installer, items, etc.
- At least one unused armor, unused droid items and several unused crystals have been restored with this mod (attn: Citadel Station, Nar Shaddaa, Korriban, Onderon)
- Opo Chano sells originally unused droid parts and all HK parts
- I redid HK-47's skin for version 3.3
11/3 - 12/10
- I redid the Onderon Merchant's inventory to primarily sell armors. He sells all the best armors of the game, I went into great detail here.
- This 11/3 update only acts on the Onderon Merchant's inventory. You will need him to respawn, aka first visit to get the new inventory.
- I have retroactively added a new Exile item, different loot in the Korriban tomb, and different loot with new armors in Vogga's chamber.
Giveitem Codes:
- a_90sk_41 - Armored Verpine HyperFlex Underlay
- a_90sk_42 - Echani MultiFlex Advancement Suit
- a_90sk_43 - Ulic Qel-Droma's MultiFlex Armor
- a_90sk_44 - Aratech MultiFlex Jedi Armor
- a_90sk_47 - Jedi Enforcer MultiFlex Armor
- a_90sk_48 - Keeto's MultiFlex Armor
- Giveitem "cortosis" - Cortosis Armor
- Giveitem "a_90sk_r02" - Cloaked Fiber Mesh (Jedi Knight Robe)
- Giveitem "a_90sk_r03" - Cloaked Fiber Mesh (Dark Sage Robe)
- Giveitem "a_90sk_r04" - Cloaked Fiber Mesh (Dark Jedi Knight Robe)
- Giveitem "echo" - Aratech Mk.IV Equipment
- Giveitem "deluxe" - Enforcer Shadow Armor
- Giveitem "a_band_c01" - Exile Item
- Giveitem "matukai" - Matukai Combat Armor
These are giveitem codes
TOR Jedi Armor Type
- nomi - Green Jedi Armor
Star Forge Robe Tunics
- watchman (Jedi Tunic)
- mod (Tulak Hord Robe)
- a_band_c01 (Exiles Item)
Misc New Items
- giveitem "696" (Corsair Body Suit)
- giveitem "tunic15" : Electromesh Armor
- giveitem "jediguard" : Temple Combat Armor
- giveitem "a_band_c01" : Exile's Star Forge Robe
No other Star Forge (J class) mods are compatible!
The I (Jedi robe), N (master robe) , J (star forge robe) , and K (armored flight suit) class armors are fully replaced with this mod.
- White Box Icon Items :
This version will patch over these Do not interact with these items.
Bypassing them is the best way to continue your game. v.4.4.4 will patch these. Only one is know ("Malak's Robe")
- No DS on Onderon :
If this happens, restart Onderon after removing "npc_gegorran.utc" from Override (After installing the mod, or Before by removing the file from tslpatchdata)
- No HK Factory with TSLRCM:
Before meeting with Kavar, remove "end_mand.dlg" from Override (After installing the mod, or Before by removing the file from tslpatchdata instead).
- Spelling:
Please, have mercy on me!
- Star Forge Robe Items Crashing:
This is because not all NPCs including party members are able to wear this type of item in default TSL. I believe Atton, Handmaiden, Exile, and Disciple can wear.
- Item Classes: This mod replaces:
the Jedi robe class, the Jedi master robe class, the Jal Shey / Zeison Sha / Darth Malak's armor class, the armored flight suit class, and the star forge robe class.
Version c.01 is the current version.
This mod is designed to fit in with and improve TSL.
- This mod is not compatible with the STEAM TSLCRM due to directory conflicts
- Please start a new game to use Loot & Immersion Upgrade
- v4.4.4b has not been tested with NPC Overhaul
- Level and weapon mods are compatible with Loot & Immersion Upgrade
- If you have questions about something on this page, feel free to PM me (90SK)
Additional Credits:
Do not redistribute or release this mod, or use any component of it in your own mods (except specifically for personal use), without permission from the original authors.
Explicitly do not release this mod on any site or in any way/shape/form.
Special thanks to VarsityPuppet and all authors aside from myself credited for use of their work and expertise in this mod.
Special thanks to Flying-gg for some essential beta testing.
Extra special thanks to staff of LucasForums and DeadlyStream!
What's New in Version c.03 See changelog
- Added more screenshots
- Added to loot drop on Peragus, replaces Peragus belt.
- Improved Exile robe texture
- Major loot drops confirmed working (Onderon, Dantooine, Peragus, Harbinger)
- KSE Compatible and confirmed works!
- Added more screenshots
- Optimized it to not need TSLPatcher
- It should run fine with old saves.
- Should patch everything over.
- Switched the Jedi armor class in for ZS/JS skins
- The tunics for ZS/JS class from version 4.4.4b can be found here
- Includes darkblade/kaiburr blade for silver color.
- Padawan robes have been reverted to TSL original theme
- New skins for Mandalorian Assault Armor and Mandalorian Heavy Armor
- New type of Star forge robe (player only) on Dantooine and Harbinger
- All original Jal Shey/Zeison Sha armors have been retroactively patched.
- Removed three UTP Placeables that were causing problems.
- Reverted to Beta Test Mode.
- Largely Experimental Mod ! Please use at own risk!
- Extensive Reorganization of Appearance assets through the following patches:
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