[K1] Lyn Sekla "Legends" 1.0.1

   (4 reviews)

4 Screenshots

About This File



This mod presents you an overhauled version of Lyn Sekla; a female Twi'lek who wanted desperately to get off Taris. In 3956 BBY, she heard that Bib Surool was stuck on Taris due to the Sith quarantine, and auditioned for him as a dancer.

 # Background #

"But if you're ever traveling the galaxy and you see the Starlight Entertainers performing, stop by and ask for Lyn. I'll see if I can get you some free tickets".



I have always wanted to meet Lyn Sekla again after heardin' she said that. But unfortunately, that ruthless Malak bombards the planet [Taris] to rubbles and leaving those hope behind.

Actually, there's no correlation between the above statement and this texture overhaul, sorry for that lol. This overhaul was started because when surfing through mod's section in DeadlyStream, I saw an amazing Twi'lek's texture by @Dark Hope that leads me to think "Ah, this could be something!", and when I saw the description, DH also seems to wish that the texture could be utilized as a character for a story. So, I made up my mind to use the texture for Lyn Sekla; which I believe she would need a custom-unique appearance upstaging the rest of female Twi'lek's in the planet. The Force works right through me; I have the permission to use the assets from DH, and then the project was started then.



# About this Mod #

  • Significant change to the appearance of Lyn Sekla, using the base texture of "Girl with Ritual Tattoos", a high-quality texture mod created by Dark Hope which later I have them edited to fits this concept of the 'Legends' series of Lyn Sekla. [Updated in v1.0.1]

# Final Remarks #

Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks for the next update are very much appreciated- PM me at deadlystream.com [ebmar] or just write a public message on my feed. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod.

Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do!

Installation: Run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe].

Uninstallation: Remove n_twilekf001.utc [and the rest of the textures files, if you wish] from the 'Override' folder.

Compatibility: Will not compatible with mods that changes the value nor conflicted with n_twilekf001.utc. This mod will be compatible with Dark Hope's "Girl with Ritual Tattoos" as this mod use different variation for the textures and the model that will not conflicted with the said mod.

  • There is an update from @DarthParametric whom has found one other instance of n_twilekf001.utc in the game which potentially can caused multiple appearance of "Lyn Sekla". So, where the other instance is?

It is on STA_M45AD - the final level of the Star Forge. The .utc which also used for the Easter egg cheat "dancedancemalak".

The good news is, the mod probably in an OK state now. 🤞

Redistribution: Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any website at all. As inside this mod, there are base assets which they are not belongs to mine. If you plan on using this mod or only the assets from this mod to a mod you will be developing, I would be thankful if you give credits to Dark Hope as the creator of the base texture. Also, a credits to my name is always a welcome, welcome. :cheers:


  • Dark Hope for permission and for the "Girl with Ritual Tattoos" mod.
  • DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, that made it possible for me to create custom NPCs.
  • DarthParametric, again; out of the goodness of his heart looking through every damn module in the game to find one other instance of n_twilekf001.utc which potentially can caused multiple appearance of the texture.
  • BioWare & LucasArts for the 'Game of the 21st Century'.
  • All streamers on DeadlyStream which indirectly involved on this project that I couldn't possibly mentioned one by one.
  • All modders either active or inactive.
  • bead-v and ndix UR for the MDLedit.
  • Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool.
  • stoffe and Fair Strides for the TSLPatcher setup.
  • DeadlyStream for a place to hangout and to discuss.



Preview [Under Development]

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


  • Major fix to shade and specularity on the head, which are inverted in v1.0. Some minor tweaks to the body.
  • Bump-map added to the head, and fix inverted bump-map on the body.
  • All texture now on DDS format, and downsized the body tex's resolution to 512x512; to have it blend better with the vanilla state of the game.
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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

A much needed addition for a small quest. Now, I'm still going to trash her performance for not giving me that hug, but at least now she'll have her good looks to fall back on XD

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This mod makes this NPC very unique in design but still within universe asethetics. This mod looks quite good by itself, but benefits from having other twi'lek mods installed, such as Dark Hopa's, Darthparametric's, and Quanon's. 

Response from the author:

Thank you for the review, jc2! :cheers:

Could say this mod very much is a Dark Hope's fruits of labor; as she did the awesome work with the HQ source/base texture and I'm so fortunate to get her permission to re-employ it. :respect:

Again, thank you for the appreciation!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Excellent work as always, ebmar. Her new look perfectly encapsulates a rising young star with a touch more ego than talent. If there's anything that could be improved it's the resolution of her body, as it juxtaposes poorly with the excellent detail of her head. Though, if I remember correctly, upscaling those textures may not actually be possible in the current build of the game (*looks dreamily at Apeiron*).

Response from the author:


Excellent work as always, ebmar.

Thanks! Very much appreciated, JustABitAgroed. :cheers:


Her new look perfectly encapsulates a rising young star with a touch more ego than talent.

Yes, it was an amazing texture by @Dark Hope, and I am lucky to have the permission from DH to have it reused for the mod. I am happy with how you think about Lyn; "a rising young star with a touch more ego than talent."- that is an awesome-fitting description of Lyn there! 🤣


If there's anything that could be improved it's the resolution of her body, as it juxtaposes poorly with the excellent detail of her head.

Thanks for the input! Yes, lately I've been noticed that the proper ratio for texture used for characters are; 1:2 - which is 1 for the head, and 2 for the body. For example: Lyn's head texture used in this mod is 512x512, so the proper scale for the body would be 1024x1024, not 512x512 as being used in this mod. I feel guilty with downsizing the texture with the latest release, as DH had provided a high-quality source to use. But I did not take concern of this before.

I am determined in the next update to go with up-sizing the body texture, following what you said: to have it juxtaposes nicely with the excellent detail of her head.

And thanks again, for the review! :cheers:

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

The new Lyn fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game!)

Response from the author:

Many thanks! Appreciate the thoughts. :cheers:

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