
What Did You Think of Star Wars: Rogue One?: MASSIVE SPOILERS

What Did You Think Of Star Wars: Rogue One?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What Did You Think Of Star Wars: Rogue One?

    • Loved it!
    • It was pretty good
    • Could have been better
    • Hated it
    • Words cannot describe my hatred for what Disney has done to Star Wars
    • Muku shaka paka

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Anyone notice the "General Syndulla" reference?

I wonder if it referred to Hera or her father (as far as I'm aware, he is still alive in Rebels, though I'm not sure he will not die in a future episode).


Also, there is Chopper on the Yavin base and the Ghost in the battle above Scarif. Loved how they smuggled in all these little details.

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The worst part of the movie was what's-her-name's speeches about hope at the Rebel's base. She has no charisma and is a terrible actress. For a moment at the end I was worried she'd be the only one to survive, glad she didn't.

I agree. Her backstory, while not developed nearly enough, was still convincing IMO. So I was expecting someone full of passion and fervor; the typical rebel. Instead, she always came off as just...bland.


I also wasn't particularly a fan of Director Krennic's overemphasised emasculation. I mean, he was battered from pillar-to-post by Tarkin, Vader and then the Rebels, with no real period of dominance aside from the beginning of the movie. This made him more of a Saturday morning cartoon villain than a real threat, detracting from the impact of the film and its scale.


They also slotted a Gungan somewhere in the Rebel base, those cheeky buggers XD

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I really liked the ending of everyone dying and the Lord Vader end sequence. They perfectly captured his gravity and just how futile it was trying to face him as a non Force-sensitive.


However I really disliked the forced sassiness of some of the characters. I was ok with the droid. However, the blind dude complaining about a bag over his head, and Darth Vader making a choke pun? No thanks, that's not realistic of Vader's character at all and that really griped me.

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I really liked the ending of everyone dying and the Lord Vader end sequence. They perfectly captured his gravity and just how futile it was trying to face him as a non Force-sensitive.


However I really disliked the forced sassiness of some of the characters. I was ok with the droid. However, the blind dude complaining about a bag over his head, and Darth Vader making a choke pun? No thanks, that's not realistic of Vader's character at all and that really griped me.




"Apology accepted, Captain Needa." 


That quote is virtually no different in tone or humor. 

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"Apology accepted, Captain Needa." 


That quote is virtually no different in tone or humor. 


I was about to mention that line too. It seems to me like Vader's always had a sense of humour. Lines like "we would be honored if you would join us" and "apology accepted" are good examples. The "choke" line was definitely something I thought Vader would say.

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Not a Jedi, but possibly Force-sensitive

The first time I saw him in the trailers I thought he had bad eyes and was using the Force to see, but that could just be me and my KotOR 2 experience assuming things, his eyes could still be normal for the world where he comes from or something like that.


BTW, where were the many Bothans that died to bring us this information?

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That'll be the next spin off... :P :D


It's called Shadows of the Empire. Dash Rendar anyone?


Just saw the film. Liked the CGI Tarkin and Leia. Really cool to see the Rebel pilots from ANH as well. Costumes and makeup were appropriate for the "1970s." Cool to see Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Also really liked the other references to ANH.


Was surprised by the lack of an opening crawl, but I guess that had already been done in the Clone Wars film. Opening crawls are reserved for Episodes I guess.


About everyone dying at the end: I had talked about this in chat in the past - if we don't see these people in the OT, then they must all die in the film. I am glad that I was proved to be right.


Loved the transition scenes to ANH at the end.


Defnitely worth a second viewing.


Now some issues:


Jyn Erso - Jan Ors - seriously think of a more original name? "Rebellions are built on hope." - cringeworthy

Reused plot points - infiltrating a base in disguise, using a stolen Imperial ship to gain access somewhere

Hammerhead ramming Star Destroyer - I thought this was absolutely ridiculous. A small ship moving the enormous Star Destroyer? Give me a break.

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me - too much of this

Chirrut Îmwe - Completely bogus how he wasn't shot while walking to the switch.

Krennic - I will quote Jurassic Park, "SHOOT HER!"

Saw Gerrera - unnecessary character

Kyber crystal - It is supposed to be spelled Kaiburr.



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Chirrut Îmwe - Completely bogus how he wasn't shot while walking to the switch.

He was saved by the will of the Force... Now I understand why Kreia wanted to kill it ;)




Kyber crystal - It is supposed to be spelled Kaiburr.

Nope. Thanks to Disney, Kaiburr crystal is now a "legend", and all lightsaber crystals are kyber crystals.

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He was saved by the will of the Force... Now I understand why Kreia wanted to kill it ;)




Nope. Thanks to Disney, Kaiburr crystal is now a "legend", and all lightsaber crystals are kyber crystals.

And don't forget how red crystals become red because others crystals bleed because of the dark sider wielding the crystal xD This was RETARDED... RIDICULOUS and creates so many plot holes like, why didnt Anakins saber turn red in EP 3 when he fought Obi wan, why dont other sabers turn red when Dooku, Grevious touch them in tcw.


Also after watching this movie again, does the death star destroy that planet because if so... That contradicts ANH as Alderaan was supposed to be the first planet that the death star was tested on and destroyed and it was also the first time Leia saw it in action as you see the look on her face. It also makes the first confrontation between Leia and Vader utterly ridiculous as he saw Leias ship escape with the plans

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I watched the movie and it was pretty good and in my opinion better then the force awakens, the cgi tarkin and leia where a welcomed edition to the movie and it really made the movie feel more alive. I also enjoyed how the rebels were shown as a terrorist like culture. The space battles where epic especially when the Hammerhead frigate rams two Star Destroyers into the sheild station and when the Rebel ships jumped into hyperspace only to get crash into a Star destroyer at the end. 


And don't forget how red crystals become red because others crystals bleed because of the dark sider wielding the crystal xD This was RETARDED... RIDICULOUS and creates so many plot holes like, why didnt Anakins saber turn red in EP 3 when he fought Obi wan, why dont other sabers turn red when Dooku, Grevious touch them in tcw.


Also after watching this movie again, does the death star destroy that planet because if so... That contradicts ANH as Alderaan was supposed to be the first planet that the death star was tested on and destroyed and it was also the first time Leia saw it in action as you see the look on her face. It also makes the first confrontation between Leia and Vader utterly ridiculous as he saw Leias ship escape with the plans

I'm not 100% sure if this it true but I do believe the bleeding of the lightsabers is done through some sort of force meditation that's why Jedi can be seen holding red lightsabers and that's why Anakin's saber was blue because he didn't do the force meditation thing.


The death star only destroys the holy city on Jedha not the entire planet, not sure why people react if as it was destroyed.

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He was saved by the will of the Force... Now I understand why Kreia wanted to kill it ;)




Nope. Thanks to Disney, Kaiburr crystal is now a "legend", and all lightsaber crystals are kyber crystals.


I'll take the KotOR II spelling and lore over the Disney spelling and lore any day.



And don't forget how red crystals become red because others crystals bleed because of the dark sider wielding the crystal xD This was RETARDED... RIDICULOUS and creates so many plot holes like, why didnt Anakins saber turn red in EP 3 when he fought Obi wan, why dont other sabers turn red when Dooku, Grevious touch them in tcw.


Also after watching this movie again, does the death star destroy that planet because if so... That contradicts ANH as Alderaan was supposed to be the first planet that the death star was tested on and destroyed and it was also the first time Leia saw it in action as you see the look on her face. It also makes the first confrontation between Leia and Vader utterly ridiculous as he saw Leias ship escape with the plans


Regarding the Death Star test: I believe the "full power" of the Death Star was first tested on Alderaan. Rogue One tests were just hitting one specific area of the planet.

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I'll take the KotOR II spelling and lore over the Disney spelling and lore any day.


Actually, there's no lore conflict - kyber crystals is the different name for lightsaber crystals while Kaiburr crystal is a specific crystal hidden on Circapous II.

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And don't forget how red crystals become red because others crystals bleed because of the dark sider wielding the crystal xD


wait you what



Where's that from?

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wait you what



Where's that from?

It's from the Ashoka novel that was released not so long ago, but it was descript that it reuired a Dark Side Ritual ("Bleeding") to create red crystals. The Inquisitors did that on Crystals scavanged from the Jedi Temple after Order 66 because they couldn't find "vanilla" Kyber Crystals on planets like Illum. For everybody who isn't a force user they just look like ice and the crystals won't reveal themselves to Dark Side user.

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Hahahaha what.


What's the name of that novel? (edit: nvm, it's called Ahsoka)

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I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I personally don't think that the changes to lightsaber crystals are all that bad. Legends getting a bit out of hand with all the different colour and core variations. That can still happen to the canon when a similar amount of time has passed. My main problem is that it could be hard to explain why Jedi have mostly blue and green lightsaber and what the new meaning of these colours is.

But I like that Lightsaber and the colour of their blade are now personal and depend on the personaliyt and force connection of it's creator. The way Sith get their red lightsaber is not really far fetched. The Dark Side is an energy that corrupts the and body of it's user (Already did that in Legends), so why shouldn't it be able to corrupt Kyber Crystals ?

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Just seen it and really liked it. Bit too much planet hopping at the beginning. It sort of over wanted to be "complex", while it isn't.

I think as a Star Wars film they can go for the simple straight forward story. Episode IV was "Save the princess"; nothing more or less.


And it worked! I think if they just started of the film with rebels wanting to get there hands on the plan, then an imperial shuttle to get in; it would have worked better.
Throw in the flashbacks for Jyn, to tell her story and connection for her father.


All by all, I loved all the little details for the die-hard Star Wars fans. The Hammerhead was great! Now I just want a real Kotor movie with Atton,Kreia,... the whole bunch :D

And, yeah, they need to work on the digital humans; Tarkin looked goofy at times; I think the shot for Leia worked better, little less fake to me. But still, there's more work for ILM on that front.


Otherwise, I just wouldn't say no, to a live action series, but with real premium effects. That's how Rogue one felt at times, a good pilot for a series :P

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I loved how Rebels were portrayed as terrorists, willing to kill random people to advance their goal, instead of just being righteous, perfect freedom fighters. I wish they did the same with the Empire and showed a "good" side of theirs, instead of making them completely evil. The fanatic who was too much for the Alliance was the perfect touch.


Blind ninja dude was super cool and his final scene was amazing. Now THAT is what the Force is about. Not random game-y Force attacks, but trusting it, and letting it help you. More of that in EVIII please.

I agree so much. How they showed the dark side of the Alliance, that they were willing to send out an assassin to eliminate a problem. They are shown as more pragmatic. And the riff raff that made up most of Rogue One, it had more of a feel to it, that they had nothing to lose. It felt more realistic, that it was a gathering of those who lost out because of the Empire, including the criminal and rogue elements. As well as those who have lost everything and are trying to survive.


It's an old saying, that one's allies are freedom fighters, those who are neutral are guerrilla fighters, and the enemy are terrorists.


A depiction of Imperial agents, soldiers, as people who believe they are doing some good, that the Empire isn't a monolithic evil, would be a nice contrast, a real balance. I don't remember the name of the character, but there was a Dark Horse comic series of one of Palpatine's honor guard who was pretty decent.


Yeah, it's nice that they showed the Force as a philosophy, and Force adepts who are neither Jedi or Sith. The guy was a Whills adept. I can't imagine what he felt in the Force with so many deaths coming so soon.




"Apology accepted, Captain Needa." 


That quote is virtually no different in tone or humor. 

In Matthew Stover's novelization of ROS, young Vader rocks those one liners as he kills off the stooges on Mustafar, and it felt very much in character. It would have been cool if that was shown in the movie, but it might have detracted from the overall angst and tragedy of the story on the big screen.



I just saw the movie today. I liked it better than TFU. TFU didn't have that spark, something about Rogue One did capture some of the OT.


The deaths didn't surprise me. If I recall, Mon Motha did state in the New Hope that the plans were obtained at a great loss to the Rebellion.


Of course the droid was the best character, followed closely by the wise martial arts fellow.


They're getting there with CGI. While certainly it has a lot of room for improvement, it worked for me.


Ha ha, I love it that Mads "Hannibal the Cannibal Lector" Mikkelsen put the fatal flaw into the Death Star.


Director Krennic reminds me of the Peter Principle, that someone will get promoted beyond their capabilities. He's more concerned with his stylish outfit and his own career, has no real passion for the Empire itself, and clearly isn't in Tarkin's league. But that cape- that smashing cape. Only Vader's is better. We'll see it at many upcoming cons, I'm sure.


I loved how the Rogue One Rebels were portrayed. Criminals, scoundrels, all of them, scruffy and gritty, yet real heroes at the end. The battle captured that sense of passion, of those who have nothing to lose and ready to give it all. The Rebels really pulled together in spite of their differences. The battles even have the feel of those old good WWII movies.


Hammerheads FTW! I don't care how "impossible" for that one little Hammerhead to push a Star Destroyer. That was awesome. A remora trying to push the shark, in the gills. Hey, maybe Star Destroyers have a vulnerability at that point. There's something about Imperial equipment and hidden flaws...


Carth Onasi would have been proud.


Vader was awesome, coming out of the dark end of the corridor towards those terrified soldiers like Doom itself... and he still couldn't get his hands on one small CD- tape deck like thing... bwa ha ha ha!


But there was a bit of bitter sweetness for me with Carrie Fisher one with the Force.

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