VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted August 27, 2019 Well, the two movies in the ST has thus far have been reboot/remake of the OT, so I fully expect this to follow suit. Another Death Star again The Emperor is back Anyone else want to take bets on other similarities? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stoney 1,511 Posted August 27, 2019 This is new also from D23 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 27, 2019 That That last shot was the best laugh I've had watching a movie in a long time. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 27, 2019 You guys ever have that friend that's trying too hard and it's cringe inducing? That's the D23 trailer. 2 1 3 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 28, 2019 I really hope RLM is right and it has time travel. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted August 28, 2019 4 hours ago, Malkior said: time travel If you are going to jump the shark, go full retard huh? 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutilator57 140 Posted August 28, 2019 My first thought: can Disney/JJ come up with just one original idea? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 28, 2019 On 8/27/2019 at 3:48 PM, VarsityPuppet said: Well, the two movies in the ST has thus far have been reboot/remake of the OT, so I fully expect this to follow suit. Another Death Star again The Emperor is back Anyone else want to take bets on other similarities? Guess I'm alone in thinking the trailer looked pretty cool. I'm curious, what exactly about it looks like it's going to be a remake of an OT film? Outside (what looks like) a Death-Star like laser hitting a planet, I really can't see it. The Last Jedi was many things (not a lot of them were good), but I wouldn't exactly class it as a remake of Empire. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
downloadman1 18 Posted August 28, 2019 56 minutes ago, DarthVarkor said: I'm curious, what exactly about it looks like it's going to be a remake of an OT film? Outside (what looks like) a Death-Star like laser hitting a planet, I really can't see it. Actually now that you mention it... There isn't that much to suggest that I suppose. The trailers show very little. However I'm still in the - "its gonna be another reboot/remake" - camp. These are (in my opinion) the things which make it looks like a remake: Desert planet/Tatooine 2 (or Tatooine 3 if it's not Jakku), another Jabba sail barge action scene, the emperor appearing only to inevitably be defeated and the implied return of a Death Star level super weapon Those are the things I gather from the trailer. Then there are the things that I just assume like: Redemption of Kylo Ren similar to vader, the emperor being the man behind it all only to be defeated again, Lando helping the rebels/"resistance" by piloting the millenium falcon, the main character finding out some hidden truth about their family, bringing "balance" to the force again (even though Anakin already did that with Lukes help), a big party at the end of the movie and a bunch of ghosts chilling at the party at the end only this time with Lukes ghost too 1 hour ago, DarthVarkor said: The Last Jedi was many things (not a lot of them were good), but I wouldn't exactly class it as a remake of Empire. Hmmm I'm conflicted. I understand what you mean because of course there are many differences like canto bight, the snoke stuff and the lack of any sort of training scenes. For me the reason I see it as a remake is because the only things that stayed in my head were the remade scenes, as they felt the most important and kinda offended me the most. Like the battle of Hoth/Crait, finding a jedi hermit for training, a dark side vision in a cave, the first order kinda goes on the offensive just like the empire in ESB etc. All the other stuff was so bad I only remember the copy and paste stuff haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 28, 2019 2 hours ago, DarthVarkor said: but I wouldn't exactly class it as a remake of Empire. You mean, aside from... *Hoth *Planetary escape at the start *Cave vision *Literally copied 1:1 scene from the Death Star in VI (okay, sure, that's not Empire) *Literally copied the Death Star #2 run (but I suppose see above) *Cloud City > Casino Planet *Jedi training (but not really) *Apprentice leaving without finishing training against masters wishes. Sure, aside from that it was totally different from ESB. Also I guess we can look forward to another bad Super Weapon discussion with Dr. Evil like the TFA topic... not that I'll watch the movie this time around. PS. They already posted on their website Dark Rey is a Force Vision... GG Disney. So good at their job. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 29, 2019 In reference to my post, please enjoy this outlandish (but still totally probable) theory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 29, 2019 10 hours ago, Hassat Hunter said: You mean, aside from... *Hoth *Planetary escape at the start *Cave vision *Literally copied 1:1 scene from the Death Star in VI (okay, sure, that's not Empire) *Literally copied the Death Star #2 run (but I suppose see above) *Cloud City > Casino Planet *Jedi training (but not really) *Apprentice leaving without finishing training against masters wishes. Sure, aside from that it was totally different from ESB. Also I guess we can look forward to another bad Super Weapon discussion with Dr. Evil like the TFA topic... not that I'll watch the movie this time around. PS. They already posted on their website Dark Rey is a Force Vision... GG Disney. So good at their job. I think some of those are a stretch, especially Canto Bight being Cloud City... But, for sure, there are similar moments. But whereas TFA hit the same narrative beats as ANH (in which I can fully understand the comparisons), TLJ just seemed to cherry pick random moments to throw in. I wouldn’t class it as a remake of anything, it was just a mess of random scenes. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDub96 54 Posted August 29, 2019 Disney couldn't make a decent Star Wars film if it smacked them in the face with a lightsaber. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaak78 4 Posted August 29, 2019 I like the trailer... to a degree. Then again I loved the Last Jedi teaser but that ended up a debacle. I'm getting some deja vu vibes with that Imperial Fleet *Dark Force Rising cough* and Dark Rey *The Last Command cough*. Kylo Ren seems to be the only consistent thing good in this trilogy, so seeing him in a more prominent role in that trailer is always good. And Rey actually getting some form of training with that remote. But I just WISH they would have some original star fighters or something besides the classic OT squadrons. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 29, 2019 10 minutes ago, Gaak78 said: Kylo Ren seems to be the only consistent thing good in this trilogy, so seeing him in a more prominent role in that trailer is always good. Absolutely agree. Ren's arc, alongside Adam Driver's performance is the best thing to come out of the sequel trilogy so far, in my opinion. (Aside from more fantastic John Williams scores, obviously.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted August 30, 2019 JJ is a hack. He has no original ideas he just copies what came before. I can't believe Warner Brothers offered him a half a billion dollar contract to direct DCEU movies. In Hollywood it seems you can only fail upwards. As for the movie It will definitely be a RotJ rip off. As for the ST in general. I would have preferred if the movies would have taken place 1000 years after a episode VI. Having the Sith or dark Jedi or whatever the hell Kylo is. Having them return a mere 30 years later cheapens Anakin's sacrifice. if the ST took place 1000 years later than the Sith returning would have made sense. Like Darth Bane and the Sith that followed him up until Palpatine. They waited 1000 years until Palpatine and Vader destroyed the Jedi order. I know fans wanted to see Luke, Han, and Leia again but are you really happy with the treatment Disney has given the original character? 1000 years later Luke succeeded in restoring the Jedi Order and they thrived for a millennium. Luke, Han, and Leia are regarded as heroes and saviors of the Republic. Once the Sith return Luke could return as a Force ghost to train the new protagonist. Anyway that's my idea. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 30, 2019 43 minutes ago, Talyn82 said: JJ is a hack. He has no original ideas he just copies what came before. I can't believe Warner Brothers offered him a half a billion dollar contract to direct DCEU movies. In Hollywood it seems you can only fail upwards. As for the movie It will definitely be a RotJ rip off. As for the ST in general. I would have preferred if the movies would have taken place 1000 years after a episode VI. Having the Sith or dark Jedi or whatever the hell Kylo is. Having them return a mere 30 years later cheapens Anakin's sacrifice. if the ST took place 1000 years later than the Sith returning would have made sense. Like Darth Bane and the Sith that followed him up until Palpatine. They waited 1000 years until Palpatine and Vader destroyed the Jedi order. I know fans wanted to see Luke, Han, and Leia again but are you really happy with the treatment Disney has given the original character? 1000 years later Luke succeeded in restoring the Jedi Order and they thrived for a millennium. Luke, Han, and Leia are regarded as heroes and saviors of the Republic. Once the Sith return Luke could return as a Force ghost to train the new protagonist. Anyway that's my idea. Yeah, that was more or less my impression of the entire thing. Copy the OT storyline by creating a new successor to the Empire and new Rebellion, fine, but at least have decency to make it plausible. Although, it would have been cool to see Cade Skywalker in his drug fueled adventures across the now ruined New Republic on the big screen instead of a rehash of what we've already seen. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted August 30, 2019 15 hours ago, DarthVarkor said: Ren's arc, alongside Adam Driver's performance is the best thing to come out of the sequel trilogy so far He had an arc? All I have seen so far is a petulant, emo loser. 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 30, 2019 43 minutes ago, DarthParametric said: He had an arc? All I have seen so far is a petulant, emo loser. I think that’s the whole point to him, really. He wants so badly to be Vader but he’s just an insecure child underneath the mask. If we’d have just gotten another masked badass villain after Vader it would have been pointless, there’s no beating him. Look at Dooku, Maul, Grevious, etc. They pale in comparison, even Sir Christopher Lee could not save that role. To me, one of the few saving graces of TLJ is his conflicted nature. He’s what Anakin should have been in my opinion, you can clearly tell how conflicted he is in what he wants as apposed to Anakin giving wooden lines and evil glances. ...Until Rian Johnson decided to throw that away in the final act for a generic good vs evil battle, that is. Here’s hoping JJ does something interesting with him in Ep9, because he has the most potential out of all the ST characters. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted August 30, 2019 1 hour ago, DarthVarkor said: I think that’s the whole point to him, really. He wants so badly to be Vader but he’s just an insecure child underneath the mask. If we’d have just gotten another masked badass villain after Vader it would have been pointless, there’s no beating him. Look at Dooku, Maul, Grevious, etc. They pale in comparison, even Sir Christopher Lee could not save that role. To me, one of the few saving graces of TLJ is his conflicted nature. He’s what Anakin should have been in my opinion, you can clearly tell how conflicted he is in what he wants as apposed to Anakin giving wooden lines and evil glances. ...Until Rian Johnson decided to throw that away in the final act for a generic good vs evil battle, that is. Here’s hoping JJ does something interesting with him in Ep9, because he has the most potential out of all the ST characters. I thought Kylo Ren was badass in the first scene in TFA, then they removed his mask and that killed the mystique. Adam Driver is not an intimidating person. It reminded me of when Vader removed his mask in RotJ he was just an old man. Though I agree Adam Driver does portray the conflict better than Anakin. But he is such a bad villain I mean when Luke first confronted Vader he got his hand cut off. When Rey first confronts Kylo she whoops his ass. Though at that time I let it slide cause he got shot by Chewbacca prior to the fight, and was clearly still reeling from killing his father emotionally. But then he got his ass whooped again in TLJ, that just showed he's weak. The only part I liked in TLJ is when Snoke grills Kylo. I agreed with everything he said. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted August 30, 2019 3 hours ago, Talyn82 said: I thought Kylo Ren was badass in the first scene in TFA, then they removed his mask and that killed the mystique. Adam Driver is not an intimidating person. It reminded me of when Vader removed his mask in RotJ he was just an old man. Though I agree Adam Driver does portray the conflict better than Anakin. But he is such a bad villain I mean when Luke first confronted Vader he got his hand cut off. When Rey first confronts Kylo she whoops his ass. Though at that time I let it slide cause he got shot by Chewbacca prior to the fight, and was clearly still reeling from killing his father emotionally. But then he got his ass whooped again in TLJ, that just showed he's weak. The only part I liked in TLJ is when Snoke grills Kylo. I agreed with everything he said. Well, to be fair. He did get owned by Luke Skywalker of all else would that go down? And like I said above, that's the whole point of Kylo Ren's mask. He isn't a typical intimidating badass villain, that's why he wears the mask. His whole very insecure, unstable and unpredictable personality is what makes him interesting, to me at least. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 30, 2019 On 8/29/2019 at 10:44 AM, DarthVarkor said: TLJ just seemed to cherry pick random moments to throw in. I wouldn’t class it as a remake of anything, it was just a mess of random scenes. No disagreements from me here. As for Kylo, I thought it was okay he was a failure being not the real threat, that was Snoke. But yeah, Rian had to screw that up and make the most ineffectual, unintimidating worst possible villain ever to be the main baddie now. Just... uuuuuuugh. The weak conflicted part makes him interesting, sure, just NOT a good villain. Which why it was good he was a lackey. But nooooooooooooooo, can't have any dang stakes apparently. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted August 30, 2019 2 hours ago, DarthVarkor said: Well, to be fair. He did get owned by Luke Skywalker of all else would that go down? And like I said above, that's the whole point of Kylo Ren's mask. He isn't a typical intimidating badass villain, that's why he wears the mask. His whole very insecure, unstable and unpredictable personality is what makes him interesting, to me at least. I was not a big Anakin Skywalker fan, I personally enjoyed the prequels BUT! not for Anakin. It was the other characters like Palpatine, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Mace. But I did like how Hayden showed the conflict physically. My point is I like flawed characters. In the KOTOR games my favorite between Revan and the Exile is the Exile. Why? Cause like Anakin and Kylo they are flawed. Adam Driver is a good actor and he not only shows the conflict physically but vocally as well. I did like Kylo when I saw TFA, and defended why he was beaten by Rey in that movie, even though I thought it was a mistake JJ decided to remove the mask. But after reading what you posted. It does make sense why without the mask he looks not intimidating. With the mask he is a badass but behind the mask is a flawed and very insecure individual. You know I've only seen TFA twice and TLJ once. Although I still am not a fan of JJ that aspect of Kylo being a flawed individual behind the mask makes me re-evaluate Kylo again. Good job DarthVarkor! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted September 6, 2019 Kylo Ren shares his views on the D23 footage. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted October 22, 2019 SPACE HORSES 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites