JC's Player Soundset Restoration for K2 1.0

   (2 reviews)

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About This File


In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the player, like all party members, would occasionally say things during combat and when performing other actions.
In the second game, however, the player is mute.

This mod restores the player soundset for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords.

The critical files needed for the original player soundset to function were actually always there, but they were in various states of disuse. This mod fixes them up and restores the player's voice. There are different soundsets for male and female players and they are the same ones as in the first game.



  1. Run Player_Soundset_Restoration.exe.



  1. Remove the installed files.



This mod must be installed before any mods that patch soundset.2da. This mod does not use TSLPatcher to patch soundset.2da; it uses a hard 2DA install because the exact line numbers are necessary for the player soundset to work. It feels dirty, but I have to do it.



KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra

TSLPatcher – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides

SSF Editor– stoffe




JC's Player Soundset Restoration for K2

Mod Author



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

Attribution Preference

"Player Soundset Restoration by JCarter426" or "uses JC's Player Soundset Restoration" or some other reasonable phrasing.


This mod is released under the following licenses:

  • Attribution Only License


Attribution Only License (AOL)

* You've got mods! *

The creator of this mod has authorized the contents of this mod for public use. Other modders are free to use and edit materials from this mod and include them in other mods. This license applies to everyone equally and no further explicit permission from the original mod creator is required, provided the terms of this license are followed.

  • The user must provide clear attribution for the source and creator(s) of these materials, following the specified attribution preference. The file that contains this attribution must be included along with all the other mod contents.
    (For example, crediting the original mod creator in your mod's description on a website, but not in any file someone would actually download, would be a violation.)
  • The user must include any additional credits as indicated.
  • This license applies only for the use of these materials in other mods (i.e. a form of software accessed within a video game). This license does not grant the user unlimited power to distribute these contents, edited or unedited, even if attribution is granted. These materials are being offered to encourage the creation of new mods that alter the game experience.
    (For example, distributing these materials as a mod resource on another website, or uploading the entirety of the mod as a "new" mod without really changing anything, would not be in the spirit of this license.)
  • Where appropriate, it would be nice to provide a link to the original mod and/ or tag the original mod creator. However, this is not mandated. This is just a polite suggestion.






If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.

For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.

I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.

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Woke up to this being released at the top of my feed. What a time to be alive, hahah. 2020 here I come!

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1 hour ago, ebmar said:

Woke up to this being released at the top of my feed. What a time to be alive, hahah. 2020 here I come!

But you'd have to stop modding K1 and actually play TSL first to get any use out of it.

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  • Haha 2

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Quick update for you @JCarter426, I tried this last night, and for lockboxes, the voice isn't heard I'll try again (had to refix my game) could be an issue on my end. Will this conflict with your other sound mixes?

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Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem is. I have noticed the game is inconsistent about playing some sounds, but I definitely did hear the lockpick ones when I tested, for both male and female.

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Should I just uninstall then reinstall the game then, see if that works? I was having an issue that likely was unrelated, kept having game crashes, that was related to a different mod far as I know, seemed fine now that I removed that one which was one of the exile armor mods (kept giving me error messages in kse so thinking that was unrelated to yours), for the voice over, with it I've heard how certain sounds would play such as when my female exile was bashing at the door and I was happy as a clam lol I'm like yay that sweet wonderful @JCarter426he's made my game much more lively, and then the game messed up refusing to play the lockpick sounds le'sigh! lol

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For your other problems, I'd say yeah.

For the soundset, though, I don't know. It could be an audio format issue. I've heard reports of audio from mods not playing on the Steam version, and music not playing without the proper header data. I did add the headers for my release, but I used an experimental tool and I might not have gotten things quite right, so I'll keep playing around with it.

I'm definitely hearing the lockpick sounds on my end, though there are others I suspect either aren't playing or are getting cut off.

For now I can only suggest reinstalling the mod, and maybe the game for your other problems.

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*Gets out a pretty red lightsaber, then attacks Steam, as well as Obsidian for causing these issues in the first place as well as disney just on good measure for throwing out the extended universe while chanting the Sith code* ;) 

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Would it be possible to create a script which changes the players soundest from having nothing to the new soundest you've added and attach said script to the opening scene on Peragus?


Or is that impossible and the only way to enjoy the soundset is via KSE? (Or am I missing something here?)

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The player already has a soundset, configured on character creation. It just doesn't do anything in the base game because various files are missing or incomplete.

KSE isn't needed.

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On 1/4/2020 at 2:30 AM, JCarter426 said:

The player already has a soundset, configured on character creation. It just doesn't do anything in the base game because various files are missing or incomplete.

KSE isn't needed.

Oh ok, considering KSE with a vanilla exile says "None" for the soundset it made me think it was actually set to nothing for a second.


By any chance would turning the soundset files into mp3 files work for Steam Users (If it doesn't work that is)?

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I converted them to the usual SteamSounds format so I believe they should work, but I don't have the game on Steam so I can't test it.

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1 hour ago, JCarter426 said:

I converted them to the usual SteamSounds format so I believe they should work, but I don't have the game on Steam so I can't test it.

Post the converted version of the mod here, I have a steam version I can test it. Also convert them into mp3 files sound like a good idea.


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1 minute ago, JCarter426 said:

The release version is that.

I checked them, they are all.WAV files. now lets see if converting them to mp3 solves the problem. Can you do that?

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They are supposed to be WAV files. The version I released is the same as all the other soundsets in the game, WAV with a fake MP3 header. That's the format the game files are in, so until I'm told there is an actual problem, I don't intend to convert them to another format.

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Hey, great mod! However I'm having a little trouble changing the sounds after installation. The default sounds work, however when I overwrite them in "streamsounds" with files from below, none of the sounds play. I'd appreciate any help! (Public Steam version TSLRCM 1.8.5)


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I can't say since it was SH who exported those audio files, not me; and I talked to him and he says he doesn't know either, because there have been no reported problems for the mod in K1.
It's possible the audio formats are different, but I won't have time to look into it for a while.

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On 2/3/2020 at 1:20 AM, Nooblord123 said:

Hey, great mod! However I'm having a little trouble changing the sounds after installation. The default sounds work, however when I overwrite them in "streamsounds" with files from below, none of the sounds play. I'd appreciate any help! (Public Steam version TSLRCM 1.8.5)

8 hours ago, JCarter426 said:

I can't say since it was SH who exported those audio files, not me; and I talked to him and he says he doesn't know either, because there have been no reported problems for the mod in K1.
It's possible the audio formats are different, but I won't have time to look into it for a while.


If I recall correctly Steam version Kotor 2 doesn't allow .WAV files to play, so changing the format should fix the issue. I know this sounds extremely strange considering how the vanilla files are set, but this has been my experience and is my advice to getting these audio files to work. 

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I've heard that's the case with WAV files that lack the proper header file on Steam, but the files in this mod are WAV and have the same header as the original game files and those are the ones that are working (as they should).

It's possible there's a difference between the K1 and K2 headers, but I won't have time to investigate thoroughly for a while. All I can say for now is that the audio files I tested work for me and I haven't tested any other audio files on any other system and can't.

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I installed your mod first and then I installed the lana pc soundset but I don't have any audio either with my player so I guess there  is something preventing this from working.  Which is bummer to be honest.  I play from a two disk version and the lana pc replacement works for my k1 game but even with the installed mod above for K2..no audio sound plays at all.  It's silent.

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All working well here

[K1] PC Replacement Voices (Kira, DS Jaesa, LS Jaesa) 1.1 installed also

Using legacypc version on Steam





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